module CabalHelper.Compiletime.Process
( module CabalHelper.Compiletime.Process
, module System.Process
) where
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(OtherError))
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.Process
import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Types
import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Log
readProcess' :: Verbose => FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO String
readProcess' exe args inp =
readProcessStderr Nothing [] exe args inp
readProcessStderr :: Verbose => Maybe FilePath -> [(String, EnvOverride)]
-> FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO String
readProcessStderr mcwd env exe args inp = do
logProcessCall mcwd env exe args
env' <- execEnvOverrides env <$> getEnvironment
outp <- readCreateProcess (proc exe args)
{ cwd = mcwd
, env = if env == [] then Nothing else Just env'
} inp
vLog $ unlines $ map ("=> "++) $ lines outp
return outp
:: Verbose => Maybe FilePath -> [(String, EnvOverride)]
-> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ExitCode
callProcessStderr' mcwd env exe args = do
logProcessCall mcwd env exe args
env' <- execEnvOverrides env <$> getEnvironment
(_, _, _, h) <- createProcess (proc exe args)
{ std_out = UseHandle stderr
, env = if env == [] then Nothing else Just env'
, cwd = mcwd
waitForProcess h
logProcessCall :: Verbose => Maybe FilePath -> [(String, EnvOverride)]
-> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
logProcessCall mcwd env exe args = do
vLog $ intercalate " " $ cd ++ env_args ++ map formatProcessArg (exe:args)
env_args = map (\(k,v) -> k ++ "=" ++ show v) env
cd = case mcwd of
Nothing -> []; Just cwd -> [ "cd", formatProcessArg cwd++";" ]
execEnvOverride :: EnvOverride -> String -> Maybe String
execEnvOverride (EnvPrepend x) y = Just (x ++ y)
execEnvOverride (EnvAppend y) x = Just (x ++ y)
execEnvOverride (EnvSet x) _ = Just x
execEnvOverride EnvUnset _ = Nothing
:: [(String, EnvOverride)] -> [(String, String)] -> [(String, String)]
execEnvOverrides overrides env =
Map.toList $ foldl f (Map.fromList env) overrides
f em (k, o) = Map.alter (execEnvOverride o . fromMaybe "") k em
callProcessStderr :: Verbose => Maybe FilePath -> [(String, EnvOverride)]
-> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
callProcessStderr mwd env exe args = do
rv <- callProcessStderr' mwd env exe args
case rv of
ExitSuccess -> return ()
ExitFailure v -> processFailedException "callProcessStderr" exe args v
processFailedException :: String -> String -> [String] -> Int -> IO a
processFailedException fn exe args rv =
ioError $ mkIOError OtherError msg Nothing Nothing
msg = concat [ fn, ": ", exe, " "
, intercalate " " (map formatProcessArg args)
, " (exit " ++ show rv ++ ")"
formatProcessArg :: String -> String
formatProcessArg xs
| any isSpace xs = "'"++ xs ++"'"
| otherwise = xs