{-# language BangPatterns #-}
{-# language BlockArguments #-}
{-# language MagicHash #-}
{-# language NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-}
{-# language UnboxedTuples #-}

module Data.Bytes
  ( -- * Types
    -- * Constants
  , Pure.empty
  , Pure.emptyPinned
    -- * Properties
  , null
  , Pure.length
    -- * Decompose
  , uncons
  , unsnoc
    -- * Predicates
  , any
  , all
    -- * Create
    -- ** Sliced
  , singleton
  , doubleton
  , tripleton
  , replicate
    -- ** Unsliced
  , singletonU
  , doubletonU
  , tripletonU
  , replicateU
    -- * Filtering
  , takeWhile
  , dropWhile
  , takeWhileEnd
  , dropWhileEnd
    -- * Folds
  , foldl
  , Pure.foldl'
  , foldr
  , foldr'
    -- * Folds with Indices
  , ifoldl'
    -- * Common Folds
  , elem
    -- * Splitting
  , Byte.split
  , Byte.splitU
  , Byte.splitInit
  , Byte.splitInitU
  , Byte.splitNonEmpty
  , Byte.splitStream
  , Byte.split1
  , Byte.split2
  , Byte.split3
  , Byte.split4
    -- * Combining
  , intercalate
    -- * Counting
  , Byte.count
    -- * Prefix and Suffix
    -- ** Byte Sequence
  , isPrefixOf
  , isSuffixOf
  , stripPrefix
  , stripOptionalPrefix
  , stripSuffix
  , stripOptionalSuffix
  , longestCommonPrefix
    -- ** C Strings
  , stripCStringPrefix
    -- ** Single Byte
  , isBytePrefixOf
  , isByteSuffixOf
    -- * Equality
    -- ** Fixed Characters
  , equalsLatin1
  , equalsLatin2
  , equalsLatin3
  , equalsLatin4
  , equalsLatin5
  , equalsLatin6
  , equalsLatin7
  , equalsLatin8
    -- ** C Strings
  , equalsCString
    -- * Hashing
  , Pure.fnv1a32
  , Pure.fnv1a64
    -- * Unsafe Slicing
  , unsafeTake
  , unsafeDrop
  , unsafeIndex
    -- * Copying
  , Pure.unsafeCopy
    -- * Pointers
  , Pure.pin
  , Pure.contents
  , touch
    -- * Conversion
  , Pure.toByteArray
  , Pure.toByteArrayClone
  , fromAsciiString
  , fromLatinString
  , Pure.fromByteArray
  , toLatinString
  , fromCString#
    -- * I\/O with Handles
  , BIO.hGet
  , readFile
  , BIO.hPut
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (length,takeWhile,dropWhile,null,foldl,foldr,elem,replicate,any,all,readFile)

import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad,primitive_,unsafeIOToPrim)
import Control.Monad.ST.Run (runByteArrayST)
import Data.Bytes.Compat (cstringLength#)
import Data.Bytes.Pure (length,fromByteArray)
import Data.Bytes.Types (Bytes(Bytes,array,offset))
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Primitive (ByteArray(ByteArray))
import Foreign.C.String (CString)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr,plusPtr,castPtr)
import GHC.Exts (Int(I#),Char(C#),Ptr(Ptr),word2Int#,chr#)
import GHC.Exts (Addr#,Word#,Int#)
import GHC.Word (Word8(W8#))

import qualified Data.Bytes.Byte as Byte
import qualified Data.Bytes.Chunks as Chunks
import qualified Data.Bytes.IO as BIO
import qualified Data.Bytes.Pure as Pure
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Primitive as PM
import qualified Data.Primitive.Ptr as PM
import qualified GHC.Exts as Exts

-- | Is the byte sequence empty?
null :: Bytes -> Bool
null (Bytes _ _ len) = len == 0

-- | Extract the head and tail of the 'Bytes', returning 'Nothing' if
-- it is empty.
uncons :: Bytes -> Maybe (Word8, Bytes)
uncons b = case length b of
  0 -> Nothing
  _ -> Just (unsafeIndex b 0, unsafeDrop 1 b)

-- | Extract the @init@ and @last@ of the 'Bytes', returning 'Nothing' if
-- it is empty.
unsnoc :: Bytes -> Maybe (Bytes, Word8)
unsnoc b@(Bytes arr off len) = case len of
  0 -> Nothing
  _ -> let !len' = len - 1 in
    Just (Bytes arr off len', unsafeIndex b len')

-- | Does the byte sequence begin with the given byte? False if the
-- byte sequence is empty.
isBytePrefixOf :: Word8 -> Bytes -> Bool
isBytePrefixOf w b = case length b of
  0 -> False
  _ -> unsafeIndex b 0 == w

-- | Does the byte sequence end with the given byte? False if the
-- byte sequence is empty.
isByteSuffixOf :: Word8 -> Bytes -> Bool
isByteSuffixOf w b = case len of
  0 -> False
  _ -> unsafeIndex b (len - 1) == w
  len = length b

-- | Is the first argument a prefix of the second argument?
isPrefixOf :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool
isPrefixOf (Bytes a aOff aLen) (Bytes b bOff bLen) =
  -- For prefix and suffix testing, we do not use
  -- the sameByteArray optimization that we use in
  -- the Eq instance. Prefix and suffix testing seldom 
  -- compares a byte array with the same in-memory
  -- byte array.
  if aLen <= bLen
    then compareByteArrays a aOff b bOff aLen == EQ
    else False

-- | Is the first argument a suffix of the second argument?
isSuffixOf :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bool
isSuffixOf (Bytes a aOff aLen) (Bytes b bOff bLen) =
  if aLen <= bLen
    then compareByteArrays a aOff b (bOff + bLen - aLen) aLen == EQ
    else False

-- | Find the longest string which is a prefix of both arguments.
longestCommonPrefix :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes
longestCommonPrefix a b = loop 0
  loop :: Int -> Bytes
  loop !into
    | into < maxLen
      && unsafeIndex a into == unsafeIndex b into
      = loop (into + 1)
    | otherwise = unsafeTake into a
  maxLen = min (length a) (length b)

-- | Create a byte sequence with one byte.
singleton :: Word8 -> Bytes
singleton !a = Bytes (singletonU a) 0 1

-- | Create a byte sequence with two bytes.
doubleton :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bytes
doubleton !a !b = Bytes (doubletonU a b) 0 2

-- | Create a byte sequence with three bytes.
tripleton :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Bytes
tripleton !a !b !c = Bytes (tripletonU a b c) 0 3

-- | Create an unsliced byte sequence with one byte.
singletonU :: Word8 -> ByteArray
singletonU !a = runByteArrayST do
  arr <- PM.newByteArray 1
  PM.writeByteArray arr 0 a
  PM.unsafeFreezeByteArray arr

-- | Create an unsliced byte sequence with two bytes.
doubletonU :: Word8 -> Word8 -> ByteArray
doubletonU !a !b = runByteArrayST do
  arr <- PM.newByteArray 2
  PM.writeByteArray arr 0 a
  PM.writeByteArray arr 1 b
  PM.unsafeFreezeByteArray arr

-- | Create an unsliced byte sequence with three bytes.
tripletonU :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> ByteArray
tripletonU !a !b !c = runByteArrayST do
  arr <- PM.newByteArray 3
  PM.writeByteArray arr 0 a
  PM.writeByteArray arr 1 b
  PM.writeByteArray arr 2 c
  PM.unsafeFreezeByteArray arr

-- | Replicate a byte @n@ times.
replicate ::
     Int -- ^ Desired length @n@
  -> Word8 -- ^ Byte to replicate
  -> Bytes
replicate !n !w = Bytes (replicateU n w) 0 n

-- | Variant of 'replicate' that returns a unsliced byte array.
replicateU :: Int -> Word8 -> ByteArray
replicateU !n !w = runByteArrayST do
  arr <- PM.newByteArray n
  PM.setByteArray arr 0 n w
  PM.unsafeFreezeByteArray arr

-- | /O(n)/ Return the suffix of the second string if its prefix
-- matches the entire first string.
stripPrefix :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Maybe Bytes
stripPrefix !pre !str = if pre `isPrefixOf` str
  then Just (Bytes (array str) (offset str + length pre) (length str - length pre))
  else Nothing

-- | /O(n)/ Return the suffix of the second string if its prefix
-- matches the entire first string. Otherwise, return the second
-- string unchanged.
stripOptionalPrefix :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes
stripOptionalPrefix !pre !str = if pre `isPrefixOf` str
  then Bytes (array str) (offset str + length pre) (length str - length pre)
  else str

-- | /O(n)/ Return the prefix of the second string if its suffix
-- matches the entire first string.
stripSuffix :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Maybe Bytes
stripSuffix !suf !str = if suf `isSuffixOf` str
  then Just (Bytes (array str) (offset str) (length str - length suf))
  else Nothing

-- | /O(n)/ Return the prefix of the second string if its suffix
-- matches the entire first string. Otherwise, return the second
-- string unchanged.
stripOptionalSuffix :: Bytes -> Bytes -> Bytes
stripOptionalSuffix !suf !str = if suf `isSuffixOf` str
  then Bytes (array str) (offset str) (length str - length suf)
  else str

-- | Is the byte a member of the byte sequence?
elem :: Word8 -> Bytes -> Bool
elem (W8# w) b = case elemLoop 0# w b of
  1# -> True
  _ -> False

elemLoop :: Int# -> Word# -> Bytes -> Int#
elemLoop !r !w (Bytes arr@(ByteArray arr# ) off@(I# off# ) len) = case len of
  0 -> r
  _ -> elemLoop (Exts.orI# r (Exts.eqWord# w (Exts.indexWord8Array# arr# off# ) )) w (Bytes arr (off + 1) (len - 1))

-- | Take bytes while the predicate is true.
takeWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Bytes -> Bytes
{-# inline takeWhile #-}
takeWhile k b = unsafeTake (countWhile k b) b

-- | Drop bytes while the predicate is true.
dropWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Bytes -> Bytes
{-# inline dropWhile #-}
dropWhile k b = unsafeDrop (countWhile k b) b

-- | Index into the byte sequence at the given position. This index
-- must be less than the length.
unsafeIndex :: Bytes -> Int -> Word8
unsafeIndex (Bytes arr off _) ix = PM.indexByteArray arr (off + ix)

-- | /O(n)/ 'dropWhileEnd' @p@ @b@ returns the prefix remaining after
-- dropping characters that satisfy the predicate @p@ from the end of
-- @t@.
dropWhileEnd :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Bytes -> Bytes
{-# inline dropWhileEnd #-}
dropWhileEnd k !b = unsafeTake (length b - countWhileEnd k b) b

-- | /O(n)/ 'takeWhileEnd' @p@ @b@ returns the longest suffix of
-- elements that satisfy predicate @p@.
takeWhileEnd :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Bytes -> Bytes
{-# inline takeWhileEnd #-}
takeWhileEnd k !b =
  let n = countWhileEnd k b
   in Bytes (array b) (offset b + length b - n) n

-- | Take the first @n@ bytes from the argument. Precondition: @n ≤ len@
unsafeTake :: Int -> Bytes -> Bytes
{-# inline unsafeTake #-}
unsafeTake n (Bytes arr off _) =
  Bytes arr off n

-- | Drop the first @n@ bytes from the argument. Precondition: @n ≤ len@
unsafeDrop :: Int -> Bytes -> Bytes
{-# inline unsafeDrop #-}
unsafeDrop n (Bytes arr off len) =
  Bytes arr (off + n) (len - n)

-- Internal. The returns the number of bytes that match the
-- predicate until the first non-match occurs. If all bytes
-- match the predicate, this will return the length originally
-- provided.
countWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Bytes -> Int
{-# inline countWhile #-}
countWhile k (Bytes arr off0 len0) = go off0 len0 0 where
  go !off !len !n = if len > 0
    then if k (PM.indexByteArray arr off)
      then go (off + 1) (len - 1) (n + 1)
      else n
    else n

-- Internal. Variant of countWhile that starts from the end
-- of the string instead of the beginning.
countWhileEnd :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Bytes -> Int
{-# inline countWhileEnd #-}
countWhileEnd k (Bytes arr off0 len0) = go (off0 + len0 - 1) (len0 - 1) 0 where
  go !off !len !n = if len >= 0
    then if k (PM.indexByteArray arr off)
      then go (off - 1) (len - 1) (n + 1)
      else n
    else n

-- | Left fold over bytes, non-strict in the accumulator.
foldl :: (a -> Word8 -> a) -> a -> Bytes -> a
{-# inline foldl #-}
foldl f a0 (Bytes arr off0 len0) =
  go (off0 + len0 - 1) (len0 - 1)
  go !off !ix = case ix of
    (-1) -> a0
    _ -> f (go (off - 1) (ix - 1)) (PM.indexByteArray arr off)

-- | Right fold over bytes, non-strict in the accumulator.
foldr :: (Word8 -> a -> a) -> a -> Bytes -> a
{-# inline foldr #-}
foldr f a0 (Bytes arr off0 len0) = go off0 len0 where
  go !off !len = case len of
    0 -> a0
    _ -> f (PM.indexByteArray arr off) (go (off + 1) (len - 1))

-- | Left fold over bytes, strict in the accumulator. The reduction function
-- is applied to each element along with its index.
ifoldl' :: (a -> Int -> Word8 -> a) -> a -> Bytes -> a
{-# inline ifoldl' #-}
ifoldl' f a0 (Bytes arr off0 len0) = go a0 0 off0 len0 where
  go !a !ix !off !len = case len of
    0 -> a
    _ -> go (f a ix (PM.indexByteArray arr off)) (ix + 1) (off + 1) (len - 1)

-- | Right fold over bytes, strict in the accumulator.
foldr' :: (Word8 -> a -> a) -> a -> Bytes -> a
{-# inline foldr' #-}
foldr' f a0 (Bytes arr off0 len0) =
  go a0 (off0 + len0 - 1) (len0 - 1)
  go !a !off !ix = case ix of
    (-1) -> a
    _ -> go (f (PM.indexByteArray arr off) a) (off - 1) (ix - 1)

-- | Convert a 'String' consisting of only characters in the ASCII block
-- to a byte sequence. Any character with a codepoint above @U+007F@ is
-- replaced by @U+0000@.
fromAsciiString :: String -> Bytes
fromAsciiString = fromByteArray
  . Exts.fromList
  . map (\c -> let i = ord c in if i < 128 then fromIntegral @Int @Word8 i else 0)

-- | Convert a 'String' consisting of only characters representable
-- by ISO-8859-1. These are encoded with ISO-8859-1. Any character
-- with a codepoint above @U+00FF@ is replace an unspecified byte.
fromLatinString :: String -> Bytes
fromLatinString =
  fromByteArray . Exts.fromList . map (fromIntegral @Int @Word8 . ord)

-- | Interpret a byte sequence as text encoded by ISO-8859-1.
toLatinString :: Bytes -> String
toLatinString = foldr (\(W8# w) xs -> C# (chr# (word2Int# w)) : xs) []

-- | Copy a primitive string literal into managed memory.
fromCString# :: Addr# -> Bytes
fromCString# a = Bytes
  ( runByteArrayST $ do
      dst@(PM.MutableByteArray dst# ) <- PM.newByteArray len
        (PM.MutablePrimArray dst# ) 0 (Ptr a :: Ptr Word8) len
      PM.unsafeFreezeByteArray dst
  ) 0 len
  len = I# (cstringLength# a)

compareByteArrays :: ByteArray -> Int -> ByteArray -> Int -> Int -> Ordering
{-# INLINE compareByteArrays #-}
compareByteArrays (ByteArray ba1#) (I# off1#) (ByteArray ba2#) (I# off2#) (I# n#) =
  compare (I# (Exts.compareByteArrays# ba1# off1# ba2# off2# n#)) 0

-- | Is the byte sequence, when interpreted as ISO-8859-1-encoded text,
-- a singleton whose element matches the character?
equalsLatin1 :: Char -> Bytes -> Bool
equalsLatin1 !c0 (Bytes arr off len) = case len of
  1 -> c0 == indexCharArray arr off
  _ -> False

-- | Is the byte sequence, when interpreted as ISO-8859-1-encoded text,
-- a doubleton whose elements match the characters?
equalsLatin2 :: Char -> Char -> Bytes -> Bool
equalsLatin2 !c0 !c1 (Bytes arr off len) = case len of
  2 -> c0 == indexCharArray arr off &&
       c1 == indexCharArray arr (off + 1)
  _ -> False

-- | Is the byte sequence, when interpreted as ISO-8859-1-encoded text,
-- a tripleton whose elements match the characters?
equalsLatin3 :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Bytes -> Bool
equalsLatin3 !c0 !c1 !c2 (Bytes arr off len) = case len of
  3 -> c0 == indexCharArray arr off &&
       c1 == indexCharArray arr (off + 1) &&
       c2 == indexCharArray arr (off + 2)
  _ -> False

-- | Is the byte sequence, when interpreted as ISO-8859-1-encoded text,
-- a quadrupleton whose elements match the characters?
equalsLatin4 :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Bytes -> Bool
equalsLatin4 !c0 !c1 !c2 !c3 (Bytes arr off len) = case len of
  4 -> c0 == indexCharArray arr off &&
       c1 == indexCharArray arr (off + 1) &&
       c2 == indexCharArray arr (off + 2) &&
       c3 == indexCharArray arr (off + 3)
  _ -> False

-- | Is the byte sequence, when interpreted as ISO-8859-1-encoded text,
-- a quintupleton whose elements match the characters?
equalsLatin5 :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Bytes -> Bool
equalsLatin5 !c0 !c1 !c2 !c3 !c4 (Bytes arr off len) = case len of
  5 -> c0 == indexCharArray arr off &&
       c1 == indexCharArray arr (off + 1) &&
       c2 == indexCharArray arr (off + 2) &&
       c3 == indexCharArray arr (off + 3) &&
       c4 == indexCharArray arr (off + 4)
  _ -> False

-- | Is the byte sequence, when interpreted as ISO-8859-1-encoded text,
-- a sextupleton whose elements match the characters?
equalsLatin6 :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Bytes -> Bool
equalsLatin6 !c0 !c1 !c2 !c3 !c4 !c5 (Bytes arr off len) = case len of
  6 -> c0 == indexCharArray arr off &&
       c1 == indexCharArray arr (off + 1) &&
       c2 == indexCharArray arr (off + 2) &&
       c3 == indexCharArray arr (off + 3) &&
       c4 == indexCharArray arr (off + 4) &&
       c5 == indexCharArray arr (off + 5)
  _ -> False

-- | Is the byte sequence, when interpreted as ISO-8859-1-encoded text,
-- a septupleton whose elements match the characters?
equalsLatin7 :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Bytes -> Bool
equalsLatin7 !c0 !c1 !c2 !c3 !c4 !c5 !c6 (Bytes arr off len) = case len of
  7 -> c0 == indexCharArray arr off &&
       c1 == indexCharArray arr (off + 1) &&
       c2 == indexCharArray arr (off + 2) &&
       c3 == indexCharArray arr (off + 3) &&
       c4 == indexCharArray arr (off + 4) &&
       c5 == indexCharArray arr (off + 5) &&
       c6 == indexCharArray arr (off + 6)
  _ -> False

-- | Is the byte sequence, when interpreted as ISO-8859-1-encoded text,
-- an octupleton whose elements match the characters?
equalsLatin8 :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Char -> Bytes -> Bool
equalsLatin8 !c0 !c1 !c2 !c3 !c4 !c5 !c6 !c7 (Bytes arr off len) = case len of
  8 -> c0 == indexCharArray arr off &&
       c1 == indexCharArray arr (off + 1) &&
       c2 == indexCharArray arr (off + 2) &&
       c3 == indexCharArray arr (off + 3) &&
       c4 == indexCharArray arr (off + 4) &&
       c5 == indexCharArray arr (off + 5) &&
       c6 == indexCharArray arr (off + 6) &&
       c7 == indexCharArray arr (off + 7)
  _ -> False

-- | Is the byte sequence equal to the @NUL@-terminated C String?
-- The C string must be a constant.
equalsCString :: CString -> Bytes -> Bool
{-# inline equalsCString #-}
equalsCString !ptr0 (Bytes arr off0 len0) = go (castPtr ptr0 :: Ptr Word8) off0 len0 where
  go !ptr !off !len = case len of
    0 -> PM.indexOffPtr ptr 0 == (0 :: Word8)
    _ -> case PM.indexOffPtr ptr 0 of
      0 -> False
      c -> c == PM.indexByteArray arr off && go (plusPtr ptr 1) (off + 1) (len - 1)

-- | /O(n)/ Variant of 'stripPrefix' that takes a @NUL@-terminated C String
-- as the prefix to test for.
stripCStringPrefix :: CString -> Bytes -> Maybe Bytes
{-# inline stripCStringPrefix #-}
stripCStringPrefix !ptr0 (Bytes arr off0 len0) = go (castPtr ptr0 :: Ptr Word8) off0 len0 where
  go !ptr !off !len = case PM.indexOffPtr ptr 0 of
    0 -> Just (Bytes arr off len)
    c -> case len of
      0 -> Nothing
      _ -> case c == PM.indexByteArray arr off of
        True -> go (plusPtr ptr 1) (off + 1) (len - 1)
        False -> Nothing

-- | Touch the byte array backing the byte sequence. This sometimes needed
-- after calling 'contents' so that the @ByteArray@ does not get garbage
-- collected.
touch :: PrimMonad m => Bytes -> m ()
touch (Bytes (ByteArray arr) _ _) = unsafeIOToPrim
  (primitive_ (\s -> Exts.touch# arr s))

indexCharArray :: ByteArray -> Int -> Char
indexCharArray (ByteArray arr) (I# off) = C# (Exts.indexCharArray# arr off)

-- | Read an entire file strictly into a 'Bytes'.
readFile :: FilePath -> IO Bytes
readFile f = Chunks.concat <$> Chunks.readFile f

-- | /O(n)/ The intercalate function takes a separator 'Bytes' and a list of
-- 'Bytes' and concatenates the list elements by interspersing the separator
-- between each element.
intercalate ::
     Bytes -- ^ Separator (interspersed into the list)
  -> [Bytes] -- ^ List
  -> Bytes
intercalate !_ [] = mempty
intercalate !_ [x] = x
intercalate (Bytes sarr soff slen) (Bytes arr0 off0 len0 : bs) = Bytes r 0 fullLen
  !fullLen = List.foldl' (\acc (Bytes _ _ len) -> acc + len + slen) 0 bs + len0
  r = runByteArrayST $ do
    marr <- PM.newByteArray fullLen
    PM.copyByteArray marr 0 arr0 off0 len0
    !_ <- F.foldlM
      (\ !currLen (Bytes arr off len) -> do
        PM.copyByteArray marr currLen sarr soff slen
        PM.copyByteArray marr (currLen + slen) arr off len
        pure (currLen + len + slen)
      ) len0 bs
    PM.unsafeFreezeByteArray marr

-- | /O(n)/ Returns true if any byte in the sequence satisfies the predicate.
any :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Bytes -> Bool
{-# inline any #-}
any f = foldr (\b r -> f b || r) False

-- | /O(n)/ Returns true if all bytes in the sequence satisfy the predicate.
all :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Bytes -> Bool
{-# inline all #-}
all f = foldr (\b r -> f b && r) True