{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies   #-}
{- |
Module: Internal.AppendVec
Description: Helpers for efficient appending to vectors.
module Internal.AppendVec
    ( AppendVec
    , fromVector
    , makeEmpty
    , getVector
    , getCapacity
    , FrozenAppendVec(..)
    , grow
    , canGrowWithoutCopy
    ) where

import Control.Monad           (when)
import Control.Monad.Catch     (MonadThrow(throwM))
import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad, PrimState)

import qualified Data.Vector.Generic         as GV
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as GMV

import Capnp.Errors (Error(SizeError))
import Data.Mutable (Thaw (..))

-- | 'AppendVec' wraps a mutable vector, and affords amortized O(1) appending.
data AppendVec v s a = AppendVec
    { mutVec    :: v s a
    , mutVecLen :: !Int

-- | 'fromVector' wraps a mutable vector in an appendVector, with no initial
-- spare capacity.
fromVector :: GMV.MVector v a => v s a -> AppendVec v s a
fromVector vec = AppendVec
    { mutVec = vec
    , mutVecLen = GMV.length vec

-- | 'makeEmpty' makes an initially empty 'AppendVec', using the argument
-- as allocation space for 'grow'.
makeEmpty :: GMV.MVector v a => v s a -> AppendVec v s a
makeEmpty vec = AppendVec
    { mutVec = vec
    , mutVecLen = 0

-- | 'getVector' returns the valid portion of the underlying mutable vector.
getVector :: GMV.MVector v a => AppendVec v s a -> v s a
getVector AppendVec{mutVec, mutVecLen} = GMV.slice 0 mutVecLen mutVec

getCapacity :: GMV.MVector v a => AppendVec v s a -> Int
getCapacity AppendVec{mutVec} = GMV.length mutVec

-- | immutable version of 'AppendVec'; this is defined for the purpose of
-- implementing 'Thaw'.
newtype FrozenAppendVec v a = FrozenAppendVec { getFrozenVector :: v a }

instance GV.Vector v a => Thaw (FrozenAppendVec v a) where
    type Mutable s (FrozenAppendVec v a) = AppendVec (GV.Mutable v) s a

    thaw         = thawAppend GV.thaw
    unsafeThaw   = thawAppend GV.unsafeThaw
    freeze       = freezeAppend GV.freeze
    unsafeFreeze = freezeAppend GV.unsafeFreeze

-- Helpers for the thaw & freeze methods for the instance above.
thawAppend thaw frozen = do
    mvec <- thaw $ getFrozenVector frozen
    pure AppendVec
        { mutVec = mvec
        , mutVecLen = GMV.length mvec
freezeAppend freeze = fmap FrozenAppendVec . freeze . getVector

-- | @'grow' vec amount maxSize@ grows the vector @vec@ by @amount@ elements,
-- provided the result does not exceed @maxSize@. Amortized O(@amount@). Returns
-- the new vector; the original should not be used.
-- .
-- If the result does exceed @maxSize@, throws 'SizeError'.
grow :: (MonadThrow m, PrimMonad m, s ~ PrimState m, GMV.MVector v a)
    => AppendVec v s a -> Int -> Int -> m (AppendVec v s a)
grow vec@AppendVec{mutVec,mutVecLen} amount maxSize = do
    when (maxSize - amount < mutVecLen) $
        throwM SizeError
    mutVec <-
        if canGrowWithoutCopy vec amount then
            -- we have enough un-allocated space already; leave the vector
            -- itself alone.
            pure mutVec
            -- Allocate some more space. we at least double the underlying
            -- vector's size, to make appending amortized O(1), but if the
            -- vector is small enough and the allocation is big enough, we
            -- may need to do more to satisfy the request:
            GMV.grow mutVec (max amount (mutVecLen * 2))
    pure AppendVec
        { mutVec = mutVec
        , mutVecLen = mutVecLen + amount

canGrowWithoutCopy :: (GMV.MVector v a) => AppendVec v s a -> Int -> Bool
canGrowWithoutCopy AppendVec{mutVec,mutVecLen} amount =
    mutVecLen + amount <= GMV.length mutVec