{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.ExactPrintUtils
( parseModule
, parseModuleFromString
, commentAnnFixTransform
, commentAnnFixTransformGlob
, extractToplevelAnns
, foldedAnnKeys
, withTransformedAnns
#include "prelude.inc"
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Types
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Config.Types
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Utils
import Data.Data
import Data.HList.HList
import DynFlags ( getDynFlags )
import GHC ( runGhc, GenLocated(L), moduleNameString )
import qualified DynFlags as GHC
import qualified GHC as GHC hiding (parseModule)
import qualified Parser as GHC
import qualified SrcLoc as GHC
import qualified FastString as GHC
import qualified GHC as GHC hiding (parseModule)
import qualified Lexer as GHC
import qualified StringBuffer as GHC
import qualified Outputable as GHC
import qualified CmdLineParser as GHC
import HsSyn
import SrcLoc ( SrcSpan, Located )
import qualified Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint as ExactPrint
import qualified Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Annotate as ExactPrint
import qualified Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Types as ExactPrint
import qualified Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Parsers as ExactPrint
import qualified Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Preprocess as ExactPrint
import qualified Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Delta as ExactPrint
import qualified Data.Generics as SYB
import Control.Exception
:: [String]
-> System.IO.FilePath
-> (GHC.DynFlags -> IO (Either String a))
-> IO (Either String (ExactPrint.Anns, GHC.ParsedSource, a))
parseModule =
parseModuleWithCpp ExactPrint.defaultCppOptions ExactPrint.normalLayout
:: ExactPrint.CppOptions
-> ExactPrint.DeltaOptions
-> [String]
-> System.IO.FilePath
-> (GHC.DynFlags -> IO (Either String a))
-> IO (Either String (ExactPrint.Anns, GHC.ParsedSource, a))
parseModuleWithCpp cpp opts args fp dynCheck =
ExactPrint.ghcWrapper $ ExceptT.runExceptT $ do
dflags0 <- lift $ GHC.getSessionDynFlags
(dflags1, leftover, warnings) <- lift $ GHC.parseDynamicFlagsCmdLine
(GHC.noLoc <$> ("-hide-all-packages" : args))
void $ lift $ GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags1
dflags2 <- lift $ ExactPrint.initDynFlags fp
when (not $ null leftover)
$ ExceptT.throwE
$ "when parsing ghc flags: leftover flags: "
++ show (leftover <&> \(L _ s) -> s)
when (not $ null warnings)
$ ExceptT.throwE
$ "when parsing ghc flags: encountered warnings: "
++ show (warnings <&> warnExtractorCompat)
x <- ExceptT.ExceptT $ liftIO $ dynCheck dflags2
res <- lift $ ExactPrint.parseModuleApiAnnsWithCppInternal cpp dflags2 fp
either (\(span, err) -> ExceptT.throwE $ show span ++ ": " ++ err)
(\(a, m) -> pure (a, m, x))
$ ExactPrint.postParseTransform res opts
:: [String]
-> System.IO.FilePath
-> (GHC.DynFlags -> IO (Either String a))
-> String
-> IO (Either String (ExactPrint.Anns, GHC.ParsedSource, a))
parseModuleFromString args fp dynCheck str =
mask_ $ ExactPrint.ghcWrapper $ ExceptT.runExceptT $ do
dflags0 <- lift $ ExactPrint.initDynFlagsPure fp str
(dflags1, leftover, warnings) <- lift
$ GHC.parseDynamicFlagsCmdLine dflags0 (GHC.noLoc <$> args)
when (not $ null leftover)
$ ExceptT.throwE
$ "when parsing ghc flags: leftover flags: "
++ show (leftover <&> \(L _ s) -> s)
when (not $ null warnings)
$ ExceptT.throwE
$ "when parsing ghc flags: encountered warnings: "
++ show (warnings <&> warnExtractorCompat)
dynCheckRes <- ExceptT.ExceptT $ liftIO $ dynCheck dflags1
let res = ExactPrint.parseModuleFromStringInternal dflags1 fp str
case res of
Left (span, err) -> ExceptT.throwE $ show span ++ ": " ++ err
Right (a , m ) -> pure (a, m, dynCheckRes)
commentAnnFixTransformGlob :: SYB.Data ast => ast -> ExactPrint.Transform ()
commentAnnFixTransformGlob ast = do
let extract :: forall a . SYB.Data a => a -> Seq (SrcSpan, ExactPrint.AnnKey)
extract =
const Seq.empty
(\l@(L span _) -> Seq.singleton (span, ExactPrint.mkAnnKey l))
let nodes = SYB.everything (<>) extract ast
let annsMap :: Map GHC.RealSrcLoc ExactPrint.AnnKey
annsMap = Map.fromListWith
(flip const)
[ (GHC.realSrcSpanEnd span, annKey)
| (GHC.RealSrcSpan span, annKey) <- Foldable.toList nodes
nodes `forM_` (snd .> processComs annsMap)
processComs annsMap annKey1 = do
mAnn <- State.Class.gets fst <&> Map.lookup annKey1
mAnn `forM_` \ann1 -> do
let priors = ExactPrint.annPriorComments ann1
follows = ExactPrint.annFollowingComments ann1
assocs = ExactPrint.annsDP ann1
:: (ExactPrint.Comment, ExactPrint.DeltaPos)
-> ExactPrint.TransformT Identity Bool
processCom comPair@(com, _) =
case GHC.srcSpanStart $ ExactPrint.commentIdentifier com of
GHC.UnhelpfulLoc{} -> return True
GHC.RealSrcLoc comLoc -> case Map.lookupLE comLoc annsMap of
Just (_, annKey2) | loc1 /= loc2 -> case (con1, con2) of
(ExactPrint.CN "RecordCon", ExactPrint.CN "HsRecField") ->
move $> False
(x, y) | x == y -> move $> False
_ -> return True
ExactPrint.AnnKey annKeyLoc1 con1 = annKey1
ExactPrint.AnnKey annKeyLoc2 con2 = annKey2
loc1 = GHC.srcSpanStart annKeyLoc1
loc2 = GHC.srcSpanStart annKeyLoc2
move = ExactPrint.modifyAnnsT $ \anns ->
ann2 = Data.Maybe.fromJust $ Map.lookup annKey2 anns
ann2' = ann2
{ ExactPrint.annFollowingComments =
ExactPrint.annFollowingComments ann2 ++ [comPair]
Map.insert annKey2 ann2' anns
_ -> return True
priors' <- flip filterM priors processCom
follows' <- flip filterM follows $ processCom
assocs' <- flip filterM assocs $ \case
(ExactPrint.AnnComment com, dp) -> processCom (com, dp)
_ -> return True
let ann1' = ann1 { ExactPrint.annPriorComments = priors'
, ExactPrint.annFollowingComments = follows'
, ExactPrint.annsDP = assocs'
ExactPrint.modifyAnnsT $ \anns -> Map.insert annKey1 ann1' anns
commentAnnFixTransform :: GHC.ParsedSource -> ExactPrint.Transform ()
commentAnnFixTransform modul = SYB.everything (>>) genF modul
genF :: Data.Data.Data a => a -> ExactPrint.Transform ()
genF = (\_ -> return ()) `SYB.extQ` exprF
exprF :: Located (HsExpr GhcPs) -> ExactPrint.Transform ()
exprF lexpr@(L _ expr) = case expr of
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0) /* ghc-8.6 */
RecordCon _ _ (HsRecFields fs@(_:_) Nothing) ->
RecordCon _ _ _ (HsRecFields fs@(_:_) Nothing) ->
moveTrailingComments lexpr (List.last fs)
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0) /* ghc-8.6 */
RecordUpd _ _e fs@(_:_) ->
RecordUpd _e fs@(_:_) _cons _ _ _ ->
moveTrailingComments lexpr (List.last fs)
_ -> return ()
moveTrailingComments :: (Data.Data.Data a,Data.Data.Data b)
=> GHC.Located a -> GHC.Located b -> ExactPrint.Transform ()
moveTrailingComments astFrom astTo = do
k1 = ExactPrint.mkAnnKey astFrom
k2 = ExactPrint.mkAnnKey astTo
moveComments ans = ans'
an1 = Data.Maybe.fromJust $ Map.lookup k1 ans
an2 = Data.Maybe.fromJust $ Map.lookup k2 ans
cs1f = ExactPrint.annFollowingComments an1
cs2f = ExactPrint.annFollowingComments an2
(comments, nonComments) = flip breakEither (ExactPrint.annsDP an1)
$ \case
(ExactPrint.AnnComment com, dp) -> Left (com, dp)
x -> Right x
an1' = an1
{ ExactPrint.annsDP = nonComments
, ExactPrint.annFollowingComments = []
an2' = an2
{ ExactPrint.annFollowingComments = cs1f ++ cs2f ++ comments
ans' = Map.insert k1 an1' $ Map.insert k2 an2' ans
ExactPrint.modifyAnnsT moveComments
:: Located (HsModule GhcPs)
-> ExactPrint.Anns
-> Map ExactPrint.AnnKey ExactPrint.Anns
extractToplevelAnns lmod anns = output
(L _ (HsModule _ _ _ ldecls _ _)) = lmod
declMap1 :: Map ExactPrint.AnnKey ExactPrint.AnnKey
declMap1 = Map.unions $ ldecls <&> \ldecl ->
Map.fromSet (const (ExactPrint.mkAnnKey ldecl)) (foldedAnnKeys ldecl)
declMap2 :: Map ExactPrint.AnnKey ExactPrint.AnnKey
declMap2 =
$ [ (captured, declMap1 Map.! k)
| (k, ExactPrint.Ann _ _ _ _ _ (Just captured)) <- Map.toList anns
declMap = declMap1 `Map.union` declMap2
modKey = ExactPrint.mkAnnKey lmod
output = groupMap (\k _ -> Map.findWithDefault modKey k declMap) anns
groupMap :: (Ord k, Ord l) => (k -> a -> l) -> Map k a -> Map l (Map k a)
groupMap f = Map.foldlWithKey' (\m k a -> Map.alter (insert k a) (f k a) m)
insert k a Nothing = Just (Map.singleton k a)
insert k a (Just m) = Just (Map.insert k a m)
foldedAnnKeys :: Data.Data.Data ast => ast -> Set ExactPrint.AnnKey
foldedAnnKeys ast = SYB.everything
( \x -> maybe
[ SYB.gmapQi 1 (\t -> ExactPrint.mkAnnKey $ L l t) x
| locTyCon == SYB.typeRepTyCon (SYB.typeOf x)
, l <- SYB.gmapQi 0 SYB.cast x
where locTyCon = SYB.typeRepTyCon (SYB.typeOf (L () ()))
:: Data ast
=> ast
-> MultiRWSS.MultiRWS '[Config, ExactPrint.Anns] w s a
-> MultiRWSS.MultiRWS '[Config, ExactPrint.Anns] w s a
withTransformedAnns ast m = MultiRWSS.mGetRawR >>= \case
readers@(conf :+: anns :+: HNil) -> do
MultiRWSS.mPutRawR (conf :+: f anns :+: HNil)
x <- m
MultiRWSS.mPutRawR readers
pure x
f anns =
let ((), (annsBalanced, _), _) =
ExactPrint.runTransform anns (commentAnnFixTransformGlob ast)
in annsBalanced
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,4,0) /* ghc-8.4 */
warnExtractorCompat :: GHC.Warn -> String
warnExtractorCompat (GHC.Warn _ (L _ s)) = s
#else /* ghc-8.0 && ghc-8.2 */
warnExtractorCompat :: GenLocated l String -> String
warnExtractorCompat (L _ s) = s