cabal-gild- Formats package descriptions.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




run :: (MonadThrow m, MonadWalk m) => FilePath -> ([Field (p, [Comment q])], cs) -> m ([Field (p, [Comment q])], cs) Source #

High level wrapper around field that makes this action easier to compose with other actions.

field :: (MonadThrow m, MonadWalk m) => FilePath -> Field (p, [Comment q]) -> m (Field (p, [Comment q])) Source #

Evaluates pragmas within the given field. Or, if the field is a section, evaluates pragmas recursively within the fields of the section.

discover :: (MonadThrow m, MonadWalk m) => FilePath -> Name (p, [c]) -> [FieldLine (p, [c])] -> [String] -> MaybeT m (Field (p, [c])) Source #

If modules are discovered for a field, that fields lines are completely replaced.

relevantFieldNames :: Set FieldName Source #

These are the names of the fields that can have this action applied to them.

stripAnyExtension :: Set String -> FilePath -> Maybe String Source #

Attempts to strip any of the given extensions from the file path. If any of them succeed, the result is returned. Otherwise Nothing is returned.

extensions :: Set String Source #

The set of extensions that should be discovered by this pragma. Any file with one of these extensions will be discovered.

toModuleName :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Maybe ModuleName Source #

Attempts to convert a file path (without an extension) into a module name by making it relative to one of the given directories.

hoistMaybe :: Applicative f => Maybe a -> MaybeT f a Source #

This was added in transformers- See