bloodhound- ElasticSearch client library for Haskell

Copyright(C) 2014, 2015, 2016 Chris Allen
LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerChris Allen <
PortabilityDeriveGeneric, RecordWildCards
Safe HaskellNone



Data types for describing actions and data structures performed to interact with Elasticsearch. The two main buckets your queries against Elasticsearch will fall into are Querys and Filters. Filters are more like traditional database constraints and often have preferable performance properties. Querys support human-written textual queries, such as fuzzy queries.



defaultIndexDocumentSettings :: IndexDocumentSettings Source

Reasonable default settings. Chooses no version control and no parent.

mkSort :: FieldName -> SortOrder -> DefaultSort Source

mkSort defaults everything but the FieldName and the SortOrder so that you can concisely describe the usual kind of SortSpecs you want.

showText :: Show a => a -> Text Source

unpackId :: DocId -> Text Source

unpackId is a silly convenience function that gets used once.

mkMatchQuery :: FieldName -> QueryString -> MatchQuery Source

mkMatchQuery is a convenience function that defaults the less common parameters, enabling you to provide only the FieldName and QueryString to make a MatchQuery

mkMultiMatchQuery :: [FieldName] -> QueryString -> MultiMatchQuery Source

mkMultiMatchQuery is a convenience function that defaults the less common parameters, enabling you to provide only the list of FieldNames and QueryString to make a MultiMatchQuery.

mkDocVersion :: Int -> Maybe DocVersion Source

Smart constructor for in-range doc version

omitNulls :: [(Text, Value)] -> Value Source

newtype BH m a Source




unBH :: ReaderT BHEnv m a


MonadTrans BH Source 
MonadError e m => MonadError e (BH m) Source 
MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (BH m) Source 
MonadState s m => MonadState s (BH m) Source 
MonadWriter w m => MonadWriter w (BH m) Source 
Monad m => Monad (BH m) Source 
Functor m => Functor (BH m) Source 
MonadFix m => MonadFix (BH m) Source 
Applicative m => Applicative (BH m) Source 
Alternative m => Alternative (BH m) Source 
MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (BH m) Source 
MonadIO m => MonadIO (BH m) Source 
MonadThrow m => MonadThrow (BH m) Source 
(Functor m, Applicative m, MonadIO m) => MonadBH (BH m) Source 
MonadMask m => MonadMask (BH m) Source 
MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (BH m) Source 

runBH :: BHEnv -> BH m a -> m a Source

data BHEnv Source

Common environment for Elasticsearch calls. Connections will be pipelined according to the provided HTTP connection manager.


bhManager :: BHEnv -> Manager Source

bhRequestHook :: BHEnv -> Request -> IO Request Source

Low-level hook that is run before every request is sent. Used to implement custom authentication strategies. Defaults to return with mkBHEnv.

mkBHEnv :: Server -> Manager -> BHEnv Source

Create a BHEnv with all optional fields defaulted. HTTP hook will be a noop. You can use the exported fields to customize it further, e.g.:

> (mkBHEnv myServer myManager) { bhRequestHook = customHook }

class (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadIO m) => MonadBH m where Source

All API calls to Elasticsearch operate within MonadBH . The idea is that it can be easily embedded in your own monad transformer stack. A default instance for a ReaderT and alias BH is provided for the simple case.


getBHEnv :: m BHEnv Source

newtype MaybeNA a Source




unMaybeNA :: Maybe a


Eq a => Eq (MaybeNA a) Source 
Show a => Show (MaybeNA a) Source 
FromJSON a => FromJSON (MaybeNA a) Source 

newtype BuildHash Source

Typically a 7 character hex string.




buildHash :: Text

data Status Source

Status is a data type for describing the JSON body returned by Elasticsearch when you query its status. This was deprecated in 1.2.0.




ok :: Maybe Bool
status :: Int
name :: Text
version :: Version
tagline :: Text

data UpdatableIndexSetting Source


NumberOfReplicas ReplicaCount

The number of replicas each shard has.

AutoExpandReplicas ReplicaBounds 
BlocksReadOnly Bool

Set to True to have the index read only. False to allow writes and metadata changes.

BlocksRead Bool

Set to True to disable read operations against the index.

BlocksWrite Bool

Set to True to disable write operations against the index.

BlocksMetaData Bool

Set to True to disable metadata operations against the index.

RefreshInterval NominalDiffTime

The async refresh interval of a shard

IndexConcurrency Int 
FailOnMergeFailure Bool 
TranslogFlushThresholdOps Int

When to flush on operations.

TranslogFlushThresholdSize Bytes

When to flush based on translog (bytes) size.

TranslogFlushThresholdPeriod NominalDiffTime

When to flush based on a period of not flushing.

TranslogDisableFlush Bool

Disables flushing. Note, should be set for a short interval and then enabled.

CacheFilterMaxSize (Maybe Bytes)

The maximum size of filter cache (per segment in shard).

CacheFilterExpire (Maybe NominalDiffTime)

The expire after access time for filter cache.

GatewaySnapshotInterval NominalDiffTime

The gateway snapshot interval (only applies to shared gateways).

RoutingAllocationInclude (NonEmpty NodeAttrFilter)

A node matching any rule will be allowed to host shards from the index.

RoutingAllocationExclude (NonEmpty NodeAttrFilter)

A node matching any rule will NOT be allowed to host shards from the index.

RoutingAllocationRequire (NonEmpty NodeAttrFilter)

Only nodes matching all rules will be allowed to host shards from the index.

RoutingAllocationEnable AllocationPolicy

Enables shard allocation for a specific index.

RoutingAllocationShardsPerNode ShardCount

Controls the total number of shards (replicas and primaries) allowed to be allocated on a single node.

RecoveryInitialShards InitialShardCount

When using local gateway a particular shard is recovered only if there can be allocated quorum shards in the cluster.

GCDeletes NominalDiffTime 
TTLDisablePurge Bool

Disables temporarily the purge of expired docs.

TranslogFSType FSType 
IndexCompoundFormat CompoundFormat 
IndexCompoundOnFlush Bool 
WarmerEnabled Bool 

data AllocationPolicy Source



Allows shard allocation for all shards.


Allows shard allocation only for primary shards.


Allows shard allocation only for primary shards for new indices.


No shard allocation is allowed

newtype Bytes Source

A measure of bytes used for various configurations. You may want to use smart constructors like gigabytes for larger values.

>>> gigabytes 9
Bytes 9000000000
>>> megabytes 9
Bytes 9000000
>>> kilobytes 9
Bytes 9000


Bytes Int 

data IndexTemplate Source

An IndexTemplate defines a template that will automatically be applied to new indices created. The templates include both IndexSettings and mappings, and a simple TemplatePattern that controls if the template will be applied to the index created. Specify mappings as follows: [toJSON TweetMapping, ...]

newtype Server Source

Server is used with the client functions to point at the ES instance


Server Text 

type Reply = Response ByteString Source

Reply and Method are type synonyms from Method

data EsResult a Source

EsResult describes the standard wrapper JSON document that you see in successful Elasticsearch lookups or lookups that couldn't find the document.




_index :: Text
_type :: Text
_id :: Text
foundResult :: Maybe (EsResultFound a)


Eq a => Eq (EsResult a) Source 
Read a => Read (EsResult a) Source 
Show a => Show (EsResult a) Source 
Generic (EsResult a) Source 
FromJSON a => FromJSON (EsResult a) Source 
type Rep (EsResult a) Source 

data EsResultFound a Source

EsResultFound contains the document and its metadata inside of an EsResult when the document was successfully found.




_version :: DocVersion
_source :: a


data EsError Source

EsError is the generic type that will be returned when there was a problem. If you can't parse the expected response, its a good idea to try parsing this.




errorStatus :: Int
errorMessage :: Text

data EsProtocolException Source

EsProtocolException will be thrown if Bloodhound cannot parse a response returned by the ElasticSearch server. If you encounter this error, please verify that your domain data types and FromJSON instances are working properly (for example, the a of '[Hit a]' in 'SearchResult.searchHits.hits'). If you're sure that your mappings are correct, then this error may be an indication of an incompatibility between Bloodhound and ElasticSearch. Please open a bug report and be sure to include the exception body.

data VersionControl Source

VersionControl is specified when indexing documents as a optimistic concurrency control.



Don't send a version. This is a pure overwrite.

InternalVersion DocVersion

Use the default ES versioning scheme. Only index the document if the version is the same as the one specified. Only applicable to updates, as you should be getting Version from a search result.

ExternalGT ExternalDocVersion

Use your own version numbering. Only index the document if the version is strictly higher OR the document doesn't exist. The given version will be used as the new version number for the stored document. N.B. All updates must increment this number, meaning there is some global, external ordering of updates.

ExternalGTE ExternalDocVersion

Use your own version numbering. Only index the document if the version is equal or higher than the stored version. Will succeed if there is no existing document. The given version will be used as the new version number for the stored document. Use with care, as this could result in data loss.

ForceVersion ExternalDocVersion

The document will always be indexed and the given version will be the new version. This is typically used for correcting errors. Use with care, as this could result in data loss.

data IndexDocumentSettings Source

IndexDocumentSettings are special settings supplied when indexing a document. For the best backwards compatiblity when new fields are added, you should probably prefer to start with defaultIndexDocumentSettings

data SearchHits a Source




hitsTotal :: Int
maxScore :: Score
hits :: [Hit a]


Eq a => Eq (SearchHits a) Source 
Read a => Read (SearchHits a) Source 
Show a => Show (SearchHits a) Source 
Generic (SearchHits a) Source 
Monoid (SearchHits a) Source 
FromJSON a => FromJSON (SearchHits a) Source 
type Rep (SearchHits a) Source 

data Hit a Source


Eq a => Eq (Hit a) Source 
Read a => Read (Hit a) Source 
Show a => Show (Hit a) Source 
Generic (Hit a) Source 
FromJSON a => FromJSON (Hit a) Source 
type Rep (Hit a) Source 

class Monoid a => Seminearring a where Source

Minimal complete definition



(<||>) :: a -> a -> a infixr 5 Source

(<&&>) :: a -> a -> a infixr 5 Source

data Term Source




termField :: Text
termValue :: Text

newtype Regexp Source


Regexp Text 

newtype FieldName Source

FieldName is used all over the place wherever a specific field within a document needs to be specified, usually in Querys or Filters.


FieldName Text 

newtype Script Source

Script is often used in place of FieldName to specify more complex ways of extracting a value from a document.




scriptText :: Text

newtype IndexName Source

IndexName is used to describe which index to querycreatedelete


IndexName Text 

data IndexSelection Source

IndexSelection is used for APIs which take a single index, a list of indexes, or the special _all index.


IndexList (NonEmpty IndexName) 

data NodeSelection Source

NodeSelection is used for most cluster APIs. See here for more details.



Whatever node receives this request

NodeList (NonEmpty NodeSelector) 

data NodeSelector Source

An exact match or pattern to identify a node. Note that All of these options support wildcarding, so your node name, server, attr name can all contain * characters to be a fuzzy match.


NodeByName NodeName 
NodeByFullNodeId FullNodeId 
NodeByHost Server

e.g. or even 10.0.0.*

NodeByAttribute NodeAttrName Text

NodeAttrName can be a pattern, e.g. rack*. The value can too.

data IndexOptimizationSettings Source




maxNumSegments :: Maybe Int

Number of segments to optimize to. 1 will fully optimize the index. If omitted, the default behavior is to only optimize if the server deems it necessary.

onlyExpungeDeletes :: Bool

Should the optimize process only expunge segments with deletes in them? If the purpose of the optimization is to free disk space, this should be set to True.

flushAfterOptimize :: Bool

Should a flush be performed after the optimize.

defaultIndexOptimizationSettings :: IndexOptimizationSettings Source

defaultIndexOptimizationSettings implements the default settings that ElasticSearch uses for index optimization. maxNumSegments is Nothing, onlyExpungeDeletes is False, and flushAfterOptimize is True.

newtype TemplateName Source

TemplateName is used to describe which template to querycreatedelete


TemplateName Text 

newtype MappingName Source

MappingName is part of mappings which are how ES describes and schematizes the data in the indices.


MappingName Text 

newtype DocId Source

DocId is a generic wrapper value for expressing unique Document IDs. Can be set by the user or created by ES itself. Often used in client functions for poking at specific documents.


DocId Text 

newtype CacheName Source

CacheName is used in RegexpFilter for describing the CacheKey keyed caching behavior.


CacheName Text 

newtype CacheKey Source

CacheKey is used in RegexpFilter to key regex caching.


CacheKey Text 

data BulkOperation Source

BulkOperation is a sum type for expressing the four kinds of bulk operation index, create, delete, and update. BulkIndex behaves like an "upsert", BulkCreate will fail if a document already exists at the DocId.

type Sort = [SortSpec] Source

Sort is a synonym for a list of SortSpecs. Sort behavior is order dependent with later sorts acting as tie-breakers for earlier sorts.

data Missing Source

Missing prescribes how to handle missing fields. A missing field can be sorted last, first, or using a custom value as a substitute.

type Method = Method Source

newtype QueryString Source

QueryString is used to wrap query text bodies, be they human written or not.


QueryString Text 

data BooleanOperator Source

BooleanOperator is the usual And/Or operators with an ES compatible JSON encoding baked in. Used all over the place.



newtype Lenient Source

Lenient, if set to true, will cause format based failures to be ignored. I don't know what the bloody default is, Elasticsearch documentation didn't say what it was. Let me know if you figure it out.


Lenient Bool 

newtype MinimumMatch Source

MinimumMatch controls how many should clauses in the bool query should match. Can be an absolute value (2) or a percentage (30%) or a combination of both.


MinimumMatch Int 

type Cache = Bool Source

Cache is for telling ES whether it should cache a Filter not. Querys cannot be cached.

newtype PhraseSlop Source

PhraseSlop sets the default slop for phrases, 0 means exact phrase matches. Default is 0.


PhraseSlop Int 

data Mapping Source

Support for type reification of Mappings is currently incomplete, for now the mapping API verbiage expects a ToJSONable blob.

Indexes have mappings, mappings are schemas for the documents contained in the index. I'd recommend having only one mapping per index, always having a mapping, and keeping different kinds of documents separated if possible.



newtype AllowLeadingWildcard Source

Allowing a wildcard at the beginning of a word (eg "*ing") is particularly heavy, because all terms in the index need to be examined, just in case they match. Leading wildcards can be disabled by setting AllowLeadingWildcard to false.

newtype Locale Source

Locale is used for string conversions - defaults to ROOT.


Locale Text 

newtype AnalyzeWildcard Source

By default, wildcard terms in a query are not analyzed. Setting AnalyzeWildcard to true enables best-effort analysis.


AnalyzeWildcard Bool 

class Monoid a where

The class of monoids (types with an associative binary operation that has an identity). Instances should satisfy the following laws:

  • mappend mempty x = x
  • mappend x mempty = x
  • mappend x (mappend y z) = mappend (mappend x y) z
  • mconcat = foldr mappend mempty

The method names refer to the monoid of lists under concatenation, but there are many other instances.

Some types can be viewed as a monoid in more than one way, e.g. both addition and multiplication on numbers. In such cases we often define newtypes and make those instances of Monoid, e.g. Sum and Product.

Minimal complete definition

mempty, mappend


mempty :: a

Identity of mappend

mappend :: a -> a -> a

An associative operation

mconcat :: [a] -> a

Fold a list using the monoid. For most types, the default definition for mconcat will be used, but the function is included in the class definition so that an optimized version can be provided for specific types.


Monoid Ordering 
Monoid () 
Monoid All 
Monoid Any 
Monoid ByteString 
Monoid ByteString 
Monoid Builder 
Monoid ShortByteString 
Monoid IntSet 
Monoid More 
Monoid Series 
Monoid RequestBody 
Monoid CookieJar 
Monoid Buffer 
Monoid Buffer 
Monoid Filter 
Monoid [a] 
Ord a => Monoid (Max a) 
Ord a => Monoid (Min a) 
Monoid a => Monoid (Dual a) 
Monoid (Endo a) 
Num a => Monoid (Sum a) 
Num a => Monoid (Product a) 
Monoid (First a) 
Monoid (Last a) 
Monoid a => Monoid (Maybe a)

Lift a semigroup into Maybe forming a Monoid according to "Any semigroup S may be turned into a monoid simply by adjoining an element e not in S and defining e*e = e and e*s = s = s*e for all s ∈ S." Since there is no "Semigroup" typeclass providing just mappend, we use Monoid instead.

Monoid (IntMap a) 
Ord a => Monoid (Set a) 
Monoid (Seq a) 
Monoid (IResult a) 
Monoid (Result a) 
Monoid (DList a) 
(Hashable a, Eq a) => Monoid (HashSet a) 
Monoid m => Monoid (WrappedMonoid m) 
Semigroup a => Monoid (Option a) 
(Ord a, Bounded a) => Monoid (Min a) 
(Ord a, Bounded a) => Monoid (Max a) 
Monoid (Vector a) 
Prim a => Monoid (Vector a) 
Storable a => Monoid (Vector a) 
Monoid (Parser a) 
Monoid (SearchHits a) 
Monoid b => Monoid (a -> b) 
(Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (a, b) 
Monoid a => Monoid (Const a b) 
Monoid (Proxy k s) 
Ord k => Monoid (Map k v) 
Monoid (Parser i a) 
(Eq k, Hashable k) => Monoid (HashMap k v) 
(Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c) => Monoid (a, b, c) 
Alternative f => Monoid (Alt * f a) 
Monoid a => Monoid (Tagged k s a) 
(Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c, Monoid d) => Monoid (a, b, c, d) 
(Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c, Monoid d, Monoid e) => Monoid (a, b, c, d, e) 

class ToJSON a where

Minimal complete definition



toJSON :: a -> Value

toEncoding :: a -> Encoding

toJSONList :: [a] -> Value

toEncodingList :: [a] -> Encoding


ToJSON Bool 
ToJSON Char 
ToJSON Double 
ToJSON Float 
ToJSON Int8 
ToJSON Int16 
ToJSON Int32 
ToJSON Int64 
ToJSON Integer 
ToJSON Ordering 
ToJSON Word 
ToJSON Word8 
ToJSON Word16 
ToJSON Word32 
ToJSON Word64 
ToJSON () 
ToJSON Natural 
ToJSON Version 
ToJSON IntSet 
ToJSON LocalTime 
ToJSON ZonedTime 
ToJSON TimeOfDay 
ToJSON NominalDiffTime 
ToJSON Value 
ToJSON DotNetTime 
ToJSON Text 
ToJSON Scientific 
ToJSON Number 
ToJSON Text 
ToJSON RestoreIndexSettings 
ToJSON RestoreRenamePattern 
ToJSON SnapshotName 
ToJSON BuildHash 
ToJSON GenericSnapshotRepoSettings 
ToJSON SnapshotRepoType 
ToJSON SnapshotRepoName 
ToJSON DateMathExpr 
ToJSON DateRangeAggRange 
ToJSON DateRangeAggregation 
ToJSON Aggregation 
ToJSON Interval 
ToJSON ExecutionHint 
ToJSON CollectionMode 
ToJSON TermInclusion 
ToJSON TermOrder 
ToJSON ScrollId 
ToJSON Distance 
ToJSON OptimizeBbox 
ToJSON DistanceType 
ToJSON DistanceUnit 
ToJSON GeoPoint 
ToJSON GeoBoundingBoxConstraint 
ToJSON GeoBoundingBox 
ToJSON LatLon 
ToJSON GeoFilterType 
ToJSON BoolMatch 
ToJSON Term 
ToJSON RegexpFlags 
ToJSON RangeExecution 
ToJSON ZeroTermsQuery 
ToJSON Filter 
ToJSON CommonMinimumMatch 
ToJSON CommonTermsQuery 
ToJSON BoostingQuery 
ToJSON BoolQuery 
ToJSON MultiMatchQueryType 
ToJSON MultiMatchQuery 
ToJSON MatchQueryType 
ToJSON MatchQuery 
ToJSON DisMaxQuery 
ToJSON FilteredQuery 
ToJSON FuzzyLikeThisQuery 
ToJSON FuzzyLikeFieldQuery 
ToJSON FuzzyQuery 
ToJSON ScoreType 
ToJSON HasChildQuery 
ToJSON HasParentQuery 
ToJSON IndicesQuery 
ToJSON MoreLikeThisQuery 
ToJSON MoreLikeThisFieldQuery 
ToJSON NestedQuery 
ToJSON PrefixQuery 
ToJSON FieldOrFields 
ToJSON QueryStringQuery 
ToJSON SimpleQueryFlag 
ToJSON SimpleQueryStringQuery 
ToJSON RangeQuery 
ToJSON RegexpQuery 
ToJSON Query 
ToJSON HighlightEncoder 
ToJSON HighlightSettings 
ToJSON FieldHighlight 
ToJSON Highlights 
ToJSON Pattern 
ToJSON Exclude 
ToJSON Include 
ToJSON PatternOrPatterns 
ToJSON Source 
ToJSON Search 
ToJSON Size 
ToJSON From 
ToJSON MaxDocFrequency 
ToJSON MinDocFrequency 
ToJSON PhraseSlop 
ToJSON MinWordLength 
ToJSON MaxWordLength 
ToJSON Locale 
ToJSON GeneratePhraseQueries 
ToJSON AnalyzeWildcard 
ToJSON EnablePositionIncrements 
ToJSON LowercaseExpanded 
ToJSON AllowLeadingWildcard 
ToJSON QueryPath 
ToJSON StopWord 
ToJSON PercentMatch 
ToJSON TypeName 
ToJSON PrefixLength 
ToJSON Fuzziness 
ToJSON MaxQueryTerms 
ToJSON MinimumTermFrequency 
ToJSON IgnoreTermFrequency 
ToJSON DisableCoord 
ToJSON MinimumMatch 
ToJSON BoostTerms 
ToJSON Boost 
ToJSON Tiebreaker 
ToJSON Lenient 
ToJSON MaxExpansions 
ToJSON Analyzer 
ToJSON CutoffFrequency 
ToJSON NullValue 
ToJSON Existence 
ToJSON CacheKey 
ToJSON CacheName 
ToJSON FieldName 
ToJSON QueryString 
ToJSON MappingName 
ToJSON TemplatePattern 
ToJSON TemplateName 
ToJSON IndexName 
ToJSON ReplicaCount 
ToJSON ShardCount 
ToJSON BooleanOperator 
ToJSON SortMode 
ToJSON Missing 
ToJSON SortOrder 
ToJSON SortSpec 
ToJSON ExternalDocVersion 
ToJSON DocVersion 
ToJSON RoutingValue 
ToJSON IndexAliasRouting 
ToJSON SearchAliasRouting 
ToJSON AliasRouting 
ToJSON IndexAliasCreate 
ToJSON IndexAliasAction 
ToJSON IndexAliasName 
ToJSON IndexAlias 
ToJSON IndexTemplate 
ToJSON CompoundFormat 
ToJSON InitialShardCount 
ToJSON Bytes 
ToJSON ReplicaBounds 
ToJSON AllocationPolicy 
ToJSON UpdatableIndexSetting 
ToJSON IndexSettings 
ToJSON VersionNumber 
ToJSON Version 
ToJSON a => ToJSON [a] 
(ToJSON a, Integral a) => ToJSON (Ratio a) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (Identity a) 
HasResolution a => ToJSON (Fixed a) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (Dual a) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (First a) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (Last a) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (Maybe a) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (IntMap a) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (Set a) 
ToJSON v => ToJSON (Tree v) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (Seq a) 
(Vector Vector a, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Vector a) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (DList a) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (NonEmpty a) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (HashSet a) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (WrappedMonoid a) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (Option a) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (Min a) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (Max a) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (Last a) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (First a) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (Vector a) 
(Prim a, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Vector a) 
(Storable a, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Vector a) 
(ToJSON a, ToJSON b) => ToJSON (Either a b) 
(ToJSON a, ToJSON b) => ToJSON (a, b) 
ToJSON a => ToJSON (Const a b) 
ToJSON (Proxy k a) 
(ToJSON v, ToJSONKey k) => ToJSON (Map k v) 
(ToJSON v, ToJSONKey k) => ToJSON (HashMap k v) 
(ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c) => ToJSON (a, b, c) 
(ToJSON1 f, ToJSON1 g, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Sum f g a) 
(ToJSON1 f, ToJSON1 g, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Product f g a) 
(ToJSON1 f, ToJSON1 g, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Compose f g a) 
ToJSON b => ToJSON (Tagged k a b) 
(ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d) => ToJSON (a, b, c, d) 
(ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d, ToJSON e) => ToJSON (a, b, c, d, e) 
(ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d, ToJSON e, ToJSON f) => ToJSON (a, b, c, d, e, f) 
(ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d, ToJSON e, ToJSON f, ToJSON g) => ToJSON (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) 
(ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d, ToJSON e, ToJSON f, ToJSON g, ToJSON h) => ToJSON (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) 
(ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d, ToJSON e, ToJSON f, ToJSON g, ToJSON h, ToJSON i) => ToJSON (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) 
(ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d, ToJSON e, ToJSON f, ToJSON g, ToJSON h, ToJSON i, ToJSON j) => ToJSON (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) 
(ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d, ToJSON e, ToJSON f, ToJSON g, ToJSON h, ToJSON i, ToJSON j, ToJSON k) => ToJSON (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) 
(ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d, ToJSON e, ToJSON f, ToJSON g, ToJSON h, ToJSON i, ToJSON j, ToJSON k, ToJSON l) => ToJSON (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) 
(ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d, ToJSON e, ToJSON f, ToJSON g, ToJSON h, ToJSON i, ToJSON j, ToJSON k, ToJSON l, ToJSON m) => ToJSON (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) 
(ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d, ToJSON e, ToJSON f, ToJSON g, ToJSON h, ToJSON i, ToJSON j, ToJSON k, ToJSON l, ToJSON m, ToJSON n) => ToJSON (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) 
(ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c, ToJSON d, ToJSON e, ToJSON f, ToJSON g, ToJSON h, ToJSON i, ToJSON j, ToJSON k, ToJSON l, ToJSON m, ToJSON n, ToJSON o) => ToJSON (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) 

data GenericSnapshotRepo Source

A generic representation of a snapshot repo. This is what gets sent to and parsed from the server. For repo types enabled by plugins that aren't exported by this library, consider making a custom type which implements SnapshotRepo. If it is a common repo type, consider submitting a pull request to have it included in the library proper

data SnapshotRepoUpdateSettings Source




repoUpdateVerify :: Bool

After creation/update, synchronously check that nodes can write to this repo. Defaults to True. You may use False if you need a faster response and plan on verifying manually later with verifySnapshotRepo.

defaultSnapshotRepoUpdateSettings :: SnapshotRepoUpdateSettings Source

Reasonable defaults for repo creation/update

  • repoUpdateVerify True

data SnapshotRepoPattern Source

Either specifies an exact repo name or one with globs in it, e.g. RepoPattern "foo*" NOTE: Patterns are not supported on ES < 1.7

newtype FullNodeId Source

Unique, automatically-generated name assigned to nodes that are usually returned in node-oriented APIs.




fullNodeId :: Text

newtype NodeName Source

A human-readable node name that is supplied by the user in the node config or automatically generated by ElasticSearch.




nodeName :: Text

data NodeIndicesStats Source




nodeIndicesStatsRecoveryThrottleTime :: Maybe NominalDiffTime
nodeIndicesStatsRecoveryCurrentAsTarget :: Maybe Int
nodeIndicesStatsRecoveryCurrentAsSource :: Maybe Int
nodeIndicesStatsQueryCacheMisses :: Maybe Int
nodeIndicesStatsQueryCacheHits :: Maybe Int
nodeIndicesStatsQueryCacheEvictions :: Maybe Int
nodeIndicesStatsQueryCacheSize :: Maybe Bytes
nodeIndicesStatsSuggestCurrent :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsSuggestTime :: NominalDiffTime
nodeIndicesStatsSuggestTotal :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsTranslogSize :: Bytes
nodeIndicesStatsTranslogOps :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsSegFixedBitSetMemory :: Maybe Bytes
nodeIndicesStatsSegVersionMapMemory :: Bytes
nodeIndicesStatsSegIndexWriterMaxMemory :: Maybe Bytes
nodeIndicesStatsSegIndexWriterMemory :: Bytes
nodeIndicesStatsSegMemory :: Bytes
nodeIndicesStatsSegCount :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsCompletionSize :: Bytes
nodeIndicesStatsPercolateQueries :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsPercolateMemory :: Bytes
nodeIndicesStatsPercolateCurrent :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsPercolateTime :: NominalDiffTime
nodeIndicesStatsPercolateTotal :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsFieldDataEvictions :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsFieldDataMemory :: Bytes
nodeIndicesStatsIDCacheMemory :: Bytes
nodeIndicesStatsFilterCacheEvictions :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsFilterCacheMemory :: Bytes
nodeIndicesStatsWarmerTotalTime :: NominalDiffTime
nodeIndicesStatsWarmerTotal :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsWarmerCurrent :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsFlushTotalTime :: NominalDiffTime
nodeIndicesStatsFlushTotal :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsRefreshTotalTime :: NominalDiffTime
nodeIndicesStatsRefreshTotal :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsMergesTotalSize :: Bytes
nodeIndicesStatsMergesTotalDocs :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsMergesTotalTime :: NominalDiffTime
nodeIndicesStatsMergesTotal :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsMergesCurrentSize :: Bytes
nodeIndicesStatsMergesCurrentDocs :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsMergesCurrent :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsSearchFetchCurrent :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsSearchFetchTime :: NominalDiffTime
nodeIndicesStatsSearchFetchTotal :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsSearchQueryCurrent :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsSearchQueryTime :: NominalDiffTime
nodeIndicesStatsSearchQueryTotal :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsSearchOpenContexts :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsGetCurrent :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsGetMissingTime :: NominalDiffTime
nodeIndicesStatsGetMissingTotal :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsGetExistsTime :: NominalDiffTime
nodeIndicesStatsGetExistsTotal :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsGetTime :: NominalDiffTime
nodeIndicesStatsGetTotal :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsIndexingThrottleTime :: Maybe NominalDiffTime
nodeIndicesStatsIndexingIsThrottled :: Maybe Bool
nodeIndicesStatsIndexingNoopUpdateTotal :: Maybe Int
nodeIndicesStatsIndexingDeleteCurrent :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsIndexingDeleteTime :: NominalDiffTime
nodeIndicesStatsIndexingDeleteTotal :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsIndexingIndexCurrent :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsIndexingIndexTime :: NominalDiffTime
nodeIndicesStatsIndexingTotal :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsStoreThrottleTime :: NominalDiffTime
nodeIndicesStatsStoreSize :: Bytes
nodeIndicesStatsDocsDeleted :: Int
nodeIndicesStatsDocsCount :: Int

newtype EsAddress Source

A quirky address format used throughout ElasticSearch. An example would be inet[/]. inet may be a placeholder for a FQDN.




esAddress :: Text

newtype PID Source




pid :: Int


data FsSnapshotRepo Source

A filesystem-based snapshot repo that ships with ElasticSearch. This is an instance of SnapshotRepo so it can be used with updateSnapshotRepo




fsrName :: SnapshotRepoName
fsrLocation :: FilePath
fsrCompressMetadata :: Bool
fsrChunkSize :: Maybe Bytes

Size by which to split large files during snapshotting.

fsrMaxRestoreBytesPerSec :: Maybe Bytes

Throttle node restore rate. If not supplied, defaults to 40mb/sec

fsrMaxSnapshotBytesPerSec :: Maybe Bytes

Throttle node snapshot rate. If not supplied, defaults to 40mb/sec

data SnapshotCreateSettings Source




snapWaitForCompletion :: Bool

Should the API call return immediately after initializing the snapshot or wait until completed? Note that if this is enabled it could wait a long time, so you should adjust your ManagerSettings accordingly to set long timeouts or explicitly handle timeouts.

snapIndices :: Maybe IndexSelection

Nothing will snapshot all indices. Just [] is permissable and will essentially be a no-op snapshot.

snapIgnoreUnavailable :: Bool

If set to True, any matched indices that don't exist will be ignored. Otherwise it will be an error and fail.

snapIncludeGlobalState :: Bool
snapPartial :: Bool

If some indices failed to snapshot (e.g. if not all primary shards are available), should the process proceed?

defaultSnapshotCreateSettings :: SnapshotCreateSettings Source

Reasonable defaults for snapshot creation

  • snapWaitForCompletion False
  • snapIndices Nothing
  • snapIgnoreUnavailable False
  • snapIncludeGlobalState True
  • snapPartial False

data SnapshotPattern Source

Either specifies an exact snapshot name or one with globs in it, e.g. SnapPattern "foo*" NOTE: Patterns are not supported on ES < 1.7


ExactSnap SnapshotName 
SnapPattern Text 

newtype ShardId Source




shardId :: Int

data SnapshotRestoreSettings Source




snapRestoreWaitForCompletion :: Bool

Should the API call return immediately after initializing the restore or wait until completed? Note that if this is enabled, it could wait a long time, so you should adjust your ManagerSettings accordingly to set long timeouts or explicitly handle timeouts.

snapRestoreIndices :: Maybe IndexSelection

Nothing will restore all indices in the snapshot. Just [] is permissable and will essentially be a no-op restore.

snapRestoreIgnoreUnavailable :: Bool

If set to True, any indices that do not exist will be ignored during snapshot rather than failing the restore.

snapRestoreIncludeGlobalState :: Bool

If set to false, will ignore any global state in the snapshot and will not restore it.

snapRestoreRenamePattern :: Maybe RestoreRenamePattern

A regex pattern for matching indices. Used with snapRestoreRenameReplacement, the restore can reference the matched index and create a new index name upon restore.

snapRestoreRenameReplacement :: Maybe (NonEmpty RestoreRenameToken)

Expression of how index renames should be constructed.

snapRestorePartial :: Bool

If some indices fail to restore, should the process proceed?

snapRestoreIncludeAliases :: Bool

Should the restore also restore the aliases captured in the snapshot.

snapRestoreIndexSettingsOverrides :: Maybe RestoreIndexSettings

Settings to apply during the restore process. NOTE: This option is not supported in ES < 1.5 and should be set to Nothing in that case.

snapRestoreIgnoreIndexSettings :: Maybe (NonEmpty Text)

This type could be more rich but it isn't clear which settings are allowed to be ignored during restore, so we're going with including this feature in a basic form rather than omitting it. One example here would be "index.refresh_interval". Any setting specified here will revert back to the server default during the restore process.

defaultSnapshotRestoreSettings :: SnapshotRestoreSettings Source

Reasonable defaults for snapshot restores

  • snapRestoreWaitForCompletion False
  • snapRestoreIndices Nothing
  • snapRestoreIgnoreUnavailable False
  • snapRestoreIncludeGlobalState True
  • snapRestoreRenamePattern Nothing
  • snapRestoreRenameReplacement Nothing
  • snapRestorePartial False
  • snapRestoreIncludeAliases True
  • snapRestoreIndexSettingsOverrides Nothing
  • snapRestoreIgnoreIndexSettings Nothing

data RestoreRenameToken Source

A single token in a index renaming scheme for a restore. These are concatenated into a string before being sent to ElasticSearch. Check out these Java docs to find out more if you're into that sort of thing.


RRTLit Text

Just a literal string of characters


Equivalent to $0. The entire matched pattern, not any subgroup

RRSubGroup RRGroupRefNum

A specific reference to a group number

data RRGroupRefNum Source

A group number for regex matching. Only values from 1-9 are supported. Construct with mkRRGroupRefNum

mkRRGroupRefNum :: Int -> Maybe RRGroupRefNum Source

Only allows valid group number references (1-9).

data RestoreIndexSettings Source

Index settings that can be overridden. The docs only mention you can update number of replicas, but there may be more. You definitely cannot override shard count.

type AggregationResults = Map Text Value Source

data Bucket a Source




buckets :: [a]


Read a => Read (Bucket a) Source 
Show a => Show (Bucket a) Source 
FromJSON a => FromJSON (Bucket a) Source 

data DateMathAnchor Source

Starting point for a date range. This along with the DateMathModifiers gets you the date ES will start from.


DMDate Day 

type HitHighlight = Map Text [Text] Source

newtype EsUsername Source

Username type used for HTTP Basic authentication. See basicAuthHook.




esUsername :: Text

newtype EsPassword Source

Password type used for HTTP Basic authentication. See basicAuthHook.




esPassword :: Text