module Game.Mastermind.CodeSet.Tree (
T, null, member, intersection,
) where
import qualified Game.Mastermind.CodeSet as CodeSet
import Game.Utility (nonEmptySetToList, )
import Control.Monad (liftM2, mfilter, )
import qualified Data.NonEmpty.Set as NonEmptySet
import qualified Data.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Tuple.HT (mapFst, swap, )
import Data.Ord.HT (comparing, )
import Data.Eq.HT (equating, )
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, )
import Prelude hiding (null, )
data T a = End | Products (Map.Map (NonEmptySet.T a) (T a))
deriving (Show)
instance CodeSet.C T where
empty = Products Map.empty
union = union
intersection = intersection
unit = End
leftNonEmptyProduct c xs =
Products $
if null xs
then Map.empty
else Map.singleton c xs
flatten = flatten
symbols = symbols
null = null
size = size
select = select
representationSize = representationSize
compress = compress
flatten :: (Ord a) => T a -> [[a]]
flatten End = [[]]
flatten (Products xs) =
(\(a,b) -> liftM2 (:) (nonEmptySetToList a) (flatten b))
(Map.toList xs)
symbols :: (Ord a) => T a -> Set.Set a
symbols End = Set.empty
symbols (Products xps) =
Set.unions $
map (\(x,xs) -> Set.union (NonEmptySet.flatten x) (symbols xs)) $
Map.toList xps
size :: T a -> Integer
size End = 1
size (Products xs) =
sum $ map (\(a,b) -> fromIntegral (NonEmptySet.size a) * size b) $
Map.toList xs
select :: T a -> Integer -> [a]
select End n =
case compare n 0 of
LT -> error " index negative"
EQ -> []
GT -> error " index too large"
select (Products xps) n0 =
if n0<0
then error " negative index"
case dropWhile (\(_, ((n1,sz), _)) -> n1>=sz) $
zip (Map.toList xps) $
uncurry zip $
mapFst (\sizes -> zip (scanl (-) n0 sizes) sizes) $
unzip $
map (\(x,xs) ->
let sz = size xs
in (fromIntegral (NonEmptySet.size x) * sz, sz)) $
Map.toList xps of
[] -> error " index too large"
((x,xs), ((n1,_), xsSize)) : _ ->
let (j,k) = divMod n1 xsSize
in (nonEmptySetToList x !! fromInteger j)
: select xs k
representationSize :: T a -> Int
representationSize End = 1
representationSize (Products xs) =
sum $ map (\(a,b) -> NonEmptySet.size a + representationSize b) $
Map.toList xs
union :: (Ord a) => T a -> T a -> T a
union End End = End
union (Products xs) (Products ys) =
Products (Map.unionWith union xs ys)
union _ _ = error "CodeSet.union: sets with different tuple size"
intersection :: (Ord a) => T a -> T a -> T a
intersection End End = End
intersection (Products xps) (Products yps) =
Products $ Map.fromListWith union $ normalizeProducts $
(\(x,xs) (y,ys) ->
(Set.intersection (NonEmptySet.flatten x) (NonEmptySet.flatten y),
intersection xs ys))
(Map.toList xps)
(Map.toList yps)
intersection _ _ =
error "CodeSet.intersection: sets with different tuple size"
normalizeProducts :: (Ord a) => [(Set.Set a, T a)] -> [(NonEmptySet.T a, T a)]
normalizeProducts =
(\(x,xs) ->
liftM2 (,) (NonEmptySet.fetch x) (mfilter (not . null) (Just xs)))
propIntersections :: (Ord a) => NonEmpty.T [] (T a) -> Bool
propIntersections xs =
equating Indexable
(CodeSet.intersections xs)
(CodeSet.intersectionsPQ xs)
newtype Indexable a = Indexable (T a)
instance (Eq a) => Eq (Indexable a) where
(Indexable x) == (Indexable y) =
case (x,y) of
(End,End) -> True
(Products xs, Products ys) -> equating (fmap Indexable) xs ys
_ -> False
instance (Ord a) => Ord (Indexable a) where
compare (Indexable x) (Indexable y) =
case (x,y) of
(End,End) -> EQ
(End,Products _) -> LT
(Products _,End) -> GT
(Products xs, Products ys) -> comparing (fmap Indexable) xs ys
compress :: (Ord a) => T a -> T a
compress End = End
compress (Products xs) =
Products $
Map.fromListWith union $ map swap $ map (mapFst (\(Indexable set) -> set)) $ Map.toList $
Map.fromListWith NonEmptySet.union $
map (mapFst Indexable) $ map swap $ Map.toList $
fmap compress xs
member :: (Ord a) => [a] -> T a -> Bool
member [] End = True
member (c:cs) (Products xps) =
any (\(x,xs) -> NonEmptySet.member c x && member cs xs) $
Map.toList xps
member _ _ =
error "CodeSet.member: mismatch of tuple size and tuple size in set"
null :: T a -> Bool
null End = False
null (Products xs) = Map.null xs