{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies #-}
module Text.Boomerang.Prim
Parser(..), Boomerang(..), PrinterParser, (.~)
, parse, parse1, unparse, unparse1, bestErrors
, xpure, val, xmap
, xmaph
) where
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
import Control.Category (Category((.), id))
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(mzero, mplus), ap)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(mappend, mempty))
import qualified Data.Semigroup as SG
import Text.Boomerang.HStack ((:-)(..), hdMap, hdTraverse)
import Text.Boomerang.Pos (ErrorPosition(..), InitialPosition(..), Pos)
:: (a -> b -> c)
-> (i -> [(a, j)])
-> (j -> [(b, k)])
-> (i -> [(c, k)])
compose op mf mg s = do
(f, s') <- mf s
(g, s'') <- mg s'
return (f `op` g, s'')
maximumsBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
maximumsBy _ [] = error "Text.Boomerang.Core.maximumsBy: empty list"
maximumsBy cmp (x:xs) = foldl maxBy [x] xs
maxBy xs@(x:_) y =
case cmp x y of
GT -> xs
EQ -> (y:xs)
LT -> [y]
newtype Parser e tok a = Parser { runParser :: tok -> Pos e -> [Either e ((a, tok), Pos e)] }
instance Functor (Parser e tok) where
fmap f (Parser p) =
Parser $ \tok pos ->
map (fmap (first (first f))) (p tok pos)
instance Applicative (Parser e tok) where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad (Parser e tok) where
return a =
Parser $ \tok pos ->
[Right ((a, tok), pos)]
(Parser p) >>= f =
Parser $ \tok pos ->
case partitionEithers (p tok pos) of
([], []) -> []
(errs,[]) -> map Left errs
(_,as) -> concat [ runParser (f a) tok' pos' | ((a, tok'), pos') <- as ]
instance Alternative (Parser e tok) where
empty = mzero
(<|>) = mplus
instance MonadPlus (Parser e tok) where
mzero = Parser $ \tok pos -> []
(Parser x) `mplus` (Parser y) =
Parser $ \tok pos ->
(x tok pos) ++ (y tok pos)
:: (a -> b -> c)
-> Parser e tok a
-> Parser e tok b
-> Parser e tok c
composeP op mf mg =
do f <- mf
g <- mg
return (f `op` g)
bestErrors :: (ErrorPosition e, Ord (Pos e)) => [e] -> [e]
bestErrors [] = []
bestErrors errs = maximumsBy (compare `on` getPosition) errs
data Boomerang e tok a b = Boomerang
{ prs :: Parser e tok (a -> b)
, ser :: b -> [(tok -> tok, a)]
type PrinterParser = Boomerang
{-# DEPRECATED PrinterParser "Use Boomerang instead" #-}
instance Category (Boomerang e tok) where
id = Boomerang
(return id)
(\x -> [(id, x)])
~(Boomerang pf sf) . ~(Boomerang pg sg) = Boomerang
(composeP (.) pf pg)
(compose (.) sf sg)
instance SG.Semigroup (Boomerang e tok a b) where
~(Boomerang pf sf) <> ~(Boomerang pg sg) = Boomerang
(pf `mplus` pg)
(\s -> sf s `mplus` sg s)
instance Monoid (Boomerang e tok a b) where
mempty = Boomerang
(const mzero)
mappend = (SG.<>)
infixr 9 .~
(.~) :: Boomerang e tok a b -> Boomerang e tok b c -> Boomerang e tok a c
~(Boomerang pf sf) .~ ~(Boomerang pg sg) = Boomerang
(composeP (flip (.)) pf pg)
(compose (flip (.)) sg sf)
xmap :: (a -> b) -> (b -> Maybe a) -> Boomerang e tok r a -> Boomerang e tok r b
xmap f g (Boomerang p s) = Boomerang p' s'
p' = fmap (fmap f) p
s' url = maybe mzero s (g url)
xpure :: (a -> b) -> (b -> Maybe a) -> Boomerang e tok a b
xpure f g = xmap f g id
xmaph :: (a -> b) -> (b -> Maybe a) -> Boomerang e tok i (a :- o) -> Boomerang e tok i (b :- o)
xmaph f g = xmap (hdMap f) (hdTraverse g)
val :: forall e tok a r. Parser e tok a -> (a -> [tok -> tok]) -> Boomerang e tok r (a :- r)
val rs ss = Boomerang rs' ss'
rs' :: Parser e tok (r -> (a :- r))
rs' = fmap (:-) rs
ss' = (\(a :- r) -> map (\f -> (f, r)) (ss a))
parse :: forall e a p tok. (InitialPosition e) => Boomerang e tok () a -> tok -> [Either e (a, tok)]
parse p s =
map (either Left (\((f, tok), _) -> Right (f (), tok))) $ runParser (prs p) s (initialPos (Nothing :: Maybe e))
parse1 :: (ErrorPosition e, InitialPosition e, Show e, Ord (Pos e)) =>
(tok -> Bool) -> Boomerang e tok () (a :- ()) -> tok -> Either [e] a
parse1 isComplete r paths =
let results = parse r paths
in case [ a | (Right (a,tok)) <- results, isComplete tok ] of
((u :- ()):_) -> Right u
_ -> Left $ bestErrors [ e | Left e <- results ]
unparse :: tok -> Boomerang e tok () url -> url -> [tok]
unparse tok p = (map (($ tok) . fst)) . ser p
unparse1 :: tok -> Boomerang e tok () (a :- ()) -> a -> Maybe tok
unparse1 tok p a =
case unparse tok p (a :- ()) of
[] -> Nothing
(s:_) -> Just s