{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Clash.GHC.NetlistTypes
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
import Data.Text (pack)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (State)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
(Except, ExceptT (..), mapExceptT, runExceptT, throwE)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (showName)
import Clash.Core.DataCon (DataCon (..))
import Clash.Core.Name (Name (..))
import Clash.Core.Pretty (showPpr)
import Clash.Core.TyCon (TyConMap, tyConDataCons)
import Clash.Core.Type
(LitTy (..), Type (..), TypeView (..), coreView, coreView1, tyView)
import Clash.Core.Util (tyNatSize, substArgTys)
import Clash.Netlist.Util (coreTypeToHWType, stripFiltered)
import Clash.Netlist.Types
(HWType(..), HWMap, FilteredHWType(..), PortDirection (..))
import Clash.Signal.Internal
(ResetPolarity(..), ActiveEdge(..), ResetKind(..)
import Clash.Unique (lookupUniqMap')
import Clash.Util (curLoc)
import Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentation.Internal
:: Int
-> Bool
-> CustomReprs
-> TyConMap
-> Type
-> State HWMap (Maybe (Either String FilteredHWType))
ghcTypeToHWType iw floatSupport = go
returnN t = return (FilteredHWType t [])
go :: CustomReprs -> TyConMap -> Type -> State HWMap (Maybe (Either String FilteredHWType))
go reprs m (AnnType attrs typ) = fmap Just . runExceptT $ do
FilteredHWType typ' areVoids <- ExceptT $ coreTypeToHWType go reprs m typ
return (FilteredHWType (Annotated attrs typ') areVoids)
go reprs m ty@(tyView -> TyConApp tc args) = runMaybeT . runExceptT $
case nameOcc tc of
"GHC.Int.Int8" -> returnN (Signed 8)
"GHC.Int.Int16" -> returnN (Signed 16)
"GHC.Int.Int32" -> returnN (Signed 32)
"GHC.Int.Int64" ->
if iw < 64
then case tyConDataCons (m `lookupUniqMap'` tc) of
[dc] -> case dcArgTys dc of
[tyView -> TyConApp nm _]
| nameOcc nm == "GHC.Prim.Int#" ->
throwE $ unlines ["Int64 not supported in forced 32-bit mode on a 64-bit machine."
,"Run Clash with `-fclash-intwidth=64`."
| nameOcc nm == "GHC.Prim.Int64#" ->
returnN (Signed 64)
_ -> throwE $ $(curLoc) ++ "Int64 DC has unexpected amount of arguments"
_ -> throwE $ $(curLoc) ++ "Int64 TC has unexpected amount of DCs"
else returnN (Signed 64)
"GHC.Word.Word8" -> returnN (Unsigned 8)
"GHC.Word.Word16" -> returnN (Unsigned 16)
"GHC.Word.Word32" -> returnN (Unsigned 32)
"GHC.Word.Word64" ->
if iw < 64
then case tyConDataCons (m `lookupUniqMap'` tc) of
[dc] -> case dcArgTys dc of
[tyView -> TyConApp nm _]
| nameOcc nm == "GHC.Prim.Word#" ->
throwE $ unlines ["Word64 not supported in forced 32-bit mode on a 64-bit machine."
,"Run Clash with `-fclash-intwidth=64`."
| nameOcc nm == "GHC.Prim.Word64#" ->
returnN (Unsigned 64)
_ -> throwE $ $(curLoc) ++ "Word64 DC has unexpected amount of arguments"
_ -> throwE $ $(curLoc) ++ "Word64 TC has unexpected amount of DCs"
else returnN (Unsigned 64)
"GHC.Integer.Type.Integer" -> returnN (Signed iw)
"GHC.Natural.Natural" -> returnN (Unsigned iw)
"GHC.Prim.Char#" -> returnN (Unsigned 21)
"GHC.Prim.Int#" -> returnN (Signed iw)
"GHC.Prim.Word#" -> returnN (Unsigned iw)
"GHC.Prim.Int64#" -> returnN (Signed 64)
"GHC.Prim.Word64#" -> returnN (Unsigned 64)
"GHC.Prim.Float#" | floatSupport -> returnN (BitVector 32)
"GHC.Prim.Double#" | floatSupport -> returnN (BitVector 64)
"GHC.Prim.ByteArray#" ->
throwE $ "Can't translate type: " ++ showPpr ty
"GHC.Types.Bool" -> returnN Bool
"GHC.Types.Float" | floatSupport-> returnN (BitVector 32)
"GHC.Types.Double" | floatSupport -> returnN (BitVector 64)
"GHC.Prim.~#" -> returnN (Void Nothing)
"Clash.Signal.Internal.Signal" ->
ExceptT $ MaybeT $ Just <$> coreTypeToHWType go reprs m (args !! 1)
"Clash.Signal.BiSignal.BiSignalIn" -> do
let [_, _, szTy] = args
let fType ty1 = FilteredHWType ty1 []
(fType . BiDirectional In . BitVector . fromInteger) <$>
liftE (tyNatSize m szTy)
"Clash.Signal.BiSignal.BiSignalOut" -> do
let [_, _, szTy] = args
let fType ty1 = FilteredHWType ty1 []
(fType . Void . Just . BiDirectional Out . BitVector . fromInteger) <$>
liftE (tyNatSize m szTy)
| [arg0@(tyView -> TyConApp kdNm _), arg1] <- args
, nameOcc kdNm == "Clash.Signal.Internal.KnownDomain"
-> case tyView arg1 of
TyConApp kdNm1 _
| nameOcc kdNm1 == "Clash.Signal.Internal.KnownDomain"
-> do k1 <- (stripVoid . stripFiltered) <$> ExceptT (MaybeT (go reprs m arg0))
k2 <- (stripVoid . stripFiltered) <$> ExceptT (MaybeT (go reprs m arg1))
returnN (Void (Just (Product "(%,%)" Nothing [k1,k2])))
stripVoid (Void (Just t)) = t
stripVoid t = t
_ -> ExceptT (MaybeT (go reprs m arg0))
-> case tyConDataCons (m `lookupUniqMap'` tc) of
[dc] -> case substArgTys dc args of
[_,tyView -> TyConApp _ [_,dom]] -> case tyView (coreView m dom) of
TyConApp _ [tag0, period0, edge0, rstKind0, init0, polarity0] -> do
tag1 <- domTag m tag0
period1 <- domPeriod m period0
edge1 <- domEdge m edge0
rstKind1 <- domResetKind m rstKind0
init1 <- domInitBehavior m init0
polarity1 <- domResetPolarity m polarity0
let kd = KnownDomain (pack tag1) period1 edge1 rstKind1 init1 polarity1
returnN (Void (Just kd))
_ -> ExceptT (MaybeT (pure Nothing))
_ -> ExceptT (MaybeT (pure Nothing))
_ -> ExceptT (MaybeT (pure Nothing))
| [tag0] <- args
-> do
tag1 <- domTag m tag0
returnN (Clock (pack tag1))
| [tag0] <- args
-> do
tag1 <- domTag m tag0
returnN (Reset (pack tag1))
"Clash.Sized.Internal.BitVector.Bit" -> returnN Bit
"Clash.Sized.Internal.BitVector.BitVector" -> do
n <- liftE (tyNatSize m (head args))
case n of
0 -> returnN (Void (Just (BitVector (fromInteger n))))
_ -> returnN (BitVector (fromInteger n))
"Clash.Sized.Internal.Index.Index" -> do
n <- liftE (tyNatSize m (head args))
if n < 2
then returnN (Void (Just (Index (fromInteger n))))
else returnN (Index (fromInteger n))
"Clash.Sized.Internal.Signed.Signed" -> do
n <- liftE (tyNatSize m (head args))
if n == 0
then returnN (Void (Just (Signed (fromInteger n))))
else returnN (Signed (fromInteger n))
"Clash.Sized.Internal.Unsigned.Unsigned" -> do
n <- liftE (tyNatSize m (head args))
if n == 0
then returnN (Void (Just (Unsigned (fromInteger n))))
else returnN (Unsigned (fromInteger n))
"Clash.Sized.Vector.Vec" -> do
let [szTy,elTy] = args
sz0 <- liftE (tyNatSize m szTy)
fElHWTy <- ExceptT $ MaybeT $ Just <$> coreTypeToHWType go reprs m elTy
let sz1 = fromInteger sz0 :: Int
elHWTy = stripFiltered fElHWTy
(isVoid, vecHWTy) =
case elHWTy of
Void {} -> (True, Void (Just (Vector sz1 elHWTy)))
_ | sz1 == 0 -> (True, Void (Just (Vector sz1 elHWTy)))
_ -> (False, Vector sz1 elHWTy)
let filtered = [replicate sz1 (isVoid, fElHWTy)]
return (FilteredHWType vecHWTy filtered)
"Clash.Sized.RTree.RTree" -> do
let [szTy,elTy] = args
sz0 <- liftE (tyNatSize m szTy)
fElHWTy <- ExceptT $ MaybeT $ Just <$> coreTypeToHWType go reprs m elTy
let sz1 = fromInteger sz0 :: Int
elHWTy = stripFiltered fElHWTy
(isVoid, vecHWTy) =
case elHWTy of
Void {} -> (True, Void (Just (RTree sz1 elHWTy)))
_ -> (False, RTree sz1 elHWTy)
let filtered = [replicate (2^sz1) (isVoid, fElHWTy)]
return (FilteredHWType vecHWTy filtered)
"String" -> returnN String
"GHC.Types.[]" -> case tyView (head args) of
(TyConApp (nameOcc -> "GHC.Types.Char") []) -> returnN String
_ -> throwE $ "Can't translate type: " ++ showPpr ty
"GHC.Stack.Types.CallStack" -> returnN (Void Nothing)
"Clash.Explicit.SimIO.SimIO" ->
ExceptT $ MaybeT $ Just <$> coreTypeToHWType go reprs m (head args)
"Clash.Explicit.SimIO.File" -> returnN FileType
"Clash.Explicit.SimIO.Reg" -> do
let [aTy] = args
ExceptT (MaybeT (Just <$> coreTypeToHWType go reprs m aTy))
"GHC.STRef.STRef" -> do
let [_,aTy] = args
ExceptT (MaybeT (Just <$> coreTypeToHWType go reprs m aTy))
_ -> ExceptT (MaybeT (pure Nothing))
go _ _ _ = pure Nothing
:: Applicative m
=> Except e a
-> ExceptT e (MaybeT m) a
liftE = mapExceptT (MaybeT . pure . Just . coerce)
domTag :: Monad m => TyConMap -> Type -> ExceptT String (MaybeT m) String
domTag m (coreView1 m -> Just ty) = domTag m ty
domTag _ (LitTy (SymTy tag)) = pure tag
domTag _ ty = throwE $ "Internal error. Cannot translate domain tag:\n" ++ showPpr ty
domPeriod :: Monad m => TyConMap -> Type -> ExceptT String (MaybeT m) Integer
domPeriod m (coreView1 m -> Just ty) = domPeriod m ty
domPeriod _ (LitTy (NumTy period)) = pure period
domPeriod _ ty = throwE $ "Internal error. Cannot translate domain period:\n" ++ showPpr ty
:: Monad m
=> String
-> [(String, a)]
-> TyConMap
-> Type
-> ExceptT String (MaybeT m) a
fromType tyNm constrs m ty =
case tyView (coreView m ty) of
TyConApp tcNm [] ->
go constrs (nameOcc tcNm)
_ ->
throwE $ "Can't translate " ++ tyNm ++ showPpr ty
go ((cName,c):cs) tcNm =
if pack cName == tcNm then
pure c
go cs tcNm
go [] _ =
throwE $ "Can't translate " ++ tyNm ++ showPpr ty
:: Monad m
=> TyConMap
-> Type
-> ExceptT String (MaybeT m) ActiveEdge
domEdge =
(showName ''ActiveEdge)
[ (showName 'Rising, Rising)
, (showName 'Falling, Falling) ]
:: Monad m
=> TyConMap
-> Type
-> ExceptT String (MaybeT m) ResetKind
domResetKind =
(showName ''ResetKind)
[ (showName 'Synchronous, Synchronous)
, (showName 'Asynchronous, Asynchronous) ]
:: Monad m
=> TyConMap
-> Type
-> ExceptT String (MaybeT m) InitBehavior
domInitBehavior =
(showName ''InitBehavior)
[ (showName 'Defined, Defined)
, (showName 'Unknown, Unknown) ]
:: Monad m
=> TyConMap
-> Type
-> ExceptT String (MaybeT m) ResetPolarity
domResetPolarity =
(showName ''ResetPolarity)
[ (showName 'ActiveHigh, ActiveHigh)
, (showName 'ActiveLow, ActiveLow) ]