camfort-1.0.1: CamFort - Cambridge Fortran infrastructure
Safe HaskellNone




type UnitSet = Set UnitInfo Source #

Set of UnitInfos

type Dim = Map UnitInfo Integer Source #

Represents a dimension: collection of units raised to a power, multiplied together. Implemented as a map of unit -> power.

type Sub = Map UnitInfo Dim Source #

Represents a substitution: map of unit to be replaced -> dimension to replace it with.

identDim :: Dim Source #

The identity Dim: 1.

isIdentDim :: Dim -> Bool Source #

Test for identity.

dimFromUnitInfo :: UnitInfo -> Dim Source #

Convert a UnitInfo to a Dim.

dimFromUnitInfos :: [UnitInfo] -> Dim Source #

Convert from list of implicitly multipled units into a Dim.

dimToUnitInfo :: Dim -> UnitInfo Source #

Convert a Dim into a UnitInfo.

dimToUnitInfos :: Dim -> [UnitInfo] Source #

Convert a Dim into an implicitly multipled list of units.

subFromList :: [(UnitInfo, Dim)] -> Sub Source #

Convert a list of units paired with their corresponding substitution (as a Dim) into a Sub. Note that this is equivalent to repeatedly composing substitutions, so earlier substitutions will affect later ones.

subToList :: Sub -> [(UnitInfo, UnitInfo)] Source #

Convert a Sub into an association-list format of unit mapped to unit.

identSub :: Sub Source #

Identity substitution (empty).

applySub :: Sub -> Dim -> Dim Source #

Apply a substitution to a dimension.

composeSubs :: Sub -> Sub -> Sub Source #

Compose two substitutions.

prop_composition :: Dim -> Sub -> Sub -> Bool Source #

Test the composition property: f (g x) == (f . g) x

freeDimVars :: Dim -> [UnitInfo] Source #

Extract a list of 'free dimension variables' from a given Dim.

dimSimplify :: UnitSet -> Dim -> Sub Source #

The dimSimplify algorithm as shown in Kennedy's technical report Fig 3.4.

dimToConstraint :: Dim -> Constraint Source #

Create a constraint that the given Dim is equal to the identity unit.

constraintToDim :: Constraint -> Dim Source #

Convert a Constraint into a Dim where lhs/rhs is implicitly equal to 1. Also normalise the powers by dividing by the gcd and making the largest absolute value power be positive.

dimMultiply :: Dim -> Dim -> Dim Source #

Multiply two Dims

dimRaisePow :: Integer -> Dim -> Dim Source #

Raise the dimension to the given power

dimParamEq :: Dim -> Dim -> Bool Source #

Compare two Dims, not minding the difference between UnitParam*Abs and UnitParam*Use versions of the polymorphic constructors. Varies from a 'constraint parametric equality' operator because it doesn't assume that dimRaisePow can be used arbitrarily.

dimParamEqCon :: Dim -> Dim -> Bool Source #

Similar to dimParamEq but assume that dimRaisePow can be arbitrarily applied to each of the parameters, because they now represent the unit equation 'd = 1'. In practice this means computing the GCD of the powers and dividing.

normaliseDim :: Dim -> Dim Source #

Divide the powers of a dimension by their collective GCD.

dimFromList :: [(UnitInfo, Integer)] -> Dim Source #

Convert a list of units paired with their corresponding power into a Dim.