module UI.Butcher.Monadic
Input (..)
, CmdParser
, ParsingError (..)
, CommandDesc(_cmd_out)
, cmd_out
, runCmdParser
, runCmdParserExt
, runCmdParserA
, runCmdParserAExt
, runCmdParserWithHelpDesc
, checkCmdParser
module UI.Butcher.Monadic.Command
, module UI.Butcher.Monadic.Pretty
, module UI.Butcher.Monadic.IO
, module UI.Butcher.Monadic.Interactive
, addHelpCommand
, addHelpCommand2
, addHelpCommandWith
, addButcherDebugCommand
, addShellCompletionCommand
, addShellCompletionCommand'
, mapOut
, emptyCommandDesc
, Visibility (..)
#include ""
import UI.Butcher.Monadic.Types
import UI.Butcher.Monadic.Internal.Types
import UI.Butcher.Monadic.Command
import UI.Butcher.Monadic.BuiltinCommands
import UI.Butcher.Monadic.Internal.Core
import UI.Butcher.Monadic.Pretty
import UI.Butcher.Monadic.IO
import UI.Butcher.Monadic.Interactive
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP
#ifdef HLINT
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use import/export shortcut" #-}
:: Maybe String
-> Input
-> (CommandDesc () -> CmdParser Identity out ())
-> (CommandDesc (), Either ParsingError (CommandDesc out))
runCmdParserWithHelpDesc mProgName input cmdF =
let (checkResult, fullDesc)
= ( checkCmdParser mProgName (cmdF fullDesc)
, either (const emptyCommandDesc) id $ checkResult
in runCmdParser mProgName input (cmdF fullDesc)
runCmdParserSimple :: String -> CmdParser Identity out () -> Either String out
runCmdParserSimple s p = case snd $ runCmdParser Nothing (InputString s) p of
Left e -> Left $ parsingErrorString e
Right desc ->
maybe (Left "command has no implementation") Right $ _cmd_out desc
_cmds :: CmdParser Identity (IO ()) ()
_cmds = do
addCmd "echo" $ do
addCmdHelpStr "print its parameter to output"
str <- addParamRead "STRING" (paramHelpStr "the string to print")
addCmdImpl $ do
putStrLn str
addCmd "hello" $ do
addCmdHelpStr "greet the user"
short <- addSimpleBoolFlag "" ["short"] mempty
name <- addParamRead "NAME" (paramHelpStr "your name, so you can be greeted properly"
<> paramDefault "user")
addCmdImpl $ do
if short
then putStrLn $ "hi, " ++ name ++ "!"
else putStrLn $ "hello, " ++ name ++ ", welcome from butcher!"
addCmd "foo" $ do
addCmdHelpStr "foo"
desc <- peekCmdDesc
addCmdImpl $ do
putStrLn "foo"
print $ ppHelpShallow desc
addCmd "help" $ do
desc <- peekCmdDesc
addCmdImpl $ do
print $ ppHelpShallow $ maybe undefined snd (_cmd_mParent desc)
data Sample = Sample
{ _hello :: Int
, _s1 :: String
, _s2 :: String
, _quiet :: Bool
deriving Show
_test2 :: IO ()
_test2 = case checkCmdParser (Just "butcher") _cmds of
Left e -> putStrLn $ "LEFT: " ++ e
Right desc -> do
print $ ppUsage desc
print $ maybe undefined id $ ppUsageAt ["hello"] desc
_test3 :: String -> IO ()
_test3 s = case runCmdParser (Just "butcher") (InputString s) _cmds of
(desc, Left e) -> do
print e
print $ ppHelpShallow desc
_cmd_mParent desc `forM_` \(_, d) -> do
print $ ppUsage d
(desc, Right out) -> do
case _cmd_out out of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "command is missing implementation!"
print $ ppHelpShallow desc
Just f -> f