  Copyright   :  (C) 2015-2016, University of Twente,
                     2016-2017, Myrtle Software Ltd
  License     :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
  Maintainer  :  Christiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}

module Clash.GHC.ClashFlags
  ( parseClashFlags
  , flagsClash

import           CmdLineParser
import           Panic
import           SrcLoc

import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Char                      (isSpace)
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.List                      (dropWhileEnd)
import           Data.List.Split                (splitOn)
import qualified Data.Set                       as Set
import           Text.Read                      (readMaybe)

import           Clash.Driver.Types
import           Clash.Netlist.BlackBox.Types   (HdlSyn (..))

parseClashFlags :: IORef ClashOpts -> [Located String]
                -> IO ([Located String]
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,4,1)
                      ,[Located String])
parseClashFlags r = parseClashFlagsFull (flagsClash r)

parseClashFlagsFull :: [Flag IO] -> [Located String]
                    -> IO ([Located String]
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,4,1)
                          ,[Located String])
parseClashFlagsFull flagsAvialable args = do
  (leftovers,errs,warns) <- processArgs flagsAvialable args

  unless (null errs) $ throwGhcExceptionIO $
    errorsToGhcException . map (("on the commandline", ) .
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,4,1)
                               unLoc . errMsg)
                         $ errs

  return (leftovers, warns)

flagsClash :: IORef ClashOpts -> [Flag IO]
flagsClash r = [
    defFlag "fclash-debug"                       $ SepArg (setDebugLevel r)
  , defFlag "fclash-debug-transformations"       $ SepArg (setDebugTransformations r)
  , defFlag "fclash-debug-transformations-from"  $ OptIntSuffix (setDebugTransformationsFrom r)
  , defFlag "fclash-debug-transformations-limit" $ OptIntSuffix (setDebugTransformationsLimit r)
  , defFlag "fclash-hdldir"                      $ SepArg (setHdlDir r)
  , defFlag "fclash-hdlsyn"                      $ SepArg (setHdlSyn r)
  , defFlag "fclash-nocache"                     $ NoArg (deprecated "nocache" "no-cache" setNoCache r)
  , defFlag "fclash-no-cache"                    $ NoArg (liftEwM (setNoCache r))
  , defFlag "fclash-no-check-inaccessible-idirs" $ NoArg (liftEwM (setNoIDirCheck r))
  , defFlag "fclash-noclean"                     $ NoArg (deprecated "noclean" "no-clean" setNoClean r)
  , defFlag "fclash-no-clean"                    $ NoArg (liftEwM (setNoClean r))
  , defFlag "fclash-no-prim-warn"                $ NoArg (liftEwM (setNoPrimWarn r))
  , defFlag "fclash-spec-limit"                  $ IntSuffix (liftEwM . setSpecLimit r)
  , defFlag "fclash-inline-limit"                $ IntSuffix (liftEwM . setInlineLimit r)
  , defFlag "fclash-inline-function-limit"       $ IntSuffix (liftEwM . setInlineFunctionLimit r)
  , defFlag "fclash-inline-constant-limit"       $ IntSuffix (liftEwM . setInlineConstantLimit r)
  , defFlag "fclash-intwidth"                    $ IntSuffix (setIntWidth r)
  , defFlag "fclash-error-extra"                 $ NoArg (liftEwM (setErrorExtra r))
  , defFlag "fclash-float-support"               $ NoArg (liftEwM (setFloatSupport r))
  , defFlag "fclash-component-prefix"            $ SepArg (liftEwM . setComponentPrefix r)
  , defFlag "fclash-old-inline-strategy"         $ NoArg (liftEwM (setOldInlineStrategy r))
  , defFlag "fclash-no-escaped-identifiers"      $ NoArg (liftEwM (setNoEscapedIds r))
  , defFlag "fclash-compile-ultra"               $ NoArg (liftEwM (setUltra r))
  , defFlag "fclash-force-undefined"             $ OptIntSuffix (setUndefined r)
  , defFlag "fclash-aggressive-x-optimization"   $ NoArg (liftEwM (setAggressiveXOpt r))
  , defFlag "fclash-inline-workfree-limit"       $ IntSuffix (liftEwM . setInlineWFLimit r)

-- | Print deprecated flag warning
  :: String
  -- ^ Deprecated flag
  -> String
  -- ^ Use X instead
  -> (a -> IO ())
  -> a
  -> EwM IO ()
deprecated wrong right f a = do
  addWarn ("Using '-fclash-" ++ wrong
                             ++ "' is deprecated. Use '-fclash-"
                             ++ right
                             ++ "' instead.")
  liftEwM (f a)

setInlineLimit :: IORef ClashOpts
               -> Int
               -> IO ()
setInlineLimit r n = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_inlineLimit = n})

  :: IORef ClashOpts
  -> Int
  -> IO ()
setInlineFunctionLimit r n = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_inlineFunctionLimit = toEnum n})

  :: IORef ClashOpts
  -> Int
  -> IO ()
setInlineConstantLimit r n = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_inlineConstantLimit = toEnum n})

  :: IORef ClashOpts
  -> Int
  -> IO ()
setInlineWFLimit r n = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_inlineWFCacheLimit = toEnum n})

setSpecLimit :: IORef ClashOpts
             -> Int
             -> IO ()
setSpecLimit r n = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_specLimit = n})

setDebugTransformations :: IORef ClashOpts -> String -> EwM IO ()
setDebugTransformations r s =
  liftEwM (modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_dbgTransformations = transformations}))
  transformations = Set.fromList (filter (not . null) (map trim (splitOn "," s)))
  trim = dropWhileEnd isSpace . dropWhile isSpace

setDebugTransformationsFrom :: IORef ClashOpts -> Maybe Int -> EwM IO ()
setDebugTransformationsFrom r (Just n) =
  liftEwM (modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_dbgTransformationsFrom = n}))
setDebugTransformationsFrom _r Nothing = pure ()

setDebugTransformationsLimit :: IORef ClashOpts -> Maybe Int -> EwM IO ()
setDebugTransformationsLimit r (Just n) =
  liftEwM (modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_dbgTransformationsLimit = n}))
setDebugTransformationsLimit _r Nothing = pure ()

setDebugLevel :: IORef ClashOpts
              -> String
              -> EwM IO ()
setDebugLevel r s = case readMaybe s of
  Just dbgLvl -> liftEwM $ do
                   modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_dbgLevel = dbgLvl})
                   when (dbgLvl > DebugNone) $ setNoCache r -- when debugging disable cache
  Nothing     -> addWarn (s ++ " is an invalid debug level")

setNoCache :: IORef ClashOpts -> IO ()
setNoCache r = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_cachehdl = False})

setNoIDirCheck :: IORef ClashOpts -> IO ()
setNoIDirCheck r = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_checkIDir = False})

setNoClean :: IORef ClashOpts -> IO ()
setNoClean r = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_cleanhdl = False})

setNoPrimWarn :: IORef ClashOpts -> IO ()
setNoPrimWarn r = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_primWarn = False})

setIntWidth :: IORef ClashOpts
            -> Int
            -> EwM IO ()
setIntWidth r n =
  if n == 32 || n == 64
     then liftEwM $ modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_intWidth = n})
     else addWarn (show n ++ " is an invalid Int/Word/Integer bit-width. Allowed widths: 32, 64.")

setHdlDir :: IORef ClashOpts
          -> String
          -> EwM IO ()
setHdlDir r s = liftEwM $ modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_hdlDir = Just s})

setHdlSyn :: IORef ClashOpts
          -> String
          -> EwM IO ()
setHdlSyn r s = case readMaybe s of
  Just hdlSyn -> liftEwM $ modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_hdlSyn = hdlSyn})
  Nothing -> case s of
    "Xilinx"  -> liftEwM $ modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_hdlSyn = Vivado})
    "ISE"     -> liftEwM $ modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_hdlSyn = Vivado})
    "Altera"  -> liftEwM $ modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_hdlSyn = Quartus})
    "Intel"   -> liftEwM $ modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_hdlSyn = Quartus})
    _         -> addWarn (s ++ " is an unknown hdl synthesis tool")

setErrorExtra :: IORef ClashOpts -> IO ()
setErrorExtra r = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_errorExtra = True})

setFloatSupport :: IORef ClashOpts -> IO ()
setFloatSupport r = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_floatSupport = True})

  :: IORef ClashOpts
  -> String
  -> IO ()
setComponentPrefix r s = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_componentPrefix = Just s})

setOldInlineStrategy :: IORef ClashOpts -> IO ()
setOldInlineStrategy r = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_newInlineStrat = False})

setNoEscapedIds :: IORef ClashOpts -> IO ()
setNoEscapedIds r = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_escapedIds = False})

setUltra :: IORef ClashOpts -> IO ()
setUltra r = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_ultra = True})

setUndefined :: IORef ClashOpts -> Maybe Int -> EwM IO ()
setUndefined _ (Just x) | x < 0 || x > 1 =
  addWarn ("-fclash-force-undefined=" ++ show x ++ " ignored, " ++ show x ++
           " not in range [0,1]")
setUndefined r iM =
  liftEwM (modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_forceUndefined = Just iM}))

setAggressiveXOpt :: IORef ClashOpts -> IO ()
setAggressiveXOpt r = modifyIORef r (\c -> c { opt_aggressiveXOpt = True })