{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

Module      : Data.BitVector.Sized
Copyright   : (c) Galois Inc. 2018
License     : BSD-3
Maintainer  : Ben Selfridge <benselfridge@galois.com>
Stability   : experimental
Portability : portable

This module defines a width-parameterized 'BV' type and various
associated operations. A @'BV' w@ is a newtype around an 'Integer', so
operations that require the width take an explicit @'NatRepr' w@
argument. We explicitly do not allow widths that cannot be represented
as an 'Prelude.Int', as we appeal to the underlying 'Prelude.Num' and
'Data.Bits.Bits' instances on 'Integer' for the implementation of many
of the same operations (which, in turn, require those widths to be

We omit all typeclass instances that require compile-time knowledge of
bitvector width, or force a signed or unsigned intepretation. Those
instances can be recovered via the use of
'Data.BitVector.Sized.Signed.SignedBV' or

This module should be imported qualified, as many of the names clash
with those in Prelude or other base packages.

module Data.BitVector.Sized
  ( -- * 'BV.BV' type
    BV.BV, pattern BV
    -- * 'NatRepr's (from parameterized-utils)
  , NatRepr
  , knownNat
    -- * Constructors
  , mkBV, mkBVUnsigned, mkBVSigned
  , unsignedClamp, signedClamp
  , minUnsigned, maxUnsigned
  , minSigned, maxSigned
  , zero, one, width
    -- * Construction from fixed-width data types
  , bool
  , word8, word16, word32, word64
  , int8, int16, int32, int64
  , bitsBE, bitsLE
  , bytesBE, bytesLE
  , bytestringBE, bytestringLE
    -- * Conversions to primitive types
  , asSigned
  , asUnsigned
  , asNatural
  , asBitsBE, asBitsLE
  , asBytesBE, asBytesLE
  , asBytestringBE, asBytestringLE
    -- * Bits operations (width-preserving)
    -- | 'BV' versions of the functions in @Data.Bits@.
  , and, or, xor
  , complement
  , shl, lshr, ashr, rotateL, rotateR
  , bit, bit'
  , setBit, setBit'
  , clearBit, clearBit'
  , complementBit, complementBit'
  , testBit, testBit'
  , popCount
  , ctz, clz
  , truncBits
    -- * Arithmetic operations (width-preserving)
  , add, sub, mul
  , uquot, squot, sdiv
  , urem, srem, smod
  , uquotRem, squotRem, sdivMod
  , abs, negate
  , signBit
  , signum
  , slt, sle, ult, ule
  , umin, umax
  , smin, smax
    -- * Variable-width operations
    -- | These are functions that involve bit vectors of different lengths.
  , concat
  , select, select'
  , zext
  , sext
  , trunc, trunc'
  , zresize
  , sresize
  , mulWide
    -- * Enum operations
  , succUnsigned, succSigned
  , predUnsigned, predSigned
  , enumFromToUnsigned, enumFromToSigned
    -- * Generating random bitvectors
    -- | 'BV' versions of the functions in 'System.Random'.
  , uniformM
  , uUniformRM
  , sUniformRM
    -- * Pretty printing
  , ppHex
  , ppBin
  , ppOct
  , ppDec
  ) where

import Data.BitVector.Sized.Internal hiding (BV(..))
import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized.Internal as BV

import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr (knownNat, NatRepr)
import Prelude (Integer)

-- | Get the underlying 'Integer' representation from a 'BV'. We
-- guarantee that @(\\(BV.BV x) -> x) == BV.asUnsigned@.
pattern BV :: Integer -> BV.BV w
pattern $mBV :: forall r (w :: Nat). BV w -> (Integer -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
BV x <- BV.BV x