{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies     #-}
Module: Data.Capnp.Convert
Description: Convert between messages, typed capnproto values, and (lazy)bytestring(builders).

This module provides various helper functions to convert between messages, types defined
in capnproto schema (called "values" in the rest of this module's documentation),
bytestrings (both lazy and strict), and bytestring builders.

Note that not all conversions exist or necessarily make sense.
module Data.Capnp.Convert
    ( msgToBuilder
    , msgToLBS
    , msgToBS
    , msgToValue
    , bsToMsg
    , bsToValue
    , lbsToMsg
    , lbsToValue
    , valueToBuilder
    , valueToBS
    , valueToLBS
    , valueToMsg
    ) where

import Control.Monad         ((>=>))
import Control.Monad.Catch   (MonadThrow)
import Data.Foldable         (foldlM)
import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity)

import qualified Data.ByteString         as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy    as LBS

import Data.Capnp.Classes

import Codec.Capnp               (getRoot, setRoot)
import Data.Capnp.TraversalLimit (LimitT, MonadLimit, evalLimitT)
import Data.Mutable              (freeze)

import qualified Data.Capnp.Message as M

-- | Compute a reasonable limit based on the size of a message. The limit
-- is the total number of words in all of the message's segments, multiplied
-- by 4 to provide provide a little slack for decoding default values.
limitFromMsg :: (MonadThrow m, M.Message m msg) => msg -> m Int
limitFromMsg msg = do
    messageWords <- countMessageWords
    pure (messageWords * 4)
    countMessageWords = do
        segCount <- M.numSegs msg
            (\total i -> do
                words <- M.getSegment msg i >>= M.numWords
                pure (words + total)
            [0..segCount - 1]

-- | Convert an immutable message to a bytestring 'BB.Builder'.
-- To convert a mutable message, 'freeze' it first.
msgToBuilder :: M.ConstMsg -> BB.Builder
msgToBuilder = runIdentity . M.encode

-- | Convert an immutable message to a lazy 'LBS.ByteString'.
-- To convert a mutable message, 'freeze' it first.
msgToLBS :: M.ConstMsg -> LBS.ByteString
msgToLBS = BB.toLazyByteString . msgToBuilder

-- | Convert an immutable message to a strict 'BS.ByteString'.
-- To convert a mutable message, 'freeze' it first.
msgToBS :: M.ConstMsg -> BS.ByteString
msgToBS = LBS.toStrict . msgToLBS

-- | Convert a message to a value.
msgToValue :: (MonadThrow m, M.Message (LimitT m) msg, M.Message m msg, FromStruct msg a) => msg -> m a
msgToValue msg = do
    limit <- limitFromMsg msg
    evalLimitT limit (getRoot msg)

-- | Convert a strict 'BS.ByteString' to a message.
bsToMsg :: MonadThrow m => BS.ByteString -> m M.ConstMsg
bsToMsg = M.decode

-- | Convert a strict 'BS.ByteString' to a value.
bsToValue :: (MonadThrow m, FromStruct M.ConstMsg a) => BS.ByteString -> m a
bsToValue = bsToMsg >=> msgToValue

-- | Convert a lazy 'LBS.ByteString' to a message.
lbsToMsg :: MonadThrow m => LBS.ByteString -> m M.ConstMsg
lbsToMsg = bsToMsg . LBS.toStrict

-- | Convert a lazy 'LBS.ByteString' to a value.
lbsToValue :: (MonadThrow m, FromStruct M.ConstMsg a) => LBS.ByteString -> m a
lbsToValue = bsToValue . LBS.toStrict

-- | Convert a value to a 'BS.Builder'.
valueToBuilder :: (MonadLimit m, M.WriteCtx m s, Cerialize s a, ToStruct (M.MutMsg s) (Cerial (M.MutMsg s) a)) => a -> m BB.Builder
valueToBuilder val = msgToBuilder <$> (valueToMsg val >>= freeze)

-- | Convert a value to a strict 'BS.ByteString'.
valueToBS :: (MonadLimit m, M.WriteCtx m s, Cerialize s a, ToStruct (M.MutMsg s) (Cerial (M.MutMsg s) a)) => a -> m BS.ByteString
valueToBS = fmap LBS.toStrict . valueToLBS

-- | Convert a value to a lazy 'LBS.ByteString'.
valueToLBS :: (MonadLimit m, M.WriteCtx m s, Cerialize s a, ToStruct (M.MutMsg s) (Cerial (M.MutMsg s) a)) => a -> m LBS.ByteString
valueToLBS = fmap BB.toLazyByteString . valueToBuilder

-- | Convert a value to a message.
valueToMsg :: (MonadLimit m, M.WriteCtx m s, Cerialize s a, ToStruct (M.MutMsg s) (Cerial (M.MutMsg s) a)) => a -> m (M.MutMsg s)
valueToMsg val = do
    msg <- M.newMessage
    ret <- cerialize msg val
    setRoot ret
    pure msg