{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module CabalHelper.Compiletime.Compile where
import qualified Cabal.Plan as CP
import Cabal.Plan
( PlanJson(..), PkgId(..), PkgName(..), Ver(..), uPId)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import Data.Version
import Text.Printf
import qualified System.Clock as Clock
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.IO.Temp
import Prelude
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Distribution.System
( buildPlatform )
import Distribution.Text
( display )
import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Cabal
import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Data
import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Log
import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Program.GHC
import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Program.CabalInstall
import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Sandbox
( getSandboxPkgDb )
import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Types
import CabalHelper.Shared.Common
import Paths_cabal_helper (version)
data Compile
= CompileWithCabalSource
{ compCabalSourceDir :: !CabalSourceDir
, compCabalSourceVersion :: !Version
| CompileWithCabalPackage
{ compPackageSource :: !GhcPackageSource
, compCabalVersion :: !ResolvedCabalVersion
, compProductTarget :: !CompilationProductScope
data CompPaths = CompPaths
{ compBuildDir:: !FilePath
, compOutDir :: !FilePath
, compExePath :: !FilePath
data CompilationProductScope = CPSGlobal | CPSProject
type CompHelperEnv = CompHelperEnv' CabalVersion
data CompHelperEnv' cv = CompHelperEnv
{ cheCabalVer :: !cv
, chePkgDb :: !(Maybe PackageDbDir)
, cheProjDir :: !FilePath
, chePlanJson :: !(Maybe PlanJson)
, cheDistV2 :: !(Maybe FilePath)
, cheProjLocalCacheDir :: FilePath
:: Env => CompHelperEnv -> IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
compileHelper che@CompHelperEnv {cheCabalVer} = do
withSystemTempDirectory "cabal-helper.compile-tmp" $ \tmpdir -> do
ucv <- unpackCabal cheCabalVer tmpdir
compileHelper' che { cheCabalVer = ucv }
:: Env
=> CompHelperEnv' UnpackedCabalVersion
-> IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
compileHelper' CompHelperEnv {..} = do
ghcVer <- ghcVersion
Just (prepare, comp) <- case cheCabalVer of
cabalVer@CabalHEAD {} -> runMaybeT $ msum $ map (\f -> f ghcVer cabalVer)
[ compileWithCabalV2GhcEnv'
, compileWithCabalInPrivatePkgDb'
CabalVersion cabalVerPlain -> do
runMaybeT $ msum $ map (\f -> f ghcVer cabalVerPlain) $
case chePkgDb of
Nothing ->
[ compileWithCabalV2Inplace
, compileWithCabalV2GhcEnv
, compileCabalSource
, compileSandbox
, compileGlobal
, compileWithCabalInPrivatePkgDb
Just db ->
[ ((.).(.)) liftIO (compilePkgDb db)
appdir <- appCacheDir
let cp@CompPaths {compExePath} = compPaths appdir cheProjLocalCacheDir comp
helper_exists <- doesFileExist compExePath
rv <- if helper_exists
then do
vLog $ "helper already compiled, using exe: "++compExePath
return (Right compExePath)
else do
vLog $ "helper exe does not exist, compiling "++compExePath
prepare >> compile cp comp
return rv
logMsg = "using helper compiled with Cabal from "
compilePkgDb db _ghcVer cabalVer = return $
(pure ())
{ compPackageSource = GPSPackageDBs [db]
, compCabalVersion = CabalVersion cabalVer
, compProductTarget = CPSProject
compileGlobal :: Env => gv -> Version -> MaybeT IO (IO (), Compile)
compileGlobal _ghcVer cabalVer = do
cabal_versions <- listCabalVersions Nothing
_ <- MaybeT $ return $ find (== cabalVer) cabal_versions
vLog $ logMsg ++ "user/global package-db"
return $ (return (), compileWithPkg GPSAmbient cabalVer CPSGlobal)
compileSandbox :: Env => GhcVersion -> Version -> MaybeT IO (IO (), Compile)
compileSandbox ghcVer cabalVer = do
let mdb_path = getSandboxPkgDb (display buildPlatform) ghcVer cheProjDir
sandbox <- PackageDbDir <$> MaybeT mdb_path
cabal_versions <- listCabalVersions (Just sandbox)
_ <- MaybeT $ return $ find (== cabalVer) cabal_versions
vLog $ logMsg ++ "sandbox package-db"
return $ (return (), compileWithPkg (GPSPackageDBs [sandbox]) cabalVer CPSProject)
compileWithCabalV2Inplace :: Env => GhcVersion -> Version -> MaybeT IO (IO (), Compile)
compileWithCabalV2Inplace ghcVer cabalVer = do
PlanJson {pjUnits} <- maybe mzero pure chePlanJson
distdir_newstyle <- maybe mzero pure cheDistV2
let cabal_pkgid =
PkgId (PkgName (Text.pack "Cabal")) (Ver $ versionBranch cabalVer)
mcabal_unit = listToMaybe $
Map.elems $ Map.filter (\CP.Unit{..} -> uPId == cabal_pkgid) pjUnits
CP.Unit {} <- maybe mzero pure mcabal_unit
let inplace_db_path = distdir_newstyle
</> "packagedb" </> ("ghc-" ++ showGhcVersion ghcVer)
inplace_db = PackageDbDir inplace_db_path
cabal_versions <- listCabalVersions (Just inplace_db)
_ <- MaybeT $ return $ find (== cabalVer) cabal_versions
vLog $ logMsg ++ "v2-build package-db " ++ inplace_db_path
return $ (return (), compileWithPkg (GPSPackageDBs [inplace_db]) cabalVer CPSProject)
compileWithCabalV2GhcEnv :: Env => GhcVersion -> Version -> MaybeT IO (IO (), Compile)
compileWithCabalV2GhcEnv ghcVer cabalVer =
compileWithCabalV2GhcEnv' ghcVer (CabalVersion cabalVer)
compileWithCabalV2GhcEnv' :: Env => GhcVersion -> UnpackedCabalVersion -> MaybeT IO (IO (), Compile)
compileWithCabalV2GhcEnv' ghcVer cabalVer = do
_ <- maybe mzero pure cheDistV2
CabalInstallVersion instVer <- liftIO cabalInstallVersion
guard $ instVer >= (Version [2,4,1,0] [])
guard $ ghcVer >= (GhcVersion (Version [8,0] []))
env@(PackageEnvFile env_file) <- liftIO $
getPrivateCabalPkgEnv ghcVer $ unpackedToResolvedCabalVersion cabalVer
vLog $ logMsg ++ "v2-build package-env " ++ env_file
return $ (,)
(prepare env)
{ compPackageSource = GPSPackageEnv env
, compCabalVersion = unpackedToResolvedCabalVersion cabalVer
, compProductTarget = CPSGlobal
prepare env = do
void $ installCabalLibV2 ghcVer cheCabalVer env `E.catch`
\(ex :: IOError) -> print ex >>
case cheCabalVer of
CabalHEAD _ -> panicIO "Installing Cabal HEAD failed."
CabalVersion ver -> errorInstallCabal (CabalVersion ver)
:: (Env, MonadIO m) => GhcVersion -> Version -> m (IO (), Compile)
compileWithCabalInPrivatePkgDb ghcVer cabalVer =
compileWithCabalInPrivatePkgDb' ghcVer (CabalVersion cabalVer)
:: (Env, MonadIO m) => GhcVersion -> UnpackedCabalVersion -> m (IO (), Compile)
compileWithCabalInPrivatePkgDb' ghcVer cabalVer = do
db@(PackageDbDir db_path) <- liftIO $
getPrivateCabalPkgDb $ unpackedToResolvedCabalVersion cabalVer
vLog $ logMsg ++ "private package-db in " ++ db_path
return $ (,)
(prepare db)
{ compPackageSource = GPSPackageDBs [db]
, compCabalVersion = unpackedToResolvedCabalVersion cabalVer
, compProductTarget = CPSGlobal
prepare db = do
db_exists <- liftIO $ cabalVersionExistsInPkgDb cabalVer db
when (not db_exists) $
void (installCabalLibV1 ghcVer cabalVer) `E.catch`
\(SomeException _) -> errorInstallCabal cabalVer
compileCabalSource _ghcVer _cabalVer = do
let cabalFile = cheProjDir </> "Cabal.cabal"
cabalSrc <- liftIO $ doesFileExist cabalFile
let projdir = CabalSourceDir cheProjDir
case cabalSrc of
False -> mzero
True -> do
vLog $ "projdir looks like Cabal source tree (Cabal.cabal exists)"
cf <- liftIO $ readFile cabalFile
let buildType = cabalFileBuildType cf
ver = cabalFileVersion cf
case buildType of
"simple" -> do
vLog $ "Cabal source tree is build-type:simple, moving on"
"custom" -> do
vLog $ "compiling helper with local Cabal source tree"
return $ (return (), compileWithCabalSource projdir ver)
_ -> error $ "compileCabalSource: unknown build-type: '"++buildType++"'"
compileWithCabalSource srcDir ver =
{ compCabalSourceDir = srcDir
, compCabalSourceVersion = ver
compileWithPkg pkg_src ver target =
{ compPackageSource = pkg_src
, compCabalVersion = CabalVersion ver
, compProductTarget = target
compile :: Env => CompPaths -> Compile -> IO (Either ExitCode FilePath)
compile paths@CompPaths {..} comp = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True compOutDir
createHelperSources compBuildDir
vLog $ "compBuildDir: " ++ compBuildDir
vLog $ "compOutDir: " ++ compOutDir
vLog $ "compExePath: " ++ compExePath
invokeGhc $ compGhcInvocation comp paths
compPaths :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Compile -> CompPaths
compPaths appdir proj_local_cachedir c =
case c of
{ compProductTarget=CPSGlobal
, compCabalVersion
} -> CompPaths {..}
compBuildDir =
appdir </> exeName compCabalVersion ++ "--" ++ sourceHash <.> "build"
compOutDir = compBuildDir
compExePath = compBuildDir </> "cabal-helper"
CompileWithCabalPackage {compProductTarget=CPSProject} ->
CompileWithCabalSource {} ->
projLocalCachedirPaths = CompPaths {..}
compBuildDir = proj_local_cachedir </> "cabal-helper"
compOutDir = compBuildDir
compExePath = compOutDir </> "cabal-helper"
exeName :: ResolvedCabalVersion -> String
exeName (CabalHEAD commitid) = intercalate "--"
[ "cabal-helper-" ++ showVersion version
, "Cabal-HEAD" ++ unCommitId commitid
exeName CabalVersion {cvVersion} = intercalate "--"
[ "cabal-helper-" ++ showVersion version
, "Cabal-" ++ showVersion cvVersion
compGhcInvocation :: Compile -> CompPaths -> GhcInvocation
compGhcInvocation comp CompPaths {..} =
case comp of
CompileWithCabalSource {..} ->
{ giIncludeDirs = [compBuildDir, unCabalSourceDir compCabalSourceDir]
, giPackageSource = GPSAmbient
, giHideAllPackages = False
, giPackages = []
, giCPPOptions = cppOptions compCabalSourceVersion
++ [cabalVersionMacro compCabalSourceVersion]
, ..
CompileWithCabalPackage {..} ->
{ giIncludeDirs = [compBuildDir]
, giPackageSource = compPackageSource
, giHideAllPackages = True
, giPackages =
[ "base"
, "containers"
, "directory"
, "filepath"
, "process"
, "bytestring"
, "ghc-prim"
, case compCabalVersion of
CabalHEAD {} -> "Cabal"
CabalVersion ver -> "Cabal-" ++ showVersion ver
, giCPPOptions = cppOptions (unCabalVersion compCabalVersion)
, ..
unCabalVersion (CabalVersion ver) = ver
unCabalVersion (CabalHEAD _) = Version [10000000, 0, 0] []
cppOptions cabalVer =
, cabalMinVersionMacro cabalVer
giOutDir = compOutDir
giOutput = compExePath
giWarningFlags = [ "-w" ]
giInputs = [compBuildDir</>"CabalHelper"</>"Runtime"</>"Main.hs"]
cabalVersionMacro :: Version -> String
cabalVersionMacro (Version vs _) =
"-DCABAL_VERSION="++intercalate "," (map show vs)
cabalMinVersionMacro :: Version -> String
cabalMinVersionMacro (Version (mj1:mj2:mi:_) _) =
\( (major1) < "++show mj1++" \
\|| (major1) == "++show mj1++" && (major2) < "++show mj2++" \
\|| (major1) == "++show mj1++" && (major2) == "++show mj2++" && (minor) <= "++show mi++
cabalMinVersionMacro _ =
error "cabalMinVersionMacro: Version must have at least 3 components"
errorInstallCabal :: CabalVersion' a -> IO b
errorInstallCabal (CabalHEAD _) =
error "cabal-helper: Installing Cabal HEAD failed."
errorInstallCabal (CabalVersion cabalVer) = panicIO $ printf "\
\cabal-helper: Installing Cabal version %s failed.\n\
\You have the following choices to fix this:\n\
\- The easiest way to try and fix this is just reconfigure the project and try\n\
\ again:\n\
\ $ cabal clean && cabal configure\n\
\- If that fails you can try to install the version of Cabal mentioned above\n\
\ into your global/user package-db somehow, though you'll probably have to\n\
\ fix something otherwise it wouldn't have failed above:\n\
\ $ cabal install Cabal --constraint 'Cabal == %s'\n\
\- If you're using `Build-Type: Simple`:\n\
\ - You can see if you can reinstall your cabal-install executable while\n\
\ having it linked to a version of Cabal that's available in you\n\
\ package-dbs or can be built automatically:\n\
\ $ ghc-pkg list | grep Cabal # find an available Cabal version\n\
\ Cabal-W.X.Y.Z\n\
\ $ cabal install cabal-install --constraint 'Cabal == W.X.*'\n\
\ Afterwards you'll have to reconfigure your project:\n\
\ $ cabal clean && cabal configure\n\
\- If you're using `Build-Type: Custom`:\n\
\ - Have cabal-install rebuild your Setup.hs executable with a version of the\n\
\ Cabal library that you have available in your global/user package-db:\n\
\ $ cabal clean && cabal configure\n\
\ You might also have to install some version of the Cabal to do this:\n\
\ $ cabal install Cabal\n\
\\n" sver sver
sver = showVersion cabalVer
cabalFileVersion :: String -> Version
cabalFileVersion = parseVer . cabalFileTopField "version"
cabalFileBuildType :: String -> String
cabalFileBuildType = cabalFileTopField "build-type"
cabalFileTopField :: String -> String -> String
cabalFileTopField field cabalFile = value
Just value = extract <$> find ((field++":") `isPrefixOf`) ls
ls = map (map toLower) $ lines cabalFile
extract = dropWhile (/=':') >>> drop 1 >>> dropWhile isSpace >>> takeWhile (not . isSpace)