{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-dodgy-exports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-matches #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Capnp.Gen.Capnp.Rpc where
import qualified Capnp.Message as Message
import qualified Capnp.Untyped as Untyped
import qualified Capnp.Basics as Basics
import qualified Capnp.GenHelpers as GenHelpers
import qualified Capnp.Classes as Classes
import qualified GHC.Generics as Generics
import qualified Capnp.Bits as Std_
import qualified Data.Maybe as Std_
import qualified Capnp.GenHelpers.ReExports.Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Prelude as Std_
import qualified Data.Word as Std_
import qualified Data.Int as Std_
import Prelude ((<$>), (<*>), (>>=))
newtype Message msg
    = Message'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg Message) where
    tMsg f (Message'newtype_ s) = (Message'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Message msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (Message'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (Message msg)) where
    toStruct (Message'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (Message msg)) where
    type InMessage (Message msg) = msg
    message (Message'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (Message msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (Message'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (Message msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (Message'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (Message (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (Message'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (Message (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (Message'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 1 1))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (Message msg)) where
    newtype List msg (Message msg)
        = Message'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (Message'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (Message'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (Message'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (Message'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (Message (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (Message'newtype_ elt) i (Message'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (Message'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 1 1 len))
data Message' msg
    = Message'unimplemented (Message msg)
    | Message'abort (Exception msg)
    | Message'call (Call msg)
    | Message'return (Return msg)
    | Message'finish (Finish msg)
    | Message'resolve (Resolve msg)
    | Message'release (Release msg)
    | Message'obsoleteSave (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr msg))
    | Message'bootstrap (Bootstrap msg)
    | Message'obsoleteDelete (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr msg))
    | Message'provide (Provide msg)
    | Message'accept (Accept msg)
    | Message'join (Join msg)
    | Message'disembargo (Disembargo msg)
    | Message'unknown' Std_.Word16
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Message' msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (do
        tag <- (GenHelpers.getTag struct 0)
        case tag of
            0 ->
                (Message'unimplemented <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            1 ->
                (Message'abort <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            2 ->
                (Message'call <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            3 ->
                (Message'return <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            4 ->
                (Message'finish <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            5 ->
                (Message'resolve <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            6 ->
                (Message'release <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            7 ->
                (Message'obsoleteSave <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            8 ->
                (Message'bootstrap <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            9 ->
                (Message'obsoleteDelete <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            10 ->
                (Message'provide <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            11 ->
                (Message'accept <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            12 ->
                (Message'join <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            13 ->
                (Message'disembargo <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            _ ->
                (Std_.pure (Message'unknown' (Std_.fromIntegral tag)))
get_Message' :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Message msg) -> (m (Message' msg))
get_Message' (Message'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.fromStruct struct)
set_Message'unimplemented :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Message (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Message (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Message'unimplemented (Message'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (0 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Message'abort :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Message (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Exception (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Message'abort (Message'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (1 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Message'call :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Message (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Call (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Message'call (Message'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (2 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Message'return :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Message (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Return (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Message'return (Message'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (3 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Message'finish :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Message (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Finish (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Message'finish (Message'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (4 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Message'resolve :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Message (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Resolve (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Message'resolve (Message'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (5 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Message'release :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Message (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Release (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Message'release (Message'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (6 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Message'obsoleteSave :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Message (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr (Message.MutMsg s))) -> (m ())
set_Message'obsoleteSave (Message'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (7 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Message'bootstrap :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Message (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Bootstrap (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Message'bootstrap (Message'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (8 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Message'obsoleteDelete :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Message (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr (Message.MutMsg s))) -> (m ())
set_Message'obsoleteDelete (Message'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (9 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Message'provide :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Message (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Provide (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Message'provide (Message'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (10 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Message'accept :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Message (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Accept (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Message'accept (Message'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (11 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Message'join :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Message (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Join (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Message'join (Message'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (12 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Message'disembargo :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Message (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Disembargo (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Message'disembargo (Message'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (13 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Message'unknown' :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Message (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word16 -> (m ())
set_Message'unknown' (Message'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
newtype Bootstrap msg
    = Bootstrap'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg Bootstrap) where
    tMsg f (Bootstrap'newtype_ s) = (Bootstrap'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Bootstrap msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (Bootstrap'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (Bootstrap msg)) where
    toStruct (Bootstrap'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (Bootstrap msg)) where
    type InMessage (Bootstrap msg) = msg
    message (Bootstrap'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (Bootstrap msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (Bootstrap'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (Bootstrap msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (Bootstrap'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (Bootstrap (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (Bootstrap'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (Bootstrap (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (Bootstrap'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 1 1))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (Bootstrap msg)) where
    newtype List msg (Bootstrap msg)
        = Bootstrap'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (Bootstrap'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (Bootstrap'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (Bootstrap'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (Bootstrap'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (Bootstrap (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (Bootstrap'newtype_ elt) i (Bootstrap'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (Bootstrap'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 1 1 len))
get_Bootstrap'questionId :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Bootstrap msg) -> (m Std_.Word32)
get_Bootstrap'questionId (Bootstrap'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 0 0)
set_Bootstrap'questionId :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Bootstrap (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_Bootstrap'questionId (Bootstrap'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 0 0)
get_Bootstrap'deprecatedObjectId :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Bootstrap msg) -> (m (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr msg)))
get_Bootstrap'deprecatedObjectId (Bootstrap'newtype_ struct) = (do
    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
set_Bootstrap'deprecatedObjectId :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Bootstrap (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr (Message.MutMsg s))) -> (m ())
set_Bootstrap'deprecatedObjectId (Bootstrap'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
    (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
has_Bootstrap'deprecatedObjectId :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Bootstrap msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
has_Bootstrap'deprecatedObjectId (Bootstrap'newtype_ struct) = (Std_.isJust <$> (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct))
newtype Call msg
    = Call'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg Call) where
    tMsg f (Call'newtype_ s) = (Call'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Call msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (Call'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (Call msg)) where
    toStruct (Call'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (Call msg)) where
    type InMessage (Call msg) = msg
    message (Call'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (Call msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (Call'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (Call msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (Call'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (Call (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (Call'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (Call (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (Call'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 3 3))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (Call msg)) where
    newtype List msg (Call msg)
        = Call'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (Call'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (Call'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (Call'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (Call'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (Call (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (Call'newtype_ elt) i (Call'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (Call'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 3 3 len))
get_Call'questionId :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Call msg) -> (m Std_.Word32)
get_Call'questionId (Call'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 0 0)
set_Call'questionId :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Call (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_Call'questionId (Call'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 0 0)
get_Call'target :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Call msg) -> (m (MessageTarget msg))
get_Call'target (Call'newtype_ struct) = (do
    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
set_Call'target :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Call (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (MessageTarget (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Call'target (Call'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
    (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
has_Call'target :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Call msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
has_Call'target (Call'newtype_ struct) = (Std_.isJust <$> (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct))
new_Call'target :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Call (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m (MessageTarget (Message.MutMsg s)))
new_Call'target struct = (do
    result <- (Classes.new (Untyped.message struct))
    (set_Call'target struct result)
    (Std_.pure result)
get_Call'interfaceId :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Call msg) -> (m Std_.Word64)
get_Call'interfaceId (Call'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 1 0 0)
set_Call'interfaceId :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Call (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word64 -> (m ())
set_Call'interfaceId (Call'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word64) 1 0 0)
get_Call'methodId :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Call msg) -> (m Std_.Word16)
get_Call'methodId (Call'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 32 0)
set_Call'methodId :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Call (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word16 -> (m ())
set_Call'methodId (Call'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word16) 0 32 0)
get_Call'params :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Call msg) -> (m (Payload msg))
get_Call'params (Call'newtype_ struct) = (do
    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 1 struct)
    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
set_Call'params :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Call (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Payload (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Call'params (Call'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
    (Untyped.setPtr ptr 1 struct)
has_Call'params :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Call msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
has_Call'params (Call'newtype_ struct) = (Std_.isJust <$> (Untyped.getPtr 1 struct))
new_Call'params :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Call (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m (Payload (Message.MutMsg s)))
new_Call'params struct = (do
    result <- (Classes.new (Untyped.message struct))
    (set_Call'params struct result)
    (Std_.pure result)
get_Call'sendResultsTo :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Call msg) -> (m (Call'sendResultsTo msg))
get_Call'sendResultsTo (Call'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.fromStruct struct)
get_Call'allowThirdPartyTailCall :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Call msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
get_Call'allowThirdPartyTailCall (Call'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 2 0 0)
set_Call'allowThirdPartyTailCall :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Call (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Bool -> (m ())
set_Call'allowThirdPartyTailCall (Call'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word1) 2 0 0)
newtype Call'sendResultsTo msg
    = Call'sendResultsTo'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg Call'sendResultsTo) where
    tMsg f (Call'sendResultsTo'newtype_ s) = (Call'sendResultsTo'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Call'sendResultsTo msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (Call'sendResultsTo'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (Call'sendResultsTo msg)) where
    toStruct (Call'sendResultsTo'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (Call'sendResultsTo msg)) where
    type InMessage (Call'sendResultsTo msg) = msg
    message (Call'sendResultsTo'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (Call'sendResultsTo msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (Call'sendResultsTo'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
data Call'sendResultsTo' msg
    = Call'sendResultsTo'caller
    | Call'sendResultsTo'yourself
    | Call'sendResultsTo'thirdParty (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr msg))
    | Call'sendResultsTo'unknown' Std_.Word16
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Call'sendResultsTo' msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (do
        tag <- (GenHelpers.getTag struct 3)
        case tag of
            0 ->
                (Std_.pure Call'sendResultsTo'caller)
            1 ->
                (Std_.pure Call'sendResultsTo'yourself)
            2 ->
                (Call'sendResultsTo'thirdParty <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 2 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            _ ->
                (Std_.pure (Call'sendResultsTo'unknown' (Std_.fromIntegral tag)))
get_Call'sendResultsTo' :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Call'sendResultsTo msg) -> (m (Call'sendResultsTo' msg))
get_Call'sendResultsTo' (Call'sendResultsTo'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.fromStruct struct)
set_Call'sendResultsTo'caller :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Call'sendResultsTo (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Call'sendResultsTo'caller (Call'sendResultsTo'newtype_ struct) = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (0 :: Std_.Word16) 0 48 0)
    (Std_.pure ())
set_Call'sendResultsTo'yourself :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Call'sendResultsTo (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Call'sendResultsTo'yourself (Call'sendResultsTo'newtype_ struct) = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (1 :: Std_.Word16) 0 48 0)
    (Std_.pure ())
set_Call'sendResultsTo'thirdParty :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Call'sendResultsTo (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr (Message.MutMsg s))) -> (m ())
set_Call'sendResultsTo'thirdParty (Call'sendResultsTo'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (2 :: Std_.Word16) 0 48 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 2 struct)
set_Call'sendResultsTo'unknown' :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Call'sendResultsTo (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word16 -> (m ())
set_Call'sendResultsTo'unknown' (Call'sendResultsTo'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word16) 0 48 0)
newtype Return msg
    = Return'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg Return) where
    tMsg f (Return'newtype_ s) = (Return'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Return msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (Return'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (Return msg)) where
    toStruct (Return'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (Return msg)) where
    type InMessage (Return msg) = msg
    message (Return'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (Return msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (Return'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (Return msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (Return'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (Return (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (Return'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (Return (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (Return'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 2 1))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (Return msg)) where
    newtype List msg (Return msg)
        = Return'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (Return'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (Return'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (Return'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (Return'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (Return (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (Return'newtype_ elt) i (Return'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (Return'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 2 1 len))
get_Return'answerId :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Return msg) -> (m Std_.Word32)
get_Return'answerId (Return'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 0 0)
set_Return'answerId :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Return (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_Return'answerId (Return'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 0 0)
get_Return'releaseParamCaps :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Return msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
get_Return'releaseParamCaps (Return'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 32 1)
set_Return'releaseParamCaps :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Return (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Bool -> (m ())
set_Return'releaseParamCaps (Return'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word1) 0 32 1)
data Return' msg
    = Return'results (Payload msg)
    | Return'exception (Exception msg)
    | Return'canceled
    | Return'resultsSentElsewhere
    | Return'takeFromOtherQuestion Std_.Word32
    | Return'acceptFromThirdParty (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr msg))
    | Return'unknown' Std_.Word16
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Return' msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (do
        tag <- (GenHelpers.getTag struct 3)
        case tag of
            0 ->
                (Return'results <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            1 ->
                (Return'exception <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            2 ->
                (Std_.pure Return'canceled)
            3 ->
                (Std_.pure Return'resultsSentElsewhere)
            4 ->
                (Return'takeFromOtherQuestion <$> (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 1 0 0))
            5 ->
                (Return'acceptFromThirdParty <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            _ ->
                (Std_.pure (Return'unknown' (Std_.fromIntegral tag)))
get_Return' :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Return msg) -> (m (Return' msg))
get_Return' (Return'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.fromStruct struct)
set_Return'results :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Return (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Payload (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Return'results (Return'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (0 :: Std_.Word16) 0 48 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Return'exception :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Return (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Exception (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Return'exception (Return'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (1 :: Std_.Word16) 0 48 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Return'canceled :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Return (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Return'canceled (Return'newtype_ struct) = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (2 :: Std_.Word16) 0 48 0)
    (Std_.pure ())
set_Return'resultsSentElsewhere :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Return (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Return'resultsSentElsewhere (Return'newtype_ struct) = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (3 :: Std_.Word16) 0 48 0)
    (Std_.pure ())
set_Return'takeFromOtherQuestion :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Return (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_Return'takeFromOtherQuestion (Return'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (4 :: Std_.Word16) 0 48 0)
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 1 0 0)
set_Return'acceptFromThirdParty :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Return (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr (Message.MutMsg s))) -> (m ())
set_Return'acceptFromThirdParty (Return'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (5 :: Std_.Word16) 0 48 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Return'unknown' :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Return (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word16 -> (m ())
set_Return'unknown' (Return'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word16) 0 48 0)
newtype Finish msg
    = Finish'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg Finish) where
    tMsg f (Finish'newtype_ s) = (Finish'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Finish msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (Finish'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (Finish msg)) where
    toStruct (Finish'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (Finish msg)) where
    type InMessage (Finish msg) = msg
    message (Finish'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (Finish msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (Finish'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (Finish msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (Finish'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (Finish (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (Finish'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (Finish (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (Finish'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 1 0))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (Finish msg)) where
    newtype List msg (Finish msg)
        = Finish'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (Finish'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (Finish'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (Finish'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (Finish'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (Finish (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (Finish'newtype_ elt) i (Finish'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (Finish'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 1 0 len))
get_Finish'questionId :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Finish msg) -> (m Std_.Word32)
get_Finish'questionId (Finish'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 0 0)
set_Finish'questionId :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Finish (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_Finish'questionId (Finish'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 0 0)
get_Finish'releaseResultCaps :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Finish msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
get_Finish'releaseResultCaps (Finish'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 32 1)
set_Finish'releaseResultCaps :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Finish (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Bool -> (m ())
set_Finish'releaseResultCaps (Finish'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word1) 0 32 1)
newtype Resolve msg
    = Resolve'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg Resolve) where
    tMsg f (Resolve'newtype_ s) = (Resolve'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Resolve msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (Resolve'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (Resolve msg)) where
    toStruct (Resolve'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (Resolve msg)) where
    type InMessage (Resolve msg) = msg
    message (Resolve'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (Resolve msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (Resolve'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (Resolve msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (Resolve'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (Resolve (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (Resolve'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (Resolve (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (Resolve'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 1 1))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (Resolve msg)) where
    newtype List msg (Resolve msg)
        = Resolve'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (Resolve'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (Resolve'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (Resolve'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (Resolve'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (Resolve (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (Resolve'newtype_ elt) i (Resolve'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (Resolve'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 1 1 len))
get_Resolve'promiseId :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Resolve msg) -> (m Std_.Word32)
get_Resolve'promiseId (Resolve'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 0 0)
set_Resolve'promiseId :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Resolve (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_Resolve'promiseId (Resolve'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 0 0)
data Resolve' msg
    = Resolve'cap (CapDescriptor msg)
    | Resolve'exception (Exception msg)
    | Resolve'unknown' Std_.Word16
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Resolve' msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (do
        tag <- (GenHelpers.getTag struct 2)
        case tag of
            0 ->
                (Resolve'cap <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            1 ->
                (Resolve'exception <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            _ ->
                (Std_.pure (Resolve'unknown' (Std_.fromIntegral tag)))
get_Resolve' :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Resolve msg) -> (m (Resolve' msg))
get_Resolve' (Resolve'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.fromStruct struct)
set_Resolve'cap :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Resolve (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (CapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Resolve'cap (Resolve'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (0 :: Std_.Word16) 0 32 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Resolve'exception :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Resolve (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Exception (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Resolve'exception (Resolve'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (1 :: Std_.Word16) 0 32 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_Resolve'unknown' :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Resolve (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word16 -> (m ())
set_Resolve'unknown' (Resolve'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word16) 0 32 0)
newtype Release msg
    = Release'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg Release) where
    tMsg f (Release'newtype_ s) = (Release'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Release msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (Release'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (Release msg)) where
    toStruct (Release'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (Release msg)) where
    type InMessage (Release msg) = msg
    message (Release'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (Release msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (Release'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (Release msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (Release'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (Release (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (Release'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (Release (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (Release'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 1 0))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (Release msg)) where
    newtype List msg (Release msg)
        = Release'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (Release'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (Release'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (Release'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (Release'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (Release (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (Release'newtype_ elt) i (Release'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (Release'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 1 0 len))
get_Release'id :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Release msg) -> (m Std_.Word32)
get_Release'id (Release'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 0 0)
set_Release'id :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Release (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_Release'id (Release'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 0 0)
get_Release'referenceCount :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Release msg) -> (m Std_.Word32)
get_Release'referenceCount (Release'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 32 0)
set_Release'referenceCount :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Release (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_Release'referenceCount (Release'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 32 0)
newtype Disembargo msg
    = Disembargo'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg Disembargo) where
    tMsg f (Disembargo'newtype_ s) = (Disembargo'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Disembargo msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (Disembargo'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (Disembargo msg)) where
    toStruct (Disembargo'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (Disembargo msg)) where
    type InMessage (Disembargo msg) = msg
    message (Disembargo'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (Disembargo msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (Disembargo'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (Disembargo msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (Disembargo'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (Disembargo (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (Disembargo'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (Disembargo (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (Disembargo'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 1 1))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (Disembargo msg)) where
    newtype List msg (Disembargo msg)
        = Disembargo'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (Disembargo'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (Disembargo'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (Disembargo'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (Disembargo'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (Disembargo (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (Disembargo'newtype_ elt) i (Disembargo'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (Disembargo'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 1 1 len))
get_Disembargo'target :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Disembargo msg) -> (m (MessageTarget msg))
get_Disembargo'target (Disembargo'newtype_ struct) = (do
    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
set_Disembargo'target :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Disembargo (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (MessageTarget (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Disembargo'target (Disembargo'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
    (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
has_Disembargo'target :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Disembargo msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
has_Disembargo'target (Disembargo'newtype_ struct) = (Std_.isJust <$> (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct))
new_Disembargo'target :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Disembargo (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m (MessageTarget (Message.MutMsg s)))
new_Disembargo'target struct = (do
    result <- (Classes.new (Untyped.message struct))
    (set_Disembargo'target struct result)
    (Std_.pure result)
get_Disembargo'context :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Disembargo msg) -> (m (Disembargo'context msg))
get_Disembargo'context (Disembargo'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.fromStruct struct)
newtype Disembargo'context msg
    = Disembargo'context'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg Disembargo'context) where
    tMsg f (Disembargo'context'newtype_ s) = (Disembargo'context'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Disembargo'context msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (Disembargo'context'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (Disembargo'context msg)) where
    toStruct (Disembargo'context'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (Disembargo'context msg)) where
    type InMessage (Disembargo'context msg) = msg
    message (Disembargo'context'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (Disembargo'context msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (Disembargo'context'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
data Disembargo'context' msg
    = Disembargo'context'senderLoopback Std_.Word32
    | Disembargo'context'receiverLoopback Std_.Word32
    | Disembargo'context'accept
    | Disembargo'context'provide Std_.Word32
    | Disembargo'context'unknown' Std_.Word16
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Disembargo'context' msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (do
        tag <- (GenHelpers.getTag struct 2)
        case tag of
            0 ->
                (Disembargo'context'senderLoopback <$> (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 0 0))
            1 ->
                (Disembargo'context'receiverLoopback <$> (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 0 0))
            2 ->
                (Std_.pure Disembargo'context'accept)
            3 ->
                (Disembargo'context'provide <$> (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 0 0))
            _ ->
                (Std_.pure (Disembargo'context'unknown' (Std_.fromIntegral tag)))
get_Disembargo'context' :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Disembargo'context msg) -> (m (Disembargo'context' msg))
get_Disembargo'context' (Disembargo'context'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.fromStruct struct)
set_Disembargo'context'senderLoopback :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Disembargo'context (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_Disembargo'context'senderLoopback (Disembargo'context'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (0 :: Std_.Word16) 0 32 0)
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 0 0)
set_Disembargo'context'receiverLoopback :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Disembargo'context (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_Disembargo'context'receiverLoopback (Disembargo'context'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (1 :: Std_.Word16) 0 32 0)
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 0 0)
set_Disembargo'context'accept :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Disembargo'context (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Disembargo'context'accept (Disembargo'context'newtype_ struct) = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (2 :: Std_.Word16) 0 32 0)
    (Std_.pure ())
set_Disembargo'context'provide :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Disembargo'context (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_Disembargo'context'provide (Disembargo'context'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (3 :: Std_.Word16) 0 32 0)
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 0 0)
set_Disembargo'context'unknown' :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Disembargo'context (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word16 -> (m ())
set_Disembargo'context'unknown' (Disembargo'context'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word16) 0 32 0)
newtype Provide msg
    = Provide'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg Provide) where
    tMsg f (Provide'newtype_ s) = (Provide'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Provide msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (Provide'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (Provide msg)) where
    toStruct (Provide'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (Provide msg)) where
    type InMessage (Provide msg) = msg
    message (Provide'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (Provide msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (Provide'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (Provide msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (Provide'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (Provide (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (Provide'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (Provide (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (Provide'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 1 2))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (Provide msg)) where
    newtype List msg (Provide msg)
        = Provide'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (Provide'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (Provide'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (Provide'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (Provide'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (Provide (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (Provide'newtype_ elt) i (Provide'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (Provide'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 1 2 len))
get_Provide'questionId :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Provide msg) -> (m Std_.Word32)
get_Provide'questionId (Provide'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 0 0)
set_Provide'questionId :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Provide (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_Provide'questionId (Provide'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 0 0)
get_Provide'target :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Provide msg) -> (m (MessageTarget msg))
get_Provide'target (Provide'newtype_ struct) = (do
    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
set_Provide'target :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Provide (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (MessageTarget (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Provide'target (Provide'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
    (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
has_Provide'target :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Provide msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
has_Provide'target (Provide'newtype_ struct) = (Std_.isJust <$> (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct))
new_Provide'target :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Provide (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m (MessageTarget (Message.MutMsg s)))
new_Provide'target struct = (do
    result <- (Classes.new (Untyped.message struct))
    (set_Provide'target struct result)
    (Std_.pure result)
get_Provide'recipient :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Provide msg) -> (m (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr msg)))
get_Provide'recipient (Provide'newtype_ struct) = (do
    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 1 struct)
    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
set_Provide'recipient :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Provide (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr (Message.MutMsg s))) -> (m ())
set_Provide'recipient (Provide'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
    (Untyped.setPtr ptr 1 struct)
has_Provide'recipient :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Provide msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
has_Provide'recipient (Provide'newtype_ struct) = (Std_.isJust <$> (Untyped.getPtr 1 struct))
newtype Accept msg
    = Accept'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg Accept) where
    tMsg f (Accept'newtype_ s) = (Accept'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Accept msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (Accept'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (Accept msg)) where
    toStruct (Accept'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (Accept msg)) where
    type InMessage (Accept msg) = msg
    message (Accept'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (Accept msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (Accept'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (Accept msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (Accept'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (Accept (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (Accept'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (Accept (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (Accept'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 1 1))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (Accept msg)) where
    newtype List msg (Accept msg)
        = Accept'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (Accept'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (Accept'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (Accept'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (Accept'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (Accept (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (Accept'newtype_ elt) i (Accept'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (Accept'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 1 1 len))
get_Accept'questionId :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Accept msg) -> (m Std_.Word32)
get_Accept'questionId (Accept'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 0 0)
set_Accept'questionId :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Accept (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_Accept'questionId (Accept'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 0 0)
get_Accept'provision :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Accept msg) -> (m (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr msg)))
get_Accept'provision (Accept'newtype_ struct) = (do
    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
set_Accept'provision :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Accept (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr (Message.MutMsg s))) -> (m ())
set_Accept'provision (Accept'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
    (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
has_Accept'provision :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Accept msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
has_Accept'provision (Accept'newtype_ struct) = (Std_.isJust <$> (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct))
get_Accept'embargo :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Accept msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
get_Accept'embargo (Accept'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 32 0)
set_Accept'embargo :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Accept (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Bool -> (m ())
set_Accept'embargo (Accept'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word1) 0 32 0)
newtype Join msg
    = Join'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg Join) where
    tMsg f (Join'newtype_ s) = (Join'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Join msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (Join'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (Join msg)) where
    toStruct (Join'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (Join msg)) where
    type InMessage (Join msg) = msg
    message (Join'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (Join msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (Join'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (Join msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (Join'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (Join (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (Join'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (Join (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (Join'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 1 2))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (Join msg)) where
    newtype List msg (Join msg)
        = Join'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (Join'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (Join'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (Join'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (Join'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (Join (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (Join'newtype_ elt) i (Join'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (Join'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 1 2 len))
get_Join'questionId :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Join msg) -> (m Std_.Word32)
get_Join'questionId (Join'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 0 0)
set_Join'questionId :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Join (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_Join'questionId (Join'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 0 0)
get_Join'target :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Join msg) -> (m (MessageTarget msg))
get_Join'target (Join'newtype_ struct) = (do
    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
set_Join'target :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Join (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (MessageTarget (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Join'target (Join'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
    (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
has_Join'target :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Join msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
has_Join'target (Join'newtype_ struct) = (Std_.isJust <$> (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct))
new_Join'target :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Join (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m (MessageTarget (Message.MutMsg s)))
new_Join'target struct = (do
    result <- (Classes.new (Untyped.message struct))
    (set_Join'target struct result)
    (Std_.pure result)
get_Join'keyPart :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Join msg) -> (m (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr msg)))
get_Join'keyPart (Join'newtype_ struct) = (do
    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 1 struct)
    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
set_Join'keyPart :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Join (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr (Message.MutMsg s))) -> (m ())
set_Join'keyPart (Join'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
    (Untyped.setPtr ptr 1 struct)
has_Join'keyPart :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Join msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
has_Join'keyPart (Join'newtype_ struct) = (Std_.isJust <$> (Untyped.getPtr 1 struct))
newtype MessageTarget msg
    = MessageTarget'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg MessageTarget) where
    tMsg f (MessageTarget'newtype_ s) = (MessageTarget'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (MessageTarget msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (MessageTarget'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (MessageTarget msg)) where
    toStruct (MessageTarget'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (MessageTarget msg)) where
    type InMessage (MessageTarget msg) = msg
    message (MessageTarget'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (MessageTarget msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (MessageTarget'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (MessageTarget msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (MessageTarget'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (MessageTarget (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (MessageTarget'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (MessageTarget (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (MessageTarget'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 1 1))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (MessageTarget msg)) where
    newtype List msg (MessageTarget msg)
        = MessageTarget'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (MessageTarget'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (MessageTarget'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (MessageTarget'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (MessageTarget'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (MessageTarget (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (MessageTarget'newtype_ elt) i (MessageTarget'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (MessageTarget'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 1 1 len))
data MessageTarget' msg
    = MessageTarget'importedCap Std_.Word32
    | MessageTarget'promisedAnswer (PromisedAnswer msg)
    | MessageTarget'unknown' Std_.Word16
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (MessageTarget' msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (do
        tag <- (GenHelpers.getTag struct 2)
        case tag of
            0 ->
                (MessageTarget'importedCap <$> (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 0 0))
            1 ->
                (MessageTarget'promisedAnswer <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            _ ->
                (Std_.pure (MessageTarget'unknown' (Std_.fromIntegral tag)))
get_MessageTarget' :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (MessageTarget msg) -> (m (MessageTarget' msg))
get_MessageTarget' (MessageTarget'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.fromStruct struct)
set_MessageTarget'importedCap :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (MessageTarget (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_MessageTarget'importedCap (MessageTarget'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (0 :: Std_.Word16) 0 32 0)
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 0 0)
set_MessageTarget'promisedAnswer :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (MessageTarget (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (PromisedAnswer (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_MessageTarget'promisedAnswer (MessageTarget'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (1 :: Std_.Word16) 0 32 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_MessageTarget'unknown' :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (MessageTarget (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word16 -> (m ())
set_MessageTarget'unknown' (MessageTarget'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word16) 0 32 0)
newtype Payload msg
    = Payload'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg Payload) where
    tMsg f (Payload'newtype_ s) = (Payload'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Payload msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (Payload'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (Payload msg)) where
    toStruct (Payload'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (Payload msg)) where
    type InMessage (Payload msg) = msg
    message (Payload'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (Payload msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (Payload'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (Payload msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (Payload'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (Payload (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (Payload'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (Payload (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (Payload'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 0 2))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (Payload msg)) where
    newtype List msg (Payload msg)
        = Payload'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (Payload'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (Payload'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (Payload'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (Payload'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (Payload (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (Payload'newtype_ elt) i (Payload'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (Payload'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 0 2 len))
get_Payload'content :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Payload msg) -> (m (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr msg)))
get_Payload'content (Payload'newtype_ struct) = (do
    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
set_Payload'content :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Payload (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr (Message.MutMsg s))) -> (m ())
set_Payload'content (Payload'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
    (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
has_Payload'content :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Payload msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
has_Payload'content (Payload'newtype_ struct) = (Std_.isJust <$> (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct))
get_Payload'capTable :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Payload msg) -> (m (Basics.List msg (CapDescriptor msg)))
get_Payload'capTable (Payload'newtype_ struct) = (do
    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 1 struct)
    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
set_Payload'capTable :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Payload (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Basics.List (Message.MutMsg s) (CapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s))) -> (m ())
set_Payload'capTable (Payload'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
    (Untyped.setPtr ptr 1 struct)
has_Payload'capTable :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Payload msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
has_Payload'capTable (Payload'newtype_ struct) = (Std_.isJust <$> (Untyped.getPtr 1 struct))
new_Payload'capTable :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => Std_.Int -> (Payload (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m (Basics.List (Message.MutMsg s) (CapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s))))
new_Payload'capTable len struct = (do
    result <- (Classes.newList (Untyped.message struct) len)
    (set_Payload'capTable struct result)
    (Std_.pure result)
newtype CapDescriptor msg
    = CapDescriptor'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg CapDescriptor) where
    tMsg f (CapDescriptor'newtype_ s) = (CapDescriptor'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (CapDescriptor msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (CapDescriptor'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (CapDescriptor msg)) where
    toStruct (CapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (CapDescriptor msg)) where
    type InMessage (CapDescriptor msg) = msg
    message (CapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (CapDescriptor msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (CapDescriptor'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (CapDescriptor msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (CapDescriptor'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (CapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (CapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (CapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (CapDescriptor'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 1 1))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (CapDescriptor msg)) where
    newtype List msg (CapDescriptor msg)
        = CapDescriptor'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (CapDescriptor'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (CapDescriptor'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (CapDescriptor'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (CapDescriptor'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (CapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (CapDescriptor'newtype_ elt) i (CapDescriptor'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (CapDescriptor'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 1 1 len))
data CapDescriptor' msg
    = CapDescriptor'none
    | CapDescriptor'senderHosted Std_.Word32
    | CapDescriptor'senderPromise Std_.Word32
    | CapDescriptor'receiverHosted Std_.Word32
    | CapDescriptor'receiverAnswer (PromisedAnswer msg)
    | CapDescriptor'thirdPartyHosted (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor msg)
    | CapDescriptor'unknown' Std_.Word16
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (CapDescriptor' msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (do
        tag <- (GenHelpers.getTag struct 0)
        case tag of
            0 ->
                (Std_.pure CapDescriptor'none)
            1 ->
                (CapDescriptor'senderHosted <$> (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 32 0))
            2 ->
                (CapDescriptor'senderPromise <$> (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 32 0))
            3 ->
                (CapDescriptor'receiverHosted <$> (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 32 0))
            4 ->
                (CapDescriptor'receiverAnswer <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            5 ->
                (CapDescriptor'thirdPartyHosted <$> (do
                    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
                    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
            _ ->
                (Std_.pure (CapDescriptor'unknown' (Std_.fromIntegral tag)))
get_CapDescriptor' :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (CapDescriptor msg) -> (m (CapDescriptor' msg))
get_CapDescriptor' (CapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.fromStruct struct)
set_CapDescriptor'none :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (CapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_CapDescriptor'none (CapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (0 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
    (Std_.pure ())
set_CapDescriptor'senderHosted :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (CapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_CapDescriptor'senderHosted (CapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (1 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 32 0)
set_CapDescriptor'senderPromise :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (CapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_CapDescriptor'senderPromise (CapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (2 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 32 0)
set_CapDescriptor'receiverHosted :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (CapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_CapDescriptor'receiverHosted (CapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (3 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 32 0)
set_CapDescriptor'receiverAnswer :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (CapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (PromisedAnswer (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_CapDescriptor'receiverAnswer (CapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (4 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_CapDescriptor'thirdPartyHosted :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (CapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_CapDescriptor'thirdPartyHosted (CapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (5 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
        ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
        (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
set_CapDescriptor'unknown' :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (CapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word16 -> (m ())
set_CapDescriptor'unknown' (CapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
newtype PromisedAnswer msg
    = PromisedAnswer'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg PromisedAnswer) where
    tMsg f (PromisedAnswer'newtype_ s) = (PromisedAnswer'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (PromisedAnswer msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (PromisedAnswer'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (PromisedAnswer msg)) where
    toStruct (PromisedAnswer'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (PromisedAnswer msg)) where
    type InMessage (PromisedAnswer msg) = msg
    message (PromisedAnswer'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (PromisedAnswer msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (PromisedAnswer'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (PromisedAnswer msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (PromisedAnswer'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (PromisedAnswer (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (PromisedAnswer'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (PromisedAnswer (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (PromisedAnswer'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 1 1))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (PromisedAnswer msg)) where
    newtype List msg (PromisedAnswer msg)
        = PromisedAnswer'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (PromisedAnswer'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (PromisedAnswer'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (PromisedAnswer'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (PromisedAnswer'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (PromisedAnswer (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (PromisedAnswer'newtype_ elt) i (PromisedAnswer'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (PromisedAnswer'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 1 1 len))
get_PromisedAnswer'questionId :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (PromisedAnswer msg) -> (m Std_.Word32)
get_PromisedAnswer'questionId (PromisedAnswer'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 0 0)
set_PromisedAnswer'questionId :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (PromisedAnswer (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_PromisedAnswer'questionId (PromisedAnswer'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 0 0)
get_PromisedAnswer'transform :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (PromisedAnswer msg) -> (m (Basics.List msg (PromisedAnswer'Op msg)))
get_PromisedAnswer'transform (PromisedAnswer'newtype_ struct) = (do
    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
set_PromisedAnswer'transform :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (PromisedAnswer (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Basics.List (Message.MutMsg s) (PromisedAnswer'Op (Message.MutMsg s))) -> (m ())
set_PromisedAnswer'transform (PromisedAnswer'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
    (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
has_PromisedAnswer'transform :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (PromisedAnswer msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
has_PromisedAnswer'transform (PromisedAnswer'newtype_ struct) = (Std_.isJust <$> (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct))
new_PromisedAnswer'transform :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => Std_.Int -> (PromisedAnswer (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m (Basics.List (Message.MutMsg s) (PromisedAnswer'Op (Message.MutMsg s))))
new_PromisedAnswer'transform len struct = (do
    result <- (Classes.newList (Untyped.message struct) len)
    (set_PromisedAnswer'transform struct result)
    (Std_.pure result)
newtype PromisedAnswer'Op msg
    = PromisedAnswer'Op'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg PromisedAnswer'Op) where
    tMsg f (PromisedAnswer'Op'newtype_ s) = (PromisedAnswer'Op'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (PromisedAnswer'Op msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (PromisedAnswer'Op'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (PromisedAnswer'Op msg)) where
    toStruct (PromisedAnswer'Op'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (PromisedAnswer'Op msg)) where
    type InMessage (PromisedAnswer'Op msg) = msg
    message (PromisedAnswer'Op'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (PromisedAnswer'Op msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (PromisedAnswer'Op'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (PromisedAnswer'Op msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (PromisedAnswer'Op'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (PromisedAnswer'Op (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (PromisedAnswer'Op'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (PromisedAnswer'Op (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (PromisedAnswer'Op'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 1 0))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (PromisedAnswer'Op msg)) where
    newtype List msg (PromisedAnswer'Op msg)
        = PromisedAnswer'Op'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (PromisedAnswer'Op'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (PromisedAnswer'Op'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (PromisedAnswer'Op'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (PromisedAnswer'Op'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (PromisedAnswer'Op (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (PromisedAnswer'Op'newtype_ elt) i (PromisedAnswer'Op'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (PromisedAnswer'Op'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 1 0 len))
data PromisedAnswer'Op' msg
    = PromisedAnswer'Op'noop
    | PromisedAnswer'Op'getPointerField Std_.Word16
    | PromisedAnswer'Op'unknown' Std_.Word16
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (PromisedAnswer'Op' msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (do
        tag <- (GenHelpers.getTag struct 0)
        case tag of
            0 ->
                (Std_.pure PromisedAnswer'Op'noop)
            1 ->
                (PromisedAnswer'Op'getPointerField <$> (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 16 0))
            _ ->
                (Std_.pure (PromisedAnswer'Op'unknown' (Std_.fromIntegral tag)))
get_PromisedAnswer'Op' :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (PromisedAnswer'Op msg) -> (m (PromisedAnswer'Op' msg))
get_PromisedAnswer'Op' (PromisedAnswer'Op'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.fromStruct struct)
set_PromisedAnswer'Op'noop :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (PromisedAnswer'Op (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_PromisedAnswer'Op'noop (PromisedAnswer'Op'newtype_ struct) = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (0 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
    (Std_.pure ())
set_PromisedAnswer'Op'getPointerField :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (PromisedAnswer'Op (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word16 -> (m ())
set_PromisedAnswer'Op'getPointerField (PromisedAnswer'Op'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct (1 :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
    (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word16) 0 16 0)
set_PromisedAnswer'Op'unknown' :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (PromisedAnswer'Op (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word16 -> (m ())
set_PromisedAnswer'Op'unknown' (PromisedAnswer'Op'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word16) 0 0 0)
newtype ThirdPartyCapDescriptor msg
    = ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg ThirdPartyCapDescriptor) where
    tMsg f (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'newtype_ s) = (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor msg)) where
    toStruct (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor msg)) where
    type InMessage (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor msg) = msg
    message (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 1 1))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor msg)) where
    newtype List msg (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor msg)
        = ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'newtype_ elt) i (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 1 1 len))
get_ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'id :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor msg) -> (m (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr msg)))
get_ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'id (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) = (do
    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
set_ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'id :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Std_.Maybe (Untyped.Ptr (Message.MutMsg s))) -> (m ())
set_ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'id (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
    (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
has_ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'id :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
has_ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'id (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) = (Std_.isJust <$> (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct))
get_ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'vineId :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor msg) -> (m Std_.Word32)
get_ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'vineId (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 0 0)
set_ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'vineId :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word32 -> (m ())
set_ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'vineId (ThirdPartyCapDescriptor'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word32) 0 0 0)
newtype Exception msg
    = Exception'newtype_ (Untyped.Struct msg)
instance (Untyped.TraverseMsg Exception) where
    tMsg f (Exception'newtype_ s) = (Exception'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.tMsg f s))
instance (Classes.FromStruct msg (Exception msg)) where
    fromStruct struct = (Std_.pure (Exception'newtype_ struct))
instance (Classes.ToStruct msg (Exception msg)) where
    toStruct (Exception'newtype_ struct) = struct
instance (Untyped.HasMessage (Exception msg)) where
    type InMessage (Exception msg) = msg
    message (Exception'newtype_ struct) = (Untyped.message struct)
instance (Untyped.MessageDefault (Exception msg)) where
    messageDefault msg = (Exception'newtype_ (Untyped.messageDefault msg))
instance (Classes.FromPtr msg (Exception msg)) where
    fromPtr msg ptr = (Exception'newtype_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
instance (Classes.ToPtr s (Exception (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    toPtr msg (Exception'newtype_ struct) = (Classes.toPtr msg struct)
instance (Classes.Allocate s (Exception (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    new msg = (Exception'newtype_ <$> (Untyped.allocStruct msg 1 1))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg (Exception msg)) where
    newtype List msg (Exception msg)
        = Exception'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg (Untyped.Struct msg))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (Exception'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (Exception'List_ l) = (Untyped.ListStruct l)
    length (Exception'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
    index i (Exception'List_ l) = (do
        elt <- (Untyped.index i l)
        (Classes.fromStruct elt)
instance (Basics.MutListElem s (Exception (Message.MutMsg s))) where
    setIndex (Exception'newtype_ elt) i (Exception'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex elt i l)
    newList msg len = (Exception'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocCompositeList msg 1 1 len))
get_Exception'reason :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Exception msg) -> (m (Basics.Text msg))
get_Exception'reason (Exception'newtype_ struct) = (do
    ptr <- (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct)
    (Classes.fromPtr (Untyped.message struct) ptr)
set_Exception'reason :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Exception (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (Basics.Text (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m ())
set_Exception'reason (Exception'newtype_ struct) value = (do
    ptr <- (Classes.toPtr (Untyped.message struct) value)
    (Untyped.setPtr ptr 0 struct)
has_Exception'reason :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Exception msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
has_Exception'reason (Exception'newtype_ struct) = (Std_.isJust <$> (Untyped.getPtr 0 struct))
new_Exception'reason :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => Std_.Int -> (Exception (Message.MutMsg s)) -> (m (Basics.Text (Message.MutMsg s)))
new_Exception'reason len struct = (do
    result <- (Basics.newText (Untyped.message struct) len)
    (set_Exception'reason struct result)
    (Std_.pure result)
get_Exception'obsoleteIsCallersFault :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Exception msg) -> (m Std_.Bool)
get_Exception'obsoleteIsCallersFault (Exception'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 0 0)
set_Exception'obsoleteIsCallersFault :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Exception (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Bool -> (m ())
set_Exception'obsoleteIsCallersFault (Exception'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word1) 0 0 0)
get_Exception'obsoleteDurability :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Exception msg) -> (m Std_.Word16)
get_Exception'obsoleteDurability (Exception'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 16 0)
set_Exception'obsoleteDurability :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Exception (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Std_.Word16 -> (m ())
set_Exception'obsoleteDurability (Exception'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word16) 0 16 0)
get_Exception'type_ :: ((Untyped.ReadCtx m msg)) => (Exception msg) -> (m Exception'Type)
get_Exception'type_ (Exception'newtype_ struct) = (GenHelpers.getWordField struct 0 32 0)
set_Exception'type_ :: ((Untyped.RWCtx m s)) => (Exception (Message.MutMsg s)) -> Exception'Type -> (m ())
set_Exception'type_ (Exception'newtype_ struct) value = (GenHelpers.setWordField struct ((Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord value)) :: Std_.Word16) 0 32 0)
data Exception'Type
    = Exception'Type'failed
    | Exception'Type'overloaded
    | Exception'Type'disconnected
    | Exception'Type'unimplemented
    | Exception'Type'unknown' Std_.Word16
instance (Classes.IsWord Exception'Type) where
    fromWord n = case ((Std_.fromIntegral n) :: Std_.Word16) of
        0 ->
        1 ->
        2 ->
        3 ->
        tag ->
            (Exception'Type'unknown' tag)
    toWord (Exception'Type'failed) = 0
    toWord (Exception'Type'overloaded) = 1
    toWord (Exception'Type'disconnected) = 2
    toWord (Exception'Type'unimplemented) = 3
    toWord (Exception'Type'unknown' tag) = (Std_.fromIntegral tag)
instance (Std_.Enum Exception'Type) where
    fromEnum x = (Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord x))
    toEnum x = (Classes.fromWord (Std_.fromIntegral x))
instance (Basics.ListElem msg Exception'Type) where
    newtype List msg Exception'Type
        = Exception'Type'List_ (Untyped.ListOf msg Std_.Word16)
    index i (Exception'Type'List_ l) = (Classes.fromWord <$> (Std_.fromIntegral <$> (Untyped.index i l)))
    listFromPtr msg ptr = (Exception'Type'List_ <$> (Classes.fromPtr msg ptr))
    toUntypedList (Exception'Type'List_ l) = (Untyped.List16 l)
    length (Exception'Type'List_ l) = (Untyped.length l)
instance (Classes.MutListElem s Exception'Type) where
    setIndex elt i (Exception'Type'List_ l) = (Untyped.setIndex (Std_.fromIntegral (Classes.toWord elt)) i l)
    newList msg size = (Exception'Type'List_ <$> (Untyped.allocList16 msg size))