{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

module Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Transformations.Alt
  ( transformAlts

#include "prelude.inc"

import           Data.HList.ContainsType

import           Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Utils
import           Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Config.Types
import           Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Types

import qualified Control.Monad.Memo as Memo

data AltCurPos = AltCurPos
  { _acp_line :: Int -- chars in the current line
  , _acp_indent :: Int -- current indentation level
  , _acp_indentPrep :: Int -- indentChange affecting the next Par
  , _acp_forceMLFlag :: AltLineModeState
  deriving (Show)

data AltLineModeState
  = AltLineModeStateNone
  | AltLineModeStateForceML Bool -- true ~ decays on next wrap
  | AltLineModeStateForceSL
  | AltLineModeStateContradiction
  -- i.e. ForceX False -> ForceX True -> None
  deriving (Show)

altLineModeRefresh :: AltLineModeState -> AltLineModeState
altLineModeRefresh AltLineModeStateNone          = AltLineModeStateNone
altLineModeRefresh AltLineModeStateForceML{}     = AltLineModeStateForceML False
altLineModeRefresh AltLineModeStateForceSL       = AltLineModeStateForceSL
altLineModeRefresh AltLineModeStateContradiction = AltLineModeStateContradiction

altLineModeDecay :: AltLineModeState -> AltLineModeState
altLineModeDecay AltLineModeStateNone            = AltLineModeStateNone
altLineModeDecay (AltLineModeStateForceML False) = AltLineModeStateForceML True
altLineModeDecay (AltLineModeStateForceML True ) = AltLineModeStateNone
altLineModeDecay AltLineModeStateForceSL         = AltLineModeStateForceSL
altLineModeDecay AltLineModeStateContradiction   = AltLineModeStateContradiction

mergeLineMode :: AltCurPos -> AltLineModeState -> AltCurPos
mergeLineMode acp s = case (_acp_forceMLFlag acp, s) of
  (AltLineModeStateContradiction, _) -> acp
  (AltLineModeStateNone, x) -> acp { _acp_forceMLFlag = x }
  (AltLineModeStateForceSL, AltLineModeStateForceSL) -> acp
  (AltLineModeStateForceML{}, AltLineModeStateForceML{}) ->
    acp { _acp_forceMLFlag = s }
  _ -> acp { _acp_forceMLFlag = AltLineModeStateContradiction }

-- removes any BDAlt's from the BriDoc
  :: forall r w s
   . ( Data.HList.ContainsType.ContainsType Config r
     , Data.HList.ContainsType.ContainsType (Seq String) w
  => BriDocNumbered
  -> MultiRWSS.MultiRWS r w s BriDoc
transformAlts =
  MultiRWSS.withMultiStateA (AltCurPos 0 0 0 AltLineModeStateNone)
    . Memo.startEvalMemoT
    . fmap unwrapBriDocNumbered
    . rec
    -- this function is exponential by nature and cannot be improved in any
    -- way i can think of, and i've tried. (stupid StableNames.)
    -- transWrap :: BriDoc -> BriDocNumbered
    -- transWrap brDc = flip StateS.evalState (1::Int)
    --                $ Memo.startEvalMemoT
    --                $ go brDc
    --   where
    --     incGet = StateS.get >>= \i -> StateS.put (i+1) $> i
    --     go :: BriDoc -> Memo.MemoT BriDoc BriDocNumbered (StateS.State Int) BriDocNumbered
    --     go = Memo.memo $ \bdX -> do
    --       i <- lift $ incGet
    --       fmap (\bd' -> (i,bd')) $ case bdX of
    --         BDEmpty           -> return $ BDFEmpty
    --         BDLit t           -> return $ BDFLit t
    --         BDSeq list        -> BDFSeq <$> go `mapM` list
    --         BDCols sig list   -> BDFCols sig <$> go `mapM` list
    --         BDSeparator       -> return $ BDFSeparator
    --         BDAddBaseY ind bd -> BDFAddBaseY ind <$> go bd
    --         BDSetBaseY bd     -> BDFSetBaseY <$> go bd
    --         BDSetIndentLevel bd     -> BDFSetIndentLevel <$> go bd
    --         BDPar ind line indented -> [ BDFPar ind line' indented'
    --                                    | line' <- go line
    --                                    , indented' <- go indented
    --                                    ]
    --         BDAlt alts              -> BDFAlt <$> go `mapM` alts -- not that this will happen
    --         BDForceMultiline  bd    -> BDFForceMultiline <$> go bd
    --         BDForceSingleline bd    -> BDFForceSingleline <$> go bd
    --         BDForwardLineMode bd    -> BDFForwardLineMode <$> go bd
    --         BDExternal k ks c t         -> return $ BDFExternal k ks c t
    --         BDAnnotationPrior annKey bd -> BDFAnnotationPrior annKey <$> go bd
    --         BDAnnotationPost  annKey bd -> BDFAnnotationRest  annKey <$> go bd
    --         BDLines lines         -> BDFLines <$> go `mapM` lines
    --         BDEnsureIndent ind bd -> BDFEnsureIndent ind <$> go bd
    --         BDProhibitMTEL bd     -> BDFProhibitMTEL <$> go bd

    rec :: BriDocNumbered -> Memo.MemoT Int [VerticalSpacing] (MultiRWSS.MultiRWS r w (AltCurPos ': s)) BriDocNumbered
    rec bdX@(brDcId, brDc) = do
        acp :: AltCurPos <- mGet
        tellDebugMess $ "transformAlts: visiting: " ++ case brDc of
          BDFAnnotationPrior annKey _ -> show (toConstr brDc, annKey, acp)
          BDFAnnotationRest annKey _ -> show (toConstr brDc, annKey, acp)
          _ -> show (toConstr brDc, acp)
      let reWrap = (,) brDcId
      -- debugAcp :: AltCurPos <- mGet
      case brDc of
        -- BDWrapAnnKey annKey bd -> do
        --   acp <- mGet
        --   mSet $ acp { _acp_forceMLFlag = altLineModeDecay $ _acp_forceMLFlag acp }
        --   BDWrapAnnKey annKey <$> rec bd
        BDFEmpty{}    -> processSpacingSimple bdX $> bdX
        BDFLit{}      -> processSpacingSimple bdX $> bdX
        BDFSeq list      ->
          reWrap . BDFSeq <$> list `forM` rec
        BDFCols sig list ->
          reWrap . BDFCols sig <$> list `forM` rec
        BDFSeparator  -> processSpacingSimple bdX $> bdX
        BDFAddBaseY indent bd -> do
          acp <- mGet
          indAdd <- fixIndentationForMultiple acp indent
          mSet $ acp { _acp_indentPrep = max (_acp_indentPrep acp) indAdd }
          r <- rec bd
          acp' <- mGet
          mSet $ acp' { _acp_indent = _acp_indent acp }
          return $ case indent of
            BrIndentNone -> r
            BrIndentRegular ->   reWrap $ BDFAddBaseY (BrIndentSpecial indAdd) r
            BrIndentSpecial i -> reWrap $ BDFAddBaseY (BrIndentSpecial i) r
        BDFBaseYPushCur bd -> do
          acp <- mGet
          mSet $ acp { _acp_indent = _acp_line acp }
          r <- rec bd
          return $ reWrap $ BDFBaseYPushCur r
        BDFBaseYPop bd -> do
          acp <- mGet
          r <- rec bd
          acp' <- mGet
          mSet $ acp' { _acp_indent = _acp_indentPrep acp }
          return $ reWrap $ BDFBaseYPop r
        BDFIndentLevelPushCur bd -> do
          reWrap . BDFIndentLevelPushCur <$> rec bd
        BDFIndentLevelPop bd -> do
          reWrap . BDFIndentLevelPop <$> rec bd
        BDFPar indent sameLine indented -> do
          indAmount <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_indentAmount .> confUnpack
          let indAdd = case indent of
                BrIndentNone -> 0
                BrIndentRegular -> indAmount
                BrIndentSpecial i -> i
          acp <- mGet
          let ind = _acp_indent acp + _acp_indentPrep acp + indAdd
          mSet $ acp
            { _acp_indent = ind
            , _acp_indentPrep = 0
          sameLine' <- rec sameLine
          mModify $ \acp' -> acp'
            { _acp_line   = ind
            , _acp_indent = ind
          indented' <- rec indented
          return $ reWrap $ BDFPar indent sameLine' indented'
        BDFAlt [] -> error "empty BDAlt" -- returning BDEmpty instead is a
                                        -- possibility, but i will prefer a
                                        -- fail-early approach; BDEmpty does not
                                        -- make sense semantically for Alt[].
        BDFAlt alts -> do
          altChooser <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_altChooser .> confUnpack
          case altChooser of
            AltChooserSimpleQuick -> do
              rec $ head alts
            AltChooserShallowBest -> do
              spacings <- alts `forM` getSpacing
              acp <- mGet
              let lineCheck LineModeInvalid = False
                  lineCheck (LineModeValid (VerticalSpacing _ p _)) =
                    case _acp_forceMLFlag acp of
                      AltLineModeStateNone      -> True
                      AltLineModeStateForceSL{} -> p == VerticalSpacingParNone
                      AltLineModeStateForceML{} -> p /= VerticalSpacingParNone
                      AltLineModeStateContradiction -> False
                  -- TODO: use COMPLETE pragma instead?
                  lineCheck _ = error "ghc exhaustive check is insufficient"
              lconf <- _conf_layout <$> mAsk
              tellDebugMess $ "considering options with " ++ show (length alts, acp)
              let options = -- trace ("considering options:" ++ show (length alts, acp)) $
                            (zip spacings alts
                             <&> \(vs, bd) -> -- trace ("spacing=" ++ show vs ++ ",hasSpace=" ++ show (hasSpace lconf acp vs) ++ ",lineCheck=" ++ show (lineCheck vs))
                               ( hasSpace1 lconf acp vs && lineCheck vs, bd))
              zip spacings options `forM_` \(vs, (_, bd)) ->
                tellDebugMess $ "  " ++ "spacing=" ++ show vs
                             ++ ",hasSpace1=" ++ show (hasSpace1 lconf acp vs)
                             ++ ",lineCheck=" ++ show (lineCheck vs)
                             ++ " " ++ show (toConstr bd)
              id -- - $ (fmap $ \x -> traceShow (briDocToDoc x) x)
                 $ rec
                 $ fromMaybe (-- trace ("choosing last") $
                              List.last alts)
                 $ Data.List.Extra.firstJust (\(_i::Int, (b,x)) ->
                     [ -- traceShow ("choosing option " ++ show i) $
                     | b
                 $ zip [1..] options
            AltChooserBoundedSearch limit -> do
              spacings <- alts `forM` getSpacings limit
              acp <- mGet
              let lineCheck (VerticalSpacing _ p _) =
                    case _acp_forceMLFlag acp of
                      AltLineModeStateNone      -> True
                      AltLineModeStateForceSL{} -> p == VerticalSpacingParNone
                      AltLineModeStateForceML{} -> p /= VerticalSpacingParNone
                      AltLineModeStateContradiction -> False
              lconf <- _conf_layout <$> mAsk
              tellDebugMess $ "considering options with " ++ show (length alts, acp)
              let options = -- trace ("considering options:" ++ show (length alts, acp)) $
                            (zip spacings alts
                             <&> \(vs, bd) -> -- trace ("spacing=" ++ show vs ++ ",hasSpace=" ++ show (hasSpace lconf acp vs) ++ ",lineCheck=" ++ show (lineCheck vs))
                               (  any (hasSpace2 lconf acp) vs
                               && any lineCheck vs, bd))
              let checkedOptions :: [Maybe (Int, BriDocNumbered)] =
                    zip [1..] options <&> (\(i, (b,x)) -> [ (i, x) | b ])
              zip spacings options `forM_` \(vs, (_, bd)) ->
                tellDebugMess $ "  " ++ "spacing=" ++ show vs
                             ++ ",hasSpace2=" ++ show (hasSpace2 lconf acp <$> vs)
                             ++ ",lineCheck=" ++ show (lineCheck <$> vs)
                             ++ " " ++ show (toConstr bd)
              tellDebugMess $ "  " ++ show (Data.Maybe.mapMaybe (fmap fst) checkedOptions)
              id -- - $ (fmap $ \x -> traceShow (briDocToDoc x) x)
                 $ rec
                 $ fromMaybe (-- trace ("choosing last") $
                              List.last alts)
                 $ Data.List.Extra.firstJust (fmap snd) checkedOptions
        BDFForceMultiline bd -> do
          acp <- mGet
          x <- do
            mSet $ mergeLineMode acp (AltLineModeStateForceML False)
            rec bd
          acp' <- mGet
          mSet $ acp' { _acp_forceMLFlag = _acp_forceMLFlag acp }
          return $ x
        BDFForceSingleline bd -> do
          acp <- mGet
          x <- do
            mSet $ mergeLineMode acp AltLineModeStateForceSL
            rec bd
          acp' <- mGet
          mSet $ acp' { _acp_forceMLFlag = _acp_forceMLFlag acp }
          return $ x
        BDFForwardLineMode bd -> do
          acp <- mGet
          x <- do
            mSet $ acp { _acp_forceMLFlag = altLineModeRefresh $ _acp_forceMLFlag acp }
            rec bd
          acp' <- mGet
          mSet $ acp' { _acp_forceMLFlag = _acp_forceMLFlag acp }
          return $ x
        BDFExternal{} -> processSpacingSimple bdX $> bdX
        BDFPlain{}    -> processSpacingSimple bdX $> bdX
        BDFAnnotationPrior annKey bd -> do
          acp <- mGet
          mSet $ acp { _acp_forceMLFlag = altLineModeDecay $ _acp_forceMLFlag acp }
          bd' <- rec bd
          return $ reWrap $ BDFAnnotationPrior annKey bd'
        BDFAnnotationRest annKey bd ->
          reWrap . BDFAnnotationRest annKey <$> rec bd
        BDFAnnotationKW annKey kw bd ->
          reWrap . BDFAnnotationKW annKey kw <$> rec bd
        BDFMoveToKWDP annKey kw b bd ->
          reWrap . BDFMoveToKWDP annKey kw b <$> rec bd
        BDFLines [] -> return $ reWrap BDFEmpty -- evil transformation. or harmless.
        BDFLines (l:lr) -> do
          ind <- _acp_indent <$> mGet
          l' <- rec l
          lr' <- lr `forM` \x -> do
            mModify $ \acp -> acp
              { _acp_line   = ind
              , _acp_indent = ind
            rec x
          return $ reWrap $ BDFLines (l':lr')
        BDFEnsureIndent indent bd -> do
          acp <- mGet
          indAdd <- fixIndentationForMultiple acp indent
          mSet $ acp
            { _acp_indentPrep = 0
              -- TODO: i am not sure this is valid, in general.
            , _acp_indent = _acp_indent acp + indAdd
            , _acp_line = max (_acp_line acp) (_acp_indent acp + indAdd)
              -- we cannot use just _acp_line acp + indAdd because of the case
              -- where there are multiple BDFEnsureIndents in the same line.
              -- Then, the actual indentation is relative to the current
              -- indentation, not the current cursor position.
          r <- rec bd
          acp' <- mGet
          mSet $ acp' { _acp_indent = _acp_indent acp }
          return $ case indent of
            BrIndentNone -> r
            BrIndentRegular ->   reWrap $ BDFEnsureIndent (BrIndentSpecial indAdd) r
            BrIndentSpecial i -> reWrap $ BDFEnsureIndent (BrIndentSpecial i) r
        BDFNonBottomSpacing bd -> rec bd
        BDFSetParSpacing bd -> rec bd
        BDFForceParSpacing bd -> rec bd
        BDFDebug s bd -> do
          acp :: AltCurPos <- mGet
          tellDebugMess $ "transformAlts: BDFDEBUG " ++ s ++ " (node-id=" ++ show brDcId ++ "): acp=" ++ show acp
          reWrap . BDFDebug s <$> rec bd
      :: ( MonadMultiReader Config m
         , MonadMultiState AltCurPos m
         , MonadMultiWriter (Seq String) m
      => BriDocNumbered
      -> m ()
    processSpacingSimple bd = getSpacing bd >>= \case
      LineModeInvalid                           -> error "processSpacingSimple inv"
      LineModeValid (VerticalSpacing i VerticalSpacingParNone _) -> do
        acp <- mGet
        mSet $ acp { _acp_line = _acp_line acp + i }
      LineModeValid (VerticalSpacing _ _ _)  -> error "processSpacingSimple par"
      _ -> error "ghc exhaustive check is insufficient"
    hasSpace1 :: LayoutConfig -> AltCurPos -> LineModeValidity VerticalSpacing -> Bool
    hasSpace1 _ _ LineModeInvalid = False
    hasSpace1 lconf acp (LineModeValid vs) = hasSpace2 lconf acp vs
    hasSpace1 _ _ _ = error "ghc exhaustive check is insufficient"
    hasSpace2 :: LayoutConfig -> AltCurPos -> VerticalSpacing -> Bool
    hasSpace2 lconf (AltCurPos line _indent _ _) (VerticalSpacing sameLine VerticalSpacingParNone _)
      = line + sameLine <= confUnpack (_lconfig_cols lconf)
    hasSpace2 lconf (AltCurPos line indent indentPrep _) (VerticalSpacing sameLine (VerticalSpacingParSome par) _)
      = line + sameLine <= confUnpack (_lconfig_cols lconf)
        && indent + indentPrep + par <= confUnpack (_lconfig_cols lconf)
    hasSpace2 lconf (AltCurPos line _indent _ _) (VerticalSpacing sameLine VerticalSpacingParAlways{} _)
      = line + sameLine <= confUnpack (_lconfig_cols lconf)

  :: forall m
   . (MonadMultiReader Config m, MonadMultiWriter (Seq String) m)
  => BriDocNumbered
  -> m (LineModeValidity VerticalSpacing)
getSpacing !bridoc = rec bridoc
  rec :: BriDocNumbered -> m (LineModeValidity VerticalSpacing)
  rec (brDcId, brDc) = do
    config <- mAsk
    let colMax = config & _conf_layout & _lconfig_cols & confUnpack
    result <- case brDc of
      -- BDWrapAnnKey _annKey bd -> rec bd
      BDFEmpty ->
        return $ LineModeValid $ VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone False
      BDFLit t ->
        return $ LineModeValid $ VerticalSpacing (Text.length t) VerticalSpacingParNone False
      BDFSeq list ->
        sumVs <$> rec `mapM` list
      BDFCols _sig list -> sumVs <$> rec `mapM` list
      BDFSeparator ->
        return $ LineModeValid $ VerticalSpacing 1 VerticalSpacingParNone False
      BDFAddBaseY indent bd -> do
        mVs <- rec bd
        return $ mVs <&> \vs -> vs
          { _vs_paragraph = case _vs_paragraph vs of
              VerticalSpacingParNone -> VerticalSpacingParNone
              VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> VerticalSpacingParAlways $ case indent of
                BrIndentNone      -> i
                BrIndentRegular   -> i + ( confUnpack
                                         $ _lconfig_indentAmount
                                         $ _conf_layout
                                         $ config
                BrIndentSpecial j -> i + j
              VerticalSpacingParSome i -> VerticalSpacingParSome $ case indent of
                BrIndentNone      -> i
                BrIndentRegular   -> i + ( confUnpack
                                         $ _lconfig_indentAmount
                                         $ _conf_layout
                                         $ config
                BrIndentSpecial j -> i + j
      BDFBaseYPushCur bd -> do
        mVs <- rec bd
        return $ mVs <&> \vs -> vs
          -- We leave par as-is, even though it technically is not
          -- accurate (in general).
          -- the reason is that we really want to _keep_ it Just if it is
          -- just so we properly communicate the is-multiline fact.
          -- An alternative would be setting to (Just 0).
          { _vs_sameLine = max (_vs_sameLine vs)
                               (case _vs_paragraph vs of
                                  VerticalSpacingParNone -> 0
                                  VerticalSpacingParSome i -> i
                                  VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> min colMax i)
          , _vs_paragraph = VerticalSpacingParSome 0
      BDFBaseYPop bd -> rec bd
      BDFIndentLevelPushCur bd -> rec bd
      BDFIndentLevelPop bd -> rec bd
      BDFPar BrIndentNone sameLine indented -> do
        mVs <- rec sameLine
        mIndSp <- rec indented
          $ [ VerticalSpacing lsp pspResult parFlagResult
            | VerticalSpacing lsp mPsp _ <- mVs
            , indSp <- mIndSp
            , lineMax <- getMaxVS $ mIndSp
            , let pspResult = case mPsp of
                    VerticalSpacingParSome psp   -> VerticalSpacingParSome $ max psp lineMax
                    VerticalSpacingParNone       -> VerticalSpacingParSome $ lineMax
                    VerticalSpacingParAlways psp -> VerticalSpacingParAlways $ max psp lineMax
            , let parFlagResult =  mPsp == VerticalSpacingParNone
                                && _vs_paragraph indSp ==  VerticalSpacingParNone
                                && _vs_parFlag indSp
      BDFPar{} -> error "BDPar with indent in getSpacing"
      BDFAlt [] -> error "empty BDAlt"
      BDFAlt (alt:_) -> rec alt
      BDFForceMultiline  bd -> do
        mVs <- rec bd
        return $ mVs >>= _vs_paragraph .> \case
          VerticalSpacingParNone -> LineModeInvalid
          _  -> mVs
      BDFForceSingleline bd -> do
        mVs <- rec bd
        return $ mVs >>= _vs_paragraph .> \case
          VerticalSpacingParNone -> mVs
          _  -> LineModeInvalid
      BDFForwardLineMode bd -> rec bd
      BDFExternal _ _ _ txt -> return $ LineModeValid $ case Text.lines txt of
        [t] -> VerticalSpacing (Text.length t) VerticalSpacingParNone False
        _   -> VerticalSpacing 999 VerticalSpacingParNone False
      BDFPlain txt -> return $ LineModeValid $ case Text.lines txt of
        [t] -> VerticalSpacing (Text.length t) VerticalSpacingParNone False
        _   -> VerticalSpacing 999 VerticalSpacingParNone False
      BDFAnnotationPrior _annKey bd -> rec bd
      BDFAnnotationKW _annKey _kw bd -> rec bd
      BDFAnnotationRest  _annKey bd -> rec bd
      BDFMoveToKWDP _annKey _kw _b bd -> rec bd
      BDFLines [] -> return
        $ LineModeValid
        $ VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone False
      BDFLines ls@(_:_) -> do
        lSps <- rec `mapM` ls
        let (mVs:_) = lSps -- separated into let to avoid MonadFail
        return $ [ VerticalSpacing lsp (VerticalSpacingParSome $ lineMax) False
                 | VerticalSpacing lsp _ _ <- mVs
                 , lineMax <- getMaxVS $ maxVs $ lSps
      BDFEnsureIndent indent bd -> do
        mVs <- rec bd
        let addInd = case indent of
              BrIndentNone      -> 0
              BrIndentRegular   -> confUnpack
                                 $ _lconfig_indentAmount
                                 $ _conf_layout
                                 $ config
              BrIndentSpecial i -> i
        return $ mVs <&> \(VerticalSpacing lsp psp pf) ->
          VerticalSpacing (lsp + addInd) psp pf
      BDFNonBottomSpacing bd -> do
        mVs <- rec bd
          $   mVs
          <|> LineModeValid (VerticalSpacing 0
                                             (VerticalSpacingParAlways colMax)
      BDFSetParSpacing bd -> do
        mVs <- rec bd
        return $ mVs <&> \vs -> vs { _vs_parFlag = True }
      BDFForceParSpacing bd -> do
        mVs <- rec bd
        return $ [ vs | vs <- mVs, _vs_parFlag vs || _vs_paragraph vs == VerticalSpacingParNone ]
      BDFDebug s bd -> do
        r <- rec bd
        tellDebugMess $ "getSpacing: BDFDebug " ++ show s ++ " (node-id=" ++ show brDcId ++ "): mVs=" ++ show r
        return r
    tellDebugMess $ "getSpacing: visiting: " ++ show (toConstr $ brDc) ++ " -> " ++ show result
    return result
  maxVs :: [LineModeValidity VerticalSpacing] -> LineModeValidity VerticalSpacing
  maxVs = foldl'
    (liftM2 (\(VerticalSpacing x1 x2 _) (VerticalSpacing y1 y2 _) ->
        VerticalSpacing (max x1 y1) (case (x2, y2) of
          (x, VerticalSpacingParNone) -> x
          (VerticalSpacingParNone, x) -> x
          (VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParAlways j) ->
            VerticalSpacingParAlways $ max i j
          (VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParSome j) ->
            VerticalSpacingParAlways $ max i j
          (VerticalSpacingParSome j, VerticalSpacingParAlways i) ->
            VerticalSpacingParAlways $ max i j
          (VerticalSpacingParSome x, VerticalSpacingParSome y) ->
            VerticalSpacingParSome $ max x y) False))
    (LineModeValid $ VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone False)
  sumVs :: [LineModeValidity VerticalSpacing] -> LineModeValidity VerticalSpacing
  sumVs sps = foldl' (liftM2 go) initial sps
    go (VerticalSpacing x1 x2 x3) (VerticalSpacing y1 y2 _) = VerticalSpacing
      (x1 + y1)
      (case (x2, y2) of
        (x, VerticalSpacingParNone) -> x
        (VerticalSpacingParNone, x) -> x
        (VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParAlways j) ->
          VerticalSpacingParAlways $ i+j
        (VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParSome j) ->
          VerticalSpacingParAlways $ i+j
        (VerticalSpacingParSome i, VerticalSpacingParAlways j) ->
          VerticalSpacingParAlways $ i+j
        (VerticalSpacingParSome x, VerticalSpacingParSome y) ->
          VerticalSpacingParSome $ x + y)
    singleline (LineModeValid x) = _vs_paragraph x == VerticalSpacingParNone
    singleline _                 = False
    isPar (LineModeValid x) = _vs_parFlag x
    isPar _                 = False
    parFlag = case sps of
      [] -> True
      _ -> all singleline (List.init sps) && isPar (List.last sps)
    initial = LineModeValid $ VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone parFlag
  getMaxVS :: LineModeValidity VerticalSpacing -> LineModeValidity Int
  getMaxVS = fmap $ \(VerticalSpacing x1 x2 _) -> x1 `max` case x2 of
    VerticalSpacingParSome i -> i
    VerticalSpacingParNone -> 0
    VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> i

data SpecialCompare = Unequal | Smaller | Bigger

  :: forall m
   . (MonadMultiReader Config m, MonadMultiWriter (Seq String) m)
  => Int
  -> BriDocNumbered
  -> Memo.MemoT Int [VerticalSpacing] m [VerticalSpacing]
getSpacings limit bridoc = preFilterLimit <$> rec bridoc
    -- when we do `take K . filter someCondition` on a list of spacings, we
    -- need to first (also) limit the size of the input list, otherwise a
    -- _large_ input with a similarly _large_ prefix not passing our filtering
    -- process could lead to exponential runtime behaviour.
    -- TODO: 3 is arbitrary.
    preFilterLimit :: [VerticalSpacing] -> [VerticalSpacing]
    preFilterLimit = take (3*limit)
    memoWithKey :: Memo.MonadMemo k v m1 => k -> m1 v -> m1 v
    memoWithKey k v = Memo.memo (const v) k
    rec :: BriDocNumbered -> Memo.MemoT Int [VerticalSpacing] m [VerticalSpacing]
    rec (brDcId, brdc) = memoWithKey brDcId $ do
      config <- mAsk
      let colMax = config & _conf_layout & _lconfig_cols & confUnpack
      let hasOkColCount (VerticalSpacing lsp psp _) =
            lsp <= colMax && case psp of
              VerticalSpacingParNone -> True
              VerticalSpacingParSome i -> i <= colMax
              VerticalSpacingParAlways{} -> True
      let specialCompare vs1 vs2 =
            if (  (_vs_sameLine vs1 == _vs_sameLine vs2)
               && (_vs_parFlag vs1 == _vs_parFlag vs2)
              then case (_vs_paragraph vs1, _vs_paragraph vs2) of
                (VerticalSpacingParAlways i1, VerticalSpacingParAlways i2) ->
                  if i1 < i2 then Smaller else Bigger
                (p1, p2) -> if p1 == p2 then Smaller else Unequal
              else Unequal
      let allowHangingQuasiQuotes =
              & _conf_layout
              & _lconfig_allowHangingQuasiQuotes
              & confUnpack
      let -- this is like List.nub, with one difference: if two elements
          -- are unequal only in _vs_paragraph, with both ParAlways, we
          -- treat them like equals and replace the first occurence with the
          -- smallest member of this "equal group".
          specialNub :: [VerticalSpacing] -> [VerticalSpacing]
          specialNub [] = []
          specialNub (x1 : xr) = case go x1 xr of
            (r, xs') -> r : specialNub xs'
            go y1 []        = (y1, [])
            go y1 (y2 : yr) = case specialCompare y1 y2 of
              Unequal -> let (r, yr') = go y1 yr in (r, y2 : yr')
              Smaller -> go y1 yr
              Bigger  -> go y2 yr
      let -- the standard function used to enforce a constant upper bound
          -- on the number of elements returned for each node. Should be
          -- applied whenever in a parent the combination of spacings from
          -- its children might cause excess of the upper bound.
          filterAndLimit :: [VerticalSpacing] -> [VerticalSpacing]
          filterAndLimit = take limit
                           -- prune so we always consider a constant
                           -- amount of spacings per node of the BriDoc.
                         . specialNub
                           -- In the end we want to know if there is at least
                           -- one valid spacing for any alternative.
                           -- If there are duplicates in the list, then these
                           -- will either all be valid (so having more than the
                           -- first is pointless) or all invalid (in which
                           -- case having any of them is pointless).
                           -- Nonetheless I think the order of spacings should
                           -- be preserved as it provides a deterministic
                           -- choice for which spacings to prune (which is
                           -- an argument against simply using a Set).
                           -- I have also considered `fmap head . group` which
                           -- seems to work similarly well for common cases
                           -- and which might behave even better when it comes
                           -- to determinism of the algorithm. But determinism
                           -- should not be overrated here either - in the end
                           -- this is about deterministic behaviour of the
                           -- pruning we do that potentially results in
                           -- non-optimal layouts, and we'd rather take optimal
                           -- layouts when we can than take non-optimal layouts
                           -- just to be consistent with other cases where
                           -- we'd choose non-optimal layouts.
                         . filter hasOkColCount
                           -- throw out any spacings (i.e. children) that
                           -- already use more columns than available in
                           -- total.
                         . preFilterLimit
      result <- case brdc of
        -- BDWrapAnnKey _annKey bd -> rec bd
        BDFEmpty ->
          return $ [VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone False]
        BDFLit t ->
          return $ [VerticalSpacing (Text.length t) VerticalSpacingParNone False]
        BDFSeq list ->
          fmap sumVs . sequence . fmap filterAndLimit <$> rec `mapM` list
        BDFCols _sig list ->
          fmap sumVs . sequence . fmap filterAndLimit <$> rec `mapM` list
        BDFSeparator ->
          return $ [VerticalSpacing 1 VerticalSpacingParNone False]
        BDFAddBaseY indent bd -> do
          mVs <- rec bd
          return $ mVs <&> \vs -> vs
            { _vs_paragraph = case _vs_paragraph vs of
                VerticalSpacingParNone -> VerticalSpacingParNone
                VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> VerticalSpacingParAlways $ case indent of
                  BrIndentNone      -> i
                  BrIndentRegular   -> i + ( confUnpack
                                           $ _lconfig_indentAmount
                                           $ _conf_layout
                                           $ config
                  BrIndentSpecial j -> i + j
                VerticalSpacingParSome i -> VerticalSpacingParSome $ case indent of
                  BrIndentNone      -> i
                  BrIndentRegular   -> i + ( confUnpack
                                           $ _lconfig_indentAmount
                                           $ _conf_layout
                                           $ config
                  BrIndentSpecial j -> i + j
        BDFBaseYPushCur bd -> do
          mVs <- rec bd
          return $ mVs <&> \vs -> vs
            -- We leave par as-is, even though it technically is not
            -- accurate (in general).
            -- the reason is that we really want to _keep_ it Just if it is
            -- just so we properly communicate the is-multiline fact.
            -- An alternative would be setting to (Just 0).
            { _vs_sameLine = max (_vs_sameLine vs)
                                 (case _vs_paragraph vs of
                                  VerticalSpacingParNone -> 0
                                  VerticalSpacingParSome i -> i
                                  VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> min colMax i)
            , _vs_paragraph = case _vs_paragraph vs of
                VerticalSpacingParNone -> VerticalSpacingParNone
                VerticalSpacingParSome i -> VerticalSpacingParSome i
                VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> VerticalSpacingParAlways i
        BDFBaseYPop bd -> rec bd
        BDFIndentLevelPushCur bd -> rec bd
        BDFIndentLevelPop bd -> rec bd
        BDFPar BrIndentNone sameLine indented -> do
          mVss   <- filterAndLimit <$> rec sameLine
          indSps <- filterAndLimit <$> rec indented
          let mVsIndSp = take limit
                       $ [ (x,y)
                         | x<-mVss
                         , y<-indSps
          return $ mVsIndSp <&>
            \(VerticalSpacing lsp mPsp _, indSp) ->
                (case mPsp of
                  VerticalSpacingParSome psp ->
                    VerticalSpacingParSome $ max psp $ getMaxVS indSp -- TODO
                  VerticalSpacingParNone -> spMakePar indSp
                  VerticalSpacingParAlways psp ->
                    VerticalSpacingParAlways $ max psp $ getMaxVS indSp)
                (  mPsp == VerticalSpacingParNone
                && _vs_paragraph indSp == VerticalSpacingParNone
                && _vs_parFlag indSp

        BDFPar{} -> error "BDPar with indent in getSpacing"
        BDFAlt [] -> error "empty BDAlt"
        -- BDAlt (alt:_) -> rec alt
        BDFAlt alts -> do
          r <- rec `mapM` alts
          return $ filterAndLimit =<< r
        BDFForceMultiline  bd -> do
          mVs <- filterAndLimit <$> rec bd
          return $ filter ((/=VerticalSpacingParNone) . _vs_paragraph) mVs
        BDFForceSingleline bd -> do
          mVs <- filterAndLimit <$> rec bd
          return $ filter ((==VerticalSpacingParNone) . _vs_paragraph) mVs
        BDFForwardLineMode bd -> rec bd
        BDFExternal _ _ _ txt | [t] <- Text.lines txt ->
          return $ [VerticalSpacing (Text.length t) VerticalSpacingParNone False]
        BDFExternal{} ->
          return $ [] -- yes, we just assume that we cannot properly layout
                      -- this.
        BDFPlain t -> return
          [ case Text.lines t of
              []       -> VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone False
              [t1    ] -> VerticalSpacing
                (Text.length t1)
              (t1 : _) -> VerticalSpacing
                (Text.length t1)
                (VerticalSpacingParAlways 0)
          | allowHangingQuasiQuotes
        BDFAnnotationPrior _annKey bd -> rec bd
        BDFAnnotationKW _annKey _kw bd -> rec bd
        BDFAnnotationRest  _annKey bd -> rec bd
        BDFMoveToKWDP _annKey _kw _b bd -> rec bd
        BDFLines [] -> return $ [VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone False]
        BDFLines ls@(_:_) -> do
          -- we simply assume that lines is only used "properly", i.e. in
          -- such a way that the first line can be treated "as a part of the
          -- paragraph". That most importantly means that Lines should never
          -- be inserted anywhere but at the start of the line. A
          -- counterexample would be anything like Seq[Lit "foo", Lines].
          lSpss <- map filterAndLimit <$> rec `mapM` ls
          let worbled = fmap reverse
                      $ sequence
                      $ reverse
                      $ lSpss
              sumF lSps@(lSp1:_) = VerticalSpacing (_vs_sameLine lSp1)
                                                   (spMakePar $ maxVs lSps)
              sumF [] = error $ "should not happen. if my logic does not fail"
                             ++ "me, this follows from not (null ls)."
          return $ sumF <$> worbled
          -- lSpss@(mVs:_) <- rec `mapM` ls
          -- return $ case Control.Lens.transposeOf traverse lSpss of -- TODO: we currently only
          --                      -- consider the first alternative for the
          --                      -- line's spacings.
          --                      -- also i am not sure if always including
          --                      -- the first line length in the paragraph
          --                      -- length gives the desired results.
          --                      -- it is the safe path though, for now.
          --   []       -> []
          --   (lSps:_) -> mVs <&> \(VerticalSpacing lsp _) ->
          --     VerticalSpacing lsp $ VerticalSpacingParSome $ getMaxVS $ maxVs lSps
        BDFEnsureIndent indent bd -> do
          mVs <- rec bd
          let addInd = case indent of
                BrIndentNone      -> 0
                BrIndentRegular   -> confUnpack
                                   $ _lconfig_indentAmount
                                   $ _conf_layout
                                   $ config
                BrIndentSpecial i -> i
          return $ mVs <&> \(VerticalSpacing lsp psp parFlag) ->
            VerticalSpacing (lsp + addInd) psp parFlag
        BDFNonBottomSpacing bd -> do
          mVs <- rec bd
          return $ if null mVs
            then [VerticalSpacing 0 (VerticalSpacingParAlways colMax) False]
            else mVs <&> \vs -> vs
              { _vs_sameLine = min colMax (_vs_sameLine vs)
              , _vs_paragraph = case _vs_paragraph vs of
                  VerticalSpacingParNone -> VerticalSpacingParNone
                  VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> VerticalSpacingParAlways i
                  VerticalSpacingParSome i -> VerticalSpacingParAlways i
            -- the version below is an alternative idea: fold the input
            -- spacings into a single spacing. This was hoped to improve in
            -- certain cases where non-bottom alternatives took up "too much
            -- explored search space"; the downside is that it also cuts
            -- the search-space short in other cases where it is not necessary,
            -- leading to unnecessary new-lines. Disabled for now. A better
            -- solution would require conditionally folding the search-space
            -- only in appropriate locations (i.e. a new BriDoc node type
            -- for this purpose, perhaps "BDFNonBottomSpacing1").
            -- else
            --   [ Foldable.foldl1
            --     (\(VerticalSpacing x1 x2 _) (VerticalSpacing y1 y2 _) ->
            --       VerticalSpacing
            --         (min x1 y1)
            --         (case (x2, y2) of
            --           (x, VerticalSpacingParNone) -> x
            --           (VerticalSpacingParNone, x) -> x
            --           (VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParAlways j) ->
            --             VerticalSpacingParAlways $ min i j
            --           (VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParSome j) ->
            --             VerticalSpacingParAlways $ min i j
            --           (VerticalSpacingParSome i, VerticalSpacingParAlways j) ->
            --             VerticalSpacingParAlways $ min i j
            --           (VerticalSpacingParSome x, VerticalSpacingParSome y) ->
            --             VerticalSpacingParSome $ min x y)
            --         False)
            --     mVs
            --   ]
        BDFSetParSpacing bd -> do
          mVs <- rec bd
          return $ mVs <&> \vs -> vs { _vs_parFlag = True }
        BDFForceParSpacing bd -> do
          mVs <- preFilterLimit <$> rec bd
          return $ [ vs | vs <- mVs, _vs_parFlag vs || _vs_paragraph vs == VerticalSpacingParNone ]
        BDFDebug s bd -> do
          r <- rec bd
          tellDebugMess $ "getSpacings: BDFDebug " ++ show s ++ " (node-id=" ++ show brDcId ++ "): vs=" ++ show (take 9 r)
          return r
      case brdc of
        BDFAnnotationPrior{} -> return ()
        BDFAnnotationRest{} -> return ()
        _ -> mTell $ Seq.fromList ["getSpacings: visiting: "
                            ++ show (toConstr $ brdc) -- (briDocToDoc $ unwrapBriDocNumbered (0, brdc))
                           , " -> "
                            ++ show (take 9 result)
      return result
    maxVs :: [VerticalSpacing] -> VerticalSpacing
    maxVs = foldl'
      (\(VerticalSpacing x1 x2 _) (VerticalSpacing y1 y2 _) ->
            (max x1 y1)
            (case (x2, y2) of
              (x, VerticalSpacingParNone) -> x
              (VerticalSpacingParNone, x) -> x
              (VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParAlways j) ->
                VerticalSpacingParAlways $ max i j
              (VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParSome j) ->
                VerticalSpacingParAlways $ max i j
              (VerticalSpacingParSome i, VerticalSpacingParAlways j) ->
                VerticalSpacingParAlways $ max i j
              (VerticalSpacingParSome x, VerticalSpacingParSome y) ->
                VerticalSpacingParSome $ max x y)
      (VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone False)
    sumVs :: [VerticalSpacing] -> VerticalSpacing
    sumVs sps = foldl' go initial sps
      go (VerticalSpacing x1 x2 x3) (VerticalSpacing y1 y2 _) = VerticalSpacing
        (x1 + y1)
        (case (x2, y2) of
          (x, VerticalSpacingParNone) -> x
          (VerticalSpacingParNone, x) -> x
          (VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParAlways j) ->
            VerticalSpacingParAlways $ i+j
          (VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParSome j) ->
            VerticalSpacingParAlways $ i+j
          (VerticalSpacingParSome i, VerticalSpacingParAlways j) ->
            VerticalSpacingParAlways $ i+j
          (VerticalSpacingParSome x, VerticalSpacingParSome y) -> VerticalSpacingParSome $ x + y)
      singleline x = _vs_paragraph x == VerticalSpacingParNone
      isPar      x = _vs_parFlag x
      parFlag = case sps of
        [] -> True
        _ -> all singleline (List.init sps) && isPar (List.last sps)
      initial = VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone parFlag
    getMaxVS :: VerticalSpacing -> Int
    getMaxVS (VerticalSpacing x1 x2 _) = x1 `max` case x2 of
      VerticalSpacingParSome i -> i
      VerticalSpacingParNone -> 0
      VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> i
    spMakePar :: VerticalSpacing -> VerticalSpacingPar
    spMakePar (VerticalSpacing x1 x2 _) = case x2 of
      VerticalSpacingParSome i -> VerticalSpacingParSome $ x1 `max` i
      VerticalSpacingParNone -> VerticalSpacingParSome $ x1
      VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> VerticalSpacingParAlways $ x1 `max` i

  :: (MonadMultiReader (CConfig Identity) m) => AltCurPos -> BrIndent -> m Int
fixIndentationForMultiple acp indent = do
  indAmount <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_indentAmount .> confUnpack
  let indAddRaw = case indent of
        BrIndentNone      -> 0
        BrIndentRegular   -> indAmount
        BrIndentSpecial i -> i
  -- for IndentPolicyMultiple, we restrict the amount of added
  -- indentation in such a manner that we end up on a multiple of the
  -- base indentation.
  indPolicy <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_indentPolicy .> confUnpack
  pure $ if indPolicy == IndentPolicyMultiple
      let indAddMultiple1 =
            indAddRaw - ((_acp_indent acp + indAddRaw) `mod` indAmount)
          indAddMultiple2 = if indAddMultiple1 <= 0
            then indAddMultiple1 + indAmount
            else indAddMultiple1
      in  indAddMultiple2
    else indAddRaw