captcha-2captcha- A package for integrating a variety of captcha solving services.
Copyright(c) 2022 Edward Yang
Safe HaskellNone



This module exports functions that follow the pvp versioning policies.



data TwoCaptchaErrorCode Source #

An error code returned by the TwoCaptcha API.



The api key you provided is invalid. Please ensure it is 32 characters long.


The key you've provided does not exist.


You don't have funds in your account.


The pageurl parameter is missing in your request.


You can receive this error in two cases:

  1. If you solve token-based captchas (reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, ArkoseLabs FunCaptcha, GeeTest, etc): the queue of your captchas that are not distributed to workers is too long. Queue limit changes dynamically and depends on total amount of captchas awaiting solution and usually it’s between 50 and 100 captchas.
  2. If you solve Normal Captcha: your maximum rate for normal captchas is lower than current rate on the server. You can change your maximum rate in your account's settings.

Image size is less than 100 bytes.


Image size is more than 100 kB.


Image file has unsupported extension. Accepted extensions: jpg, jpeg, gif, png.


Server can't recognize image file type.


Server can't get file data from your POST-request. That happens if your POST-request is malformed or base64 data is not a valid base64 image.


The request is sent from the IP that is not on the list of your allowed IPs.


Your IP address is banned due to many frequent attempts to access the server using wrong authorization keys.


You can get this error code when sending reCAPTCHA V2. This happens if your request contains invalid pair of googlekey and pageurl. The common reason for that is that reCAPTCHA is loaded inside an iframe hosted on another domain/subdomain.


You can get this error code when sending reCAPTCHA V2. That means that sitekey value provided in your request is incorrect: it's blank or malformed.


The googlekey parameter is missing in your request.


You've sent an image that is marked in 2captcha's database as unrecognizable. Usually that happens if the website where you found the captcha stopped sending you captchas and started to send a "deny access" image.


You are sending too many unrecognizable images.


You made more than 60 requests to in.php within 3 seconds. Your account is banned for 10 seconds. Ban will be lifted automatically.


The error code is returned if some required parameters are missing in your request or the values have incorrect format. For example if you submit Grid images but your request is missing an instruction for workers.

Blocking time: 5 minutes.


You can get this error code when sending a captcha via proxy server which is marked as BAD by the 2captcha API.


Your captcha is not solved yet.


2captcha was unable to solve your captcha - three of their workers were unable solve it or they didn't get an answer within 90 seconds (300 seconds for reCAPTCHA V2).

You will not be charged for that request.


You've provided captcha ID in wrong format. The ID can contain numbers only.


You provided an invalid captcha id.


Error is returned when 100% accuracy feature is enabled. The error means that max numbers of tries is reached but min number of matches not found.


Error is returned to your report request if you already complained lots of correctly solved captchas (more than 40%). Or if more than 15 minutes passed after you submitted the captcha.


Error is returned to your report request if you are trying to report the same captcha more than once.


You can receive this error code when sending GeeTest. This error means the challenge value you provided is expired.


Action parameter is missing or no value is provided for action parameter.


You can get this error code if we were unable to load a captcha through your proxy server. The proxy will be marked as BAD by our API and we will not accept requests with the proxy during 10 minutes. You will recieve ERROR_BAD_PROXY code from in.php API endpoint in such case.


Instances details
Bounded TwoCaptchaErrorCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Captcha.TwoCaptcha.Internal.Error

Enum TwoCaptchaErrorCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Captcha.TwoCaptcha.Internal.Error

Eq TwoCaptchaErrorCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Captcha.TwoCaptcha.Internal.Error

Ord TwoCaptchaErrorCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Captcha.TwoCaptcha.Internal.Error

Show TwoCaptchaErrorCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Captcha.TwoCaptcha.Internal.Error

data TwoCaptcha Source #

Used for picking MonadCaptcha instances for 2Captcha.


Instances details
CaptchaResponse TwoCaptcha ctx Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Captcha.TwoCaptcha.Internal

(HasCaptchaEnv r, MonadReader r m, MonadUnliftIO m) => MonadCaptcha TwoCaptcha r m Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Captcha.TwoCaptcha.Internal

Associated Types

type CaptchaError TwoCaptcha r m #

(HasCaptchaEnv r, MonadReader r m, MonadIO m) => CaptchaRequest TwoCaptcha HCaptcha r m Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Captcha.TwoCaptcha.Internal.Types.HCaptcha

(HasCaptchaEnv r, MonadReader r m, MonadIO m) => CaptchaRequest TwoCaptcha ReCaptchaV3 r m Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Captcha.TwoCaptcha.Internal.Types.ReCaptchaV3

(HasCaptchaEnv r, MonadReader r m, MonadIO m) => CaptchaRequest TwoCaptcha ReCaptchaV2 r m Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Captcha.TwoCaptcha.Internal.Types.ReCaptchaV2

(HasCaptchaEnv r, MonadReader r m, MonadIO m) => CaptchaRequest TwoCaptcha FunCaptcha r m Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Captcha.TwoCaptcha.Internal.Types.FunCaptcha

(HasCaptchaEnv r, MonadReader r m, MonadIO m) => CaptchaRequest TwoCaptcha TextCaptcha r m Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Captcha.TwoCaptcha.Internal.Types.Text

(HasCaptchaEnv r, MonadReader r m, MonadIO m) => CaptchaRequest TwoCaptcha ImageCaptcha r m Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Captcha.TwoCaptcha.Internal.Types.Image

type CaptchaError TwoCaptcha r m Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Captcha.TwoCaptcha.Internal