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clash-lib-0.99.2: CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware - As a Library

Copyright(C) 2017 Google Inc.
LicenseBSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerChristiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellNone



Call-by-need evaluator based on the evaluator described in:

Maximilian Bolingbroke, Simon Peyton Jones, "Supercompilation by evaluation", Haskell '10, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.



data Heap Source #

The heap


Heap PureHeap Supply 
Show Heap Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Core.Evaluator


showsPrec :: Int -> Heap -> ShowS #

show :: Heap -> String #

showList :: [Heap] -> ShowS #

type Stack = [StackFrame] Source #

The stack

data StackFrame Source #

Show StackFrame Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Core.Evaluator

Pretty StackFrame Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Core.Evaluator


ppr :: LFresh m => StackFrame -> m Doc Source #

pprPrec :: LFresh m => Rational -> StackFrame -> m Doc Source #

data Value Source #


Lambda (Bind Id Term)


TyLambda (Bind TyVar Term)

Type abstractions

DC DataCon [Either Term Type]

Data constructors

Lit Literal


PrimVal Text Type [Type] [Value]

Clash's number types are represented by their "fromInteger#" primitive function. So some primitives are values.

Show Value Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Core.Evaluator


showsPrec :: Int -> Value -> ShowS #

show :: Value -> String #

showList :: [Value] -> ShowS #

type State = (Heap, Stack, Term) Source #

State of the evaluator

type PrimEvaluator = Bool -> BindingMap -> TyConMap -> Heap -> Stack -> Text -> Type -> [Type] -> [Value] -> Maybe State Source #

Function that can evaluator primitives, i.e., perform delta-reduction

whnf' :: PrimEvaluator -> BindingMap -> TyConMap -> Supply -> Bool -> Term -> Term Source #

Evaluate to WHNF starting with an empty Heap and Stack

whnf :: PrimEvaluator -> BindingMap -> TyConMap -> Bool -> State -> State Source #

Evaluate to WHNF given an existing Heap and Stack

isScrut :: Stack -> Bool Source #

Are we in a context where special primitives must be forced.

See [Note: forcing special primitives]

unwindStack :: State -> Maybe State Source #

Completely unwind the stack to get back the complete term

step :: PrimEvaluator -> BindingMap -> TyConMap -> State -> Maybe State Source #

Small-step operational semantics.

force :: BindingMap -> Heap -> Stack -> Id -> Maybe State Source #

Force the evaluation of a variable.

unwind :: PrimEvaluator -> BindingMap -> TyConMap -> Heap -> Stack -> Value -> Maybe State Source #

Unwind the stack by 1

update :: Heap -> Stack -> Id -> Value -> State Source #

Update the Heap with the evaluated term

apply :: Heap -> Stack -> Value -> Id -> State Source #

Apply a value to a function

instantiate :: Heap -> Stack -> Value -> Type -> State Source #

Instantiate a type-abstraction

primop Source #


:: PrimEvaluator 
-> BindingMap 
-> TyConMap 
-> Heap 
-> Stack 
-> Text

Name of the primitive

-> Type

Type of the primitive

-> [Type]

Applied types

-> [Value]

Applied values

-> Value

The current value

-> [Term]

The remaining terms which must be evaluated to a value

-> Maybe State 

Evaluation of primitive operations

scrutinise :: Heap -> Stack -> Value -> [Alt] -> State Source #

Evaluate a case-expression

substAlt :: DataCon -> Rebind [TyVar] [Id] -> [Either Term Type] -> Term -> Term Source #

allocate :: Heap -> Stack -> Bind (Rec [LetBinding]) Term -> State Source #

Allocate let-bindings on the heap

letSubst :: PureHeap -> Supply -> Id -> (Supply, (TmOccName, (TmOccName, Term))) Source #

Create a unique name and substitution for a let-binder

uniqueInHeap :: PureHeap -> Supply -> TmOccName -> (Supply, TmName) Source #

Create a name that's unique in the heap