{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}

module BTree.Linear
  ( BTree
  , Context(..)
  , lookup
  , insert
  , modifyWithM
  , new
  , foldrWithKey
  , toAscList
  , fromList
  , debugMap
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Primitive.MutVar
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Data.Primitive (MutableArray,Prim)
import qualified Data.Primitive as P

import Data.Primitive.PrimArray
import Control.Monad.Primitive

data Context s = Context
  { contextDegree :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int

data BTree s k v = BTree
  !(MutVar s Int) -- current number of keys in this node
  !(MutablePrimArray s k)
  !(Contents s k v)

data Contents s k v
  = ContentsValues !(MutablePrimArray s v)
  | ContentsNodes !(MutableArray s (BTree s k v))

new :: (PrimMonad m, Prim k, Prim v)
  => Context (PrimState m) -- ^ Max number of children per node
  -> m (BTree (PrimState m) k v)
new (Context degree) = do
  if degree < 3
    then error "Btree.new: max nodes per child cannot be less than 3"
    else return ()
  szRef <- newMutVar 0
  keys <- newPrimArray (degree - 1)
  values <- newPrimArray (degree - 1)
  return (BTree szRef keys (ContentsValues values))

{-# INLINABLE lookup #-}
lookup :: forall m k v. (PrimMonad m, Ord k, Prim k, Prim v)
  => Context (PrimState m) -> BTree (PrimState m) k v -> k -> m (Maybe v)
lookup (Context _) theNode k = go theNode
  go :: BTree (PrimState m) k v -> m (Maybe v)
  go (BTree szRef keys c) = do
    sz <- readMutVar szRef
    case c of
      ContentsValues values -> do
        e <- findIndex keys k sz
        case e of
          Left _ -> return Nothing
          Right ix -> do
            v <- readPrimArray values ix
            return (Just v)
      ContentsNodes nodes -> do
        ix <- findIndexBetween keys k sz
        go =<< P.readArray nodes ix

data Insert s k v
  = Ok !v
  | Split !(BTree s k v) !k !v
    -- ^ The new node that will go to the right,
    --   the key propagated to the parent,
    --   the inserted value.

uninitializedNode :: a
uninitializedNode = error "unitializedNode: this should not be forced, b+ tree implementation has a mistake."

{-# INLINE insert #-}
insert :: (PrimMonad m, Ord k, Prim k, Prim v)
  => Context (PrimState m)
  -> BTree (PrimState m) k v
  -> k
  -> v
  -> m (BTree (PrimState m) k v)
insert ctx m k v = do
  (_,node) <- modifyWithM ctx m k (\_ -> return v)
  return node

-- | This is provided for completeness but is not something
--   typically useful in producetion code.
toAscList :: forall m k v. (PrimMonad m, Ord k, Prim k, Prim v)
  => Context (PrimState m)
  -> BTree (PrimState m) k v
  -> m [(k,v)]
toAscList = foldrWithKey f []
  f :: k -> v -> [(k,v)] -> m [(k,v)]
  f k v xs = return ((k,v) : xs)

fromList :: (PrimMonad m, Ord k, Prim k, Prim v)
  => Context (PrimState m) -> [(k,v)] -> m (BTree (PrimState m) k v)
fromList ctx xs = do
  root0 <- new ctx
    (\root (k,v) -> do
      insert ctx root k v
    ) root0 xs

foldrWithKey :: forall m k v b. (PrimMonad m, Ord k, Prim k, Prim v)
  => (k -> v -> b -> m b)
  -> b
  -> Context (PrimState m)
  -> BTree (PrimState m) k v
  -> m b
foldrWithKey f b0 (Context _) root = flip go b0 root
  go :: BTree (PrimState m) k v -> b -> m b
  go (BTree szRef keys c) b = do
    sz <- readMutVar szRef
    case c of
      ContentsValues values -> foldrPrimArrayPairs sz f b keys values
      ContentsNodes nodes -> foldrArray (sz + 1) go b nodes

foldrArray :: forall m a b. (PrimMonad m)
  => Int -- ^ length of array
  -> (a -> b -> m b)
  -> b
  -> MutableArray (PrimState m) a
  -> m b
foldrArray len f b0 arr = go (len - 1) b0
  go :: Int -> b -> m b
  go !ix !b1 = if ix >= 0
    then do
      a <- P.readArray arr ix
      b2 <- f a b1
      go (ix - 1) b2
    else return b1

foldrPrimArrayPairs :: forall m k v b. (PrimMonad m, Ord k, Prim k, Prim v)
  => Int -- ^ length of arrays
  -> (k -> v -> b -> m b)
  -> b
  -> MutablePrimArray (PrimState m) k
  -> MutablePrimArray (PrimState m) v
  -> m b
foldrPrimArrayPairs len f b0 ks vs = go (len - 1) b0
  go :: Int -> b -> m b
  go !ix !b1 = if ix >= 0
    then do
      k <- readPrimArray ks ix
      v <- readPrimArray vs ix
      b2 <- f k v b1
      go (ix - 1) b2
    else return b1

{-# SPECIALIZE modifyWithM :: Context RealWorld -> BTree RealWorld Int Int -> Int -> (Maybe Int -> IO Int) -> IO (Int, BTree RealWorld Int Int) #-}
{-# INLINABLE modifyWithM #-}
modifyWithM :: forall m s k v. (PrimMonad m, Ord k, Prim k, Prim v)
  => Context s
  -> BTree (PrimState m) k v
  -> k
  -> (Maybe v -> m v)
  -> m (v, BTree (PrimState m) k v)
modifyWithM (Context degree) root k alter = do
  ins <- go root
  case ins of
    Ok v -> return (v,root)
    Split rightNode newRootKey v -> do
      let leftNode = root
      newRootSz <- newMutVar 1
      newRootKeys <- newPrimArray (degree - 1)
      writePrimArray newRootKeys 0 newRootKey
      newRootChildren <- P.newArray degree uninitializedNode
      P.writeArray newRootChildren 0 leftNode
      P.writeArray newRootChildren 1 rightNode
      let newRoot = BTree newRootSz newRootKeys (ContentsNodes newRootChildren)
      return (v,newRoot)
  go :: BTree (PrimState m) k v -> m (Insert (PrimState m) k v)
  go (BTree szRef keys c) = do
    sz <- readMutVar szRef
    case c of
      ContentsValues values -> do
        e <- findIndex keys k sz
        case e of
          Left gtIx -> do
            v <- alter Nothing
            if sz < degree - 1
              then do
                -- We have enough space
                writeMutVar szRef (sz + 1)
                unsafeInsertPrimArray sz gtIx k keys
                unsafeInsertPrimArray sz gtIx v values
                return (Ok v)
              else do
                -- We do not have enough space. The node must be split.
                let leftSize = div sz 2
                    rightSize = sz - leftSize
                    leftKeys = keys
                    leftValues = values
                if gtIx < leftSize
                  then do
                    rightKeys <- newPrimArray (degree - 1)
                    rightValues <- newPrimArray (degree - 1)
                    rightSzRef <- newMutVar rightSize
                    copyMutablePrimArray rightKeys 0 leftKeys leftSize rightSize
                    copyMutablePrimArray rightValues 0 leftValues leftSize rightSize
                    unsafeInsertPrimArray leftSize gtIx k leftKeys
                    unsafeInsertPrimArray leftSize gtIx v leftValues
                    propagated <- readPrimArray rightKeys 0
                    writeMutVar szRef (leftSize + 1)
                    return (Split (BTree rightSzRef rightKeys (ContentsValues rightValues)) propagated v)
                  else do
                    rightKeys <- newPrimArray (degree - 1)
                    rightValues <- newPrimArray (degree - 1)
                    rightSzRef <- newMutVar (rightSize + 1)
                    -- Currently, we're copying from left to right and
                    -- then doing another copy from right to right. We
                    -- might be able to do better. We could do the same number
                    -- of memcpys but copy fewer total elements and not
                    -- have the slowdown caused by overlap.
                    copyMutablePrimArray rightKeys 0 leftKeys leftSize rightSize
                    copyMutablePrimArray rightValues 0 leftValues leftSize rightSize
                    unsafeInsertPrimArray rightSize (gtIx - leftSize) k rightKeys
                    unsafeInsertPrimArray rightSize (gtIx - leftSize) v rightValues
                    propagated <- readPrimArray rightKeys 0
                    writeMutVar szRef leftSize
                    return (Split (BTree rightSzRef rightKeys (ContentsValues rightValues)) propagated v)
          Right ix -> do
            v <- readPrimArray values ix
            v' <- alter (Just v)
            writePrimArray values ix v'
            return (Ok v')
      ContentsNodes nodes -> do
        (gtIx,isEq) <- findIndexGte keys k sz
        -- case e of
        --   Right _ -> error "write Right case"
        --   Left gtIx -> do
        node <- P.readArray nodes (if isEq then gtIx + 1 else gtIx)
        ins <- go node
        case ins of
          Ok v -> return (Ok v)
          Split rightNode propagated v -> if sz < degree - 1
            then do
              unsafeInsertPrimArray sz gtIx propagated keys
              unsafeInsertArray (sz + 1) (gtIx + 1) rightNode nodes
              writeMutVar szRef (sz + 1)
              return (Ok v)
            else do
              let middleIx = div sz 2
                  leftKeys = keys
                  leftNodes = nodes
              middleKey <- readPrimArray keys middleIx
              rightKeys :: MutablePrimArray (PrimState m) k <- newPrimArray (degree - 1)
              rightNodes <- P.newArray degree uninitializedNode
              rightSzRef <- newMutVar 0 -- this always gets replaced
              let leftSize = middleIx
                  rightSize = sz - leftSize
              if middleIx >= gtIx
                then do
                  copyMutablePrimArray rightKeys 0 leftKeys (leftSize + 1) (rightSize - 1)
                  P.copyMutableArray rightNodes 0 leftNodes (leftSize + 1) rightSize
                  unsafeInsertPrimArray leftSize gtIx propagated leftKeys
                  unsafeInsertArray (leftSize + 1) (gtIx + 1) rightNode leftNodes
                  writeMutVar szRef (leftSize + 1)
                  writeMutVar rightSzRef (rightSize - 1)
                else do
                  -- Currently, we're copying from left to right and
                  -- then doing another copy from right to right. We can do better.
                  -- There is a similar note further up.
                  copyMutablePrimArray rightKeys 0 leftKeys (leftSize + 1) (rightSize - 1)
                  P.copyMutableArray rightNodes 0 leftNodes (leftSize + 1) rightSize
                  unsafeInsertPrimArray (rightSize - 1) (gtIx - leftSize - 1) propagated rightKeys
                  unsafeInsertArray rightSize (gtIx - leftSize) rightNode rightNodes
                  writeMutVar szRef leftSize
                  writeMutVar rightSzRef rightSize
              return (Split (BTree rightSzRef rightKeys (ContentsNodes rightNodes)) middleKey v)

-- Preconditions:
-- * marr is sorted low to high
-- * sz is less than or equal to the true size of marr
-- The returned value is in the inclusive range [0,sz]
findIndexBetween :: forall m a. (PrimMonad m, Ord a, Prim a)
  => MutablePrimArray (PrimState m) a -> a -> Int -> m Int
findIndexBetween !marr !needle !sz = go 0
  go :: Int -> m Int
  go !i = if i < sz
    then do
      a <- readPrimArray marr i
      if a > needle
        then return i
        else go (i + 1)
    else return i -- i should be equal to sz

-- Preconditions:
-- * marr is sorted low to high
-- * sz is less than or equal to the true size of marr
-- The returned value is either
-- * in the inclusive range [0,sz - 1]
-- * the value (-1), indicating that no match was found
findIndex :: forall m a. (PrimMonad m, Ord a, Prim a)
  => MutablePrimArray (PrimState m) a -> a -> Int -> m (Either Int Int)
findIndex !marr !needle !sz = go 0
  go :: Int -> m (Either Int Int)
  go !i = if i < sz
    then do
      a <- readPrimArray marr i
      case compare a needle of
        LT -> go (i + 1)
        EQ -> return (Right i)
        GT -> return (Left i)
    else return (Left i)

-- | The second value in the tuple is true when
--   the index match was exact.
findIndexGte :: forall m a. (PrimMonad m, Ord a, Prim a)
  => MutablePrimArray (PrimState m) a -> a -> Int -> m (Int,Bool)
findIndexGte !marr !needle !sz = go 0
  go :: Int -> m (Int,Bool)
  go !i = if i < sz
    then do
      a <- readPrimArray marr i
      case compare a needle of
        LT -> go (i + 1)
        EQ -> return (i,True)
        GT -> return (i,False)
    else return (i,False)

-- | Insert an element in the array, shifting the values right 
--   of the index. The array size should be big enough for this
--   shift, this is not checked.
unsafeInsertArray :: (PrimMonad m)
  => Int -- ^ Size of the original array
  -> Int -- ^ Index
  -> a -- ^ Value
  -> MutableArray (PrimState m) a -- ^ Array to modify
  -> m ()
unsafeInsertArray sz i x marr = do
  P.copyMutableArray marr (i + 1) marr i (sz - i)
  P.writeArray marr i x

-- Inserts a value at the designated index,
-- shifting everything after it to the right.
-- Example:
-- -----------------------------
-- | a | b | c | d | e | X | X |
-- -----------------------------
-- unsafeInsertPrimArray 5 3 'k' marr
unsafeInsertPrimArray ::
     (PrimMonad m, Prim a)
  => Int -- ^ Size of the original array
  -> Int -- ^ Index
  -> a -- ^ Value
  -> MutablePrimArray (PrimState m) a -- ^ Array to modify
  -> m ()
unsafeInsertPrimArray sz i x marr = do
  copyMutablePrimArray marr (i + 1) marr i (sz - i)
  writePrimArray marr i x

showPairs :: forall m k v. (PrimMonad m, Show k, Show v, Prim k, Prim v)
  => Int -- size
  -> MutablePrimArray (PrimState m) k
  -> MutablePrimArray (PrimState m) v
  -> m [String]
showPairs sz keys values = go 0
  go :: Int -> m [String]
  go ix = if ix < sz
    then do
      k <- readPrimArray keys ix
      v <- readPrimArray values ix
      let str = show k ++ ": " ++ show v
      strs <- go (ix + 1)
      return (str : strs)
    else return []

-- | Show the internal structure of a Map, useful for debugging, not exported
debugMap :: forall m k v. (PrimMonad m, Prim k, Prim v, Show k, Show v)
  => Context (PrimState m)
  -> BTree (PrimState m) k v
  -> m String
debugMap (Context _) (BTree rootSzRef rootKeys rootContents) = do
  rootSz <- readMutVar rootSzRef
  let go :: Int -> Int -> MutablePrimArray (PrimState m) k -> Contents (PrimState m) k v -> m [(Int,String)]
      go level sz keys c = case c of
        ContentsValues values -> do
          pairStrs <- showPairs sz keys values
          return (map (\s -> (level,s)) pairStrs)
        ContentsNodes nodes -> do
          pairs <- pairForM sz keys nodes
            $ \k (BTree nextSzRef nextKeys nextContents) -> do
              nextSz <- readMutVar nextSzRef
              nextStrs <- go (level + 1) nextSz nextKeys nextContents
              return (nextStrs ++ [(level,show k)]) -- ++ " (Size: " ++ show nextSz ++ ")")])
          -- I think this should always end up being in bounds
          BTree lastSzRef lastKeys lastContents <- P.readArray nodes sz
          lastSz <- readMutVar lastSzRef
          lastStrs <- go (level + 1) lastSz lastKeys lastContents
          -- return (nextStrs ++ [(level,show k)])
          return ([(level, "start")] ++ concat pairs ++ lastStrs)
  allStrs <- go 0 rootSz rootKeys rootContents
  return $ unlines $ map (\(level,str) -> replicate (level * 2) ' ' ++ str) ((0,"root size: " ++ show rootSz) : allStrs)

pairForM :: forall m a b c. (PrimMonad m, Prim a)
  => Int
  -> MutablePrimArray (PrimState m) a
  -> MutableArray (PrimState m) c
  -> (a -> c -> m b)
  -> m [b]
pairForM sz marr1 marr2 f = go 0
  go :: Int -> m [b]
  go ix = if ix < sz
    then do
      a <- readPrimArray marr1 ix
      c <- P.readArray marr2 ix
      b <- f a c
      bs <- go (ix + 1)
      return (b : bs)
    else return []