{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, CPP, BangPatterns, RankNTypes,
             ForeignFunctionInterface, MagicHash, UnboxedTuples,
             UnliftedFFITypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 703
{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Data.ByteString.Short.Internal
-- Copyright   : (c) Duncan Coutts 2012-2013
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : duncan@community.haskell.org
-- Stability   : stable
-- Portability : ghc only
-- Internal representation of ShortByteString
module Data.ByteString.Short.Internal (

    -- * The @ShortByteString@ type and representation

    -- * Conversions

    -- * Other operations
    empty, null, length, index, indexMaybe, (!?), unsafeIndex,

    -- * Low level operations
    createFromPtr, copyToPtr,

    -- * Low level conversions
    -- ** Packing 'CString's and pointers

    -- ** Using ByteStrings as 'CString's
  ) where

import Data.ByteString.Internal (ByteString(..), accursedUnutterablePerformIO, c_strlen)

import Data.Typeable    (Typeable)
import Data.Data        (Data(..), mkNoRepType)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
import Data.Semigroup   (Semigroup((<>)))
import Data.Monoid      (Monoid(..))
import Data.String      (IsString(..))
import Control.DeepSeq  (NFData(..))
import qualified Data.List as List (length)
import Foreign.C.String (CString, CStringLen)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
import Foreign.C.Types  (CSize(..), CInt(..))
#elif MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
import Foreign.C.Types  (CSize(..), CInt(..), CLong(..))
import Foreign.C.Types  (CSize, CInt, CLong)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytes)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (touchForeignPtr)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (pokeByteOff)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)
import qualified GHC.Exts
import GHC.Exts ( Int(I#), Int#, Ptr(Ptr), Addr#, Char(C#)
                , State#, RealWorld
                , ByteArray#, MutableByteArray#
                , newByteArray#
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
                , newPinnedByteArray#
                , byteArrayContents#
                , unsafeCoerce#
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,3,0)
                , sizeofByteArray#
                , indexWord8Array#, indexCharArray#
                , writeWord8Array#, writeCharArray#
                , unsafeFreezeByteArray# )
import GHC.IO
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
import GHC.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr(ForeignPtr), ForeignPtrContents(PlainPtr))
import GHC.ForeignPtr (mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes)
import GHC.ST         (ST(ST), runST)
import GHC.Word

import Prelude ( Eq(..), Ord(..), Ordering(..), Read(..), Show(..)
               , ($), ($!), error, (++), (.)
               , String, userError
               , Bool(..), (&&), otherwise
               , (+), (-), fromIntegral
               , return
               , Maybe(..) )

-- | A compact representation of a 'Word8' vector.
-- It has a lower memory overhead than a 'ByteString' and does not
-- contribute to heap fragmentation. It can be converted to or from a
-- 'ByteString' (at the cost of copying the string data). It supports very few
-- other operations.
-- It is suitable for use as an internal representation for code that needs
-- to keep many short strings in memory, but it /should not/ be used as an
-- interchange type. That is, it should not generally be used in public APIs.
-- The 'ByteString' type is usually more suitable for use in interfaces; it is
-- more flexible and it supports a wide range of operations.
data ShortByteString = SBS ByteArray#
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,3,0))
           {-# UNPACK #-} !Int  -- ^ Prior to ghc-7.0.x, 'ByteArray#'s reported
                                -- their length rounded up to the nearest word.
                                -- This means we have to store the true length
                                -- separately, wasting a word.
#define LEN(x) (x)
#define _len   /* empty */
#define LEN(x) /* empty */
    deriving Typeable

-- The ByteArray# representation is always word sized and aligned but with a
-- known byte length. Our representation choice for ShortByteString is to leave
-- the 0--3 trailing bytes undefined. This means we can use word-sized writes,
-- but we have to be careful with reads, see equateBytes and compareBytes below.

instance Eq ShortByteString where
    (==)    = equateBytes

instance Ord ShortByteString where
    compare = compareBytes

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
instance Semigroup ShortByteString where
    (<>)    = append

instance Monoid ShortByteString where
    mempty  = empty
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
    mappend = (<>)
    mappend = append
    mconcat = concat

instance NFData ShortByteString where
    rnf SBS{} = ()

instance Show ShortByteString where
    showsPrec p ps r = showsPrec p (unpackChars ps) r

instance Read ShortByteString where
    readsPrec p str = [ (packChars x, y) | (x, y) <- readsPrec p str ]

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
-- | @since
instance GHC.Exts.IsList ShortByteString where
  type Item ShortByteString = Word8
  fromList = packBytes
  toList   = unpackBytes

-- | Beware: 'fromString' truncates multi-byte characters to octets.
-- e.g. "枯朶に烏のとまりけり秋の暮" becomes �6k�nh~�Q��n�
instance IsString ShortByteString where
    fromString = packChars

instance Data ShortByteString where
  gfoldl f z txt = z packBytes `f` unpackBytes txt
  toConstr _     = error "Data.ByteString.Short.ShortByteString.toConstr"
  gunfold _ _    = error "Data.ByteString.Short.ShortByteString.gunfold"
  dataTypeOf _   = mkNoRepType "Data.ByteString.Short.ShortByteString"

-- Simple operations

-- | /O(1)/. The empty 'ShortByteString'.
empty :: ShortByteString
empty = create 0 (\_ -> return ())

-- | /O(1)/ The length of a 'ShortByteString'.
length :: ShortByteString -> Int
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,3,0)
length (SBS barr#) = I# (sizeofByteArray# barr#)
length (SBS _ len) = len

-- | /O(1)/ Test whether a 'ShortByteString' is empty.
null :: ShortByteString -> Bool
null sbs = length sbs == 0

-- | /O(1)/ 'ShortByteString' index (subscript) operator, starting from 0.
index :: ShortByteString -> Int -> Word8
index sbs i
  | i >= 0 && i < length sbs = unsafeIndex sbs i
  | otherwise                = indexError sbs i

-- | /O(1)/ 'ShortByteString' index, starting from 0, that returns 'Just' if:
-- > 0 <= n < length bs
-- @since
indexMaybe :: ShortByteString -> Int -> Maybe Word8
indexMaybe sbs i
  | i >= 0 && i < length sbs = Just $! unsafeIndex sbs i
  | otherwise                = Nothing
{-# INLINE indexMaybe #-}

-- | /O(1)/ 'ShortByteString' index, starting from 0, that returns 'Just' if:
-- > 0 <= n < length bs
-- @since
(!?) :: ShortByteString -> Int -> Maybe Word8
(!?) = indexMaybe
{-# INLINE (!?) #-}

unsafeIndex :: ShortByteString -> Int -> Word8
unsafeIndex sbs = indexWord8Array (asBA sbs)

indexError :: ShortByteString -> Int -> a
indexError sbs i =
  error $ "Data.ByteString.Short.index: error in array index; " ++ show i
       ++ " not in range [0.." ++ show (length sbs) ++ ")"

-- Internal utils

asBA :: ShortByteString -> BA
asBA (SBS ba# _len) = BA# ba#

create :: Int -> (forall s. MBA s -> ST s ()) -> ShortByteString
create len fill =
    runST (do
      mba <- newByteArray len
      fill mba
      BA# ba# <- unsafeFreezeByteArray mba
      return (SBS ba# LEN(len)))
{-# INLINE create #-}

-- Conversion to and from ByteString

-- | /O(n)/. Convert a 'ByteString' into a 'ShortByteString'.
-- This makes a copy, so does not retain the input string.
toShort :: ByteString -> ShortByteString
toShort !bs = unsafeDupablePerformIO (toShortIO bs)

toShortIO :: ByteString -> IO ShortByteString
toShortIO (BS fptr len) = do
    mba <- stToIO (newByteArray len)
    let ptr = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fptr
    stToIO (copyAddrToByteArray ptr mba 0 len)
    touchForeignPtr fptr
    BA# ba# <- stToIO (unsafeFreezeByteArray mba)
    return (SBS ba# LEN(len))

-- | /O(n)/. Convert a 'ShortByteString' into a 'ByteString'.
fromShort :: ShortByteString -> ByteString
fromShort !sbs = unsafeDupablePerformIO (fromShortIO sbs)

fromShortIO :: ShortByteString -> IO ByteString
fromShortIO sbs = do
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
    let len = length sbs
    mba@(MBA# mba#) <- stToIO (newPinnedByteArray len)
    stToIO (copyByteArray (asBA sbs) 0 mba 0 len)
    let fp = ForeignPtr (byteArrayContents# (unsafeCoerce# mba#))
                        (PlainPtr mba#)
    return (BS fp len)
    -- Before base 4.6 ForeignPtrContents is not exported from GHC.ForeignPtr
    -- so we cannot get direct access to the mbarr#
    let len = length sbs
    fptr <- mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes len
    let ptr = unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fptr
    stToIO (copyByteArrayToAddr (asBA sbs) 0 ptr len)
    touchForeignPtr fptr
    return (BS fptr len)

-- Packing and unpacking from lists

-- | /O(n)/. Convert a list into a 'ShortByteString'
pack :: [Word8] -> ShortByteString
pack = packBytes

-- | /O(n)/. Convert a 'ShortByteString' into a list.
unpack :: ShortByteString -> [Word8]
unpack = unpackBytes

packChars :: [Char] -> ShortByteString
packChars cs = packLenChars (List.length cs) cs

packBytes :: [Word8] -> ShortByteString
packBytes cs = packLenBytes (List.length cs) cs

packLenChars :: Int -> [Char] -> ShortByteString
packLenChars len cs0 =
    create len (\mba -> go mba 0 cs0)
    go :: MBA s -> Int -> [Char] -> ST s ()
    go !_   !_ []     = return ()
    go !mba !i (c:cs) = do
      writeCharArray mba i c
      go mba (i+1) cs

packLenBytes :: Int -> [Word8] -> ShortByteString
packLenBytes len ws0 =
    create len (\mba -> go mba 0 ws0)
    go :: MBA s -> Int -> [Word8] -> ST s ()
    go !_   !_ []     = return ()
    go !mba !i (w:ws) = do
      writeWord8Array mba i w
      go mba (i+1) ws

-- Unpacking bytestrings into lists effeciently is a tradeoff: on the one hand
-- we would like to write a tight loop that just blats the list into memory, on
-- the other hand we want it to be unpacked lazily so we don't end up with a
-- massive list data structure in memory.
-- Our strategy is to combine both: we will unpack lazily in reasonable sized
-- chunks, where each chunk is unpacked strictly.
-- unpackChars does the lazy loop, while unpackAppendBytes and
-- unpackAppendChars do the chunks strictly.

unpackChars :: ShortByteString -> [Char]
unpackChars bs = unpackAppendCharsLazy bs []

unpackBytes :: ShortByteString -> [Word8]
unpackBytes bs = unpackAppendBytesLazy bs []

-- Why 100 bytes you ask? Because on a 64bit machine the list we allocate
-- takes just shy of 4k which seems like a reasonable amount.
-- (5 words per list element, 8 bytes per word, 100 elements = 4000 bytes)

unpackAppendCharsLazy :: ShortByteString -> [Char] -> [Char]
unpackAppendCharsLazy sbs cs0 = go 0 (length sbs) cs0
    sz = 100

    go off len cs
      | len <= sz = unpackAppendCharsStrict sbs off len cs
      | otherwise = unpackAppendCharsStrict sbs off sz  remainder
                      where remainder = go (off+sz) (len-sz) cs

unpackAppendBytesLazy :: ShortByteString -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
unpackAppendBytesLazy sbs ws0 = go 0 (length sbs) ws0
    sz = 100

    go off len ws
      | len <= sz = unpackAppendBytesStrict sbs off len ws
      | otherwise = unpackAppendBytesStrict sbs off sz  remainder
                      where remainder = go (off+sz) (len-sz) ws

-- For these unpack functions, since we're unpacking the whole list strictly we
-- build up the result list in an accumulator. This means we have to build up
-- the list starting at the end. So our traversal starts at the end of the
-- buffer and loops down until we hit the sentinal:

unpackAppendCharsStrict :: ShortByteString -> Int -> Int -> [Char] -> [Char]
unpackAppendCharsStrict !sbs off len cs = go (off-1) (off-1 + len) cs
    go !sentinal !i !acc
      | i == sentinal = acc
      | otherwise     = let !c = indexCharArray (asBA sbs) i
                        in go sentinal (i-1) (c:acc)

unpackAppendBytesStrict :: ShortByteString -> Int -> Int -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
unpackAppendBytesStrict !sbs off len ws = go (off-1) (off-1 + len) ws
    go !sentinal !i !acc
      | i == sentinal = acc
      | otherwise     = let !w = indexWord8Array (asBA sbs) i
                         in go sentinal (i-1) (w:acc)

-- Eq and Ord implementations

equateBytes :: ShortByteString -> ShortByteString -> Bool
equateBytes sbs1 sbs2 =
    let !len1 = length sbs1
        !len2 = length sbs2
     in len1 == len2
     && 0 == accursedUnutterablePerformIO
               (memcmp_ByteArray (asBA sbs1) (asBA sbs2) len1)

compareBytes :: ShortByteString -> ShortByteString -> Ordering
compareBytes sbs1 sbs2 =
    let !len1 = length sbs1
        !len2 = length sbs2
        !len  = min len1 len2
     in case accursedUnutterablePerformIO
               (memcmp_ByteArray (asBA sbs1) (asBA sbs2) len) of
          i | i    < 0    -> LT
            | i    > 0    -> GT
            | len2 > len1 -> LT
            | len2 < len1 -> GT
            | otherwise   -> EQ

-- Appending and concatenation

append :: ShortByteString -> ShortByteString -> ShortByteString
append src1 src2 =
  let !len1 = length src1
      !len2 = length src2
   in create (len1 + len2) $ \dst -> do
        copyByteArray (asBA src1) 0 dst 0    len1
        copyByteArray (asBA src2) 0 dst len1 len2

concat :: [ShortByteString] -> ShortByteString
concat sbss =
    create (totalLen 0 sbss) (\dst -> copy dst 0 sbss)
    totalLen !acc []          = acc
    totalLen !acc (sbs: sbss) = totalLen (acc + length sbs) sbss

    copy :: MBA s -> Int -> [ShortByteString] -> ST s ()
    copy !_   !_   []                           = return ()
    copy !dst !off (src : sbss) = do
      let !len = length src
      copyByteArray (asBA src) 0 dst off len
      copy dst (off + len) sbss

-- Exported low level operations

copyToPtr :: ShortByteString  -- ^ source data
          -> Int              -- ^ offset into source
          -> Ptr a            -- ^ destination
          -> Int              -- ^ number of bytes to copy
          -> IO ()
copyToPtr src off dst len =
    stToIO $
      copyByteArrayToAddr (asBA src) off dst len

createFromPtr :: Ptr a   -- ^ source data
              -> Int     -- ^ number of bytes to copy
              -> IO ShortByteString
createFromPtr !ptr len =
    stToIO $ do
      mba <- newByteArray len
      copyAddrToByteArray ptr mba 0 len
      BA# ba# <- unsafeFreezeByteArray mba
      return (SBS ba# LEN(len))

-- Primop wrappers

data BA    = BA# ByteArray#
data MBA s = MBA# (MutableByteArray# s)

indexCharArray :: BA -> Int -> Char
indexCharArray (BA# ba#) (I# i#) = C# (indexCharArray# ba# i#)

indexWord8Array :: BA -> Int -> Word8
indexWord8Array (BA# ba#) (I# i#) = W8# (indexWord8Array# ba# i#)

newByteArray :: Int -> ST s (MBA s)
newByteArray (I# len#) =
    ST $ \s -> case newByteArray# len# s of
                 (# s, mba# #) -> (# s, MBA# mba# #)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
newPinnedByteArray :: Int -> ST s (MBA s)
newPinnedByteArray (I# len#) =
    ST $ \s -> case newPinnedByteArray# len# s of
                 (# s, mba# #) -> (# s, MBA# mba# #)

unsafeFreezeByteArray :: MBA s -> ST s BA
unsafeFreezeByteArray (MBA# mba#) =
    ST $ \s -> case unsafeFreezeByteArray# mba# s of
                 (# s, ba# #) -> (# s, BA# ba# #)

writeCharArray :: MBA s -> Int -> Char -> ST s ()
writeCharArray (MBA# mba#) (I# i#) (C# c#) =
  ST $ \s -> case writeCharArray# mba# i# c# s of
               s -> (# s, () #)

writeWord8Array :: MBA s -> Int -> Word8 -> ST s ()
writeWord8Array (MBA# mba#) (I# i#) (W8# w#) =
  ST $ \s -> case writeWord8Array# mba# i# w# s of
               s -> (# s, () #)

copyAddrToByteArray :: Ptr a -> MBA RealWorld -> Int -> Int -> ST RealWorld ()
copyAddrToByteArray (Ptr src#) (MBA# dst#) (I# dst_off#) (I# len#) =
    ST $ \s -> case copyAddrToByteArray# src# dst# dst_off# len# s of
                 s -> (# s, () #)

copyByteArrayToAddr :: BA -> Int -> Ptr a -> Int -> ST RealWorld ()
copyByteArrayToAddr (BA# src#) (I# src_off#) (Ptr dst#) (I# len#) =
    ST $ \s -> case copyByteArrayToAddr# src# src_off# dst# len# s of
                 s -> (# s, () #)

copyByteArray :: BA -> Int -> MBA s -> Int -> Int -> ST s ()
copyByteArray (BA# src#) (I# src_off#) (MBA# dst#) (I# dst_off#) (I# len#) =
    ST $ \s -> case copyByteArray# src# src_off# dst# dst_off# len# s of
                 s -> (# s, () #)

-- FFI imports

memcmp_ByteArray :: BA -> BA -> Int -> IO CInt
memcmp_ByteArray (BA# ba1#) (BA# ba2#) len =
  c_memcmp_ByteArray ba1# ba2# (fromIntegral len)

foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memcmp"
  c_memcmp_ByteArray :: ByteArray# -> ByteArray# -> CSize -> IO CInt

-- Primop replacements

copyAddrToByteArray# :: Addr#
                     -> MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> Int#
                     -> Int#
                     -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld

copyByteArrayToAddr# :: ByteArray# -> Int#
                     -> Addr#
                     -> Int#
                     -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld

copyByteArray#       :: ByteArray# -> Int#
                     -> MutableByteArray# s -> Int#
                     -> Int#
                     -> State# s -> State# s

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)

-- These exist as real primops in ghc-7.8, and for before that we use
-- FFI to C memcpy.
copyAddrToByteArray# = GHC.Exts.copyAddrToByteArray#
copyByteArrayToAddr# = GHC.Exts.copyByteArrayToAddr#


copyAddrToByteArray# src dst dst_off len s =
  unIO_ (memcpy_AddrToByteArray dst (csize dst_off) src 0 (csize len)) s

copyAddrToByteArray0 :: Addr# -> MutableByteArray# s -> Int#
                     -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
copyAddrToByteArray0 src dst len s =
  unIO_ (memcpy_AddrToByteArray0 dst src (csize len)) s

{-# INLINE [0] copyAddrToByteArray# #-}
{-# RULES "copyAddrToByteArray# dst_off=0"
      forall src dst len s.
          copyAddrToByteArray# src dst 0# len s
        = copyAddrToByteArray0 src dst    len s  #-}

foreign import ccall unsafe "fpstring.h fps_memcpy_offsets"
  memcpy_AddrToByteArray :: MutableByteArray# s -> CSize -> Addr# -> CSize -> CSize -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memcpy"
  memcpy_AddrToByteArray0 :: MutableByteArray# s -> Addr# -> CSize -> IO ()

copyByteArrayToAddr# src src_off dst len s =
  unIO_ (memcpy_ByteArrayToAddr dst 0 src (csize src_off) (csize len)) s

copyByteArrayToAddr0 :: ByteArray# -> Addr# -> Int#
                     -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
copyByteArrayToAddr0 src dst len s =
  unIO_ (memcpy_ByteArrayToAddr0 dst src (csize len)) s

{-# INLINE [0] copyByteArrayToAddr# #-}
{-# RULES "copyByteArrayToAddr# src_off=0"
      forall src dst len s.
          copyByteArrayToAddr# src 0# dst len s
        = copyByteArrayToAddr0 src    dst len s  #-}

foreign import ccall unsafe "fpstring.h fps_memcpy_offsets"
  memcpy_ByteArrayToAddr :: Addr# -> CSize -> ByteArray# -> CSize -> CSize -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memcpy"
  memcpy_ByteArrayToAddr0 :: Addr# -> ByteArray# -> CSize -> IO ()

unIO_ :: IO () -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
unIO_ io s = case unIO io s of (# s, _ #) -> s

csize :: Int# -> CSize
csize i# = fromIntegral (I# i#)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)
copyByteArray# = GHC.Exts.copyByteArray#
copyByteArray# src src_off dst dst_off len s =
    unST_ (unsafeIOToST
      (memcpy_ByteArray dst (csize dst_off) src (csize src_off) (csize len))) s
    unST (ST st) = st
    unST_ st s = case unST st s of (# s, _ #) -> s

foreign import ccall unsafe "fpstring.h fps_memcpy_offsets"
  memcpy_ByteArray :: MutableByteArray# s -> CSize -> ByteArray# -> CSize -> CSize -> IO ()

-- | /O(n)./ Construct a new @ShortByteString@ from a @CString@. The
-- resulting @ShortByteString@ is an immutable copy of the original
-- @CString@, and is managed on the Haskell heap. The original
-- @CString@ must be null terminated.
-- @since
packCString :: CString -> IO ShortByteString
packCString cstr = do
  len <- c_strlen cstr
  packCStringLen (cstr, fromIntegral len)

-- | /O(n)./ Construct a new @ShortByteString@ from a @CStringLen@. The
-- resulting @ShortByteString@ is an immutable copy of the original @CStringLen@.
-- The @ShortByteString@ is a normal Haskell value and will be managed on the
-- Haskell heap.
-- @since
packCStringLen :: CStringLen -> IO ShortByteString
packCStringLen (cstr, len) | len >= 0 = createFromPtr cstr len
packCStringLen (_, len) =
  moduleErrorIO "packCStringLen" ("negative length: " ++ show len)

-- | /O(n) construction./ Use a @ShortByteString@ with a function requiring a
-- null-terminated @CString@.  The @CString@ is a copy and will be freed
-- automatically; it must not be stored or used after the
-- subcomputation finishes.
-- @since
useAsCString :: ShortByteString -> (CString -> IO a) -> IO a
useAsCString bs action =
  allocaBytes (l+1) $ \buf -> do
      copyToPtr bs 0 buf (fromIntegral l)
      pokeByteOff buf l (0::Word8)
      action buf
  where l = length bs

-- | /O(n) construction./ Use a @ShortByteString@ with a function requiring a @CStringLen@.
-- As for @useAsCString@ this function makes a copy of the original @ShortByteString@.
-- It must not be stored or used after the subcomputation finishes.
-- @since
useAsCStringLen :: ShortByteString -> (CStringLen -> IO a) -> IO a
useAsCStringLen bs action =
  allocaBytes l $ \buf -> do
      copyToPtr bs 0 buf (fromIntegral l)
      action (buf, l)
  where l = length bs

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Internal utilities

moduleErrorIO :: String -> String -> IO a
moduleErrorIO fun msg = throwIO . userError $ moduleErrorMsg fun msg
{-# NOINLINE moduleErrorIO #-}

moduleErrorMsg :: String -> String -> String
moduleErrorMsg fun msg = "Data.ByteString.Short." ++ fun ++ ':':' ':msg