-- | Sending email.
--   If you're on a system with a working @sendmail@ then use that.
--   Otherwise, the stand-alone @msmtp@ server is easy to set up.
--   Get @msmtp@ here: <http://msmtp.sourceforge.net>
module BuildBox.Command.Mail
        ( Mail(..)
        , Mailer(..)
        , createMailWithCurrentTime
        , renderMail
        , sendMailWithMailer)
import BuildBox.Build
import BuildBox.Pretty
import BuildBox.Command.Environment
import BuildBox.Command.System
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time.Calendar
import qualified Data.Text      as T

-- | An email message that we can send.
data Mail
        = Mail
        { mailFrom              :: String
        , mailTo                :: String
        , mailSubject           :: String
        , mailTime              :: UTCTime
        , mailTimeZone          :: TimeZone
        , mailMessageId         :: String
        , mailBody              :: String }
        deriving Show

-- | An external mailer that can send messages.
--      Also contains mail server info if needed.
data Mailer
        -- | Send the mail by writing to the stdin of this command.
        --   On many systems the command 'sendmail' will be aliased to an appropriate
        --   wrapper for whatever Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) you have installed.
        = MailerSendmail
        { mailerPath            :: FilePath
        , mailerExtraFlags      :: [String] }

        -- | Send mail via MSMTP, which is a stand-alone SMTP sender.
        --   This might be be easier to set up if you don't have a real MTA installed.
        --   Get it from http://msmtp.sourceforge.net/
        | MailerMSMTP
        { mailerPath            :: FilePath
        , mailerPort            :: Maybe Int }
        deriving Show

-- | Create a mail with a given from, to, subject and body.
--   Fill in the date and message id based on the current time.
--   Valid dates and message ids are needed to prevent the mail
--   being bounced by anti-spam systems.
        :: String       -- ^ ''from'' field. Should be an email address.
        -> String       -- ^ ''to'' field. Should be an email address.
        -> String       -- ^ Subject line.
        -> String       -- ^ Message  body.
        -> Build Mail

createMailWithCurrentTime from to subject body
 = do
        -- We need to add the date otherwise our messages will get marked as spam.
        -- Use RFC 2822 format timestamp.
        utime           <- io $ getCurrentTime
        zone            <- io $ getCurrentTimeZone

        -- Generate a messageid based on the clock time.
        hostName        <- getHostName
        let dayNum      = toModifiedJulianDay $ utctDay utime
        let secTime     = utctDayTime utime
        let messageId   =  "<" ++ show dayNum ++ "." ++ (init $ show secTime)
                        ++ "@" ++ hostName ++ ">"

        return  $ Mail
                { mailFrom      = from
                , mailTo        = to
                , mailSubject   = subject
                , mailTime      = utime
                , mailTimeZone  = zone
                , mailMessageId = messageId
                , mailBody      = body }

-- | Render an email message as a string.
renderMail :: Mail -> Text
renderMail mail
 = vcat
        [ ppr "From: "          % ppr (mailFrom mail)
        , ppr "To: "            % ppr (mailTo   mail)
        , ppr "Subject: "       % ppr (mailSubject mail)
        , ppr "Date: "          % (ppr $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
                                        $ utcToZonedTime (mailTimeZone mail) (mailTime mail))

        , ppr "Message-Id: "    % ppr (mailMessageId mail)
        , ppr ""
        , ppr (mailBody mail) ]

-- | Send a mail message.
sendMailWithMailer :: Mail -> Mailer -> Build ()
sendMailWithMailer mail mailer
 = case mailer of
         -> ssystemTee False
                (mailerPath mailer
                        ++ " -t ") -- read recipients from the mail
                (T.unpack $ renderMail mail)

         -> ssystemTee False
                (mailerPath mailer
                        ++ " -t " -- read recipients from the mail
                        ++ (maybe "" (\port -> " --port=" ++ show port) $ mailerPort mailer))
                (T.unpack $ renderMail mail)