-- | Types for the client
module Calamity.Client.Types (
  Client (..),
  StartupError (..),
  EventType (..),
  GuildCreateStatus (..),
  GuildDeleteStatus (..),
  EventHandlers (..),
  InsertEventHandler (..),
  RemoveEventHandler (..),
) where

import Calamity.Cache.Eff
import Calamity.Gateway.DispatchEvents (CalamityEvent (..), InviteCreateData, InviteDeleteData, ReactionEvtData, ReadyData)
import Calamity.Gateway.Types (ControlMessage)
import Calamity.HTTP.Internal.Ratelimit
import Calamity.HTTP.Internal.Types
import Calamity.Metrics.Eff
import Calamity.Types.LogEff
import Calamity.Types.Model.Channel
import Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.UpdatedMessage
import Calamity.Types.Model.Guild
import Calamity.Types.Model.Interaction (Interaction)
import Calamity.Types.Model.User
import Calamity.Types.Model.Voice
import Calamity.Types.Snowflake
import Calamity.Types.Token
import Calamity.Types.TokenEff
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.Chan.Unagi
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.IORef
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time
import Data.TypeRepMap (TypeRepMap, WrapTypeable (..))
import qualified Data.TypeRepMap as TM
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Void (Void)
import qualified Df1
import qualified Di.Core as DC
import GHC.Exts (fromList)
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Polysemy as P
import qualified Polysemy.Async as P
import qualified Polysemy.AtomicState as P
import qualified Polysemy.Reader as P
import TextShow
import qualified TextShow.Generic as TSG

data Client = Client
  { Client -> TVar [(InChan ControlMessage, Async (Maybe ()))]
shards :: TVar [(InChan ControlMessage, Async (Maybe ()))]
  , Client -> MVar Int
numShards :: MVar Int
  , Client -> Token
token :: Token
  , Client -> RateLimitState
rlState :: RateLimitState
  , Client -> InChan CalamityEvent
eventsIn :: InChan CalamityEvent
  , Client -> OutChan CalamityEvent
eventsOut :: OutChan CalamityEvent
  , Client -> IORef Integer
ehidCounter :: IORef Integer
  , Client -> Maybe (Di Level Path Message)
initialDi :: Maybe (DC.Di Df1.Level Df1.Path Df1.Message)
  deriving ((forall x. Client -> Rep Client x)
-> (forall x. Rep Client x -> Client) -> Generic Client
forall x. Rep Client x -> Client
forall x. Client -> Rep Client x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep Client x -> Client
$cfrom :: forall x. Client -> Rep Client x

-- | Constraints required by the bot client
type BotC r =
  ( P.Members
      '[ LogEff
       , MetricEff
       , CacheEff
       , RatelimitEff
       , TokenEff
       , P.Reader Client
       , P.AtomicState EventHandlers
       , P.Embed IO
       , P.Final IO
       , P.Async

-- | A concrete effect stack used inside the bot
type SetupEff r = (RatelimitEff ': TokenEff ': P.Reader Client ': P.AtomicState EventHandlers ': P.Async ': r)

{- | Some constraints that 'Calamity.Client.Client.react' needs to work. Don't
 worry about these since they are satisfied for any type @s@ can be
type ReactConstraints s =
  ( InsertEventHandler s
  , RemoveEventHandler s

newtype StartupError = StartupError String
  deriving stock (Int -> StartupError -> ShowS
[StartupError] -> ShowS
StartupError -> String
(Int -> StartupError -> ShowS)
-> (StartupError -> String)
-> ([StartupError] -> ShowS)
-> Show StartupError
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [StartupError] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [StartupError] -> ShowS
show :: StartupError -> String
$cshow :: StartupError -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> StartupError -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> StartupError -> ShowS

-- | A Data Kind used to fire custom events
data EventType
  = ReadyEvt
  | ChannelCreateEvt
  | ChannelUpdateEvt
  | ChannelDeleteEvt
  | ChannelpinsUpdateEvt
  | GuildCreateEvt
  | GuildUpdateEvt
  | GuildDeleteEvt
  | GuildBanAddEvt
  | GuildBanRemoveEvt
  | GuildEmojisUpdateEvt
  | GuildIntegrationsUpdateEvt
  | GuildMemberAddEvt
  | GuildMemberRemoveEvt
  | GuildMemberUpdateEvt
  | GuildMembersChunkEvt
  | GuildRoleCreateEvt
  | GuildRoleUpdateEvt
  | GuildRoleDeleteEvt
  | InviteCreateEvt
  | InviteDeleteEvt
  | MessageCreateEvt
  | -- | Fired when a cached message is updated, use 'RawMessageUpdateEvt' to see
    -- updates of uncached messages
  | -- | Fired when a message is updated
  | -- | Fired when a cached message is deleted, use 'RawMessageDeleteEvt' to see
    -- deletes of uncached messages.
    -- Does not include messages deleted through bulk deletes, use
    -- 'MessageDeleteBulkEvt' for those
  | -- | Fired when a message is deleted.
    -- Does not include messages deleted through bulk deletes, use
    -- 'RawMessageDeleteBulkEvt' for those
  | -- | Fired when messages are bulk deleted. Only includes cached messages, use
    -- 'RawMessageDeleteBulkEvt' to see deletes of uncached messages.
  | -- | Fired when messages are bulk deleted.
  | -- | Fired when a reaction is added to a cached message, use
    -- 'RawMessageReactionAddEvt' to see reactions on uncached messages.
  | -- | Fired when a reaction is added to a message.
  | -- | Fired when a reaction is removed from a cached message, use
    -- 'RawMessageReactionRemoveEvt' to see reactions on uncached messages.
  | -- | Fired when a reaction is removed from a message.
  | -- | Fired when all reactions are removed from a cached message, use
    -- 'RawMessageReactionRemoveEvt' to see reactions on uncached messages.
    -- The message passed will contain the removed events.
  | -- | Fired when all reactions are removed from a message.
  | TypingStartEvt
  | UserUpdateEvt
  | -- | Sent when someone joins/leaves/moves voice channels
  | -- | Fired when the bot receives an interaction
  | -- | A custom event, @a@ is the data sent to the handler and should probably
    -- be a newtype to disambiguate events
    forall (a :: Type). CustomEvt a

data GuildCreateStatus
  = -- | The guild was just joined
  | -- | The guild is becoming available
  deriving ((forall x. GuildCreateStatus -> Rep GuildCreateStatus x)
-> (forall x. Rep GuildCreateStatus x -> GuildCreateStatus)
-> Generic GuildCreateStatus
forall x. Rep GuildCreateStatus x -> GuildCreateStatus
forall x. GuildCreateStatus -> Rep GuildCreateStatus x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep GuildCreateStatus x -> GuildCreateStatus
$cfrom :: forall x. GuildCreateStatus -> Rep GuildCreateStatus x
Generic, Int -> GuildCreateStatus -> ShowS
[GuildCreateStatus] -> ShowS
GuildCreateStatus -> String
(Int -> GuildCreateStatus -> ShowS)
-> (GuildCreateStatus -> String)
-> ([GuildCreateStatus] -> ShowS)
-> Show GuildCreateStatus
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [GuildCreateStatus] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [GuildCreateStatus] -> ShowS
show :: GuildCreateStatus -> String
$cshow :: GuildCreateStatus -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> GuildCreateStatus -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> GuildCreateStatus -> ShowS
  deriving (Int -> GuildCreateStatus -> Builder
Int -> GuildCreateStatus -> Text
Int -> GuildCreateStatus -> Text
[GuildCreateStatus] -> Builder
[GuildCreateStatus] -> Text
[GuildCreateStatus] -> Text
GuildCreateStatus -> Builder
GuildCreateStatus -> Text
GuildCreateStatus -> Text
(Int -> GuildCreateStatus -> Builder)
-> (GuildCreateStatus -> Builder)
-> ([GuildCreateStatus] -> Builder)
-> (Int -> GuildCreateStatus -> Text)
-> (GuildCreateStatus -> Text)
-> ([GuildCreateStatus] -> Text)
-> (Int -> GuildCreateStatus -> Text)
-> (GuildCreateStatus -> Text)
-> ([GuildCreateStatus] -> Text)
-> TextShow GuildCreateStatus
forall a.
(Int -> a -> Builder)
-> (a -> Builder)
-> ([a] -> Builder)
-> (Int -> a -> Text)
-> (a -> Text)
-> ([a] -> Text)
-> (Int -> a -> Text)
-> (a -> Text)
-> ([a] -> Text)
-> TextShow a
showtlList :: [GuildCreateStatus] -> Text
$cshowtlList :: [GuildCreateStatus] -> Text
showtl :: GuildCreateStatus -> Text
$cshowtl :: GuildCreateStatus -> Text
showtlPrec :: Int -> GuildCreateStatus -> Text
$cshowtlPrec :: Int -> GuildCreateStatus -> Text
showtList :: [GuildCreateStatus] -> Text
$cshowtList :: [GuildCreateStatus] -> Text
showt :: GuildCreateStatus -> Text
$cshowt :: GuildCreateStatus -> Text
showtPrec :: Int -> GuildCreateStatus -> Text
$cshowtPrec :: Int -> GuildCreateStatus -> Text
showbList :: [GuildCreateStatus] -> Builder
$cshowbList :: [GuildCreateStatus] -> Builder
showb :: GuildCreateStatus -> Builder
$cshowb :: GuildCreateStatus -> Builder
showbPrec :: Int -> GuildCreateStatus -> Builder
$cshowbPrec :: Int -> GuildCreateStatus -> Builder
TextShow) via TSG.FromGeneric GuildCreateStatus

data GuildDeleteStatus
  = -- | The guild became unavailable
  | -- | The bot was removed from the guild
  deriving ((forall x. GuildDeleteStatus -> Rep GuildDeleteStatus x)
-> (forall x. Rep GuildDeleteStatus x -> GuildDeleteStatus)
-> Generic GuildDeleteStatus
forall x. Rep GuildDeleteStatus x -> GuildDeleteStatus
forall x. GuildDeleteStatus -> Rep GuildDeleteStatus x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep GuildDeleteStatus x -> GuildDeleteStatus
$cfrom :: forall x. GuildDeleteStatus -> Rep GuildDeleteStatus x
Generic, Int -> GuildDeleteStatus -> ShowS
[GuildDeleteStatus] -> ShowS
GuildDeleteStatus -> String
(Int -> GuildDeleteStatus -> ShowS)
-> (GuildDeleteStatus -> String)
-> ([GuildDeleteStatus] -> ShowS)
-> Show GuildDeleteStatus
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [GuildDeleteStatus] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [GuildDeleteStatus] -> ShowS
show :: GuildDeleteStatus -> String
$cshow :: GuildDeleteStatus -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> GuildDeleteStatus -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> GuildDeleteStatus -> ShowS
  deriving (Int -> GuildDeleteStatus -> Builder
Int -> GuildDeleteStatus -> Text
Int -> GuildDeleteStatus -> Text
[GuildDeleteStatus] -> Builder
[GuildDeleteStatus] -> Text
[GuildDeleteStatus] -> Text
GuildDeleteStatus -> Builder
GuildDeleteStatus -> Text
GuildDeleteStatus -> Text
(Int -> GuildDeleteStatus -> Builder)
-> (GuildDeleteStatus -> Builder)
-> ([GuildDeleteStatus] -> Builder)
-> (Int -> GuildDeleteStatus -> Text)
-> (GuildDeleteStatus -> Text)
-> ([GuildDeleteStatus] -> Text)
-> (Int -> GuildDeleteStatus -> Text)
-> (GuildDeleteStatus -> Text)
-> ([GuildDeleteStatus] -> Text)
-> TextShow GuildDeleteStatus
forall a.
(Int -> a -> Builder)
-> (a -> Builder)
-> ([a] -> Builder)
-> (Int -> a -> Text)
-> (a -> Text)
-> ([a] -> Text)
-> (Int -> a -> Text)
-> (a -> Text)
-> ([a] -> Text)
-> TextShow a
showtlList :: [GuildDeleteStatus] -> Text
$cshowtlList :: [GuildDeleteStatus] -> Text
showtl :: GuildDeleteStatus -> Text
$cshowtl :: GuildDeleteStatus -> Text
showtlPrec :: Int -> GuildDeleteStatus -> Text
$cshowtlPrec :: Int -> GuildDeleteStatus -> Text
showtList :: [GuildDeleteStatus] -> Text
$cshowtList :: [GuildDeleteStatus] -> Text
showt :: GuildDeleteStatus -> Text
$cshowt :: GuildDeleteStatus -> Text
showtPrec :: Int -> GuildDeleteStatus -> Text
$cshowtPrec :: Int -> GuildDeleteStatus -> Text
showbList :: [GuildDeleteStatus] -> Builder
$cshowbList :: [GuildDeleteStatus] -> Builder
showb :: GuildDeleteStatus -> Builder
$cshowb :: GuildDeleteStatus -> Builder
showbPrec :: Int -> GuildDeleteStatus -> Builder
$cshowbPrec :: Int -> GuildDeleteStatus -> Builder
TextShow) via TSG.FromGeneric GuildDeleteStatus

{- | A type family to decide what the parameters for an event handler should be
 determined by the type of event it is handling.
type family EHType (d :: EventType) where
  EHType 'ReadyEvt = ReadyData
  EHType 'ChannelCreateEvt = Channel
  EHType 'ChannelUpdateEvt = (Channel, Channel)
  EHType 'ChannelDeleteEvt = Channel
  EHType 'ChannelpinsUpdateEvt = (Channel, Maybe UTCTime)
  EHType 'GuildCreateEvt = (Guild, GuildCreateStatus)
  EHType 'GuildUpdateEvt = (Guild, Guild)
  EHType 'GuildDeleteEvt = (Guild, GuildDeleteStatus)
  EHType 'GuildBanAddEvt = (Guild, User)
  EHType 'GuildBanRemoveEvt = (Guild, User)
  EHType 'GuildEmojisUpdateEvt = (Guild, [Emoji])
  EHType 'GuildIntegrationsUpdateEvt = Guild
  EHType 'GuildMemberAddEvt = Member
  EHType 'GuildMemberRemoveEvt = Member
  EHType 'GuildMemberUpdateEvt = (Member, Member)
  EHType 'GuildMembersChunkEvt = (Guild, [Member])
  EHType 'GuildRoleCreateEvt = (Guild, Role)
  EHType 'GuildRoleUpdateEvt = (Guild, Role, Role)
  EHType 'GuildRoleDeleteEvt = (Guild, Role)
  EHType 'InviteCreateEvt = InviteCreateData
  EHType 'InviteDeleteEvt = InviteDeleteData
  EHType 'MessageCreateEvt = (Message, Maybe User, Maybe Member)
  EHType 'MessageUpdateEvt = (Message, Message, Maybe User, Maybe Member)
  EHType 'MessageDeleteEvt = Message
  EHType 'MessageDeleteBulkEvt = [Message]
  EHType 'MessageReactionAddEvt = (Message, User, Channel, RawEmoji)
  EHType 'MessageReactionRemoveEvt = (Message, User, Channel, RawEmoji)
  EHType 'MessageReactionRemoveAllEvt = Message
  EHType 'RawMessageUpdateEvt = (UpdatedMessage, Maybe User, Maybe Member)
  EHType 'RawMessageDeleteEvt = Snowflake Message
  EHType 'RawMessageDeleteBulkEvt = [Snowflake Message]
  EHType 'RawMessageReactionAddEvt = ReactionEvtData
  EHType 'RawMessageReactionRemoveEvt = ReactionEvtData
  EHType 'RawMessageReactionRemoveAllEvt = Snowflake Message
  EHType 'TypingStartEvt = (Channel, Snowflake User, UTCTime)
  EHType 'UserUpdateEvt = (User, User)
  EHType 'VoiceStateUpdateEvt = (Maybe VoiceState, VoiceState)
  EHType 'InteractionEvt = Interaction
  EHType ( 'CustomEvt a) = a

type StoredEHType t = EHType t -> IO ()

newtype EventHandlers = EventHandlers (TypeRepMap EventHandler)

data EventHandlerWithID (a :: Type) = EventHandlerWithID
  { EventHandlerWithID a -> Integer
ehID :: Integer
  , EventHandlerWithID a -> a
eh :: a

newtype CustomEHTypeStorage (a :: Type) = CustomEHTypeStorage
  { CustomEHTypeStorage a -> [EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())]
unwrapCustomEHTypeStorage :: [EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())]
  deriving newtype (Semigroup (CustomEHTypeStorage a)
CustomEHTypeStorage a
Semigroup (CustomEHTypeStorage a)
-> CustomEHTypeStorage a
-> (CustomEHTypeStorage a
    -> CustomEHTypeStorage a -> CustomEHTypeStorage a)
-> ([CustomEHTypeStorage a] -> CustomEHTypeStorage a)
-> Monoid (CustomEHTypeStorage a)
[CustomEHTypeStorage a] -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
CustomEHTypeStorage a
-> CustomEHTypeStorage a -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
forall a. Semigroup (CustomEHTypeStorage a)
forall a. CustomEHTypeStorage a
forall a.
Semigroup a -> a -> (a -> a -> a) -> ([a] -> a) -> Monoid a
forall a. [CustomEHTypeStorage a] -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
forall a.
CustomEHTypeStorage a
-> CustomEHTypeStorage a -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
mconcat :: [CustomEHTypeStorage a] -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
$cmconcat :: forall a. [CustomEHTypeStorage a] -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
mappend :: CustomEHTypeStorage a
-> CustomEHTypeStorage a -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
$cmappend :: forall a.
CustomEHTypeStorage a
-> CustomEHTypeStorage a -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
mempty :: CustomEHTypeStorage a
$cmempty :: forall a. CustomEHTypeStorage a
$cp1Monoid :: forall a. Semigroup (CustomEHTypeStorage a)
Monoid, b -> CustomEHTypeStorage a -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
NonEmpty (CustomEHTypeStorage a) -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
CustomEHTypeStorage a
-> CustomEHTypeStorage a -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
(CustomEHTypeStorage a
 -> CustomEHTypeStorage a -> CustomEHTypeStorage a)
-> (NonEmpty (CustomEHTypeStorage a) -> CustomEHTypeStorage a)
-> (forall b.
    Integral b =>
    b -> CustomEHTypeStorage a -> CustomEHTypeStorage a)
-> Semigroup (CustomEHTypeStorage a)
forall b.
Integral b =>
b -> CustomEHTypeStorage a -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
forall a. NonEmpty (CustomEHTypeStorage a) -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
forall a.
CustomEHTypeStorage a
-> CustomEHTypeStorage a -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
forall a.
(a -> a -> a)
-> (NonEmpty a -> a)
-> (forall b. Integral b => b -> a -> a)
-> Semigroup a
forall a b.
Integral b =>
b -> CustomEHTypeStorage a -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
stimes :: b -> CustomEHTypeStorage a -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
$cstimes :: forall a b.
Integral b =>
b -> CustomEHTypeStorage a -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
sconcat :: NonEmpty (CustomEHTypeStorage a) -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
$csconcat :: forall a. NonEmpty (CustomEHTypeStorage a) -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
<> :: CustomEHTypeStorage a
-> CustomEHTypeStorage a -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
$c<> :: forall a.
CustomEHTypeStorage a
-> CustomEHTypeStorage a -> CustomEHTypeStorage a

type family EHStorageType (t :: EventType) where
  EHStorageType ( 'CustomEvt _) = TypeRepMap CustomEHTypeStorage
  EHStorageType t = [EventHandlerWithID (StoredEHType t)]

newtype EventHandler (t :: EventType) = EH
  { EventHandler t
-> (Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
   EHStorageType t
unwrapEventHandler :: (Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) => EHStorageType t

instance Semigroup (EventHandler t) where
  EH (Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
EHStorageType t
a <> :: EventHandler t -> EventHandler t -> EventHandler t
<> EH (Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
EHStorageType t
b = ((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH (((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
  EHStorageType t)
 -> EventHandler t)
-> ((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
    EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ EHStorageType t
(Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
EHStorageType t
a EHStorageType t -> EHStorageType t -> EHStorageType t
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> EHStorageType t
(Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
EHStorageType t

instance Monoid (EventHandler t) where
  mempty :: EventHandler t
mempty = ((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH (Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
EHStorageType t
forall a. Monoid a => a

instance Default EventHandlers where
  def :: EventHandlers
def =
    TypeRepMap EventHandler -> EventHandlers
EventHandlers (TypeRepMap EventHandler -> EventHandlers)
-> TypeRepMap EventHandler -> EventHandlers
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      [Item (TypeRepMap EventHandler)] -> TypeRepMap EventHandler
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
        [ EventHandler 'ReadyEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'ReadyEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'ReadyEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'ReadyEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'ReadyEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'ReadyEvt)
-> EventHandler 'ReadyEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'ReadyEvt []
        , EventHandler 'ChannelCreateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'ChannelCreateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'ChannelCreateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'ChannelCreateEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'ChannelCreateEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'ChannelCreateEvt)
-> EventHandler 'ChannelCreateEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'ChannelCreateEvt []
        , EventHandler 'ChannelUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'ChannelUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'ChannelUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'ChannelUpdateEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'ChannelUpdateEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'ChannelUpdateEvt)
-> EventHandler 'ChannelUpdateEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'ChannelUpdateEvt []
        , EventHandler 'ChannelDeleteEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'ChannelDeleteEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'ChannelDeleteEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'ChannelDeleteEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'ChannelDeleteEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'ChannelDeleteEvt)
-> EventHandler 'ChannelDeleteEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'ChannelDeleteEvt []
        , EventHandler 'ChannelpinsUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'ChannelpinsUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'ChannelpinsUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'ChannelpinsUpdateEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'ChannelpinsUpdateEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'ChannelpinsUpdateEvt)
-> EventHandler 'ChannelpinsUpdateEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'ChannelpinsUpdateEvt []
        , EventHandler 'GuildCreateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'GuildCreateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'GuildCreateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'GuildCreateEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'GuildCreateEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'GuildCreateEvt)
-> EventHandler 'GuildCreateEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'GuildCreateEvt []
        , EventHandler 'GuildUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'GuildUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'GuildUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'GuildUpdateEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'GuildUpdateEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'GuildUpdateEvt)
-> EventHandler 'GuildUpdateEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'GuildUpdateEvt []
        , EventHandler 'GuildDeleteEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'GuildDeleteEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'GuildDeleteEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'GuildDeleteEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'GuildDeleteEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'GuildDeleteEvt)
-> EventHandler 'GuildDeleteEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'GuildDeleteEvt []
        , EventHandler 'GuildBanAddEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'GuildBanAddEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'GuildBanAddEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'GuildBanAddEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'GuildBanAddEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'GuildBanAddEvt)
-> EventHandler 'GuildBanAddEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'GuildBanAddEvt []
        , EventHandler 'GuildBanRemoveEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'GuildBanRemoveEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'GuildBanRemoveEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'GuildBanRemoveEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'GuildBanRemoveEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'GuildBanRemoveEvt)
-> EventHandler 'GuildBanRemoveEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'GuildBanRemoveEvt []
        , EventHandler 'GuildEmojisUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'GuildEmojisUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'GuildEmojisUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'GuildEmojisUpdateEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'GuildEmojisUpdateEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'GuildEmojisUpdateEvt)
-> EventHandler 'GuildEmojisUpdateEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'GuildEmojisUpdateEvt []
        , EventHandler 'GuildIntegrationsUpdateEvt
-> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'GuildIntegrationsUpdateEvt
 -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'GuildIntegrationsUpdateEvt
-> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'GuildIntegrationsUpdateEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'GuildIntegrationsUpdateEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'GuildIntegrationsUpdateEvt)
-> EventHandler 'GuildIntegrationsUpdateEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'GuildIntegrationsUpdateEvt []
        , EventHandler 'GuildMemberAddEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'GuildMemberAddEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'GuildMemberAddEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'GuildMemberAddEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'GuildMemberAddEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'GuildMemberAddEvt)
-> EventHandler 'GuildMemberAddEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'GuildMemberAddEvt []
        , EventHandler 'GuildMemberRemoveEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'GuildMemberRemoveEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'GuildMemberRemoveEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'GuildMemberRemoveEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'GuildMemberRemoveEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'GuildMemberRemoveEvt)
-> EventHandler 'GuildMemberRemoveEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'GuildMemberRemoveEvt []
        , EventHandler 'GuildMemberUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'GuildMemberUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'GuildMemberUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'GuildMemberUpdateEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'GuildMemberUpdateEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'GuildMemberUpdateEvt)
-> EventHandler 'GuildMemberUpdateEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'GuildMemberUpdateEvt []
        , EventHandler 'GuildMembersChunkEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'GuildMembersChunkEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'GuildMembersChunkEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'GuildMembersChunkEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'GuildMembersChunkEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'GuildMembersChunkEvt)
-> EventHandler 'GuildMembersChunkEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'GuildMembersChunkEvt []
        , EventHandler 'GuildRoleCreateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'GuildRoleCreateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'GuildRoleCreateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'GuildRoleCreateEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'GuildRoleCreateEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'GuildRoleCreateEvt)
-> EventHandler 'GuildRoleCreateEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'GuildRoleCreateEvt []
        , EventHandler 'GuildRoleUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'GuildRoleUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'GuildRoleUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'GuildRoleUpdateEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'GuildRoleUpdateEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'GuildRoleUpdateEvt)
-> EventHandler 'GuildRoleUpdateEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'GuildRoleUpdateEvt []
        , EventHandler 'GuildRoleDeleteEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'GuildRoleDeleteEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'GuildRoleDeleteEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'GuildRoleDeleteEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'GuildRoleDeleteEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'GuildRoleDeleteEvt)
-> EventHandler 'GuildRoleDeleteEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'GuildRoleDeleteEvt []
        , EventHandler 'MessageCreateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'MessageCreateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'MessageCreateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'MessageCreateEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'MessageCreateEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'MessageCreateEvt)
-> EventHandler 'MessageCreateEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'MessageCreateEvt []
        , EventHandler 'MessageUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'MessageUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'MessageUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'MessageUpdateEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'MessageUpdateEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'MessageUpdateEvt)
-> EventHandler 'MessageUpdateEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'MessageUpdateEvt []
        , EventHandler 'MessageDeleteEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'MessageDeleteEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'MessageDeleteEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'MessageDeleteEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'MessageDeleteEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'MessageDeleteEvt)
-> EventHandler 'MessageDeleteEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'MessageDeleteEvt []
        , EventHandler 'MessageDeleteBulkEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'MessageDeleteBulkEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'MessageDeleteBulkEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'MessageDeleteBulkEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'MessageDeleteBulkEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'MessageDeleteBulkEvt)
-> EventHandler 'MessageDeleteBulkEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'MessageDeleteBulkEvt []
        , EventHandler 'MessageReactionAddEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'MessageReactionAddEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'MessageReactionAddEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'MessageReactionAddEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'MessageReactionAddEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'MessageReactionAddEvt)
-> EventHandler 'MessageReactionAddEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'MessageReactionAddEvt []
        , EventHandler 'MessageReactionRemoveEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'MessageReactionRemoveEvt
 -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'MessageReactionRemoveEvt
-> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'MessageReactionRemoveEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'MessageReactionRemoveEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'MessageReactionRemoveEvt)
-> EventHandler 'MessageReactionRemoveEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'MessageReactionRemoveEvt []
        , EventHandler 'MessageReactionRemoveAllEvt
-> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'MessageReactionRemoveAllEvt
 -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'MessageReactionRemoveAllEvt
-> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'MessageReactionRemoveAllEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'MessageReactionRemoveAllEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'MessageReactionRemoveAllEvt)
-> EventHandler 'MessageReactionRemoveAllEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'MessageReactionRemoveAllEvt []
        , EventHandler 'TypingStartEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'TypingStartEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'TypingStartEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'TypingStartEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'TypingStartEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'TypingStartEvt)
-> EventHandler 'TypingStartEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'TypingStartEvt []
        , EventHandler 'UserUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'UserUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'UserUpdateEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'UserUpdateEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'UserUpdateEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'UserUpdateEvt)
-> EventHandler 'UserUpdateEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'UserUpdateEvt []
        , EventHandler 'InteractionEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler 'InteractionEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler 'InteractionEvt -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType 'InteractionEvt),
  Monoid (EHStorageType 'InteractionEvt)) =>
 EHStorageType 'InteractionEvt)
-> EventHandler 'InteractionEvt
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @'InteractionEvt []
        , EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void) -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
f a -> WrapTypeable f
WrapTypeable (EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void) -> WrapTypeable EventHandler)
-> EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void) -> WrapTypeable EventHandler
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void)),
  Monoid (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void))) =>
 EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void))
-> EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void)
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @( 'CustomEvt Void) (Semigroup (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void)),
 Monoid (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void))) =>
EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void)
forall k (f :: k -> *). TypeRepMap f

instance Semigroup EventHandlers where
  (EventHandlers TypeRepMap EventHandler
a) <> :: EventHandlers -> EventHandlers -> EventHandlers
<> (EventHandlers TypeRepMap EventHandler
b) = TypeRepMap EventHandler -> EventHandlers
EventHandlers (TypeRepMap EventHandler -> EventHandlers)
-> TypeRepMap EventHandler -> EventHandlers
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (forall (x :: EventType).
 Typeable x =>
 EventHandler x -> EventHandler x -> EventHandler x)
-> TypeRepMap EventHandler
-> TypeRepMap EventHandler
-> TypeRepMap EventHandler
forall k (f :: k -> *).
(forall (x :: k). Typeable x => f x -> f x -> f x)
-> TypeRepMap f -> TypeRepMap f -> TypeRepMap f
TM.unionWith forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
forall (x :: EventType).
Typeable x =>
EventHandler x -> EventHandler x -> EventHandler x
(<>) TypeRepMap EventHandler
a TypeRepMap EventHandler

instance Monoid EventHandlers where
  mempty :: EventHandlers
mempty = EventHandlers
forall a. Default a => a

-- not sure what to think of this

type family EHInstanceSelector (d :: EventType) :: Bool where
  EHInstanceSelector ( 'CustomEvt _) = 'True
  EHInstanceSelector _ = 'False

{- | A helper typeclass that is used to decide how to register regular
 events, and custom events which require storing in a map at runtime.
class InsertEventHandler (a :: EventType) where
  makeEventHandlers :: Proxy a -> Integer -> StoredEHType a -> EventHandlers

instance (EHInstanceSelector a ~ flag, InsertEventHandler' flag a) => InsertEventHandler a where
  makeEventHandlers :: Proxy a -> Integer -> StoredEHType a -> EventHandlers
makeEventHandlers = Proxy flag -> Proxy a -> Integer -> StoredEHType a -> EventHandlers
forall (flag :: Bool) (a :: EventType).
InsertEventHandler' flag a =>
Proxy flag -> Proxy a -> Integer -> StoredEHType a -> EventHandlers
makeEventHandlers' (Proxy flag
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @flag)

class InsertEventHandler' (flag :: Bool) a where
  makeEventHandlers' :: Proxy flag -> Proxy a -> Integer -> StoredEHType a -> EventHandlers

instance forall (x :: Type). (Typeable (EHType ( 'CustomEvt x))) => InsertEventHandler' 'True ( 'CustomEvt x) where
  makeEventHandlers' :: Proxy 'True
-> Proxy ('CustomEvt x)
-> Integer
-> StoredEHType ('CustomEvt x)
-> EventHandlers
makeEventHandlers' Proxy 'True
_ Proxy ('CustomEvt x)
_ Integer
id' StoredEHType ('CustomEvt x)
handler =
    TypeRepMap EventHandler -> EventHandlers
EventHandlers (TypeRepMap EventHandler -> EventHandlers)
-> (EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void) -> TypeRepMap EventHandler)
-> EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void)
-> EventHandlers
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void) -> TypeRepMap EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *). Typeable a => f a -> TypeRepMap f
TM.one (EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void) -> EventHandlers)
-> EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void) -> EventHandlers
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      ((Semigroup (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void)),
  Monoid (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void))) =>
 EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void))
-> EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void)
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @( 'CustomEvt Void)
        (forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *). Typeable a => f a -> TypeRepMap f
forall (f :: * -> *). Typeable x => f x -> TypeRepMap f
TM.one @x (CustomEHTypeStorage x -> TypeRepMap CustomEHTypeStorage)
-> CustomEHTypeStorage x -> TypeRepMap CustomEHTypeStorage
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [EventHandlerWithID (x -> IO ())] -> CustomEHTypeStorage x
forall a.
[EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())] -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
CustomEHTypeStorage [Integer -> (x -> IO ()) -> EventHandlerWithID (x -> IO ())
forall a. Integer -> a -> EventHandlerWithID a
EventHandlerWithID Integer
id' x -> IO ()
StoredEHType ('CustomEvt x)

instance (Typeable s, EHStorageType s ~ [EventHandlerWithID (StoredEHType s)], Typeable (StoredEHType s)) => InsertEventHandler' 'False s where
  makeEventHandlers' :: Proxy 'False
-> Proxy s -> Integer -> StoredEHType s -> EventHandlers
makeEventHandlers' Proxy 'False
_ Proxy s
_ Integer
id' StoredEHType s
handler = TypeRepMap EventHandler -> EventHandlers
EventHandlers (TypeRepMap EventHandler -> EventHandlers)
-> (EventHandler s -> TypeRepMap EventHandler)
-> EventHandler s
-> EventHandlers
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. EventHandler s -> TypeRepMap EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *). Typeable a => f a -> TypeRepMap f
TM.one (EventHandler s -> EventHandlers)
-> EventHandler s -> EventHandlers
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Semigroup (EHStorageType s), Monoid (EHStorageType s)) =>
 EHStorageType s)
-> EventHandler s
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH @s [Integer -> StoredEHType s -> EventHandlerWithID (StoredEHType s)
forall a. Integer -> a -> EventHandlerWithID a
EventHandlerWithID Integer
id' StoredEHType s

class GetEventHandlers a where
  getEventHandlers :: EventHandlers -> [StoredEHType a]

instance (EHInstanceSelector a ~ flag, GetEventHandlers' flag a) => GetEventHandlers a where
  getEventHandlers :: EventHandlers -> [StoredEHType a]
getEventHandlers = Proxy a -> Proxy flag -> EventHandlers -> [StoredEHType a]
forall (flag :: Bool) (a :: EventType).
GetEventHandlers' flag a =>
Proxy a -> Proxy flag -> EventHandlers -> [StoredEHType a]
getEventHandlers' (Proxy a
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @a) (Proxy flag
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @flag)

class GetEventHandlers' (flag :: Bool) a where
  getEventHandlers' :: Proxy a -> Proxy flag -> EventHandlers -> [StoredEHType a]

instance GetEventHandlers' 'True ( 'CustomEvt a) where
  getEventHandlers' :: Proxy ('CustomEvt a)
-> Proxy 'True -> EventHandlers -> [StoredEHType ('CustomEvt a)]
getEventHandlers' Proxy ('CustomEvt a)
_ Proxy 'True
_ EventHandlers
_ = String -> [StoredEHType ('CustomEvt a)]
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"use getCustomEventHandlers instead"

instance (Typeable s, Typeable (StoredEHType s), EHStorageType s ~ [EventHandlerWithID (StoredEHType s)]) => GetEventHandlers' 'False s where
  getEventHandlers' :: Proxy s -> Proxy 'False -> EventHandlers -> [StoredEHType s]
getEventHandlers' Proxy s
_ Proxy 'False
_ (EventHandlers TypeRepMap EventHandler
handlers) =
    let theseHandlers :: EHStorageType s
theseHandlers = EventHandler s
-> (Semigroup (EHStorageType s), Monoid (EHStorageType s)) =>
   EHStorageType s
forall (t :: EventType).
EventHandler t
-> (Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
   EHStorageType t
unwrapEventHandler @s (EventHandler s
 -> (Semigroup (EHStorageType s), Monoid (EHStorageType s)) =>
    EHStorageType s)
-> EventHandler s
-> (Semigroup (EHStorageType s), Monoid (EHStorageType s)) =>
   EHStorageType s
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ EventHandler s -> Maybe (EventHandler s) -> EventHandler s
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe EventHandler s
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty (TypeRepMap EventHandler -> Maybe (EventHandler s)
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
TypeRepMap f -> Maybe (f a)
TM.lookup TypeRepMap EventHandler
handlers :: Maybe (EventHandler s))
     in (EventHandlerWithID (StoredEHType s) -> StoredEHType s)
-> [EventHandlerWithID (StoredEHType s)] -> [StoredEHType s]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map EventHandlerWithID (StoredEHType s) -> StoredEHType s
forall a. EventHandlerWithID a -> a
eh [EventHandlerWithID (StoredEHType s)]
EHStorageType s

class RemoveEventHandler a where
  removeEventHandler :: Proxy a -> Integer -> EventHandlers -> EventHandlers

instance (EHInstanceSelector a ~ flag, RemoveEventHandler' flag a) => RemoveEventHandler a where
  removeEventHandler :: Proxy a -> Integer -> EventHandlers -> EventHandlers
removeEventHandler = Proxy flag -> Proxy a -> Integer -> EventHandlers -> EventHandlers
forall k (flag :: Bool) (a :: k).
RemoveEventHandler' flag a =>
Proxy flag -> Proxy a -> Integer -> EventHandlers -> EventHandlers
removeEventHandler' (Proxy flag
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @flag)

class RemoveEventHandler' (flag :: Bool) a where
  removeEventHandler' :: Proxy flag -> Proxy a -> Integer -> EventHandlers -> EventHandlers

instance forall (a :: Type). (Typeable a) => RemoveEventHandler' 'True ( 'CustomEvt a) where
  removeEventHandler' :: Proxy 'True
-> Proxy ('CustomEvt a)
-> Integer
-> EventHandlers
-> EventHandlers
removeEventHandler' Proxy 'True
_ Proxy ('CustomEvt a)
_ Integer
id' (EventHandlers TypeRepMap EventHandler
handlers) =
    TypeRepMap EventHandler -> EventHandlers
EventHandlers (TypeRepMap EventHandler -> EventHandlers)
-> TypeRepMap EventHandler -> EventHandlers
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void) -> EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void))
-> TypeRepMap EventHandler -> TypeRepMap EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
(f a -> f a) -> TypeRepMap f -> TypeRepMap f
TM.adjust @( 'CustomEvt Void)
        ( \(EH (Semigroup (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void)),
 Monoid (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void))) =>
EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void)
ehs) ->
            ((Semigroup (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void)),
  Monoid (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void))) =>
 EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void))
-> EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void)
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
              ( (CustomEHTypeStorage a -> CustomEHTypeStorage a)
-> TypeRepMap CustomEHTypeStorage -> TypeRepMap CustomEHTypeStorage
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
(f a -> f a) -> TypeRepMap f -> TypeRepMap f
TM.adjust @a
                  ([EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())] -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
forall a.
[EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())] -> CustomEHTypeStorage a
CustomEHTypeStorage ([EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())] -> CustomEHTypeStorage a)
-> (CustomEHTypeStorage a -> [EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())])
-> CustomEHTypeStorage a
-> CustomEHTypeStorage a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ()) -> Bool)
-> [EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())]
-> [EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())]
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter ((Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Integer
id') (Integer -> Bool)
-> (EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ()) -> Integer)
-> EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())
-> Bool
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ()) -> Integer
forall a. EventHandlerWithID a -> Integer
ehID) ([EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())]
 -> [EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())])
-> (CustomEHTypeStorage a -> [EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())])
-> CustomEHTypeStorage a
-> [EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. CustomEHTypeStorage a -> [EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())]
forall a.
CustomEHTypeStorage a -> [EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())]
                  TypeRepMap CustomEHTypeStorage
(Semigroup (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void)),
 Monoid (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void))) =>
EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void)
        TypeRepMap EventHandler

  (Typeable s, Typeable (StoredEHType s), EHStorageType s ~ [EventHandlerWithID (StoredEHType s)]) =>
  RemoveEventHandler' 'False s
  removeEventHandler' :: Proxy 'False
-> Proxy s -> Integer -> EventHandlers -> EventHandlers
removeEventHandler' Proxy 'False
_ Proxy s
_ Integer
id' (EventHandlers TypeRepMap EventHandler
handlers) =
    TypeRepMap EventHandler -> EventHandlers
EventHandlers (TypeRepMap EventHandler -> EventHandlers)
-> TypeRepMap EventHandler -> EventHandlers
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      (EventHandler s -> EventHandler s)
-> TypeRepMap EventHandler -> TypeRepMap EventHandler
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
(f a -> f a) -> TypeRepMap f -> TypeRepMap f
TM.adjust @s
        (\(EH (Semigroup (EHStorageType s), Monoid (EHStorageType s)) =>
EHStorageType s
ehs) -> ((Semigroup (EHStorageType s), Monoid (EHStorageType s)) =>
 EHStorageType s)
-> EventHandler s
forall (t :: EventType).
((Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
 EHStorageType t)
-> EventHandler t
EH (((Semigroup (EHStorageType s), Monoid (EHStorageType s)) =>
  EHStorageType s)
 -> EventHandler s)
-> ((Semigroup (EHStorageType s), Monoid (EHStorageType s)) =>
    EHStorageType s)
-> EventHandler s
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (EventHandlerWithID (StoredEHType s) -> Bool)
-> [EventHandlerWithID (StoredEHType s)]
-> [EventHandlerWithID (StoredEHType s)]
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter ((Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Integer
id') (Integer -> Bool)
-> (EventHandlerWithID (StoredEHType s) -> Integer)
-> EventHandlerWithID (StoredEHType s)
-> Bool
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. EventHandlerWithID (StoredEHType s) -> Integer
forall a. EventHandlerWithID a -> Integer
ehID) [EventHandlerWithID (StoredEHType s)]
(Semigroup (EHStorageType s), Monoid (EHStorageType s)) =>
EHStorageType s
        TypeRepMap EventHandler

getCustomEventHandlers :: forall a. Typeable a => EventHandlers -> [a -> IO ()]
getCustomEventHandlers :: EventHandlers -> [a -> IO ()]
getCustomEventHandlers (EventHandlers TypeRepMap EventHandler
handlers) =
  let handlerMap :: EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void)
handlerMap =
        EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void)
-> (Semigroup (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void)),
    Monoid (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void))) =>
   EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void)
forall (t :: EventType).
EventHandler t
-> (Semigroup (EHStorageType t), Monoid (EHStorageType t)) =>
   EHStorageType t
unwrapEventHandler @( 'CustomEvt Void) (EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void)
 -> (Semigroup (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void)),
     Monoid (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void))) =>
    EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void))
-> EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void)
-> (Semigroup (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void)),
    Monoid (EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void))) =>
   EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void)
-> Maybe (EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void))
-> EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void)
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void)
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty (TypeRepMap EventHandler -> Maybe (EventHandler ('CustomEvt Void))
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
TypeRepMap f -> Maybe (f a)
TM.lookup TypeRepMap EventHandler
handlers :: Maybe (EventHandler ( 'CustomEvt Void)))
   in [a -> IO ()]
-> (CustomEHTypeStorage a -> [a -> IO ()])
-> Maybe (CustomEHTypeStorage a)
-> [a -> IO ()]
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe [a -> IO ()]
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty ((EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ()) -> a -> IO ())
-> [EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())] -> [a -> IO ()]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ()) -> a -> IO ()
forall a. EventHandlerWithID a -> a
eh ([EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())] -> [a -> IO ()])
-> (CustomEHTypeStorage a -> [EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())])
-> CustomEHTypeStorage a
-> [a -> IO ()]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. CustomEHTypeStorage a -> [EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())]
forall a.
CustomEHTypeStorage a -> [EventHandlerWithID (a -> IO ())]
unwrapCustomEHTypeStorage) (Maybe (CustomEHTypeStorage a) -> [a -> IO ()])
-> Maybe (CustomEHTypeStorage a) -> [a -> IO ()]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TypeRepMap CustomEHTypeStorage -> Maybe (CustomEHTypeStorage a)
forall k (a :: k) (f :: k -> *).
Typeable a =>
TypeRepMap f -> Maybe (f a)
TM.lookup @a TypeRepMap CustomEHTypeStorage
EHStorageType ('CustomEvt Void)