{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
module Cantor
( cantorEnumeration
, Cardinality(..)
, Cantor(..)
, Finite(..)
) where
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.Integer
import GHC.Int
import GHC.Word
import GHC.Natural
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Functor.Identity
import qualified Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Proxy
import Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Squares (integerSquareRoot')
import Data.Void
import Data.Bits (finiteBitSize)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Sequence
import qualified Data.Set
import qualified Data.IntSet
data ESpace a = ESpace {
eCardinality :: Cardinality
, eToCantor :: Integer -> a
, eFromCantor :: a -> Integer
defaultSpace :: forall a . Cantor a => ESpace a
defaultSpace = ESpace {
eCardinality = cardinality @a
, eToCantor = toCantor
, eFromCantor = fromCantor
enumerateSpace :: ESpace a -> [ a ]
enumerateSpace (ESpace c te _) = case c of
Finite 0 -> []
Finite i -> te <$> [ 0 .. (i - 1) ]
Countable -> te <$> [ 0 .. ]
cantorEnumeration :: Cantor a => [ a ]
cantorEnumeration = enumerateSpace defaultSpace
instance forall a b . (Finite a , Cantor b) => Cantor (a -> b) where
cardinality = case (cardinality @a , cardinality @b) of
(Finite 0 , _) -> Finite 1
(Finite c1 , Finite c2) -> Finite (c2 ^ c1)
_ -> Countable
toCantor i a = m M.! fromCantor a
m :: M.Map Integer b
m = M.fromList $ zip [ 0 .. ] (eToCantor es i)
es :: ESpace [ b ]
es = nary (fCardinality @a) defaultSpace
fromCantor g = eFromCantor es . fmap ((M.!) m) $ [ 0 .. (fCardinality @a - 1) ]
es :: ESpace [ b ]
es = nary (fCardinality @a) defaultSpace
m :: M.Map Integer b
m = M.fromList $ (\x -> (fromCantor x , g x)) <$> enumerateSpace (defaultSpace @a)
instance (Finite a , Finite b) => Finite (a -> b)
data Cardinality =
Finite Integer
| Countable
deriving (Generic,Eq,Ord,Show)
class Cantor a => Finite a where
fCardinality :: Integer
fCardinality = case cardinality @a of
Finite i -> i
_ -> error "Expected finite cardinality, got Countable."
class Cantor a where
cardinality :: Cardinality
default cardinality :: GCantor a (Rep a) => Cardinality
cardinality = gCardinality' @a @(Rep a)
toCantor :: Integer -> a
default toCantor :: (Generic a , GCantor a (Rep a)) => Integer -> a
toCantor = to . gToCantor' @a @(Rep a)
fromCantor :: a -> Integer
default fromCantor :: (Generic a , GCantor a (Rep a)) => a -> Integer
fromCantor = gFromCantor' @a @(Rep a) . from
instance Cantor Natural where
cardinality = Countable
toCantor = fromInteger
fromCantor = toInteger
data IntAlg = Zero | Neg Natural | Pos Natural deriving (Generic,Show)
instance Cantor IntAlg
toIntAlg :: Integer -> IntAlg
toIntAlg 0 = Zero
toIntAlg x = if x < 0
then Neg $ fromInteger $ negate (x + 1)
else Pos $ fromInteger $ x - 1
fromIntAlg :: IntAlg -> Integer
fromIntAlg Zero = 0
fromIntAlg (Neg x) = negate (toInteger x) - 1
fromIntAlg (Pos x) = toInteger x + 1
instance Cantor Integer where
cardinality = Countable
toCantor = fromIntAlg . toCantor
fromCantor = fromCantor . toIntAlg
instance Finite ()
instance Cantor ()
instance Cantor Void
instance Finite Void
instance Finite Bool
instance Cantor Bool where
cardinality = Finite 2
toCantor 0 = False
toCantor _ = True
fromCantor False = 0
fromCantor _ = 1
instance Finite Int8
instance Cantor Int8 where
cardinality = Finite $ 2 ^ (8 :: Integer)
toCantor = fromInteger . toCantor @Integer
fromCantor = fromCantor @Integer . toInteger
instance Finite Int16
instance Cantor Int16 where
cardinality = Finite $ 2 ^ (16 :: Integer)
toCantor = fromInteger . toCantor @Integer
fromCantor = fromCantor @Integer . toInteger
instance Finite Int32
instance Cantor Int32 where
cardinality = Finite $ 2 ^ (32 :: Integer)
toCantor = fromInteger . toCantor @Integer
fromCantor = fromCantor @Integer . toInteger
instance Finite Int64
instance Cantor Int64 where
cardinality = Finite $ 2 ^ (64 :: Integer)
toCantor = fromInteger . toCantor @Integer
fromCantor = fromCantor @Integer . toInteger
instance Finite Int
instance Cantor Int where
cardinality = Finite $ 2 ^ (finiteBitSize @Int undefined)
toCantor = fromInteger . toCantor @Integer
fromCantor = fromCantor @Integer . toInteger
instance Finite Word8
instance Cantor Word8 where
cardinality = Finite $ 2 ^ (8 :: Integer)
toCantor = fromIntegral
fromCantor = fromIntegral
instance Finite Word16
instance Cantor Word16 where
cardinality = Finite $ 2 ^ (16 :: Integer)
toCantor = fromIntegral
fromCantor = fromIntegral
instance Finite Word32
instance Cantor Word32 where
cardinality = Finite $ 2 ^ (32 :: Integer)
toCantor = fromIntegral
fromCantor = fromIntegral
instance Finite Word64
instance Cantor Word64 where
cardinality = Finite $ 2 ^ (64 :: Integer)
toCantor = fromIntegral
fromCantor = fromIntegral
instance Finite Word
instance Cantor Word where
cardinality = Finite $ 2 ^ (finiteBitSize @Word undefined)
toCantor = fromIntegral
fromCantor = fromIntegral
instance Finite Char
instance Cantor Char where
cardinality = Finite . fromIntegral $ (fromEnum (maxBound :: Char) :: Int) + 1
toCantor x = toEnum (fromIntegral x :: Int)
fromCantor x = fromIntegral (fromEnum x :: Int)
instance (Cantor a , Cantor b) => Cantor (a , b)
instance (Cantor a , Cantor b , Cantor c) => Cantor (a , b , c)
instance (Cantor a , Cantor b , Cantor c , Cantor d) => Cantor (a , b , c , d)
instance (Cantor a , Cantor b , Cantor c , Cantor d , Cantor e) => Cantor (a , b , c , d , e)
instance (Cantor a , Cantor b , Cantor c , Cantor d , Cantor e , Cantor f) => Cantor (a , b , c , d , e , f)
instance (Cantor a , Cantor b , Cantor c , Cantor d , Cantor e , Cantor f , Cantor g) => Cantor (a , b , c , d , e , f , g)
instance Cantor a => Cantor (Product a)
instance Cantor a => Cantor (Sum a)
instance Cantor a => Cantor (Last a)
instance Cantor a => Cantor (First a)
instance Cantor a => Cantor (Identity a)
instance Cantor a => Cantor (Data.Functor.Const.Const a b)
instance Cantor a => Cantor (Option a)
instance Cantor a => Cantor (Min a)
instance Cantor a => Cantor (Max a)
instance Cantor (Proxy a)
instance (Cantor a , Cantor b) => Cantor (Arg a b)
instance Cantor a => Cantor (Maybe a)
instance (Cantor a , Cantor b) => Cantor (Either a b)
instance (Finite a , Finite b) => Finite (a , b)
instance (Finite a , Finite b , Finite c) => Finite (a , b , c)
instance (Finite a , Finite b , Finite c , Finite d) => Finite (a , b , c , d)
instance (Finite a , Finite b , Finite c , Finite d , Finite e) => Finite (a , b , c , d , e)
instance (Finite a , Finite b , Finite c , Finite d , Finite e , Finite f) => Finite (a , b , c , d , e , f)
instance (Finite a , Finite b , Finite c , Finite d , Finite e , Finite f , Finite g) => Finite (a , b , c , d , e , f , g)
instance Finite a => Finite (Product a)
instance Finite a => Finite (Sum a)
instance Finite a => Finite (Last a)
instance Finite a => Finite (First a)
instance Finite a => Finite (Identity a)
instance Finite a => Finite (Data.Functor.Const.Const a b)
instance Finite a => Finite (Option a)
instance Finite a => Finite (Min a)
instance Finite a => Finite (Max a)
instance Finite (Proxy a)
instance (Finite a , Finite b) => Finite (Arg a b)
instance Finite a => Finite (Maybe a)
instance (Finite a , Finite b) => Finite (Either a b)
instance Cantor a => Cantor [ a ]
instance Cantor a => Cantor (Data.Sequence.Seq a) where
cardinality = cardinality @[ a ]
toCantor = Data.Sequence.fromList . toCantor
fromCantor = fromCantor . foldr (:) []
fSetEnum :: Integer -> ESpace (Data.Set.Set Integer)
fSetEnum c = ESpace (Finite (2 ^ c)) t f
t :: Integer -> Data.Set.Set Integer
t 0 = Data.Set.empty
t m = Data.Set.fromAscList $ foldr g mempty [ 0 .. (integerLog2 m + 1) ]
g :: Int -> [ Integer ] -> [ Integer ]
g i s = if testBit m i
then toInteger i : s
else s
f :: Data.Set.Set Integer -> Integer
f = foldl' g 0
g :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
g a i = setBit a (fromInteger i)
instance (Ord a , Finite a) => Cantor (Data.Set.Set a) where
cardinality = Finite (2 ^ fCardinality @a)
toCantor = Data.Set.map toCantor . eToCantor (fSetEnum (fCardinality @a))
fromCantor = eFromCantor (fSetEnum (fCardinality @a)) . Data.Set.map fromCantor
instance (Ord a , Finite a) => Finite (Data.Set.Set a)
fSetEnum' :: Integer -> ESpace Data.IntSet.IntSet
fSetEnum' c = ESpace (Finite (2 ^ c)) t f
t :: Integer -> Data.IntSet.IntSet
t 0 = Data.IntSet.empty
t m = Data.IntSet.fromAscList $ foldr g mempty [ 0 .. (integerLog2 m + 1) ]
g :: Int -> [ Int ] -> [ Int ]
g i s = if testBit m i
then i : s
else s
f :: Data.IntSet.IntSet -> Integer
f = Data.IntSet.foldl' g 0
g :: Integer -> Int -> Integer
g a i = setBit a i
instance Cantor Data.IntSet.IntSet where
cardinality = Finite (2 ^ fCardinality @Int)
toCantor = eToCantor (fSetEnum' (fCardinality @Int))
fromCantor = eFromCantor (fSetEnum' (fCardinality @Int))
instance Finite Data.IntSet.IntSet
data ES a = ES !Int (ESpace (Endo [ a ])) (ESpace [ a ])
instance Semigroup (ES a) where
(<>) (ES a x x') (ES b y y') = ES (a + b) s1 s2
s1 :: ESpace (Endo [ a ])
s1 = case x *** y of
(ESpace c f _) -> ESpace c f' undefined
f' :: Integer -> Endo [ a ]
f' i = case f i of
(xs , ys) -> xs <> ys
s2 :: ESpace [ a ]
s2 = case x' *** y' of
(ESpace c _ t) -> ESpace c undefined t'
t' :: [ a ] -> Integer
t' = t . splitAt a
nary :: forall a . Integer -> ESpace a -> ESpace [ a ]
nary 0 _ = undefined
nary i (ESpace c f t) = case stimes i es' of
(ES _ (ESpace c' f' _) (ESpace _ _ t')) -> ESpace c' (flip appEndo [] . f') t'
toE :: [ a ] -> Endo [ a ]
toE = Endo . (<>)
es' :: ES a
es' = ES 1 (ESpace c (\j -> toE [ f j ]) undefined) $ ESpace c undefined $ \case
[ x ] -> t x
_ -> error "Bounds error."
infixr 7 ***
(***) :: forall a b . ESpace a -> ESpace b -> ESpace (a , b)
(***) (ESpace (Finite ca) tea fea) (ESpace (Finite cb) teb feb) =
ESpace (Finite (ca * cb)) tec fec
tec i =
let par_s = min ca cb
tri_l = par_s - 1
tri_a = (tri_l * (tri_l + 1)) `div` 2
if i < tri_a
case cantorSplit i of
(a , b) -> (tea a , teb b)
else let j = i - tri_a
par_l = max ca cb - tri_l
par_a = par_s * par_l in
if j < par_a
case divModInteger j par_s of
(# l , s #) ->
let c1 = (l + tri_l) - s
c2 = s
(a , b) = if ca <= cb
then (c2 , c1)
else (c1 , c2)
(tea a , teb b)
else let k = j - par_a
l = tri_a - (k + 1) in
case cantorSplit l of
(a , b) -> (tea (ca - (a + 1)) , teb (cb - (b + 1)))
fec (a , b) =
let (x , y) = (fea a , feb b)
par_s = min ca cb
tri_l = par_s - 1
if y < tri_l - x
then cantorUnsplit $ (x , y)
else let x'' = ca - (x + 1)
y'' = cb - (y + 1)
if y'' < tri_l - x''
then (ca * cb) - (cantorUnsplit (x'' , y'') + 1)
else let (x' , y') = if ca <= cb
then (x , y - (tri_l - x))
else (y , x - (tri_l - y))
tri_a = (tri_l * (tri_l + 1)) `div` 2
tri_a + x' + y' * par_s
(***) (ESpace (Finite ca) tea fea) (ESpace Countable teb feb) =
ESpace (if ca == 0 then Finite 0 else Countable) tec fec
tec i =
let par_s = ca
tri_l = par_s - 1
tri_a = (tri_l * (tri_l + 1)) `div` 2
if i < tri_a
then case cantorSplit i of
(a , b) -> (tea a , teb b)
else let j = i - tri_a
case divModInteger j par_s of
(# l , s #) ->
let c1 = (l + tri_l) - s
c2 = s
(a , b) = (c2 , c1)
(tea a , teb b)
fec (a , b) =
let (x , y) = (fea a , feb b)
par_s = ca
tri_l = par_s - 1
if y < tri_l - x
then cantorUnsplit $ (x , y)
else let (x' , y') = (x , y - (tri_l - x))
tri_a = (tri_l * (tri_l + 1)) `div` 2
tri_a + x' + y' * par_s
(***) (ESpace Countable tea fea) (ESpace (Finite cb) teb feb) =
ESpace (if cb == 0 then Finite 0 else Countable) tec fec
tec i =
let par_s = cb
tri_l = par_s - 1
tri_a = (tri_l * (tri_l + 1)) `div` 2
if i < tri_a
then case cantorSplit i of
(a , b) -> (tea a , teb b)
else let j = i - tri_a
case divModInteger j par_s of
(# l , s #) ->
let c1 = (l + tri_l) - s
c2 = s
(a , b) = (c1 , c2)
(tea a , teb b)
fec (a , b) =
let (x , y) = (fea a , feb b)
par_s = cb
tri_l = par_s - 1
if y < tri_l - x
then cantorUnsplit $ (x , y)
else let (x' , y') = (y , x - (tri_l - y))
tri_a = (tri_l * (tri_l + 1)) `div` 2
tri_a + x' + y' * par_s
(***) (ESpace _ tea fea) (ESpace _ teb feb) =
ESpace Countable tec fec
tec i = case cantorSplit i of
(a , b) -> (tea a , teb b)
fec (a , b) = cantorUnsplit (fea a , feb b)
cantorSplit :: Integer -> (Integer , Integer)
cantorSplit i =
let w = (integerSquareRoot' (8 * i + 1) - 1) `div` 2
t = (w^(2 :: Int) + w) `quot` 2
y = i - t
x = w - y
(x , y)
cantorUnsplit :: (Integer , Integer) -> Integer
cantorUnsplit (x , y) = (((x + y + 1) * (x + y)) `quot` 2) + y
class GCantor s f where
hasExit :: Bool
gCardinality' :: Cardinality
gToCantor' :: Integer -> f a
gFromCantor' :: f a -> Integer
instance GCantor s V1 where
hasExit = False
gCardinality' = Finite 0
gToCantor' = undefined
gFromCantor' = undefined
instance GCantor s U1 where
hasExit = True
gCardinality' = Finite 1
gToCantor' _ = U1
gFromCantor' _ = 0
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Cantor a => GCantor a (K1 i a) where
hasExit = False
gCardinality' = Countable
gToCantor' = K1 . toCantor
gFromCantor' (K1 x) = fromCantor x
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Cantor b => GCantor w (K1 i b) where
hasExit = True
gCardinality' = cardinality @b
gToCantor' = K1 . toCantor
gFromCantor' (K1 x) = fromCantor x
instance (GCantor s a , GCantor s b) => GCantor s (a :*: b) where
hasExit = hasExit @s @a && hasExit @s @b
gCardinality' = case (gCardinality' @s @a , gCardinality' @s @b) of
(Finite i , Finite j) -> Finite (i * j)
(Finite 0 , _) -> Finite 0
(_ , Finite 0) -> Finite 0
_ -> Countable
gToCantor' i = case (gCardinality' @s @a , gCardinality' @s @b) of
(Finite ca , Finite cb) ->
let par_s = min ca cb
tri_l = par_s - 1
tri_a = (tri_l * (tri_l + 1)) `div` 2
if i < tri_a
case cantorSplit i of
(a , b) -> (gToCantor' @s @a a :*: gToCantor' @s @b b)
else let j = i - tri_a
par_l = max ca cb - tri_l
par_a = par_s * par_l in
if j < par_a
case divModInteger j par_s of
(# l , s #) ->
let c1 = (l + tri_l) - s
c2 = s
(a , b) = if ca <= cb
then (c2 , c1)
else (c1 , c2)
(gToCantor' @s @a a :*: gToCantor' @s @b b)
else let k = j - par_a
l = tri_a - (k + 1) in
case cantorSplit l of
(a , b) -> (gToCantor' @s @a (ca - (a + 1)) :*: gToCantor' @s @b (cb - (b + 1)))
(Finite ca , Countable) ->
let par_s = ca
tri_l = par_s - 1
tri_a = (tri_l * (tri_l + 1)) `div` 2
if i < tri_a
then case cantorSplit i of
(a , b) -> (gToCantor' @s @a a :*: gToCantor' @s @b b)
else let j = i - tri_a
case divModInteger j par_s of
(# l , s #) ->
let c1 = (l + tri_l) - s
c2 = s
(a , b) = (c2 , c1)
(gToCantor' @s @a a :*: gToCantor' @s @b b)
(Countable , Finite cb) ->
let par_s = cb
tri_l = par_s - 1
tri_a = (tri_l * (tri_l + 1)) `div` 2
if i < tri_a
then case cantorSplit i of
(a , b) -> (gToCantor' @s @a a :*: gToCantor' @s @b b)
else let j = i - tri_a
case divModInteger j par_s of
(# l , s #) ->
let c1 = (l + tri_l) - s
c2 = s
(a , b) = (c1 , c2)
(gToCantor' @s @a a :*: gToCantor' @s @b b)
_ -> case cantorSplit i of
(a , b) -> (gToCantor' @s @a a :*: gToCantor' @s @b b)
gFromCantor' (a :*: b) = case (gCardinality' @s @a , gCardinality' @s @b) of
(Finite ca , Finite cb) ->
let (x , y) = (gFromCantor' @s @a a , gFromCantor' @s @b b)
par_s = min ca cb
tri_l = par_s - 1
if y < tri_l - x
then cantorUnsplit $ (x , y)
else let x'' = ca - (x + 1)
y'' = cb - (y + 1)
if y'' < tri_l - x''
then (ca * cb) - (cantorUnsplit (x'' , y'') + 1)
else let (x' , y') = if ca <= cb
then (x , y - (tri_l - x))
else (y , x - (tri_l - y))
tri_a = (tri_l * (tri_l + 1)) `div` 2
tri_a + x' + y' * par_s
(Finite ca , Countable) ->
let (x , y) = (gFromCantor' @s @a a , gFromCantor' @s @b b)
par_s = ca
tri_l = par_s - 1
if y < tri_l - x
then cantorUnsplit $ (x , y)
else let (x' , y') = (x , y - (tri_l - x))
tri_a = (tri_l * (tri_l + 1)) `div` 2
tri_a + x' + y' * par_s
(Countable , Finite cb) ->
let (x , y) = (gFromCantor' @s @a a , gFromCantor' @s @b b)
par_s = cb
tri_l = par_s - 1
if y < tri_l - x
then cantorUnsplit $ (x , y)
else let (x' , y') = (y , x - (tri_l - y))
tri_a = (tri_l * (tri_l + 1)) `div` 2
tri_a + x' + y' * par_s
_ -> cantorUnsplit (gFromCantor' @s @a a , gFromCantor' @s @b b)
instance (GCantor s a , GCantor s b) => GCantor s (a :+: b) where
hasExit = hasExit @s @a || hasExit @s @b
gCardinality' = case (gCardinality' @s @a , gCardinality' @s @b) of
(Finite i , Finite j) -> Finite (i + j)
_ -> Countable
gToCantor' i = case (gCardinality' @s @a , gCardinality' @s @b) of
(Finite ca , Finite cb) -> if i < 2 * min ca cb
then case divModInteger i 2 of
(# k , 0 #) -> L1 $ gToCantor' @s @a k
(# k , _ #) -> R1 $ gToCantor' @s @b k
else if ca > cb
then L1 $ gToCantor' @s @a (i - cb)
else R1 $ gToCantor' @s @b (i - ca)
(Finite ca , Countable) -> if i < 2 * ca
then case divModInteger i 2 of
(# k , 0 #) -> L1 $ gToCantor' @s @a k
(# k , _ #) -> R1 $ gToCantor' @s @b k
else R1 $ gToCantor' @s @b (i - ca)
(Countable , Finite _) -> case gToCantor' @s @(b :+: a) i of
L1 x -> R1 x
R1 x -> L1 x
_ -> if not (hasExit @s @a) && hasExit @s @b
then case gToCantor' @s @(b :+: a) i of
L1 x -> R1 x
R1 x -> L1 x
else case divModInteger i 2 of
(# k , 0 #) -> L1 $ gToCantor' @s @a k
(# k , _ #) -> R1 $ gToCantor' @s @b k
gFromCantor' (L1 x) = case gCardinality' @s @b of
Finite cb -> case gCardinality' @s @a of
Countable -> gFromCantor' @s @(b :+: a) $ R1 x
_ -> case gFromCantor' @s @a x of
0 -> 0
i -> i + min cb i
Countable -> case gCardinality' @s @a of
Countable -> if not (hasExit @s @a) && hasExit @s @b
then gFromCantor' @s @(b :+: a) $ R1 x
else case gFromCantor' @s @a x of
0 -> 0
i -> 2 * i
_ -> case gFromCantor' @s @a x of
0 -> 0
i -> 2 * i
gFromCantor' (R1 x) = case gCardinality' @s @a of
Finite ca -> case gFromCantor' @s @b x of
0 -> 1
i -> i + min ca (i + 1)
Countable -> case gCardinality' @s @b of
Finite _ -> gFromCantor' @s @(b :+: a) $ L1 x
Countable -> if not (hasExit @s @a) && hasExit @s @b
then gFromCantor' @s @(b :+: a) $ L1 x
else case gFromCantor' @s @b x of
0 -> 1
i -> 2 * i + 1
instance GCantor s f => GCantor s (M1 i t f) where
hasExit = hasExit @s @f
gCardinality' = gCardinality' @s @f
gToCantor' = M1 . gToCantor' @s @f
gFromCantor' (M1 x) = gFromCantor' @s @f x