capnp- Cap'n Proto for Haskell
Safe HaskellNone



This module defines various helpers used by generated code. Users of the library are not expected to use this module directly.



handleMethod :: (FromPtr 'Const (Cerial 'Const t1), MonadCatch m, PrimMonad m, Cerialize (PrimState m) a1, ToStruct ('Mut (PrimState m)) (Cerial ('Mut (PrimState m)) a1), FromStruct 'Const (Cerial 'Const a2), MonadSTM m, Decerialize t1, Decerialize a2) => t2 -> (t1 -> t2 -> m a1) -> Maybe (Ptr 'Const) -> Fulfiller a2 -> m () Source #

isClientFromPtr :: (IsClient a, ReadCtx m mut) => Message mut -> Maybe (Ptr mut) -> m a Source #

A valid implementation of fromPtr for any type that implements IsClient.

GHC gets very confused if we try to just define a single instance IsClient a => FromPtr msg a, so instead we define this helper function and emit a trivial instance for each type from the code generator.

isClientToPtr :: (IsClient a, WriteCtx m s) => Message ('Mut s) -> a -> m (Maybe (Ptr ('Mut s))) Source #

A valid implementation of toPtr for any type that implements IsClient.

See the notes for isClientFromPtr.