{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module Clash.GHCi.UI.Tags (
) where
import Exception
import GHC
import Clash.GHCi.UI.Monad
import Outputable
import Name (nameOccName)
import OccName (pprOccName)
import ConLike
import MonadUtils
import Data.Function
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import DriverPhases
import Panic
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import System.Directory
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
createCTagsWithLineNumbersCmd, createCTagsWithRegExesCmd,
createETagsFileCmd :: String -> GHCi ()
createCTagsWithLineNumbersCmd "" =
ghciCreateTagsFile CTagsWithLineNumbers "tags"
createCTagsWithLineNumbersCmd file =
ghciCreateTagsFile CTagsWithLineNumbers file
createCTagsWithRegExesCmd "" =
ghciCreateTagsFile CTagsWithRegExes "tags"
createCTagsWithRegExesCmd file =
ghciCreateTagsFile CTagsWithRegExes file
createETagsFileCmd "" = ghciCreateTagsFile ETags "TAGS"
createETagsFileCmd file = ghciCreateTagsFile ETags file
data TagsKind = ETags | CTagsWithLineNumbers | CTagsWithRegExes
ghciCreateTagsFile :: TagsKind -> FilePath -> GHCi ()
ghciCreateTagsFile kind file = do
createTagsFile kind file
createTagsFile :: TagsKind -> FilePath -> GHCi ()
createTagsFile tagskind tagsFile = do
graph <- GHC.getModuleGraph
mtags <- mapM listModuleTags (map GHC.ms_mod $ GHC.mgModSummaries graph)
either_res <- liftIO $ collateAndWriteTags tagskind tagsFile $ concat mtags
case either_res of
Left e -> liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ ioeGetErrorString e
Right _ -> return ()
listModuleTags :: GHC.Module -> GHCi [TagInfo]
listModuleTags m = do
is_interpreted <- GHC.moduleIsInterpreted m
when (not is_interpreted) $
let mName = GHC.moduleNameString (GHC.moduleName m) in
throwGhcException (CmdLineError ("module '" ++ mName ++ "' is not interpreted"))
mbModInfo <- GHC.getModuleInfo m
case mbModInfo of
Nothing -> return []
Just mInfo -> do
dflags <- getDynFlags
mb_print_unqual <- GHC.mkPrintUnqualifiedForModule mInfo
let unqual = fromMaybe GHC.alwaysQualify mb_print_unqual
let names = fromMaybe [] $GHC.modInfoTopLevelScope mInfo
let localNames = filter ((m==) . nameModule) names
mbTyThings <- mapM GHC.lookupName localNames
return $! [ tagInfo dflags unqual exported kind name realLoc
| tyThing <- catMaybes mbTyThings
, let name = getName tyThing
, let exported = GHC.modInfoIsExportedName mInfo name
, let kind = tyThing2TagKind tyThing
, let loc = srcSpanStart (nameSrcSpan name)
, RealSrcLoc realLoc <- [loc]
tyThing2TagKind (AnId _) = 'v'
tyThing2TagKind (AConLike RealDataCon{}) = 'd'
tyThing2TagKind (AConLike PatSynCon{}) = 'p'
tyThing2TagKind (ATyCon _) = 't'
tyThing2TagKind (ACoAxiom _) = 'x'
data TagInfo = TagInfo
{ tagExported :: Bool
, tagKind :: Char
, tagName :: String
, tagFile :: String
, tagLine :: Int
, tagCol :: Int
, tagSrcInfo :: Maybe (String,Integer)
tagInfo :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified -> Bool -> Char -> Name -> RealSrcLoc
-> TagInfo
tagInfo dflags unqual exported kind name loc
= TagInfo exported kind
(showSDocForUser dflags unqual $ pprOccName (nameOccName name))
(showSDocForUser dflags unqual $ ftext (srcLocFile loc))
(srcLocLine loc) (srcLocCol loc) Nothing
writeTagsSafely :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
writeTagsSafely file str = do
dfe <- doesFileExist file
if dfe && isSourceFilename file
then throwGhcException (CmdLineError (file ++ " is existing source file. " ++
"Please specify another file name to store tags data"))
else writeFile file str
collateAndWriteTags :: TagsKind -> FilePath -> [TagInfo] -> IO (Either IOError ())
collateAndWriteTags CTagsWithLineNumbers file tagInfos = do
let tags = unlines $ sort $ map showCTag tagInfos
tryIO (writeTagsSafely file tags)
collateAndWriteTags CTagsWithRegExes file tagInfos = do
tagInfoGroups <- makeTagGroupsWithSrcInfo tagInfos
let tags = unlines $ sort $ map showCTag $concat tagInfoGroups
tryIO (writeTagsSafely file tags)
collateAndWriteTags ETags file tagInfos = do
tagInfoGroups <- makeTagGroupsWithSrcInfo $filter tagExported tagInfos
let tagGroups = map processGroup tagInfoGroups
tryIO (writeTagsSafely file $ concat tagGroups)
processGroup [] = throwGhcException (CmdLineError "empty tag file group??")
processGroup group@(tagInfo:_) =
let tags = unlines $ map showETag group in
"\x0c\n" ++ tagFile tagInfo ++ "," ++ show (length tags) ++ "\n" ++ tags
makeTagGroupsWithSrcInfo :: [TagInfo] -> IO [[TagInfo]]
makeTagGroupsWithSrcInfo tagInfos = do
let groups = groupBy ((==) `on` tagFile) $ sortBy (comparing tagFile) tagInfos
mapM addTagSrcInfo groups
addTagSrcInfo [] = throwGhcException (CmdLineError "empty tag file group??")
addTagSrcInfo group@(tagInfo:_) = do
file <- readFile $tagFile tagInfo
let sortedGroup = sortBy (comparing tagLine) group
return $ perFile sortedGroup 1 0 $ lines file
perFile allTags@(tag:tags) cnt pos allLs@(l:ls)
| tagLine tag > cnt =
perFile allTags (cnt+1) (pos+fromIntegral(length l)) ls
| tagLine tag == cnt =
tag{ tagSrcInfo = Just(l,pos) } : perFile tags cnt pos allLs
perFile _ _ _ _ = []
showCTag :: TagInfo -> String
showCTag ti =
tagName ti ++ "\t" ++ tagFile ti ++ "\t" ++ tagCmd ++ ";\"\t" ++
tagKind ti : ( if tagExported ti then "" else "\tfile:" )
tagCmd =
case tagSrcInfo ti of
Nothing -> show $tagLine ti
Just (srcLine,_) -> "/^"++ foldr escapeSlashes [] srcLine ++"$/"
escapeSlashes '/' r = '\\' : '/' : r
escapeSlashes '\\' r = '\\' : '\\' : r
escapeSlashes c r = c : r
showETag :: TagInfo -> String
showETag TagInfo{ tagName = tag, tagLine = lineNo, tagCol = colNo,
tagSrcInfo = Just (srcLine,charPos) }
= take (colNo - 1) srcLine ++ tag
++ "\x7f" ++ tag
++ "\x01" ++ show lineNo
++ "," ++ show charPos
showETag _ = throwGhcException (CmdLineError "missing source file info in showETag")