{-# language
, DeriveGeneric
, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
, MagicHash
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, OverloadedStrings
, RecordWildCards
, ScopedTypeVariables
, TypeFamilies
, TypeInType
, UnboxedTuples
module Chronos
, today
, tomorrow
, yesterday
, epoch
, stopwatch
, stopwatch_
, stopwatchWith
, stopwatchWith_
, datetimeFromYmdhms
, timeFromYmdhms
, timeToDatetime
, datetimeToTime
, timeToOffsetDatetime
, offsetDatetimeToTime
, timeToDayTruncate
, dayToTimeMidnight
, dayToDate
, dateToDay
, dayToOrdinalDate
, ordinalDateToDay
, monthDateToDayOfYear
, dayOfYearToMonthDay
, second
, minute
, hour
, day
, week
, buildDayOfWeekMatch
, buildMonthMatch
, buildUnboxedMonthMatch
, caseDayOfWeek
, caseMonth
, caseUnboxedMonth
, w3c
, slash
, hyphen
, compact
, january
, february
, march
, april
, may
, june
, july
, august
, september
, october
, november
, december
, sunday
, monday
, tuesday
, wednesday
, thursday
, friday
, saturday
, daysInMonth
, isLeapYear
, observedOffsets
, builder_Ymd
, builder_Dmy
, builder_HMS
, parser_Ymd
, parser_Mdy
, parser_Dmy
, builderUtf8_Ymd
, parserUtf8_Ymd
, builder_IMS_p
, builder_IMSp
, parser_HMS
, parser_HMS_opt_S
, builderUtf8_HMS
, builderUtf8_IMS_p
, builderUtf8_IMSp
, parserUtf8_HMS
, parserUtf8_HMS_opt_S
, zeptoUtf8_HMS
, builder_DmyHMS
, builder_DmyIMSp
, builder_DmyIMS_p
, builder_YmdHMS
, builder_YmdIMSp
, builder_YmdIMS_p
, builderW3C
, encode_DmyHMS
, encode_DmyIMS_p
, encode_YmdHMS
, encode_YmdIMS_p
, parser_DmyHMS
, parser_YmdHMS
, parser_YmdHMS_opt_S
, parser_DmyHMS_opt_S
, decode_DmyHMS
, decode_YmdHMS
, decode_YmdHMS_opt_S
, decode_DmyHMS_opt_S
, encodeUtf8_YmdHMS
, encodeUtf8_YmdIMS_p
, builderUtf8_YmdHMS
, builderUtf8_YmdIMSp
, builderUtf8_YmdIMS_p
, builderUtf8W3C
, decodeUtf8_YmdHMS
, decodeUtf8_YmdHMS_opt_S
, parserUtf8_YmdHMS
, parserUtf8_YmdHMS_opt_S
, zeptoUtf8_YmdHMS
, encode_YmdHMSz
, encode_DmyHMSz
, builder_YmdHMSz
, builder_DmyHMSz
, parser_YmdHMSz
, parser_DmyHMSz
, builder_YmdIMS_p_z
, builder_DmyIMS_p_z
, builderW3Cz
, builderUtf8_YmdHMSz
, parserUtf8_YmdHMSz
, builderUtf8_YmdIMS_p_z
, builderUtf8W3Cz
, encodeOffset
, builderOffset
, decodeOffset
, parserOffset
, encodeOffsetUtf8
, builderOffsetUtf8
, decodeOffsetUtf8
, parserOffsetUtf8
, encodeTimespan
, builderTimespan
, encodeTimespanUtf8
, builderTimespanUtf8
, within
, timeIntervalToTimespan
, whole
, singleton
, lowerBound
, upperBound
, width
, timeIntervalBuilder
, (...)
, Day(..)
, DayOfWeek(..)
, DayOfMonth(..)
, DayOfYear(..)
, Month(..)
, Year(..)
, Offset(..)
, Time(..)
, DayOfWeekMatch(..)
, MonthMatch(..)
, UnboxedMonthMatch(..)
, Timespan(..)
, SubsecondPrecision(..)
, Date(..)
, OrdinalDate(..)
, MonthDate(..)
, Datetime(..)
, OffsetDatetime(..)
, TimeOfDay(..)
, DatetimeFormat(..)
, OffsetFormat(..)
, DatetimeLocale(..)
, MeridiemLocale(..)
, TimeInterval(..)
) where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Torsor (add,difference,scale,plus)
import Data.Word (Word64, Word8)
import Torsor
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON,ToJSON,FromJSONKey,ToJSONKey)
import Data.Primitive
import Foreign.Storable
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import qualified Data.Aeson as AE
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encoding as AEE
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as AET
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as AB
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as AT
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Zepto as Z
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import qualified Data.Semigroup as SG
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as TB
import qualified Data.Text.Read as Text
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as GVector
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as MGVector
import qualified Data.Vector.Primitive as PVector
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UVector
import qualified System.Clock as CLK
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
import System.Win32.Time (SYSTEMTIME(..))
import qualified System.Win32.Time as W32
import Chronos.Internal.CTimespec (getPosixNanoseconds)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup, (<>))
second :: Timespan
second = Timespan 1000000000
minute :: Timespan
minute = Timespan 60000000000
hour :: Timespan
hour = Timespan 3600000000000
day :: Timespan
day = Timespan 86400000000000
week :: Timespan
week = Timespan 604800000000000
timeToDatetime :: Time -> Datetime
timeToDatetime = utcTimeToDatetime . toUtc
datetimeToTime :: Datetime -> Time
datetimeToTime = fromUtc . datetimeToUtcTime
timeToOffsetDatetime :: Offset -> Time -> OffsetDatetime
timeToOffsetDatetime offset = utcTimeToOffsetDatetime offset . toUtc
offsetDatetimeToTime :: OffsetDatetime -> Time
offsetDatetimeToTime = fromUtc . offsetDatetimeToUtcTime
timeToDayTruncate :: Time -> Day
timeToDayTruncate (Time i) = Day (fromIntegral (div i 86400000000000) + 40587)
dayToTimeMidnight :: Day -> Time
dayToTimeMidnight (Day d) = Time (fromIntegral (d - 40587) * 86400000000000)
dayToDate :: Day -> Date
dayToDate theDay = Date year month dayOfMonth
OrdinalDate year yd = dayToOrdinalDate theDay
MonthDate month dayOfMonth = dayOfYearToMonthDay (isLeapYear year) yd
dateToDay :: Date -> Day
dateToDay (Date y m d) = ordinalDateToDay $ OrdinalDate y
(monthDateToDayOfYear (isLeapYear y) (MonthDate m d))
datetimeFromYmdhms ::
-> Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> Datetime
datetimeFromYmdhms y m d h m' s = Datetime
(Year $ fromIntegral y)
(Month mx)
(DayOfMonth $ fromIntegral d)
(fromIntegral h)
(fromIntegral m')
(fromIntegral s * 1000000000)
mx = if m >= 1 && m <= 12
then fromIntegral (m - 1)
else 1
timeFromYmdhms ::
-> Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> Time
timeFromYmdhms y m d h m' s = datetimeToTime (datetimeFromYmdhms y m d h m' s)
today :: IO Day
today = fmap timeToDayTruncate now
tomorrow :: IO Day
tomorrow = fmap (add 1 . timeToDayTruncate) now
yesterday :: IO Day
yesterday = fmap (add (-1) . timeToDayTruncate) now
now :: IO Time
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
now = do
SYSTEMTIME{..} <- W32.getSystemTime
let date = Date
{ dateYear = Year (fromIntegral wYear)
, dateMonth = Month (fromIntegral wMonth)
, dateDay = DayOfMonth (fromIntegral wDay)
let secNano = (fromIntegral wSecond :: Int64) * 1000000000
msNano = (fromIntegral wMilliseconds :: Int64) * 1000000
nano = secNano + msNano
let time = TimeOfDay
{ timeOfDayHour = fromIntegral wHour
, timeOfDayMinute = fromIntegral wMinute
, timeOfDayNanoseconds = fromIntegral nano
let dt = Datetime date time
pure $ datetimeToTime dt
now = fmap Time getPosixNanoseconds
epoch :: Time
epoch = Time 0
stopwatch :: IO a -> IO (Timespan, a)
stopwatch = stopwatchWith CLK.Monotonic
stopwatch_ :: IO a -> IO Timespan
stopwatch_ = stopwatchWith_ CLK.Monotonic
stopwatchWith :: CLK.Clock -> IO a -> IO (Timespan, a)
stopwatchWith c action = do
start <- CLK.getTime c
a <- action >>= evaluate
end <- CLK.getTime c
pure (timeSpecToTimespan (CLK.diffTimeSpec end start),a)
stopwatchWith_ :: CLK.Clock -> IO a -> IO Timespan
stopwatchWith_ c action = do
start <- CLK.getTime c
_ <- action
end <- CLK.getTime c
pure (timeSpecToTimespan (CLK.diffTimeSpec end start))
timeSpecToTimespan :: CLK.TimeSpec -> Timespan
timeSpecToTimespan (CLK.TimeSpec s ns) = Timespan (s * 1000000000 + ns)
data UtcTime = UtcTime
{-# UNPACK #-} !Day
{-# UNPACK #-} !Int64
toUtc :: Time -> UtcTime
toUtc (Time i) = let (d,t) = divMod i (getTimespan day)
in UtcTime (add (fromIntegral d) epochDay) (fromIntegral t)
fromUtc :: UtcTime -> Time
fromUtc (UtcTime d ns') = Time $ getTimespan $ plus
(scale (intToInt64 (difference d epochDay)) day)
(if ns > day then day else ns)
where ns = Timespan ns'
intToInt64 :: Int -> Int64
intToInt64 = fromIntegral
epochDay :: Day
epochDay = Day 40587
dayLengthInt64 :: Int64
dayLengthInt64 = getTimespan day
nanosecondsInMinute :: Int64
nanosecondsInMinute = 60000000000
observedOffsets :: Vector Offset
observedOffsets = Vector.fromList $ map Offset
[ -1200
, -1100
, -1000
, -930
, -900
, -800
, -700
, -600
, -500
, -400
, -330
, -300
, -230
, -200
, -100
, 0
, 100
, 200
, 300
, 330
, 400
, 430
, 500
, 530
, 545
, 600
, 630
, 700
, 800
, 845
, 900
, 930
, 1000
, 1030
, 1100
, 1200
, 1245
, 1300
, 1345
, 1400
offsetTimeOfDay :: Offset -> TimeOfDay -> (Int, TimeOfDay)
offsetTimeOfDay (Offset offset) (TimeOfDay h m s) =
(dayAdjustment,TimeOfDay h'' m'' s)
(!dayAdjustment, !h'') = divMod h' 24
(!hourAdjustment, !m'') = divMod m' 60
m' = m + offset
h' = h + hourAdjustment
nanosecondsSinceMidnightToTimeOfDay :: Int64 -> TimeOfDay
nanosecondsSinceMidnightToTimeOfDay ns =
if ns >= dayLengthInt64
then TimeOfDay 23 59 (nanosecondsInMinute + (ns - dayLengthInt64))
else TimeOfDay h' m' ns'
(!mInt64,!ns') = quotRem ns nanosecondsInMinute
!m = fromIntegral mInt64
(!h',!m') = quotRem m 60
timeOfDayToNanosecondsSinceMidnight :: TimeOfDay -> Int64
timeOfDayToNanosecondsSinceMidnight (TimeOfDay h m ns) =
fromIntegral h * 3600000000000 + fromIntegral m * 60000000000 + ns
utcTimeToOffsetDatetime :: Offset -> UtcTime -> OffsetDatetime
utcTimeToOffsetDatetime offset (UtcTime (Day d) nanoseconds) =
let (!dayAdjustment,!tod) = offsetTimeOfDay offset (nanosecondsSinceMidnightToTimeOfDay nanoseconds)
!date = dayToDate (Day (d + dayAdjustment))
in OffsetDatetime (Datetime date tod) offset
utcTimeToDatetime :: UtcTime -> Datetime
utcTimeToDatetime (UtcTime d nanoseconds) =
let !tod = nanosecondsSinceMidnightToTimeOfDay nanoseconds
!date = dayToDate d
in Datetime date tod
datetimeToUtcTime :: Datetime -> UtcTime
datetimeToUtcTime (Datetime date timeOfDay) =
UtcTime (dateToDay date) (timeOfDayToNanosecondsSinceMidnight timeOfDay)
offsetDatetimeToUtcTime :: OffsetDatetime -> UtcTime
offsetDatetimeToUtcTime (OffsetDatetime (Datetime date timeOfDay) (Offset off)) =
let (!dayAdjustment,!tod) = offsetTimeOfDay (Offset $ negate off) timeOfDay
!(Day !theDay) = dateToDay date
in UtcTime
(Day (theDay + dayAdjustment))
(timeOfDayToNanosecondsSinceMidnight tod)
monthDateToDayOfYear ::
-> MonthDate
-> DayOfYear
monthDateToDayOfYear isLeap (MonthDate month@(Month m) (DayOfMonth dayOfMonth)) =
DayOfYear ((div (367 * (fromIntegral m + 1) - 362) 12) + k + day')
day' = fromIntegral $ clip 1 (daysInMonth isLeap month) dayOfMonth
k = if month < Month 2 then 0 else if isLeap then -1 else -2
ordinalDateToDay :: OrdinalDate -> Day
ordinalDateToDay (OrdinalDate year@(Year y') theDay) = Day mjd where
y = y' - 1
mjd = (fromIntegral . getDayOfYear $
(clip (DayOfYear 1) (if isLeapYear year then DayOfYear 366 else DayOfYear 365) theDay)
+ (365 * y)
+ (div y 4) - (div y 100)
+ (div y 400) - 678576
isLeapYear :: Year -> Bool
isLeapYear (Year year) = (mod year 4 == 0) && ((mod year 400 == 0) || not (mod year 100 == 0))
dayOfYearToMonthDay ::
-> DayOfYear
-> MonthDate
dayOfYearToMonthDay isLeap dayOfYear =
let (!doyUpperBound,!monthTable,!dayTable) =
if isLeap
then (DayOfYear 366, leapYearDayOfYearMonthTable, leapYearDayOfYearDayOfMonthTable)
else (DayOfYear 365, normalYearDayOfYearMonthTable, normalYearDayOfYearDayOfMonthTable)
DayOfYear clippedDay = clip (DayOfYear 1) doyUpperBound dayOfYear
clippedDayInt = fromIntegral clippedDay :: Int
month = UVector.unsafeIndex monthTable clippedDayInt
theDay = UVector.unsafeIndex dayTable clippedDayInt
in MonthDate month theDay
dayToOrdinalDate :: Day -> OrdinalDate
dayToOrdinalDate (Day mjd) = OrdinalDate (Year $ fromIntegral year) (DayOfYear $ fromIntegral yd) where
a = (fromIntegral mjd :: Int64) + 678575
quadcent = div a 146097
b = mod a 146097
cent = min (div b 36524) 3
c = b - (cent * 36524)
quad = div c 1461
d = mod c 1461
y = min (div d 365) 3
yd = (d - (y * 365) + 1)
year = quadcent * 400 + cent * 100 + quad * 4 + y + 1
w3c :: DatetimeFormat
w3c = DatetimeFormat (Just '-') (Just 'T') (Just ':')
slash :: DatetimeFormat
slash = DatetimeFormat (Just '/') (Just ' ') (Just ':')
hyphen :: DatetimeFormat
hyphen = DatetimeFormat (Just '-') (Just ' ') (Just ':')
compact :: DatetimeFormat
compact = DatetimeFormat Nothing (Just 'T') Nothing
daysInMonth ::
-> Month
-> Int
daysInMonth isLeap m = if isLeap
then caseMonth leapYearMonthLength m
else caseMonth normalYearMonthLength m
leapYearMonthLength :: MonthMatch Int
leapYearMonthLength = buildMonthMatch 31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
normalYearMonthLength :: MonthMatch Int
normalYearMonthLength = buildMonthMatch 31 30 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
leapYearDayOfYearDayOfMonthTable :: UVector.Vector DayOfMonth
leapYearDayOfYearDayOfMonthTable = UVector.fromList $ (DayOfMonth 1:) $ concat
[ enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 31)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 29)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 31)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 30)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 31)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 30)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 31)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 31)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 30)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 31)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 30)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 31)
{-# NOINLINE leapYearDayOfYearDayOfMonthTable #-}
normalYearDayOfYearDayOfMonthTable :: UVector.Vector DayOfMonth
normalYearDayOfYearDayOfMonthTable = UVector.fromList $ (DayOfMonth 1:) $concat
[ enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 31)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 28)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 31)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 30)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 31)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 30)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 31)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 31)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 30)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 31)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 30)
, enumFromTo (DayOfMonth 1) (DayOfMonth 31)
{-# NOINLINE normalYearDayOfYearDayOfMonthTable #-}
leapYearDayOfYearMonthTable :: UVector.Vector Month
leapYearDayOfYearMonthTable = UVector.fromList $ (Month 0:) $ concat
[ replicate 31 (Month 0)
, replicate 29 (Month 1)
, replicate 31 (Month 2)
, replicate 30 (Month 3)
, replicate 31 (Month 4)
, replicate 30 (Month 5)
, replicate 31 (Month 6)
, replicate 31 (Month 7)
, replicate 30 (Month 8)
, replicate 31 (Month 9)
, replicate 30 (Month 10)
, replicate 31 (Month 11)
{-# NOINLINE leapYearDayOfYearMonthTable #-}
normalYearDayOfYearMonthTable :: UVector.Vector Month
normalYearDayOfYearMonthTable = UVector.fromList $ (Month 0:) $ concat
[ replicate 31 (Month 0)
, replicate 28 (Month 1)
, replicate 31 (Month 2)
, replicate 30 (Month 3)
, replicate 31 (Month 4)
, replicate 30 (Month 5)
, replicate 31 (Month 6)
, replicate 31 (Month 7)
, replicate 30 (Month 8)
, replicate 31 (Month 9)
, replicate 30 (Month 10)
, replicate 31 (Month 11)
{-# NOINLINE normalYearDayOfYearMonthTable #-}
buildMonthMatch :: a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> MonthMatch a
buildMonthMatch a b c d e f g h i j k l =
MonthMatch (Vector.fromListN 12 [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l])
caseMonth :: MonthMatch a -> Month -> a
caseMonth (MonthMatch v) (Month ix) = Vector.unsafeIndex v ix
buildUnboxedMonthMatch :: UVector.Unbox a => a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> UnboxedMonthMatch a
buildUnboxedMonthMatch a b c d e f g h i j k l =
UnboxedMonthMatch (UVector.fromListN 12 [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l])
caseUnboxedMonth :: UVector.Unbox a => UnboxedMonthMatch a -> Month -> a
caseUnboxedMonth (UnboxedMonthMatch v) (Month ix) = UVector.unsafeIndex v ix
buildDayOfWeekMatch :: a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> DayOfWeekMatch a
buildDayOfWeekMatch a b c d e f g =
DayOfWeekMatch (Vector.fromListN 7 [a,b,c,d,e,f,g])
caseDayOfWeek :: DayOfWeekMatch a -> DayOfWeek -> a
caseDayOfWeek (DayOfWeekMatch v) (DayOfWeek ix) = Vector.unsafeIndex v ix
builder_Ymd :: Maybe Char -> Date -> TB.Builder
builder_Ymd msep (Date (Year y) m d) = case msep of
Nothing ->
TB.decimal y
<> monthToZeroPaddedDigit m
<> zeroPadDayOfMonth d
Just sep -> let sepBuilder = TB.singleton sep in
TB.decimal y
<> sepBuilder
<> monthToZeroPaddedDigit m
<> sepBuilder
<> zeroPadDayOfMonth d
builder_Dmy :: Maybe Char -> Date -> TB.Builder
builder_Dmy msep (Date (Year y) m d) = case msep of
Nothing ->
zeroPadDayOfMonth d
<> monthToZeroPaddedDigit m
<> TB.decimal y
Just sep -> let sepBuilder = TB.singleton sep in
zeroPadDayOfMonth d
<> sepBuilder
<> monthToZeroPaddedDigit m
<> sepBuilder
<> TB.decimal y
parser_Ymd :: Maybe Char -> Parser Date
parser_Ymd msep = do
y <- parseFixedDigits 4
traverse_ AT.char msep
m <- parseFixedDigits 2
when (m < 1 || m > 12) (fail "month must be between 1 and 12")
traverse_ AT.char msep
d <- parseFixedDigits 2
when (d < 1 || d > 31) (fail "day must be between 1 and 31")
pure (Date (Year y) (Month $ m - 1) (DayOfMonth d))
parser_Mdy :: Maybe Char -> Parser Date
parser_Mdy msep = do
m <- parseFixedDigits 2
when (m < 1 || m > 12) (fail "month must be between 1 and 12")
traverse_ AT.char msep
d <- parseFixedDigits 2
when (d < 1 || d > 31) (fail "day must be between 1 and 31")
traverse_ AT.char msep
y <- parseFixedDigits 4
pure (Date (Year y) (Month $ m - 1) (DayOfMonth d))
parser_Dmy :: Maybe Char -> Parser Date
parser_Dmy msep = do
d <- parseFixedDigits 2
when (d < 1 || d > 31) (fail "day must be between 1 and 31")
traverse_ AT.char msep
m <- parseFixedDigits 2
when (m < 1 || m > 12) (fail "month must be between 1 and 12")
traverse_ AT.char msep
y <- parseFixedDigits 4
pure (Date (Year y) (Month $ m - 1) (DayOfMonth d))
builderUtf8_Ymd :: Maybe Char -> Date -> BB.Builder
builderUtf8_Ymd msep (Date (Year y) m d) = case msep of
Nothing ->
BB.intDec y
<> monthToZeroPaddedDigitBS m
<> zeroPadDayOfMonthBS d
Just sep -> let sepBuilder = BB.char7 sep in
BB.intDec y
<> sepBuilder
<> monthToZeroPaddedDigitBS m
<> sepBuilder
<> zeroPadDayOfMonthBS d
parserUtf8_Ymd :: Maybe Char -> AB.Parser Date
parserUtf8_Ymd msep = do
y <- parseFixedDigitsIntBS 4
traverse_ AB.char msep
m <- parseFixedDigitsIntBS 2
when (m < 1 || m > 12) (fail "month must be between 1 and 12")
traverse_ AB.char msep
d <- parseFixedDigitsIntBS 2
when (d < 1 || d > 31) (fail "day must be between 1 and 31")
pure (Date (Year y) (Month $ m - 1) (DayOfMonth d))
builder_HMS :: SubsecondPrecision -> Maybe Char -> TimeOfDay -> TB.Builder
builder_HMS sp msep (TimeOfDay h m ns) =
indexTwoDigitTextBuilder h
<> internalBuilder_NS sp msep m ns
builder_IMS_p :: MeridiemLocale Text -> SubsecondPrecision -> Maybe Char -> TimeOfDay -> TB.Builder
builder_IMS_p meridiemLocale sp msep (TimeOfDay h m ns) =
internalBuilder_I h
<> internalBuilder_NS sp msep m ns
<> " "
<> internalBuilder_p meridiemLocale h
builder_IMSp :: MeridiemLocale Text -> SubsecondPrecision -> Maybe Char -> TimeOfDay -> TB.Builder
builder_IMSp meridiemLocale sp msep (TimeOfDay h m ns) =
internalBuilder_I h
<> internalBuilder_NS sp msep m ns
<> internalBuilder_p meridiemLocale h
internalBuilder_I :: Int -> TB.Builder
internalBuilder_I h =
indexTwoDigitTextBuilder $ if h > 12
then h - 12
else if h == 0
then 12
else h
internalBuilder_p :: MeridiemLocale Text -> Int -> TB.Builder
internalBuilder_p (MeridiemLocale am pm) h = if h > 11
then TB.fromText pm
else TB.fromText am
parser_HMS :: Maybe Char -> Parser TimeOfDay
parser_HMS msep = do
h <- parseFixedDigits 2
when (h > 23) (fail "hour must be between 0 and 23")
traverse_ AT.char msep
m <- parseFixedDigits 2
when (m > 59) (fail "minute must be between 0 and 59")
traverse_ AT.char msep
ns <- parseSecondsAndNanoseconds
pure (TimeOfDay h m ns)
parser_HMS_opt_S :: Maybe Char -> Parser TimeOfDay
parser_HMS_opt_S msep = do
h <- parseFixedDigits 2
when (h > 23) (fail "hour must be between 0 and 23")
traverse_ AT.char msep
m <- parseFixedDigits 2
when (m > 59) (fail "minute must be between 0 and 59")
mc <- AT.peekChar
case mc of
Nothing -> pure (TimeOfDay h m 0)
Just c -> case msep of
Just sep -> if c == sep
then do
_ <- AT.anyChar
ns <- parseSecondsAndNanoseconds
pure (TimeOfDay h m ns)
else pure (TimeOfDay h m 0)
Nothing -> if isDigit c
then do
ns <- parseSecondsAndNanoseconds
pure (TimeOfDay h m ns)
else pure (TimeOfDay h m 0)
parseSecondsAndNanoseconds :: Parser Int64
parseSecondsAndNanoseconds = do
s' <- parseFixedDigits 2
let s = fromIntegral s' :: Int64
when (s > 60) (fail "seconds must be between 0 and 60")
nanoseconds <-
( do _ <- AT.char '.'
numberOfZeroes <- countZeroes
x <- AT.decimal
let totalDigits = countDigits x + numberOfZeroes
result = if totalDigits == 9
then x
else if totalDigits < 9
then x * raiseTenTo (9 - totalDigits)
else quot x (raiseTenTo (totalDigits - 9))
pure (fromIntegral result)
) <|> pure 0
pure (s * 1000000000 + nanoseconds)
countZeroes :: AT.Parser Int
countZeroes = go 0 where
go !i = do
m <- AT.peekChar
case m of
Nothing -> pure i
Just c -> if c == '0'
then AT.anyChar *> go (i + 1)
else pure i
nanosecondsBuilder :: Int64 -> TB.Builder
nanosecondsBuilder w
| w == 0 = mempty
| w > 99999999 = "." <> TB.decimal w
| w > 9999999 = ".0" <> TB.decimal w
| w > 999999 = ".00" <> TB.decimal w
| w > 99999 = ".000" <> TB.decimal w
| w > 9999 = ".0000" <> TB.decimal w
| w > 999 = ".00000" <> TB.decimal w
| w > 99 = ".000000" <> TB.decimal w
| w > 9 = ".0000000" <> TB.decimal w
| otherwise = ".00000000" <> TB.decimal w
microsecondsBuilder :: Int64 -> TB.Builder
microsecondsBuilder w
| w == 0 = mempty
| w > 99999 = "." <> TB.decimal w
| w > 9999 = ".0" <> TB.decimal w
| w > 999 = ".00" <> TB.decimal w
| w > 99 = ".000" <> TB.decimal w
| w > 9 = ".0000" <> TB.decimal w
| otherwise = ".00000" <> TB.decimal w
millisecondsBuilder :: Int64 -> TB.Builder
millisecondsBuilder w
| w == 0 = mempty
| w > 99 = "." <> TB.decimal w
| w > 9 = ".0" <> TB.decimal w
| otherwise = ".00" <> TB.decimal w
prettyNanosecondsBuilder :: SubsecondPrecision -> Int64 -> TB.Builder
prettyNanosecondsBuilder sp nano = case sp of
| milliRem == 0 -> millisecondsBuilder milli
| microRem == 0 -> microsecondsBuilder micro
| otherwise -> nanosecondsBuilder nano
SubsecondPrecisionFixed d -> if d == 0
then mempty
let newSubsecondPart = quot nano (raiseTenTo (9 - d))
in "."
<> TB.fromText (Text.replicate (d - countDigits newSubsecondPart) "0")
<> TB.decimal newSubsecondPart
(milli,milliRem) = quotRem nano 1000000
(micro,microRem) = quotRem nano 1000
encodeTimespan :: SubsecondPrecision -> Timespan -> Text
encodeTimespan sp =
LT.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . builderTimespan sp
builderTimespan :: SubsecondPrecision -> Timespan -> TB.Builder
builderTimespan sp (Timespan ns) =
TB.decimal sInt64 <> prettyNanosecondsBuilder sp nsRemainder
(!sInt64,!nsRemainder) = quotRem ns 1000000000
internalBuilder_NS :: SubsecondPrecision -> Maybe Char -> Int -> Int64 -> TB.Builder
internalBuilder_NS sp msep m ns = case msep of
Nothing -> indexTwoDigitTextBuilder m
<> indexTwoDigitTextBuilder s
<> prettyNanosecondsBuilder sp nsRemainder
Just sep -> let sepBuilder = TB.singleton sep in
<> indexTwoDigitTextBuilder m
<> sepBuilder
<> indexTwoDigitTextBuilder s
<> prettyNanosecondsBuilder sp nsRemainder
(!sInt64,!nsRemainder) = quotRem ns 1000000000
!s = fromIntegral sInt64
builder_DmyHMS :: SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> Datetime -> TB.Builder
builder_DmyHMS sp (DatetimeFormat mdateSep msep mtimeSep) (Datetime date time) =
case msep of
Nothing -> builder_Dmy mdateSep date
<> builder_HMS sp mtimeSep time
Just sep -> builder_Dmy mdateSep date
<> TB.singleton sep
<> builder_HMS sp mtimeSep time
builder_DmyIMS_p :: MeridiemLocale Text -> SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> Datetime -> TB.Builder
builder_DmyIMS_p locale sp (DatetimeFormat mdateSep msep mtimeSep) (Datetime date time) =
builder_Dmy mdateSep date
<> maybe mempty TB.singleton msep
<> builder_IMS_p locale sp mtimeSep time
builder_DmyIMSp :: MeridiemLocale Text -> SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> Datetime -> TB.Builder
builder_DmyIMSp locale sp (DatetimeFormat mdateSep msep mtimeSep) (Datetime date time) =
builder_Dmy mdateSep date
<> maybe mempty TB.singleton msep
<> builder_IMS_p locale sp mtimeSep time
encode_DmyHMS :: SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> Datetime -> Text
encode_DmyHMS sp format =
LT.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . builder_DmyHMS sp format
encode_DmyIMS_p :: MeridiemLocale Text -> SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> Datetime -> Text
encode_DmyIMS_p a sp b = LT.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . builder_DmyIMS_p a sp b
encode_YmdHMS :: SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> Datetime -> Text
encode_YmdHMS sp format =
LT.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . builder_YmdHMS sp format
encode_YmdIMS_p :: MeridiemLocale Text -> SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> Datetime -> Text
encode_YmdIMS_p a sp b = LT.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . builder_YmdIMS_p a sp b
builder_YmdHMS :: SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> Datetime -> TB.Builder
builder_YmdHMS sp (DatetimeFormat mdateSep msep mtimeSep) (Datetime date time) =
case msep of
Nothing -> builder_Ymd mdateSep date
<> builder_HMS sp mtimeSep time
Just sep -> builder_Ymd mdateSep date
<> TB.singleton sep
<> builder_HMS sp mtimeSep time
builder_YmdIMS_p :: MeridiemLocale Text -> SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> Datetime -> TB.Builder
builder_YmdIMS_p locale sp (DatetimeFormat mdateSep msep mtimeSep) (Datetime date time) =
builder_Ymd mdateSep date
<> maybe mempty TB.singleton msep
<> builder_IMS_p locale sp mtimeSep time
builder_YmdIMSp :: MeridiemLocale Text -> SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> Datetime -> TB.Builder
builder_YmdIMSp locale sp (DatetimeFormat mdateSep msep mtimeSep) (Datetime date time) =
builder_Ymd mdateSep date
<> maybe mempty TB.singleton msep
<> builder_IMS_p locale sp mtimeSep time
builderW3C :: Datetime -> TB.Builder
builderW3C = builder_YmdHMS SubsecondPrecisionAuto w3c
decode_YmdHMS :: DatetimeFormat -> Text -> Maybe Datetime
decode_YmdHMS format =
either (const Nothing) Just . AT.parseOnly (parser_YmdHMS format)
parser_DmyHMS :: DatetimeFormat -> Parser Datetime
parser_DmyHMS (DatetimeFormat mdateSep msep mtimeSep) = do
date <- parser_Dmy mdateSep
traverse_ AT.char msep
time <- parser_HMS mtimeSep
pure (Datetime date time)
parser_DmyHMS_opt_S :: DatetimeFormat -> Parser Datetime
parser_DmyHMS_opt_S (DatetimeFormat mdateSep msep mtimeSep) = do
date <- parser_Dmy mdateSep
traverse_ AT.char msep
time <- parser_HMS_opt_S mtimeSep
pure (Datetime date time)
decode_DmyHMS :: DatetimeFormat -> Text -> Maybe Datetime
decode_DmyHMS format =
either (const Nothing) Just . AT.parseOnly (parser_DmyHMS format)
decode_DmyHMS_opt_S :: DatetimeFormat -> Text -> Maybe Datetime
decode_DmyHMS_opt_S format =
either (const Nothing) Just . AT.parseOnly (parser_DmyHMS_opt_S format)
parser_YmdHMS :: DatetimeFormat -> Parser Datetime
parser_YmdHMS (DatetimeFormat mdateSep msep mtimeSep) = do
date <- parser_Ymd mdateSep
traverse_ AT.char msep
time <- parser_HMS mtimeSep
pure (Datetime date time)
parser_YmdHMS_opt_S :: DatetimeFormat -> Parser Datetime
parser_YmdHMS_opt_S (DatetimeFormat mdateSep msep mtimeSep) = do
date <- parser_Ymd mdateSep
traverse_ AT.char msep
time <- parser_HMS_opt_S mtimeSep
pure (Datetime date time)
decode_YmdHMS_opt_S :: DatetimeFormat -> Text -> Maybe Datetime
decode_YmdHMS_opt_S format =
either (const Nothing) Just . AT.parseOnly (parser_YmdHMS_opt_S format)
builderUtf8_HMS :: SubsecondPrecision -> Maybe Char -> TimeOfDay -> BB.Builder
builderUtf8_HMS sp msep (TimeOfDay h m ns) =
indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder h
<> internalBuilderUtf8_NS sp msep m ns
builderUtf8_IMS_p :: MeridiemLocale ByteString -> SubsecondPrecision -> Maybe Char -> TimeOfDay -> BB.Builder
builderUtf8_IMS_p meridiemLocale sp msep (TimeOfDay h m ns) =
internalBuilderUtf8_I h
<> internalBuilderUtf8_NS sp msep m ns
<> " "
<> internalBuilderUtf8_p meridiemLocale h
internalBuilderUtf8_I :: Int -> BB.Builder
internalBuilderUtf8_I h =
indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder $ if h > 12
then h - 12
else if h == 0
then 12
else h
internalBuilderUtf8_p :: MeridiemLocale ByteString -> Int -> BB.Builder
internalBuilderUtf8_p (MeridiemLocale am pm) h = if h > 11
then BB.byteString pm
else BB.byteString am
builderUtf8_IMSp :: MeridiemLocale ByteString -> SubsecondPrecision -> Maybe Char -> TimeOfDay -> BB.Builder
builderUtf8_IMSp meridiemLocale sp msep (TimeOfDay h m ns) =
internalBuilderUtf8_I h
<> internalBuilderUtf8_NS sp msep m ns
<> internalBuilderUtf8_p meridiemLocale h
parserUtf8_HMS :: Maybe Char -> AB.Parser TimeOfDay
parserUtf8_HMS msep = do
h <- parseFixedDigitsIntBS 2
when (h > 23) (fail "hour must be between 0 and 23")
traverse_ AB.char msep
m <- parseFixedDigitsIntBS 2
when (m > 59) (fail "minute must be between 0 and 59")
traverse_ AB.char msep
ns <- parseSecondsAndNanosecondsUtf8
pure (TimeOfDay h m ns)
parserUtf8_HMS_opt_S :: Maybe Char -> AB.Parser TimeOfDay
parserUtf8_HMS_opt_S msep = do
h <- parseFixedDigitsIntBS 2
when (h > 23) (fail "hour must be between 0 and 23")
traverse_ AB.char msep
m <- parseFixedDigitsIntBS 2
when (m > 59) (fail "minute must be between 0 and 59")
mc <- AB.peekChar
case mc of
Nothing -> pure (TimeOfDay h m 0)
Just c -> case msep of
Just sep -> if c == sep
then do
_ <- AB.anyChar
ns <- parseSecondsAndNanosecondsUtf8
pure (TimeOfDay h m ns)
else pure (TimeOfDay h m 0)
Nothing -> if isDigit c
then do
ns <- parseSecondsAndNanosecondsUtf8
pure (TimeOfDay h m ns)
else pure (TimeOfDay h m 0)
parseSecondsAndNanosecondsUtf8 :: AB.Parser Int64
parseSecondsAndNanosecondsUtf8 = do
s' <- parseFixedDigitsIntBS 2
let !s = fromIntegral s' :: Int64
when (s > 60) (fail "seconds must be between 0 and 60")
nanoseconds <-
( do _ <- AB.char '.'
numberOfZeroes <- countZeroesUtf8
x <- AB.decimal
let totalDigits = countDigits x + numberOfZeroes
result = if totalDigits == 9
then x
else if totalDigits < 9
then x * raiseTenTo (9 - totalDigits)
else quot x (raiseTenTo (totalDigits - 9))
pure (fromIntegral result)
) <|> pure 0
pure (s * 1000000000 + nanoseconds)
countZeroesUtf8 :: AB.Parser Int
countZeroesUtf8 = go 0 where
go !i = do
m <- AB.peekChar
case m of
Nothing -> pure i
Just c -> if c == '0'
then AB.anyChar *> go (i + 1)
else pure i
nanosecondsBuilderUtf8 :: Int64 -> BB.Builder
nanosecondsBuilderUtf8 w
| w == 0 = mempty
| w > 99999999 = "." <> int64Builder w
| w > 9999999 = ".0" <> int64Builder w
| w > 999999 = ".00" <> int64Builder w
| w > 99999 = ".000" <> int64Builder w
| w > 9999 = ".0000" <> int64Builder w
| w > 999 = ".00000" <> int64Builder w
| w > 99 = ".000000" <> int64Builder w
| w > 9 = ".0000000" <> int64Builder w
| otherwise = ".00000000" <> int64Builder w
microsecondsBuilderUtf8 :: Int64 -> BB.Builder
microsecondsBuilderUtf8 w
| w == 0 = mempty
| w > 99999 = "." <> int64Builder w
| w > 9999 = ".0" <> int64Builder w
| w > 999 = ".00" <> int64Builder w
| w > 99 = ".000" <> int64Builder w
| w > 9 = ".0000" <> int64Builder w
| otherwise = ".00000" <> int64Builder w
millisecondsBuilderUtf8 :: Int64 -> BB.Builder
millisecondsBuilderUtf8 w
| w == 0 = mempty
| w > 99 = "." <> int64Builder w
| w > 9 = ".0" <> int64Builder w
| otherwise = ".00" <> int64Builder w
prettyNanosecondsBuilderUtf8 :: SubsecondPrecision -> Int64 -> BB.Builder
prettyNanosecondsBuilderUtf8 sp nano = case sp of
| milliRem == 0 -> millisecondsBuilderUtf8 milli
| microRem == 0 -> microsecondsBuilderUtf8 micro
| otherwise -> nanosecondsBuilderUtf8 nano
SubsecondPrecisionFixed d -> if d == 0
then mempty
let newSubsecondPart = quot nano (raiseTenTo (9 - d))
in BB.char7 '.'
<> BB.byteString (BC.replicate (d - countDigits newSubsecondPart) '0')
<> int64Builder newSubsecondPart
(milli,milliRem) = quotRem nano 1000000
(micro,microRem) = quotRem nano 1000
encodeTimespanUtf8 :: SubsecondPrecision -> Timespan -> ByteString
encodeTimespanUtf8 sp =
LB.toStrict . BB.toLazyByteString . builderTimespanUtf8 sp
builderTimespanUtf8 :: SubsecondPrecision -> Timespan -> BB.Builder
builderTimespanUtf8 sp (Timespan ns) =
int64Builder sInt64 <> prettyNanosecondsBuilderUtf8 sp nsRemainder
(!sInt64,!nsRemainder) = quotRem ns 1000000000
int64Builder :: Int64 -> BB.Builder
int64Builder = BB.integerDec . fromIntegral
internalBuilderUtf8_NS :: SubsecondPrecision -> Maybe Char -> Int -> Int64 -> BB.Builder
internalBuilderUtf8_NS sp msep m ns = case msep of
Nothing -> indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder m
<> indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder s
<> prettyNanosecondsBuilderUtf8 sp nsRemainder
Just sep -> let sepBuilder = BB.char7 sep in
<> indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder m
<> sepBuilder
<> indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder s
<> prettyNanosecondsBuilderUtf8 sp nsRemainder
(!sInt64,!nsRemainder) = quotRem ns 1000000000
!s = fromIntegral sInt64
encodeUtf8_YmdHMS :: SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> Datetime -> ByteString
encodeUtf8_YmdHMS sp format =
LB.toStrict . BB.toLazyByteString . builderUtf8_YmdHMS sp format
encodeUtf8_YmdIMS_p :: MeridiemLocale ByteString -> SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> Datetime -> ByteString
encodeUtf8_YmdIMS_p a sp b = LB.toStrict . BB.toLazyByteString . builderUtf8_YmdIMS_p a sp b
builderUtf8_YmdHMS :: SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> Datetime -> BB.Builder
builderUtf8_YmdHMS sp (DatetimeFormat mdateSep msep mtimeSep) (Datetime date time) =
case msep of
Nothing -> builderUtf8_Ymd mdateSep date
<> builderUtf8_HMS sp mtimeSep time
Just sep -> builderUtf8_Ymd mdateSep date
<> BB.char7 sep
<> builderUtf8_HMS sp mtimeSep time
builderUtf8_YmdIMS_p :: MeridiemLocale ByteString -> SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> Datetime -> BB.Builder
builderUtf8_YmdIMS_p locale sp (DatetimeFormat mdateSep msep mtimeSep) (Datetime date time) =
builderUtf8_Ymd mdateSep date
<> maybe mempty BB.char7 msep
<> builderUtf8_IMS_p locale sp mtimeSep time
builderUtf8_YmdIMSp :: MeridiemLocale ByteString -> SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> Datetime -> BB.Builder
builderUtf8_YmdIMSp locale sp (DatetimeFormat mdateSep msep mtimeSep) (Datetime date time) =
builderUtf8_Ymd mdateSep date
<> maybe mempty BB.char7 msep
<> builderUtf8_IMS_p locale sp mtimeSep time
builderUtf8W3C :: Datetime -> BB.Builder
builderUtf8W3C = builderUtf8_YmdHMS SubsecondPrecisionAuto (DatetimeFormat (Just '-') (Just 'T') (Just ':'))
decodeUtf8_YmdHMS :: DatetimeFormat -> ByteString -> Maybe Datetime
decodeUtf8_YmdHMS format =
either (const Nothing) Just . AB.parseOnly (parserUtf8_YmdHMS format)
parserUtf8_YmdHMS :: DatetimeFormat -> AB.Parser Datetime
parserUtf8_YmdHMS (DatetimeFormat mdateSep msep mtimeSep) = do
date <- parserUtf8_Ymd mdateSep
traverse_ AB.char msep
time <- parserUtf8_HMS mtimeSep
pure (Datetime date time)
parserUtf8_YmdHMS_opt_S :: DatetimeFormat -> AB.Parser Datetime
parserUtf8_YmdHMS_opt_S (DatetimeFormat mdateSep msep mtimeSep) = do
date <- parserUtf8_Ymd mdateSep
traverse_ AB.char msep
time <- parserUtf8_HMS_opt_S mtimeSep
pure (Datetime date time)
decodeUtf8_YmdHMS_opt_S :: DatetimeFormat -> ByteString -> Maybe Datetime
decodeUtf8_YmdHMS_opt_S format =
either (const Nothing) Just . AB.parseOnly (parserUtf8_YmdHMS_opt_S format)
builder_YmdHMSz :: OffsetFormat -> SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> OffsetDatetime -> TB.Builder
builder_YmdHMSz offsetFormat sp datetimeFormat (OffsetDatetime datetime offset) =
builder_YmdHMS sp datetimeFormat datetime
<> builderOffset offsetFormat offset
parser_YmdHMSz :: OffsetFormat -> DatetimeFormat -> Parser OffsetDatetime
parser_YmdHMSz offsetFormat datetimeFormat = OffsetDatetime
<$> parser_YmdHMS datetimeFormat
<*> parserOffset offsetFormat
builder_YmdIMS_p_z :: OffsetFormat -> MeridiemLocale Text -> SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> OffsetDatetime -> TB.Builder
builder_YmdIMS_p_z offsetFormat meridiemLocale sp datetimeFormat (OffsetDatetime datetime offset) =
builder_YmdIMS_p meridiemLocale sp datetimeFormat datetime
<> " "
<> builderOffset offsetFormat offset
encode_YmdHMSz :: OffsetFormat -> SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> OffsetDatetime -> Text
encode_YmdHMSz offsetFormat sp datetimeFormat =
LT.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . builder_YmdHMSz offsetFormat sp datetimeFormat
builder_DmyHMSz :: OffsetFormat -> SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> OffsetDatetime -> TB.Builder
builder_DmyHMSz offsetFormat sp datetimeFormat (OffsetDatetime datetime offset) =
builder_DmyHMS sp datetimeFormat datetime
<> builderOffset offsetFormat offset
parser_DmyHMSz :: OffsetFormat -> DatetimeFormat -> AT.Parser OffsetDatetime
parser_DmyHMSz offsetFormat datetimeFormat = OffsetDatetime
<$> parser_DmyHMS datetimeFormat
<*> parserOffset offsetFormat
builder_DmyIMS_p_z :: OffsetFormat -> MeridiemLocale Text -> SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> OffsetDatetime -> TB.Builder
builder_DmyIMS_p_z offsetFormat meridiemLocale sp datetimeFormat (OffsetDatetime datetime offset) =
builder_DmyIMS_p meridiemLocale sp datetimeFormat datetime
<> " "
<> builderOffset offsetFormat offset
encode_DmyHMSz :: OffsetFormat -> SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> OffsetDatetime -> Text
encode_DmyHMSz offsetFormat sp datetimeFormat =
LT.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . builder_DmyHMSz offsetFormat sp datetimeFormat
builderW3Cz :: OffsetDatetime -> TB.Builder
builderW3Cz = builder_YmdHMSz
(DatetimeFormat (Just '-') (Just 'T') (Just ':'))
encodeOffset :: OffsetFormat -> Offset -> Text
encodeOffset fmt = LT.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . builderOffset fmt
builderOffset :: OffsetFormat -> Offset -> TB.Builder
builderOffset x = case x of
OffsetFormatColonOff -> builderOffset_z
OffsetFormatColonOn -> builderOffset_z1
OffsetFormatSecondsPrecision -> builderOffset_z2
OffsetFormatColonAuto -> builderOffset_z3
decodeOffset :: OffsetFormat -> Text -> Maybe Offset
decodeOffset fmt =
either (const Nothing) Just . AT.parseOnly (parserOffset fmt <* AT.endOfInput)
parserOffset :: OffsetFormat -> Parser Offset
parserOffset x = case x of
OffsetFormatColonOff -> parserOffset_z
OffsetFormatColonOn -> parserOffset_z1
OffsetFormatSecondsPrecision -> parserOffset_z2
OffsetFormatColonAuto -> parserOffset_z3
parseSignedness :: Parser Bool
parseSignedness = do
c <- AT.anyChar
if c == '-'
then pure False
else if c == '+'
then pure True
else fail "while parsing offset, expected [+] or [-]"
parserOffset_z :: Parser Offset
parserOffset_z = do
pos <- parseSignedness
h <- parseFixedDigits 2
m <- parseFixedDigits 2
let !res = h * 60 + m
pure . Offset $ if pos
then res
else negate res
parserOffset_z1 :: Parser Offset
parserOffset_z1 = do
pos <- parseSignedness
h <- parseFixedDigits 2
_ <- AT.char ':'
m <- parseFixedDigits 2
let !res = h * 60 + m
pure . Offset $ if pos
then res
else negate res
parserOffset_z2 :: AT.Parser Offset
parserOffset_z2 = do
pos <- parseSignedness
h <- parseFixedDigits 2
_ <- AT.char ':'
m <- parseFixedDigits 2
_ <- AT.string ":00"
let !res = h * 60 + m
pure . Offset $ if pos
then res
else negate res
parserOffset_z3 :: AT.Parser Offset
parserOffset_z3 = do
pos <- parseSignedness
h <- parseFixedDigits 2
mc <- AT.peekChar
case mc of
Just ':' -> do
_ <- AT.anyChar
m <- parseFixedDigits 2
let !res = h * 60 + m
pure . Offset $ if pos
then res
else negate res
_ -> pure . Offset $ if pos
then h * 60
else h * (-60)
builderOffset_z :: Offset -> TB.Builder
builderOffset_z (Offset i) =
let (!a,!b) = divMod (abs i) 60
!prefix = if signum i == (-1) then "-" else "+"
in prefix
<> indexTwoDigitTextBuilder a
<> indexTwoDigitTextBuilder b
builderOffset_z1 :: Offset -> TB.Builder
builderOffset_z1 (Offset i) =
let (!a,!b) = divMod (abs i) 60
!prefix = if signum i == (-1) then "-" else "+"
in prefix
<> indexTwoDigitTextBuilder a
<> ":"
<> indexTwoDigitTextBuilder b
builderOffset_z2 :: Offset -> TB.Builder
builderOffset_z2 (Offset i) =
let (!a,!b) = divMod (abs i) 60
!prefix = if signum i == (-1) then "-" else "+"
in prefix
<> indexTwoDigitTextBuilder a
<> ":"
<> indexTwoDigitTextBuilder b
<> ":00"
builderOffset_z3 :: Offset -> TB.Builder
builderOffset_z3 (Offset i) =
let (!a,!b) = divMod (abs i) 60
!prefix = if signum i == (-1) then "-" else "+"
in if b == 0
then prefix
<> indexTwoDigitTextBuilder a
else prefix
<> indexTwoDigitTextBuilder a
<> ":"
<> indexTwoDigitTextBuilder b
builderUtf8_YmdHMSz :: OffsetFormat -> SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> OffsetDatetime -> BB.Builder
builderUtf8_YmdHMSz offsetFormat sp datetimeFormat (OffsetDatetime datetime offset) =
builderUtf8_YmdHMS sp datetimeFormat datetime
<> builderOffsetUtf8 offsetFormat offset
parserUtf8_YmdHMSz :: OffsetFormat -> DatetimeFormat -> AB.Parser OffsetDatetime
parserUtf8_YmdHMSz offsetFormat datetimeFormat = OffsetDatetime
<$> parserUtf8_YmdHMS datetimeFormat
<*> parserOffsetUtf8 offsetFormat
builderUtf8_YmdIMS_p_z :: OffsetFormat -> MeridiemLocale ByteString -> SubsecondPrecision -> DatetimeFormat -> OffsetDatetime -> BB.Builder
builderUtf8_YmdIMS_p_z offsetFormat meridiemLocale sp datetimeFormat (OffsetDatetime datetime offset) =
builderUtf8_YmdIMS_p meridiemLocale sp datetimeFormat datetime
<> " "
<> builderOffsetUtf8 offsetFormat offset
builderUtf8W3Cz :: OffsetDatetime -> BB.Builder
builderUtf8W3Cz = builderUtf8_YmdHMSz
(DatetimeFormat (Just '-') (Just 'T') (Just ':'))
encodeOffsetUtf8 :: OffsetFormat -> Offset -> ByteString
encodeOffsetUtf8 fmt = LB.toStrict . BB.toLazyByteString . builderOffsetUtf8 fmt
decodeOffsetUtf8 :: OffsetFormat -> ByteString -> Maybe Offset
decodeOffsetUtf8 fmt =
either (const Nothing) Just . AB.parseOnly (parserOffsetUtf8 fmt)
builderOffsetUtf8 :: OffsetFormat -> Offset -> BB.Builder
builderOffsetUtf8 x = case x of
OffsetFormatColonOff -> builderOffsetUtf8_z
OffsetFormatColonOn -> builderOffsetUtf8_z1
OffsetFormatSecondsPrecision -> builderOffsetUtf8_z2
OffsetFormatColonAuto -> builderOffsetUtf8_z3
parserOffsetUtf8 :: OffsetFormat -> AB.Parser Offset
parserOffsetUtf8 x = case x of
OffsetFormatColonOff -> parserOffsetUtf8_z
OffsetFormatColonOn -> parserOffsetUtf8_z1
OffsetFormatSecondsPrecision -> parserOffsetUtf8_z2
OffsetFormatColonAuto -> parserOffsetUtf8_z3
parseSignednessUtf8 :: AB.Parser Bool
parseSignednessUtf8 = do
c <- AB.anyChar
if c == '-'
then pure False
else if c == '+'
then pure True
else fail "while parsing offset, expected [+] or [-]"
parserOffsetUtf8_z :: AB.Parser Offset
parserOffsetUtf8_z = do
pos <- parseSignednessUtf8
h <- parseFixedDigitsIntBS 2
m <- parseFixedDigitsIntBS 2
let !res = h * 60 + m
pure . Offset $ if pos
then res
else negate res
parserOffsetUtf8_z1 :: AB.Parser Offset
parserOffsetUtf8_z1 = do
pos <- parseSignednessUtf8
h <- parseFixedDigitsIntBS 2
_ <- AB.char ':'
m <- parseFixedDigitsIntBS 2
let !res = h * 60 + m
pure . Offset $ if pos
then res
else negate res
parserOffsetUtf8_z2 :: AB.Parser Offset
parserOffsetUtf8_z2 = do
pos <- parseSignednessUtf8
h <- parseFixedDigitsIntBS 2
_ <- AB.char ':'
m <- parseFixedDigitsIntBS 2
_ <- AB.string ":00"
let !res = h * 60 + m
pure . Offset $ if pos
then res
else negate res
parserOffsetUtf8_z3 :: AB.Parser Offset
parserOffsetUtf8_z3 = do
pos <- parseSignednessUtf8
h <- parseFixedDigitsIntBS 2
mc <- AB.peekChar
case mc of
Just ':' -> do
_ <- AB.anyChar
m <- parseFixedDigitsIntBS 2
let !res = h * 60 + m
pure . Offset $ if pos
then res
else negate res
_ -> pure . Offset $ if pos
then h * 60
else h * (-60)
builderOffsetUtf8_z :: Offset -> BB.Builder
builderOffsetUtf8_z (Offset i) =
let (!a,!b) = divMod (abs i) 60
!prefix = if signum i == (-1) then "-" else "+"
in prefix
<> indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder a
<> indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder b
builderOffsetUtf8_z1 :: Offset -> BB.Builder
builderOffsetUtf8_z1 (Offset i) =
let (!a,!b) = divMod (abs i) 60
!prefix = if signum i == (-1) then "-" else "+"
in prefix
<> indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder a
<> ":"
<> indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder b
builderOffsetUtf8_z2 :: Offset -> BB.Builder
builderOffsetUtf8_z2 (Offset i) =
let (!a,!b) = divMod (abs i) 60
!prefix = if signum i == (-1) then "-" else "+"
in prefix
<> indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder a
<> ":"
<> indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder b
<> ":00"
builderOffsetUtf8_z3 :: Offset -> BB.Builder
builderOffsetUtf8_z3 (Offset i) =
let (!a,!b) = divMod (abs i) 60
!prefix = if signum i == (-1) then "-" else "+"
in if b == 0
then prefix
<> indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder a
else prefix
<> indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder a
<> ":"
<> indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder b
zeptoUtf8_YmdHMS :: DatetimeFormat -> Z.Parser Datetime
zeptoUtf8_YmdHMS (DatetimeFormat mdateSep msep' mtimeSep) = do
date <- zeptoUtf8_Ymd mdateSep
let msep = BC.singleton <$> msep'
traverse_ Z.string msep
time <- zeptoUtf8_HMS mtimeSep
pure (Datetime date time)
zeptoCountZeroes :: Z.Parser Int
zeptoCountZeroes = do
bs <- Z.takeWhile (0x30 ==)
pure $! BC.length bs
zeptoUtf8_Ymd :: Maybe Char -> Z.Parser Date
zeptoUtf8_Ymd msep' = do
y <- zeptoFixedDigitsIntBS 4
let msep = BC.singleton <$> msep'
traverse_ Z.string msep
m <- zeptoFixedDigitsIntBS 2
when (m < 1 || m > 12) (fail "month must be between 1 and 12")
traverse_ Z.string msep
d <- zeptoFixedDigitsIntBS 2
when (d < 1 || d > 31) (fail "day must be between 1 and 31")
pure (Date (Year y) (Month $ m - 1) (DayOfMonth d))
zeptoUtf8_HMS :: Maybe Char -> Z.Parser TimeOfDay
zeptoUtf8_HMS msep' = do
h <- zeptoFixedDigitsIntBS 2
when (h > 23) (fail "hour must be between 0 and 23")
let msep = BC.singleton <$> msep'
traverse_ Z.string msep
m <- zeptoFixedDigitsIntBS 2
when (m > 59) (fail "minute must be between 0 and 59")
traverse_ Z.string msep
ns <- zeptoSecondsAndNanosecondsUtf8
pure (TimeOfDay h m ns)
zeptoFixedDigitsIntBS :: Int -> Z.Parser Int
zeptoFixedDigitsIntBS n = do
t <- Z.take n
case BC.readInt t of
Nothing -> fail "datetime decoding could not parse integral bytestring (a)"
Just (i,r) -> if BC.null r
then pure i
else fail "datetime decoding could not parse integral bytestring (b)"
zeptoSecondsAndNanosecondsUtf8 :: Z.Parser Int64
zeptoSecondsAndNanosecondsUtf8 = do
s' <- zeptoFixedDigitsIntBS 2
let s = fromIntegral s' :: Int64
when (s > 60) (fail "seconds must be between 0 and 60")
nanoseconds <-
( do _ <- Z.string "."
numberOfZeroes <- zeptoCountZeroes
x <- zdecimal
let totalDigits = countDigits x + numberOfZeroes
result = if totalDigits == 9
then x
else if totalDigits < 9
then x * raiseTenTo (9 - totalDigits)
else quot x (raiseTenTo (totalDigits - 9))
pure (fromIntegral result)
) <|> pure 0
pure (s * 1000000000 + nanoseconds)
zdecimal :: Z.Parser Int64
zdecimal = do
digits <- Z.takeWhile wordIsDigit
case BC.readInt digits of
Nothing -> fail "somehow this didn't work"
Just (i,_) -> pure $! fromIntegral i
wordIsDigit :: Word8 -> Bool
wordIsDigit a = 0x30 <= a && a <= 0x39
january :: Month
january = Month 0
february :: Month
february = Month 1
march :: Month
march = Month 2
april :: Month
april = Month 3
may :: Month
may = Month 4
june :: Month
june = Month 5
july :: Month
july = Month 6
august :: Month
august = Month 7
september :: Month
september = Month 8
october :: Month
october = Month 9
november :: Month
november = Month 10
december :: Month
december = Month 11
sunday :: DayOfWeek
sunday = DayOfWeek 0
monday :: DayOfWeek
monday = DayOfWeek 1
tuesday :: DayOfWeek
tuesday = DayOfWeek 2
wednesday :: DayOfWeek
wednesday = DayOfWeek 3
thursday :: DayOfWeek
thursday = DayOfWeek 4
friday :: DayOfWeek
friday = DayOfWeek 5
saturday :: DayOfWeek
saturday = DayOfWeek 6
countDigits :: (Integral a) => a -> Int
countDigits v0
| fromIntegral v64 == v0 = go 1 v64
| otherwise = goBig 1 (fromIntegral v0)
where v64 = fromIntegral v0
goBig !k (v :: Integer)
| v > big = goBig (k + 19) (v `quot` big)
| otherwise = go k (fromIntegral v)
big = 10000000000000000000
go !k (v :: Word64)
| v < 10 = k
| v < 100 = k + 1
| v < 1000 = k + 2
| v < 1000000000000 =
k + if v < 100000000
then if v < 1000000
then if v < 10000
then 3
else 4 + fin v 100000
else 6 + fin v 10000000
else if v < 10000000000
then 8 + fin v 1000000000
else 10 + fin v 100000000000
| otherwise = go (k + 12) (v `quot` 1000000000000)
fin v n = if v >= n then 1 else 0
clip :: (Ord t) => t -> t -> t -> t
clip a _ x | x < a = a
clip _ b x | x > b = b
clip _ _ x = x
parseFixedDigits :: Int -> AT.Parser Int
parseFixedDigits n = do
t <- AT.take n
case Text.decimal t of
Left err -> fail err
Right (i,r) -> if Text.null r
then pure i
else fail "datetime decoding could not parse integral text"
parseFixedDigitsIntBS :: Int -> AB.Parser Int
parseFixedDigitsIntBS n = do
t <- AB.take n
case BC.readInt t of
Nothing -> fail "datetime decoding could not parse integral bytestring (a)"
Just (i,r) -> if BC.null r
then pure i
else fail "datetime decoding could not parse integral bytestring (b)"
indexTwoDigitTextBuilder :: Int -> TB.Builder
indexTwoDigitTextBuilder i = if i < 100
then Vector.unsafeIndex twoDigitTextBuilder (fromIntegral i)
else TB.decimal i
indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder :: Int -> BB.Builder
indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder i = if i < 100
then Vector.unsafeIndex twoDigitByteStringBuilder (fromIntegral i)
else BB.intDec i
twoDigitByteStringBuilder :: Vector BB.Builder
twoDigitByteStringBuilder = Vector.fromList
$ map (BB.byteString . BC.pack) twoDigitStrings
{-# NOINLINE twoDigitByteStringBuilder #-}
twoDigitTextBuilder :: Vector TB.Builder
twoDigitTextBuilder = Vector.fromList
$ map (TB.fromText . Text.pack) twoDigitStrings
{-# NOINLINE twoDigitTextBuilder #-}
twoDigitStrings :: [String]
twoDigitStrings =
[ "00","01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09"
, "10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19"
, "20","21","22","23","24","25","26","27","28","29"
, "30","31","32","33","34","35","36","37","38","39"
, "40","41","42","43","44","45","46","47","48","49"
, "50","51","52","53","54","55","56","57","58","59"
, "60","61","62","63","64","65","66","67","68","69"
, "70","71","72","73","74","75","76","77","78","79"
, "80","81","82","83","84","85","86","87","88","89"
, "90","91","92","93","94","95","96","97","98","99"
raiseTenTo :: Int -> Int64
raiseTenTo i = if i > 15
then 10 ^ i
else UVector.unsafeIndex tenRaisedToSmallPowers i
tenRaisedToSmallPowers :: UVector.Vector Int64
tenRaisedToSmallPowers = UVector.fromList $ map (10 ^) [0 :: Int ..15]
monthToZeroPaddedDigit :: Month -> TB.Builder
monthToZeroPaddedDigit (Month x) =
indexTwoDigitTextBuilder (x + 1)
zeroPadDayOfMonth :: DayOfMonth -> TB.Builder
zeroPadDayOfMonth (DayOfMonth d) = indexTwoDigitTextBuilder d
monthToZeroPaddedDigitBS :: Month -> BB.Builder
monthToZeroPaddedDigitBS (Month x) =
indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder (x + 1)
zeroPadDayOfMonthBS :: DayOfMonth -> BB.Builder
zeroPadDayOfMonthBS (DayOfMonth d) = indexTwoDigitByteStringBuilder d
within :: Time -> TimeInterval -> Bool
t `within` (TimeInterval t0 t1) = t >= t0 && t <= t1
timeIntervalToTimespan :: TimeInterval -> Timespan
timeIntervalToTimespan = width
whole :: TimeInterval
whole = TimeInterval minBound maxBound
singleton :: Time -> TimeInterval
singleton x = TimeInterval x x
lowerBound :: TimeInterval -> Time
lowerBound (TimeInterval t0 _) = t0
upperBound :: TimeInterval -> Time
upperBound (TimeInterval _ t1) = t1
width :: TimeInterval -> Timespan
width (TimeInterval x y) = difference y x
timeIntervalBuilder :: Time -> Time -> TimeInterval
timeIntervalBuilder x y = case compare x y of
GT -> TimeInterval y x
_ -> TimeInterval x y
infix 3 ...
(...) :: Time -> Time -> TimeInterval
(...) = timeIntervalBuilder
newtype Day = Day { getDay :: Int }
deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Hashable,Enum,ToJSON,FromJSON,Storable,Prim)
instance Torsor Day Int where
add i (Day d) = Day (d + i)
difference (Day a) (Day b) = a - b
newtype DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek { getDayOfWeek :: Int }
deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Hashable)
newtype DayOfMonth = DayOfMonth { getDayOfMonth :: Int }
deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Prim,Enum)
newtype DayOfYear = DayOfYear { getDayOfYear :: Int }
deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Prim)
newtype Month = Month { getMonth :: Int }
deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Prim)
instance Enum Month where
fromEnum = getMonth
toEnum = Month
succ (Month x) = if x < 11
then Month (x + 1)
else error "Enum.succ{Month}: tried to take succ of December"
pred (Month x) = if x > 0
then Month (x - 1)
else error "Enum.pred{Month}: tried to take pred of January"
enumFrom x = enumFromTo x (Month 11)
instance Bounded Month where
minBound = Month 0
maxBound = Month 11
newtype Year = Year { getYear :: Int }
deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord)
newtype Offset = Offset { getOffset :: Int }
deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Enum)
newtype Time = Time { getTime :: Int64 }
deriving (FromJSON,ToJSON,Hashable,Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Storable,Prim,Bounded)
newtype DayOfWeekMatch a = DayOfWeekMatch { getDayOfWeekMatch :: Vector a }
newtype MonthMatch a = MonthMatch { getMonthMatch :: Vector a }
newtype UnboxedMonthMatch a = UnboxedMonthMatch { getUnboxedMonthMatch :: UVector.Vector a }
newtype Timespan = Timespan { getTimespan :: Int64 }
deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,ToJSON,FromJSON,Additive)
instance Semigroup Timespan where
(Timespan a) <> (Timespan b) = Timespan (a + b)
instance Monoid Timespan where
mempty = Timespan 0
mappend = (SG.<>)
instance Torsor Time Timespan where
add (Timespan ts) (Time t) = Time (t + ts)
difference (Time t) (Time s) = Timespan (t - s)
instance Scaling Timespan Int64 where
scale i (Timespan ts) = Timespan (i * ts)
instance Torsor Offset Int where
add i (Offset x) = Offset (x + i)
difference (Offset x) (Offset y) = x - y
data SubsecondPrecision
= SubsecondPrecisionAuto
| SubsecondPrecisionFixed {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
data Date = Date
{ dateYear :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Year
, dateMonth :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Month
, dateDay :: {-# UNPACK #-} !DayOfMonth
} deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord)
data OrdinalDate = OrdinalDate
{ ordinalDateYear :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Year
, ordinalDateDayOfYear :: {-# UNPACK #-} !DayOfYear
} deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord)
data MonthDate = MonthDate
{ monthDateMonth :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Month
, monthDateDay :: {-# UNPACK #-} !DayOfMonth
} deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord)
data Datetime = Datetime
{ datetimeDate :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Date
, datetimeTime :: {-# UNPACK #-} !TimeOfDay
} deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord)
data OffsetDatetime = OffsetDatetime
{ offsetDatetimeDatetime :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Datetime
, offsetDatetimeOffset :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Offset
} deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord)
data TimeOfDay = TimeOfDay
{ timeOfDayHour :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, timeOfDayMinute :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, timeOfDayNanoseconds :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int64
} deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord)
data DatetimeFormat = DatetimeFormat
{ datetimeFormatDateSeparator :: !(Maybe Char)
, datetimeFormatSeparator :: !(Maybe Char)
, datetimeFormatTimeSeparator :: !(Maybe Char)
} deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord)
data OffsetFormat
= OffsetFormatColonOff
| OffsetFormatColonOn
| OffsetFormatSecondsPrecision
| OffsetFormatColonAuto
deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded,Generic)
data DatetimeLocale a = DatetimeLocale
{ datetimeLocaleDaysOfWeekFull :: !(DayOfWeekMatch a)
, datetimeLocaleDaysOfWeekAbbreviated :: !(DayOfWeekMatch a)
, datetimeLocaleMonthsFull :: !(MonthMatch a)
, datetimeLocaleMonthsAbbreviated :: !(MonthMatch a)
data TimeInterval = TimeInterval {-# UNPACK #-} !Time {-# UNPACK #-} !Time
deriving (Read,Show,Eq,Ord,Bounded)
data MeridiemLocale a = MeridiemLocale
{ meridiemLocaleAm :: !a
, meridiemLocalePm :: !a
} deriving (Read,Show,Eq,Ord)
newtype instance UVector.MVector s Month = MV_Month (PVector.MVector s Month)
newtype instance UVector.Vector Month = V_Month (PVector.Vector Month)
instance UVector.Unbox Month
instance MGVector.MVector UVector.MVector Month where
{-# INLINE basicLength #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeSlice #-}
{-# INLINE basicOverlaps #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeNew #-}
{-# INLINE basicInitialize #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeReplicate #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeRead #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeWrite #-}
{-# INLINE basicClear #-}
{-# INLINE basicSet #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeCopy #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeGrow #-}
basicLength (MV_Month v) = MGVector.basicLength v
basicUnsafeSlice i n (MV_Month v) = MV_Month $ MGVector.basicUnsafeSlice i n v
basicOverlaps (MV_Month v1) (MV_Month v2) = MGVector.basicOverlaps v1 v2
basicUnsafeNew n = MV_Month `liftM` MGVector.basicUnsafeNew n
basicInitialize (MV_Month v) = MGVector.basicInitialize v
basicUnsafeReplicate n x = MV_Month `liftM` MGVector.basicUnsafeReplicate n x
basicUnsafeRead (MV_Month v) i = MGVector.basicUnsafeRead v i
basicUnsafeWrite (MV_Month v) i x = MGVector.basicUnsafeWrite v i x
basicClear (MV_Month v) = MGVector.basicClear v
basicSet (MV_Month v) x = MGVector.basicSet v x
basicUnsafeCopy (MV_Month v1) (MV_Month v2) = MGVector.basicUnsafeCopy v1 v2
basicUnsafeMove (MV_Month v1) (MV_Month v2) = MGVector.basicUnsafeMove v1 v2
basicUnsafeGrow (MV_Month v) n = MV_Month `liftM` MGVector.basicUnsafeGrow v n
instance GVector.Vector UVector.Vector Month where
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeFreeze #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeThaw #-}
{-# INLINE basicLength #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeSlice #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeIndexM #-}
{-# INLINE elemseq #-}
basicUnsafeFreeze (MV_Month v) = V_Month `liftM` GVector.basicUnsafeFreeze v
basicUnsafeThaw (V_Month v) = MV_Month `liftM` GVector.basicUnsafeThaw v
basicLength (V_Month v) = GVector.basicLength v
basicUnsafeSlice i n (V_Month v) = V_Month $ GVector.basicUnsafeSlice i n v
basicUnsafeIndexM (V_Month v) i = GVector.basicUnsafeIndexM v i
basicUnsafeCopy (MV_Month mv) (V_Month v) = GVector.basicUnsafeCopy mv v
elemseq _ = seq
newtype instance UVector.MVector s DayOfMonth = MV_DayOfMonth (PVector.MVector s DayOfMonth)
newtype instance UVector.Vector DayOfMonth = V_DayOfMonth (PVector.Vector DayOfMonth)
instance UVector.Unbox DayOfMonth
instance MGVector.MVector UVector.MVector DayOfMonth where
{-# INLINE basicLength #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeSlice #-}
{-# INLINE basicOverlaps #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeNew #-}
{-# INLINE basicInitialize #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeReplicate #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeRead #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeWrite #-}
{-# INLINE basicClear #-}
{-# INLINE basicSet #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeCopy #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeGrow #-}
basicLength (MV_DayOfMonth v) = MGVector.basicLength v
basicUnsafeSlice i n (MV_DayOfMonth v) = MV_DayOfMonth $ MGVector.basicUnsafeSlice i n v
basicOverlaps (MV_DayOfMonth v1) (MV_DayOfMonth v2) = MGVector.basicOverlaps v1 v2
basicUnsafeNew n = MV_DayOfMonth `liftM` MGVector.basicUnsafeNew n
basicInitialize (MV_DayOfMonth v) = MGVector.basicInitialize v
basicUnsafeReplicate n x = MV_DayOfMonth `liftM` MGVector.basicUnsafeReplicate n x
basicUnsafeRead (MV_DayOfMonth v) i = MGVector.basicUnsafeRead v i
basicUnsafeWrite (MV_DayOfMonth v) i x = MGVector.basicUnsafeWrite v i x
basicClear (MV_DayOfMonth v) = MGVector.basicClear v
basicSet (MV_DayOfMonth v) x = MGVector.basicSet v x
basicUnsafeCopy (MV_DayOfMonth v1) (MV_DayOfMonth v2) = MGVector.basicUnsafeCopy v1 v2
basicUnsafeMove (MV_DayOfMonth v1) (MV_DayOfMonth v2) = MGVector.basicUnsafeMove v1 v2
basicUnsafeGrow (MV_DayOfMonth v) n = MV_DayOfMonth `liftM` MGVector.basicUnsafeGrow v n
instance GVector.Vector UVector.Vector DayOfMonth where
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeFreeze #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeThaw #-}
{-# INLINE basicLength #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeSlice #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeIndexM #-}
{-# INLINE elemseq #-}
basicUnsafeFreeze (MV_DayOfMonth v) = V_DayOfMonth `liftM` GVector.basicUnsafeFreeze v
basicUnsafeThaw (V_DayOfMonth v) = MV_DayOfMonth `liftM` GVector.basicUnsafeThaw v
basicLength (V_DayOfMonth v) = GVector.basicLength v
basicUnsafeSlice i n (V_DayOfMonth v) = V_DayOfMonth $ GVector.basicUnsafeSlice i n v
basicUnsafeIndexM (V_DayOfMonth v) i = GVector.basicUnsafeIndexM v i
basicUnsafeCopy (MV_DayOfMonth mv) (V_DayOfMonth v) = GVector.basicUnsafeCopy mv v
elemseq _ = seq
instance Torsor Date Int where
add i d = dayToDate (add i (dateToDay d))
difference a b = difference (dateToDay a) (dateToDay b)
instance Torsor OrdinalDate Int where
add i d = dayToOrdinalDate (add i (ordinalDateToDay d))
difference a b = difference (ordinalDateToDay a) (ordinalDateToDay b)
instance Enum Date where
fromEnum d = fromEnum (dateToDay d)
toEnum i = dayToDate (toEnum i)
instance Enum OrdinalDate where
fromEnum d = fromEnum (ordinalDateToDay d)
toEnum i = dayToOrdinalDate (toEnum i)
instance ToJSON Datetime where
toJSON = AE.String . encode_YmdHMS SubsecondPrecisionAuto hyphen
toEncoding x = AEE.unsafeToEncoding (BB.char7 '"' SG.<> builderUtf8_YmdHMS SubsecondPrecisionAuto hyphen x SG.<> BB.char7 '"')
instance ToJSON Offset where
toJSON = AE.String . encodeOffset OffsetFormatColonOn
toEncoding x = AEE.unsafeToEncoding (BB.char7 '"' SG.<> builderOffsetUtf8 OffsetFormatColonOn x SG.<> BB.char7 '"')
instance FromJSON Offset where
parseJSON = AE.withText "Offset" aesonParserOffset
instance ToJSONKey Offset where
toJSONKey = AE.ToJSONKeyText
(encodeOffset OffsetFormatColonOn)
(\x -> AEE.unsafeToEncoding (BB.char7 '"' SG.<> builderOffsetUtf8 OffsetFormatColonOn x SG.<> BB.char7 '"'))
instance FromJSONKey Offset where
fromJSONKey = AE.FromJSONKeyTextParser aesonParserOffset
aesonParserOffset :: Text -> AET.Parser Offset
aesonParserOffset t = case decodeOffset OffsetFormatColonOn t of
Nothing -> fail "could not parse Offset"
Just x -> pure x