{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Data.Bit.Immutable
module Data.Bit.ImmutableTS
( castFromWords
, castToWords
, cloneToWords
, zipBits
, selectBits
, excludeBits
, bitIndex
, nthBitIndex
, countBits
, listBits
) where
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Bits
import Data.Bit.Internal
import Data.Bit.Mutable
import Data.Bit.InternalTS
import Data.Bit.MutableTS
import Data.Bit.Select1
import Data.Bit.Utils
import Data.Primitive.ByteArray
import qualified Data.Vector.Primitive as P
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MU
import Unsafe.Coerce
castFromWords :: U.Vector Word -> U.Vector Bit
castFromWords ws = BitVec (mulWordSize off) (mulWordSize len) arr
where P.Vector off len arr = unsafeCoerce ws
castToWords :: U.Vector Bit -> Maybe (U.Vector Word)
castToWords (BitVec s n ws)
| aligned s, aligned n = Just $ unsafeCoerce $ P.Vector (divWordSize s)
(divWordSize n)
| otherwise = Nothing
cloneToWords :: U.Vector Bit -> U.Vector Word
cloneToWords v = runST $ do
v' <- U.unsafeThaw v
w <- cloneToWordsM v'
U.unsafeFreeze w
{-# INLINE cloneToWords #-}
:: (forall a . Bits a => a -> a -> a)
-> U.Vector Bit
-> U.Vector Bit
-> U.Vector Bit
zipBits f xs ys | U.length xs >= U.length ys = zs
| otherwise = U.slice 0 (U.length xs) zs
where zs = U.modify (zipInPlace f xs) ys
{-# INLINE zipBits #-}
selectBits :: U.Vector Bit -> U.Vector Bit -> U.Vector Bit
selectBits is xs = runST $ do
xs1 <- U.thaw xs
n <- selectBitsInPlace is xs1
U.unsafeFreeze (MU.take n xs1)
excludeBits :: U.Vector Bit -> U.Vector Bit -> U.Vector Bit
excludeBits is xs = runST $ do
xs1 <- U.thaw xs
n <- excludeBitsInPlace is xs1
U.unsafeFreeze (MU.take n xs1)
clipLoBits :: Bit -> Int -> Word -> Word
clipLoBits (Bit True ) k w = w `unsafeShiftR` k
clipLoBits (Bit False) k w = (w `unsafeShiftR` k) .|. hiMask (wordSize - k)
clipHiBits :: Bit -> Int -> Word -> Word
clipHiBits (Bit True ) k w = w .&. loMask k
clipHiBits (Bit False) k w = w .|. hiMask k
bitIndex :: Bit -> U.Vector Bit -> Maybe Int
bitIndex b (BitVec off len arr)
| len == 0 = Nothing
| offBits == 0 = case modWordSize len of
0 -> bitIndexInWords b offWords lWords arr
nMod -> case bitIndexInWords b offWords (lWords - 1) arr of
r@Just{} -> r
Nothing -> (+ mulWordSize (lWords - 1)) <$> bitIndexInWord
(clipHiBits b nMod (indexByteArray arr (offWords + lWords - 1)))
| otherwise = case modWordSize (off + len) of
0 ->
bitIndexInWord b (clipLoBits b offBits (indexByteArray arr offWords))
r@Just{} -> r
Nothing ->
(+ (wordSize - offBits))
<$> bitIndexInWords b (offWords + 1) (lWords - 1) arr
nMod -> case lWords of
1 -> bitIndexInWord
(clipHiBits b len (clipLoBits b offBits (indexByteArray arr offWords)))
_ ->
(clipLoBits b offBits (indexByteArray arr offWords))
r@Just{} -> r
Nothing ->
(+ (wordSize - offBits))
<$> case bitIndexInWords b (offWords + 1) (lWords - 2) arr of
r@Just{} -> r
Nothing ->
(+ mulWordSize (lWords - 2)) <$> bitIndexInWord
(indexByteArray arr (offWords + lWords - 1))
offBits = modWordSize off
offWords = divWordSize off
lWords = nWords (offBits + len)
bitIndexInWord :: Bit -> Word -> Maybe Int
bitIndexInWord (Bit True ) = ffs
bitIndexInWord (Bit False) = ffs . complement
bitIndexInWords :: Bit -> Int -> Int -> ByteArray -> Maybe Int
bitIndexInWords (Bit True) !off !len !arr = go off
go !n
| n >= off + len = Nothing
| otherwise = case ffs (indexByteArray arr n) of
Nothing -> go (n + 1)
r@Just{} -> r
bitIndexInWords (Bit False) !off !len !arr = go off
go !n
| n >= off + len = Nothing
| otherwise = case ffs (complement (indexByteArray arr n)) of
Nothing -> go (n + 1)
r@Just{} -> r
nthBitIndex :: Bit -> Int -> U.Vector Bit -> Maybe Int
nthBitIndex _ k _ | k <= 0 = error "nthBitIndex: n must be positive"
nthBitIndex b k (BitVec off len arr)
| len == 0 = Nothing
| offBits == 0 = either (const Nothing) Just $ case modWordSize len of
0 -> nthInWords b k offWords lWords arr
nMod -> case nthInWords b k offWords (lWords - 1) arr of
r@Right{} -> r
Left k' -> (+ mulWordSize (lWords - 1)) <$> nthInWord
(clipHiBits b nMod (indexByteArray arr (offWords + lWords - 1)))
| otherwise = either (const Nothing) Just $ case modWordSize (off + len) of
0 ->
case nthInWord b k (clipLoBits b offBits (indexByteArray arr offWords)) of
r@Right{} -> r
Left k' ->
(+ (wordSize - offBits))
<$> nthInWords b k' (offWords + 1) (lWords - 1) arr
nMod -> case lWords of
1 -> nthInWord
(clipHiBits b len (clipLoBits b offBits (indexByteArray arr offWords)))
_ ->
nthInWord b k (clipLoBits b offBits (indexByteArray arr offWords))
r@Right{} -> r
Left k' ->
(+ (wordSize - offBits))
<$> case nthInWords b k' (offWords + 1) (lWords - 2) arr of
r@Right{} -> r
Left k'' -> (+ mulWordSize (lWords - 2)) <$> nthInWord
(indexByteArray arr (offWords + lWords - 1))
offBits = modWordSize off
offWords = divWordSize off
lWords = nWords (offBits + len)
nthInWord :: Bit -> Int -> Word -> Either Int Int
nthInWord (Bit b) k v = if k > c then Left (k - c) else Right (select1 w k - 1)
w = if b then v else complement v
c = popCount w
nthInWords :: Bit -> Int -> Int -> Int -> ByteArray -> Either Int Int
nthInWords (Bit True) !k !off !len !arr = go off k
go !n !l
| n >= off + len = Left l
| otherwise = if l > c
then go (n + 1) (l - c)
else Right (mulWordSize (n - off) + select1 w l - 1)
w = indexByteArray arr n
c = popCount w
nthInWords (Bit False) !k !off !len !arr = go off k
go !n !l
| n >= off + len = Left l
| otherwise = if l > c
then go (n + 1) (l - c)
else Right (mulWordSize (n - off) + select1 w l - 1)
w = complement (indexByteArray arr n)
c = popCount w
countBits :: U.Vector Bit -> Int
countBits (BitVec _ 0 _) = 0
countBits (BitVec off len arr) | offBits == 0 = case modWordSize len of
0 -> countBitsInWords (P.Vector offWords lWords arr)
nMod -> countBitsInWords (P.Vector offWords (lWords - 1) arr)
+ popCount (indexByteArray arr (offWords + lWords - 1) .&. loMask nMod)
offBits = modWordSize off
offWords = divWordSize off
lWords = nWords (offBits + len)
countBits (BitVec off len arr) = case modWordSize (off + len) of
0 -> popCount (indexByteArray arr offWords `unsafeShiftR` offBits :: Word)
+ countBitsInWords (P.Vector (offWords + 1) (lWords - 1) arr)
nMod -> case lWords of
1 -> popCount
((indexByteArray arr offWords `unsafeShiftR` offBits) .&. loMask len)
_ ->
popCount (indexByteArray arr offWords `unsafeShiftR` offBits :: Word)
+ countBitsInWords (P.Vector (offWords + 1) (lWords - 2) arr)
+ popCount (indexByteArray arr (offWords + lWords - 1) .&. loMask nMod)
offBits = modWordSize off
offWords = divWordSize off
lWords = nWords (offBits + len)
countBitsInWords :: P.Vector Word -> Int
countBitsInWords = P.foldl' (\acc word -> popCount word + acc) 0
listBits :: U.Vector Bit -> [Int]
listBits (BitVec _ 0 _) = []
listBits (BitVec off len arr) | offBits == 0 = case modWordSize len of
0 -> listBitsInWords 0 (P.Vector offWords lWords arr) []
nMod ->
listBitsInWords 0 (P.Vector offWords (lWords - 1) arr)
$ map (+ mulWordSize (lWords - 1))
$ filter (testBit (indexByteArray arr (offWords + lWords - 1) :: Word))
[0 .. nMod - 1]
offBits = modWordSize off
offWords = divWordSize off
lWords = nWords (offBits + len)
listBits (BitVec off len arr) = case modWordSize (off + len) of
0 ->
(testBit (indexByteArray arr offWords `unsafeShiftR` offBits :: Word))
[0 .. wordSize - offBits - 1]
++ listBitsInWords (wordSize - offBits)
(P.Vector (offWords + 1) (lWords - 1) arr)
nMod -> case lWords of
1 -> filter
(testBit (indexByteArray arr offWords `unsafeShiftR` offBits :: Word))
[0 .. len - 1]
_ ->
(testBit (indexByteArray arr offWords `unsafeShiftR` offBits :: Word))
[0 .. wordSize - offBits - 1]
++ ( listBitsInWords (wordSize - offBits)
(P.Vector (offWords + 1) (lWords - 2) arr)
$ map (+ (mulWordSize (lWords - 1) - offBits))
$ filter
(testBit (indexByteArray arr (offWords + lWords - 1) :: Word))
[0 .. nMod - 1]
offBits = modWordSize off
offWords = divWordSize off
lWords = nWords (offBits + len)
listBitsInWord :: Int -> Word -> [Int]
listBitsInWord offset word =
map (+ offset) $ filter (testBit word) $ [0 .. wordSize - 1]
listBitsInWords :: Int -> P.Vector Word -> [Int] -> [Int]
listBitsInWords offset = flip $ P.ifoldr
(\i word acc -> listBitsInWord (offset + mulWordSize i) word ++ acc)