module BuildBox.Data.Physical
        ( Seconds       (..)
        , Bytes         (..))
import BuildBox.Data.Dividable
import BuildBox.Pretty
import Data.Maybe

-- | Seconds of time, pretty printed in engineering format.
data Seconds
        = Seconds Double
        deriving (Read, Show, Ord, Eq)

instance Real Seconds where
 toRational (Seconds s1)         = toRational s1

instance Dividable Seconds where
 divide (Seconds s1) (Seconds s2) = Seconds (s1 / s2)

instance Num Seconds where
 (+) (Seconds f1) (Seconds f2)   = Seconds (f1 + f2)
 (-) (Seconds f1) (Seconds f2)   = Seconds (f1 - f2)
 (*) (Seconds f1) (Seconds f2)   = Seconds (f1 * f2)
 abs (Seconds f1)                = Seconds (abs f1)
 signum (Seconds f1)             = Seconds (signum f1)
 fromInteger i                   = Seconds (fromInteger i)

instance Pretty Seconds where
 ppr (Seconds f)
        = fromMaybe (string (show f))
        $ pprEngDouble "s" f

-- | Bytes of data, pretty printed in engineering format.
data Bytes
        = Bytes   Integer
        deriving (Read, Show, Ord, Eq)

instance Real Bytes where
 toRational (Bytes b1)           = toRational b1

instance Dividable Bytes where
 divide (Bytes s1) (Bytes s2)    = Bytes (s1 `div` s2)

instance Num Bytes where
 (+) (Bytes f1) (Bytes f2)       = Bytes (f1 + f2)
 (-) (Bytes f1) (Bytes f2)       = Bytes (f1 - f2)
 (*) (Bytes f1) (Bytes f2)       = Bytes (f1 * f2)
 abs (Bytes f1)                  = Bytes (abs f1)
 signum (Bytes f1)               = Bytes (signum f1)
 fromInteger i                   = Bytes (fromInteger i)

instance Pretty Bytes where
 ppr (Bytes b)
        = fromMaybe (string (show b))
        $ pprEngInteger "B" b