blazeT-0.0.5: A true monad (transformer) version of the blaze-markup and blaze-html libraries

Safe HaskellNone




Important types.

data ChoiceString :: * #

A string denoting input from different string representations.


Static ~StaticString

Static data

String String

A Haskell String

Text Text

A Text value

ByteString ByteString

An encoded bytestring

PreEscaped ChoiceString

A pre-escaped string

External ChoiceString

External data in style/script tags, should be checked for validity

AppendChoiceString ChoiceString ChoiceString



Empty string

data StaticString :: * #

A static string that supports efficient output to all possible backends.




type Markup = forall m. Monad m => MarkupT m () Source #

data Tag :: * #

Type for an HTML tag. This can be seen as an internal string type used by BlazeMarkup.


data Attribute :: * #

Type for an attribute.

Creating custom tags and attributes.

attribute #


:: Tag

Raw key

-> Tag

Shared key string for the HTML attribute.

-> AttributeValue

Value for the HTML attribute.

-> Attribute

Resulting HTML attribute.

Create an HTML attribute that can be applied to an HTML element later using the ! operator.

dataAttribute #


:: Tag

Name of the attribute.

-> AttributeValue

Value for the attribute.

-> Attribute

Resulting HTML attribute.

From HTML 5 onwards, the user is able to specify custom data attributes.

An example:

<p data-foo="bar">Hello.</p>

We support this in BlazeMarkup using this function. The above fragment could be described using BlazeMarkup with:

p ! dataAttribute "foo" "bar" $ "Hello."

customAttribute #


:: Tag

Name of the attribute

-> AttributeValue

Value for the attribute

-> Attribute

Resulting HTML attribtue

Create a custom attribute. This is not specified in the HTML spec, but some JavaScript libraries rely on it.

An example:

<select dojoType="select">foo</select>

Can be produced using:

select ! customAttribute "dojoType" "select" $ "foo"

Converting values to Markup.

unsafeLazyByteString Source #


:: ByteString

Value to insert

-> Markup

Resulting HTML fragment

Insert a lazy ByteString. See unsafeByteString for reasons why this is an unsafe operation.


textComment :: Text -> Markup #

Create a comment from a Text value. The text should not contain "--". This is not checked by the library.

lazyTextComment :: Text -> Markup #

Create a comment from a Text value. The text should not contain "--". This is not checked by the library.

stringComment :: String -> Markup #

Create a comment from a String value. The text should not contain "--". This is not checked by the library.

unsafeByteStringComment :: ByteString -> Markup #

Create a comment from a ByteString value. The text should not contain "--". This is not checked by the library.

unsafeLazyByteStringComment :: ByteString -> Markup #

Create a comment from a ByteString value. The text should not contain "--". This is not checked by the library.

Converting values to tags.

textTag #


:: Text

Text to create a tag from

-> Tag

Resulting tag

Create a Tag from some Text.

stringTag #


:: String

String to create a tag from

-> Tag

Resulting tag

Create a Tag from a String.

Converting values to attribute values.

textValue #


:: Text

The actual value.

-> AttributeValue

Resulting attribute value.

Render an attribute value from Text.

preEscapedTextValue #


:: Text

The actual value

-> AttributeValue

Resulting attribute value

Render an attribute value from Text without escaping.

lazyTextValue #


:: Text

The actual value

-> AttributeValue

Resulting attribute value

A variant of textValue for lazy Text

preEscapedLazyTextValue #


:: Text

The actual value

-> AttributeValue

Resulting attribute value

A variant of preEscapedTextValue for lazy Text

textBuilderValue #


:: Builder

The actual value

-> AttributeValue

Resulting attribute value

A variant of textValue for text Builder

preEscapedTextBuilderValue #


:: Builder

The actual value

-> AttributeValue

Resulting attribute value

A variant of preEscapedTextValue for text Builder

stringValue :: String -> AttributeValue #

Create an attribute value from a String.

preEscapedStringValue :: String -> AttributeValue #

Create an attribute value from a String without escaping.

unsafeByteStringValue #


:: ByteString

ByteString value

-> AttributeValue

Resulting attribute value

Create an attribute value from a ByteString. See unsafeByteString for reasons why this might not be a good idea.

unsafeLazyByteStringValue #


:: ByteString

ByteString value

-> AttributeValue

Resulting attribute value

Create an attribute value from a lazy ByteString. See unsafeByteString for reasons why this might not be a good idea.

Setting attributes

class Attributable h where #

Used for applying attributes. You should not define your own instances of this class.

Minimal complete definition



(!) :: h -> Attribute -> h #

Apply an attribute to an element.


img ! src "foo.png"


<img src="foo.png" />

This can be used on nested elements as well.


p ! style "float: right" $ "Hello!"


<p style="float: right">Hello!</p>


Attributable (MarkupM a) 


(!) :: MarkupM a -> Attribute -> MarkupM a #

Monad m => Attributable (a -> MarkupT m b) # 


(!) :: (a -> MarkupT m b) -> Attribute -> a -> MarkupT m b #

Attributable (MarkupM a -> MarkupM b) 


(!) :: (MarkupM a -> MarkupM b) -> Attribute -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM b #

Monad m => Attributable (MarkupT m a) # 


(!) :: MarkupT m a -> Attribute -> MarkupT m a #

(!) :: Attributable h => h -> Attribute -> h #

Apply an attribute to an element.


img ! src "foo.png"


<img src="foo.png" />

This can be used on nested elements as well.


p ! style "float: right" $ "Hello!"


<p style="float: right">Hello!</p>

(!?) :: Attributable h => h -> (Bool, Attribute) -> h #

Shorthand for setting an attribute depending on a conditional.


p !? (isBig, A.class "big") $ "Hello"

Gives the same result as:

(if isBig then p ! A.class "big" else p) "Hello"

Modifying Markup elements

contents :: Monad m => MarkupT m a -> MarkupT m a Source #

external :: Monad m => MarkupT m a -> MarkupT m a Source #

Querying Markup elements

null :: Foldable t => forall a. t a -> Bool #

Test whether the structure is empty. The default implementation is optimized for structures that are similar to cons-lists, because there is no general way to do better.

BlazeT new stuff

type Markup2 = forall m. Monad m => MarkupT m () -> MarkupT m () Source #

mapMarkupT :: (m (a, Markup) -> n (b, Markup)) -> MarkupT m a -> MarkupT n b Source #

Map both the return value and markup of a computation using the given function

data MarkupT m a Source #


MonadTrans MarkupT Source # 


lift :: Monad m => m a -> MarkupT m a #

Monad m => MonadWriter Markup (MarkupT m) Source # 


writer :: (a, Markup) -> MarkupT m a #

tell :: Markup -> MarkupT m () #

listen :: MarkupT m a -> MarkupT m (a, Markup) #

pass :: MarkupT m (a, Markup -> Markup) -> MarkupT m a #

Monad m => Monad (MarkupT m) Source # 


(>>=) :: MarkupT m a -> (a -> MarkupT m b) -> MarkupT m b #

(>>) :: MarkupT m a -> MarkupT m b -> MarkupT m b #

return :: a -> MarkupT m a #

fail :: String -> MarkupT m a #

Functor m => Functor (MarkupT m) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> MarkupT m a -> MarkupT m b #

(<$) :: a -> MarkupT m b -> MarkupT m a #

Applicative m => Applicative (MarkupT m) Source # 


pure :: a -> MarkupT m a #

(<*>) :: MarkupT m (a -> b) -> MarkupT m a -> MarkupT m b #

(*>) :: MarkupT m a -> MarkupT m b -> MarkupT m b #

(<*) :: MarkupT m a -> MarkupT m b -> MarkupT m a #

Monad m => IsString (MarkupT m ()) Source # 


fromString :: String -> MarkupT m () #

(Monad m, Monoid a) => Monoid (MarkupT m a) Source # 


mempty :: MarkupT m a #

mappend :: MarkupT m a -> MarkupT m a -> MarkupT m a #

mconcat :: [MarkupT m a] -> MarkupT m a #

Monad m => Attributable (a -> MarkupT m b) Source # 


(!) :: (a -> MarkupT m b) -> Attribute -> a -> MarkupT m b #

Monad m => Attributable (MarkupT m a) Source # 


(!) :: MarkupT m a -> Attribute -> MarkupT m a #

runMarkupT :: MarkupT m a -> m (a, Markup) Source #

wrapMarkupT2 :: Monad m => (Markup -> Markup) -> MarkupT m a -> MarkupT m a Source #