{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies, TypeSynonymInstances, TypeOperators #-}
module Text.Boomerang.Texts
, (</>), alpha, anyChar, anyText, char, digit, digits, signed, eos, integral, int
, integer, lit, readshow, satisfy, satisfyStr, space
, rTextCons, rEmpty, rText, rText1
, isComplete, parseTexts, unparseTexts
import Prelude hiding ((.), id, (/))
import Control.Category (Category((.), id))
import Data.Char (isAlpha, isDigit, isSpace)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Read as Text
import Text.Boomerang.Combinators (opt, duck1, manyr, somer)
import Text.Boomerang.Error (ParserError(..),ErrorMsg(..), (<?>), condenseErrors, mkParserError)
import Text.Boomerang.HStack ((:-)(..), arg)
import Text.Boomerang.Pos (InitialPosition(..), MajorMinorPos(..), incMajor, incMinor)
import Text.Boomerang.Prim (Parser(..), Boomerang(..), parse1, xmaph, xpure, unparse1, val)
type TextsError = ParserError MajorMinorPos
instance InitialPosition TextsError where
initialPos _ = MajorMinorPos 0 0
instance a ~ b => IsString (Boomerang TextsError [Text] a b) where
fromString = lit . Text.pack
lit :: Text -> Boomerang TextsError [Text] r r
lit l = Boomerang pf sf
pf = Parser $ \tok pos ->
case tok of
[] -> mkParserError pos [EOI "input", Expect (show l)]
| Text.null p && (not $ Text.null l) -> mkParserError pos [EOI "segment", Expect (show l)]
| otherwise ->
case Text.stripPrefix l p of
(Just p') ->
[Right ((id, p':ps), incMinor (Text.length l) pos)]
Nothing ->
mkParserError pos [UnExpect (show p), Expect (show l)]
sf b = [ (\strings -> case strings of [] -> [l] ; (s:ss) -> ((l `Text.append` s) : ss), b)]
infixr 9 </>
(</>) :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] b c -> Boomerang TextsError [Text] a b -> Boomerang TextsError [Text] a c
f </> g = f . eos . g
eos :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r r
eos = Boomerang
(Parser $ \path pos -> case path of
[] -> [Right ((id, []), incMajor 1 pos)]
| Text.null p ->
[ Right ((id, ps), incMajor 1 pos) ]
| otherwise -> mkParserError pos [Message $ "path-segment not entirely consumed: " ++ (Text.unpack p)])
(\a -> [((Text.empty :), a)])
satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Char :- r)
satisfy p = val
(Parser $ \tok pos ->
case tok of
[] -> mkParserError pos [EOI "input"]
(s:ss) ->
case Text.uncons s of
Nothing -> mkParserError pos [EOI "segment"]
(Just (c, cs))
| p c ->
[Right ((c, cs : ss), incMinor 1 pos )]
| otherwise ->
mkParserError pos [SysUnExpect $ show c]
(\c -> [ \paths -> case paths of [] -> [Text.singleton c] ; (s:ss) -> ((Text.cons c s):ss) | p c ])
satisfyStr :: (Text -> Bool) -> Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Text :- r)
satisfyStr p = val
(Parser $ \tok pos ->
case tok of
[] -> mkParserError pos [EOI "input"]
| Text.null s -> mkParserError pos [EOI "segment"]
| p s ->
do [Right ((s, Text.empty:ss), incMajor 1 pos )]
| otherwise ->
do mkParserError pos [SysUnExpect $ show s]
(\str -> [ \strings -> case strings of [] -> [str] ; (s:ss) -> ((str `Text.append` s):ss) | p str ])
digit :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Char :- r)
digit = satisfy isDigit <?> "a digit 0-9"
alpha :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Char :- r)
alpha = satisfy isAlpha <?> "an alphabetic Unicode character"
space :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Char :- r)
space = satisfy isSpace <?> "a white-space character"
anyChar :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Char :- r)
anyChar = satisfy (const True)
char :: Char -> Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Char :- r)
char c = satisfy (== c) <?> show [c]
readshow :: (Read a, Show a) => Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (a :- r)
readshow =
val readParser s
s a = [ \strings -> case strings of [] -> [Text.pack $ show a] ; (s:ss) -> (((Text.pack $ show a) `Text.append` s):ss) ]
readParser :: (Read a) => Parser TextsError [Text] a
readParser =
Parser $ \tok pos ->
case tok of
[] -> mkParserError pos [EOI "input"]
(p:_) | Text.null p -> mkParserError pos [EOI "segment"]
(p:ps) ->
case reads (Text.unpack p) of
[] -> mkParserError pos [SysUnExpect (Text.unpack p), Message $ "decoding using 'read' failed."]
[(a,r)] ->
[Right ((a, (Text.pack r):ps), incMinor ((Text.length p) - (length r)) pos)]
readIntegral :: (Integral a) => Text -> a
readIntegral s =
case (Text.signed Text.decimal) s of
(Left e) -> error $ "readIntegral: " ++ e
(Right (a, r))
| Text.null r -> a
| otherwise -> error $ "readIntegral: ambiguous parse. Left over data: " ++ Text.unpack r
rEmpty :: Boomerang e [Text] r (Text :- r)
rEmpty = xpure (Text.empty :-) $
\(xs :- t) ->
if Text.null xs
then (Just t)
else Nothing
rTextCons :: Boomerang e tok (Char :- Text :- r) (Text :- r)
rTextCons =
xpure (arg (arg (:-)) (Text.cons)) $
\(xs :- t) ->
do (a, as) <- Text.uncons xs
return (a :- as :- t)
rText :: Boomerang e [Text] r (Char :- r)
-> Boomerang e [Text] r (Text :- r)
rText r = manyr (rTextCons . duck1 r) . rEmpty
rText1 :: Boomerang e [Text] r (Char :- r)
-> Boomerang e [Text] r (Text :- r)
rText1 r = somer (rTextCons . duck1 r) . rEmpty
digits :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Text :- r)
digits = rText1 digit
signed :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] a (Text :- r)
-> Boomerang TextsError [Text] a (Text :- r)
signed r = opt (rTextCons . char '-') . r
integral :: (Integral a, Show a) => Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (a :- r)
integral = xmaph readIntegral (Just . Text.pack . show) (signed digits)
int :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Int :- r)
int = integral
integer :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Integer :- r)
integer = integral
anyText :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] r (Text :- r)
anyText = val ps ss
ps = Parser $ \tok pos ->
case tok of
[] -> mkParserError pos [EOI "input", Expect "any string"]
(s:ss) -> [Right ((s, Text.empty:ss), incMinor (Text.length s) pos)]
ss str = [\ss -> case ss of
[] -> [str]
(s:ss') -> ((str `Text.append` s) : ss')
isComplete :: [Text] -> Bool
isComplete [] = True
isComplete [t] = Text.null t
isComplete _ = False
parseTexts :: Boomerang TextsError [Text] () (r :- ())
-> [Text]
-> Either TextsError r
parseTexts pp strs =
either (Left . condenseErrors) Right $ parse1 isComplete pp strs
unparseTexts :: Boomerang e [Text] () (r :- ()) -> r -> Maybe [Text]
unparseTexts pp r = unparse1 [] pp r