{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | Originally Distribution.Client.SourceRepo
module Cabal.SourceRepo (
    -- * SourceRepo
    SourceRepositoryPackage (..),
    -- * Aliases
    -- * Functions
    -- * Grammar
    ) where

import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Proxy         (Proxy (..))
import GHC.Generics       (Generic)

import Distribution.Compat.Lens      (Lens, Lens')
import Distribution.FieldGrammar     (FieldGrammar, ParsecFieldGrammar', PrettyFieldGrammar', monoidalFieldAla, optionalFieldAla, uniqueField, uniqueFieldAla)
import Distribution.Parsec.Newtypes  (FilePathNT (..), NoCommaFSep (..), Token (..), alaList')
import Distribution.Types.SourceRepo (RepoType (..))

-- | @source-repository-package@ definition
data SourceRepositoryPackage f = SourceRepositoryPackage
    { srpType     :: !RepoType
    , srpLocation :: !String
    , srpTag      :: !(Maybe String)
    , srpBranch   :: !(Maybe String)
    , srpSubdir   :: !(f FilePath)
  deriving (Generic)

deriving instance (Eq (f FilePath)) => Eq (SourceRepositoryPackage f)
deriving instance (Ord (f FilePath)) => Ord (SourceRepositoryPackage f)
deriving instance (Show (f FilePath)) => Show (SourceRepositoryPackage f)

-- | Read from @cabal.project@
type SourceRepoList  = SourceRepositoryPackage []

-- | Distilled from 'Distribution.Types.SourceRepo.SourceRepo'
type SourceRepoMaybe = SourceRepositoryPackage Maybe

-- | 'SourceRepositoryPackage' without subdir. Used in clone errors. Cloning doesn't care about subdirectory.
type SourceRepoProxy = SourceRepositoryPackage Proxy

srpHoist :: (forall x. f x -> g x) -> SourceRepositoryPackage f -> SourceRepositoryPackage g
srpHoist nt s = s { srpSubdir = nt (srpSubdir s) }

srpToProxy :: SourceRepositoryPackage f -> SourceRepositoryPackage Proxy
srpToProxy s = s { srpSubdir = Proxy }

-- | Split single @source-repository-package@ declaration with multiple subdirs,
-- into multiple ones with at most single subdir.
srpFanOut :: SourceRepositoryPackage [] -> NonEmpty (SourceRepositoryPackage Maybe)
srpFanOut s@SourceRepositoryPackage { srpSubdir = [] } =
    s { srpSubdir = Nothing } :| []
srpFanOut s@SourceRepositoryPackage { srpSubdir = d:ds } = f d :| map f ds where
    f subdir = s { srpSubdir = Just subdir }

-- Lens

srpTypeLens :: Lens' (SourceRepositoryPackage f) RepoType
srpTypeLens f s = fmap (\x -> s { srpType = x }) (f (srpType s))
{-# INLINE srpTypeLens #-}

srpLocationLens :: Lens' (SourceRepositoryPackage f) String
srpLocationLens f s = fmap (\x -> s { srpLocation = x }) (f (srpLocation s))
{-# INLINE srpLocationLens #-}

srpTagLens :: Lens' (SourceRepositoryPackage f) (Maybe String)
srpTagLens f s = fmap (\x -> s { srpTag = x }) (f (srpTag s))
{-# INLINE srpTagLens #-}

srpBranchLens :: Lens' (SourceRepositoryPackage f) (Maybe String)
srpBranchLens f s = fmap (\x -> s { srpBranch = x }) (f (srpBranch s))
{-# INLINE srpBranchLens #-}

srpSubdirLens :: Lens (SourceRepositoryPackage f) (SourceRepositoryPackage g) (f FilePath) (g FilePath)
srpSubdirLens f s = fmap (\x -> s { srpSubdir = x }) (f (srpSubdir s))
{-# INLINE srpSubdirLens #-}

-- Parser & PPrinter

    :: (FieldGrammar g, Applicative (g SourceRepoList))
    => g SourceRepoList SourceRepoList
sourceRepositoryPackageGrammar = SourceRepositoryPackage
    <$> uniqueField      "type"                                       srpTypeLens
    <*> uniqueFieldAla   "location" Token                             srpLocationLens
    <*> optionalFieldAla "tag"      Token                             srpTagLens
    <*> optionalFieldAla "branch"   Token                             srpBranchLens
    <*> monoidalFieldAla "subdir"   (alaList' NoCommaFSep FilePathNT) srpSubdirLens  -- note: NoCommaFSep is somewhat important for roundtrip, as "." is there...
{-# SPECIALIZE sourceRepositoryPackageGrammar :: ParsecFieldGrammar' SourceRepoList #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE sourceRepositoryPackageGrammar :: PrettyFieldGrammar' SourceRepoList #-}