{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Clash.GHC.ClashFlags
( parseClashFlags
import CmdLineParser
import Panic
import SrcLoc
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad
import Clash.Driver.Types
import Clash.Netlist.BlackBox.Types (HdlSyn (..))
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
parseClashFlags :: IORef ClashOpts -> [Located String]
-> IO ([Located String]
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,4,1)
,[Located String])
parseClashFlags r = parseClashFlagsFull (flagsClash r)
parseClashFlagsFull :: [Flag IO] -> [Located String]
-> IO ([Located String]
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,4,1)
,[Located String])
parseClashFlagsFull flagsAvialable args = do
(leftovers,errs,warns) <- processArgs flagsAvialable args
unless (null errs) $ throwGhcExceptionIO $
errorsToGhcException . map (("on the commandline", ) .
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,4,1)
unLoc . errMsg)
$ errs
return (leftovers, warns)
flagsClash :: IORef ClashOpts -> [Flag IO]
flagsClash r = [
defFlag "fclash-debug" $ SepArg (setDebugLevel r)
, defFlag "fclash-hdldir" $ SepArg (setHdlDir r)
, defFlag "fclash-hdlsyn" $ SepArg (setHdlSyn r)
, defFlag "fclash-nocache" $ NoArg (liftEwM (setNoCache r))
, defFlag "fclash-noclean" $ NoArg (liftEwM (setNoClean r))
, defFlag "fclash-spec-limit" $ IntSuffix (liftEwM . setSpecLimit r)
, defFlag "fclash-inline-limit" $ IntSuffix (liftEwM . setInlineLimit r)
, defFlag "fclash-inline-function-limit" $ IntSuffix (liftEwM . setInlineFunctionLimit r)
, defFlag "fclash-inline-constant-limit" $ IntSuffix (liftEwM . setInlineConstantLimit r)
, defFlag "fclash-intwidth" $ IntSuffix (setIntWidth r)
, defFlag "fclash-error-extra" $ NoArg (liftEwM (setErrorExtra r))
, defFlag "fclash-float-support" $ NoArg (liftEwM (setFloatSupport r))
, defFlag "fclash-allow-zero-width" $ NoArg (setAllowZeroWidth r)
setInlineLimit :: IORef ClashOpts
-> Int
-> IO ()
setInlineLimit r n = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_inlineLimit = n})
:: IORef ClashOpts
-> Int
-> IO ()
setInlineFunctionLimit r n = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_inlineFunctionLimit = toEnum n})
:: IORef ClashOpts
-> Int
-> IO ()
setInlineConstantLimit r n = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_inlineConstantLimit = toEnum n})
setSpecLimit :: IORef ClashOpts
-> Int
-> IO ()
setSpecLimit r n = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_specLimit = n})
setDebugLevel :: IORef ClashOpts
-> String
-> EwM IO ()
setDebugLevel r s = case readMaybe s of
Just dbgLvl -> liftEwM $ modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_dbgLevel = dbgLvl})
Nothing -> addWarn (s ++ " is an invalid debug level")
setNoCache :: IORef ClashOpts -> IO ()
setNoCache r = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_cachehdl = False})
setNoClean :: IORef ClashOpts -> IO ()
setNoClean r = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_cleanhdl = False})
setIntWidth :: IORef ClashOpts
-> Int
-> EwM IO ()
setIntWidth r n =
if n == 32 || n == 64
then liftEwM $ modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_intWidth = n})
else addWarn (show n ++ " is an invalid Int/Word/Integer bit-width. Allowed widths: 32, 64.")
setHdlDir :: IORef ClashOpts
-> String
-> EwM IO ()
setHdlDir r s = liftEwM $ modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_hdlDir = Just s})
setHdlSyn :: IORef ClashOpts
-> String
-> EwM IO ()
setHdlSyn r s = case readMaybe s of
Just hdlSyn -> liftEwM $ modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_hdlSyn = hdlSyn})
Nothing -> if s == "Xilinx"
then liftEwM $ modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_hdlSyn = Vivado})
else addWarn (s ++ " is an unknown hdl synthesis tool")
setErrorExtra :: IORef ClashOpts -> IO ()
setErrorExtra r = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_errorExtra = True})
setFloatSupport :: IORef ClashOpts -> IO ()
setFloatSupport r = modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_floatSupport = True})
setAllowZeroWidth :: IORef ClashOpts -> EwM IO ()
setAllowZeroWidth r = do
addWarn ("-fclash-allow-zero-width is deprecated and will be removed in Clash 1.0")
liftEwM (modifyIORef r (\c -> c {opt_allowZero = True}))