{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Bio.Streaming.Bgzf (
) where
import Bio.Prelude
import Bio.Streaming
import Foreign.C.Types ( CInt(..) )
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils ( copyBytes, fillBytes, with )
import qualified Bio.Streaming.Bytes as S
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
bgunzip :: MonadIO m => ByteStream m r -> ByteStream m r
bgunzip s = do
np <- liftIO $ getNumCapabilities
S.fromChunks $ psequence (2*np) $ lift (getBgzfHdr s) >>= go
go (Nothing, _hdr, s1) = lift (S.effects s1)
go (Just bsize, _hdr, s1) = do
blk :> s2 <- lift $ S.splitAt' bsize s1
wrap (decompressChunk blk :> (lift (getBgzfHdr s2) >>= go))
{-# INLINABLE bgunzip #-}
getBgzfHdr :: Monad m => ByteStream m r -> m (Maybe Int, B.ByteString, ByteStream m r)
getBgzfHdr s0 = do
hdr :> s1 <- S.splitAt' 18 s0
if or [ B.length hdr < 18
, B.index hdr 0 /= 139
, B.index hdr 1 /= 31
, B.index hdr 3 .&. 4 /= 4
, B.index hdr 10 /= 6
, B.index hdr 11 /= 0
, B.index hdr 12 /= 66
, B.index hdr 13 /= 67 ]
then return (Nothing, hdr, s1)
else do
let bsize = fromIntegral (B.index hdr 16) + fromIntegral (B.index hdr 17) `shiftL` 8 - 16
return (Just bsize, hdr, s1)
{-# INLINE getBgzfHdr #-}
data BB = BB { buffer :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(ForeignPtr Word8)
, size :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, off :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, used :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, mark :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, mark2 :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int }
data BgzfTokens = TkWord32 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32 BgzfTokens
| TkWord16 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word16 BgzfTokens
| TkWord8 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word8 BgzfTokens
| TkFloat {-# UNPACK #-} !Float BgzfTokens
| TkDouble {-# UNPACK #-} !Double BgzfTokens
| TkString {-# UNPACK #-} !B.ByteString BgzfTokens
| TkDecimal {-# UNPACK #-} !Int BgzfTokens
| TkMemFill {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Word8 BgzfTokens
| TkMemCopy {-# UNPACK #-} !(V.Vector Word8) BgzfTokens
| TkSetMark BgzfTokens
| TkEndRecord BgzfTokens
| TkEndRecordPart1 BgzfTokens
| TkEndRecordPart2 BgzfTokens
| TkEnd
| TkBclSpecial !BclArgs BgzfTokens
| TkLowLevel {-# UNPACK #-} !Int (BB -> IO BB) BgzfTokens
data BclSpecialType = BclNucsBin | BclNucsAsc | BclNucsAscRev | BclNucsWide
| BclQualsBin | BclQualsAsc | BclQualsAscRev
data BclArgs = BclArgs BclSpecialType
{-# UNPACK #-} !(V.Vector Word8)
{-# UNPACK #-} !Int
{-# UNPACK #-} !Int
{-# UNPACK #-} !Int
{-# UNPACK #-} !Int
newBuffer :: Int -> IO BB
newBuffer sz = mallocForeignPtrBytes sz >>= \ar -> return $ BB ar sz 0 0 maxBound maxBound
expandBuffer :: Int -> BB -> IO BB
expandBuffer minsz b = do
let sz' = max (2 * (size b - used b)) minsz
arr1 <- mallocForeignPtrBytes sz'
withForeignPtr arr1 $ \d ->
withForeignPtr (buffer b) $ \s ->
copyBytes d (plusPtr s (off b)) (used b - off b)
return BB{ buffer = arr1
, size = sz'
, off = 0
, used = used b - off b
, mark = if mark b == maxBound then maxBound else mark b - off b
, mark2 = if mark2 b == maxBound then maxBound else mark2 b - off b }
data CompressionError = CompressionError !CInt deriving (Typeable,Show)
instance Exception CompressionError where
displayException (CompressionError rc) = "compress_chunk failed: " ++ show rc
data DecompressionError = DecompressionError !CInt deriving (Typeable,Show)
instance Exception DecompressionError where
displayException (DecompressionError rc) = "decompress_chunk failed: " ++ show rc
compressChunk :: Int -> ForeignPtr Word8 -> Int -> Int -> IO B.ByteString
compressChunk lv fptr off slen =
withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr ->
B.createAndTrim 65536 $ \buf ->
with 65536 $ \p_len -> do
rc <- compress_chunk buf p_len (plusPtr ptr off) (fromIntegral slen) (fromIntegral lv)
when (rc /= 0 && rc /= 1) $ throwIO $ CompressionError rc
fromIntegral <$> peek p_len
decompressChunk :: B.ByteString -> IO B.ByteString
decompressChunk ck =
B.unsafeUseAsCString ck $ \psrc ->
peekByteOff psrc (B.length ck - 4) >>= \dlen ->
B.create (fromIntegral (dlen::Word32)) $ \pdest -> do
rc <- decompress_chunk pdest (fromIntegral dlen) (castPtr psrc) (fromIntegral $ B.length ck)
when (rc /= 0) $ throwIO $ DecompressionError rc
encodeBgzf :: MonadIO m => Int -> Stream (Of (Endo BgzfTokens)) m b -> S.ByteStream m b
encodeBgzf lv str = do
np <- liftIO $ getNumCapabilities
bb <- liftIO $ newBuffer (1024*1024)
S.fromChunks $ psequence (2*np) $ lift (inspect str) >>= go bb
go :: MonadIO m
=> BB
-> Either b (Of (Endo BgzfTokens) (Stream (Of (Endo BgzfTokens)) m b))
-> Stream (Of (IO Bytes)) m b
go bb0 (Left r) = final_flush bb0 r
go bb0 (Right (f :> s))
| size bb0 - used bb0 < 1024 = liftIO (expandBuffer (1024*1024) bb0) >>= \bb' -> go' bb' (appEndo f TkEnd) s
| otherwise = go' bb0 (appEndo f TkEnd) s
go' bb0 tk s = liftIO (fillBuffer bb0 tk) >>= \(bb',tk') -> flush_blocks tk' bb' s
flush_blocks tk bb s
| min (mark bb) (used bb) - off bb < maxBlockSize =
case tk of TkEnd -> lift (inspect s) >>= go bb
_ ->
liftIO (expandBuffer (1024*1024) bb) >>= \bb' -> go' bb' tk s
| otherwise =
wrap $ compressChunk lv (buffer bb) (off bb) maxBlockSize
:> flush_blocks tk bb { off = off bb + maxBlockSize } s
final_flush bb r
| used bb > off bb =
wrap $ compressChunk lv (buffer bb) (off bb) (used bb - off bb)
:> wrap (return bgzfEofMarker :> pure r)
| otherwise =
wrap (return bgzfEofMarker :> pure r)
maxBlockSize = 65478
fillBuffer :: BB -> BgzfTokens -> IO (BB, BgzfTokens)
fillBuffer bb0 tk = withForeignPtr (buffer bb0) (\p -> go_slowish p bb0 tk)
go_slowish p bb = go_fast p bb (used bb)
go_fast p bb use tk1 = case tk1 of
_ | size bb - use < 1024 -> return (bb { used = use },tk1)
TkEnd -> return (bb { used = use },tk1)
TkWord32 x tk' -> do pokeByteOff p use x
go_fast p bb (use + 4) tk'
TkWord16 x tk' -> do pokeByteOff p use x
go_fast p bb (use + 2) tk'
TkWord8 x tk' -> do pokeByteOff p use x
go_fast p bb (use + 1) tk'
TkFloat x tk' -> do pokeByteOff p use x
go_fast p bb (use + 4) tk'
TkDouble x tk' -> do pokeByteOff p use x
go_fast p bb (use + 8) tk'
TkString s tk'
| B.length s > size bb - use -> return (bb { used = use },tk1)
| otherwise -> do let ln = B.length s
B.unsafeUseAsCString s $ \q ->
copyBytes (p `plusPtr` use) q ln
go_fast p bb (use + ln) tk'
TkMemFill ln c tk'
| ln > size bb - use -> return (bb { used = use },tk1)
| otherwise -> do fillBytes (p `plusPtr` use) c ln
go_fast p bb (use + ln) tk'
TkMemCopy v tk'
| V.length v > size bb - use -> return (bb { used = use },tk1)
| otherwise -> do let ln = V.length v
V.unsafeWith v $ \q ->
copyBytes (p `plusPtr` use) q ln
go_fast p bb (use + ln) tk'
TkDecimal x tk' -> do ln <- int_loop (p `plusPtr` use) (fromIntegral x)
go_fast p bb (use + fromIntegral ln) tk'
TkSetMark tk' -> go_slowish p bb { used = use + 4, mark = use } tk'
TkEndRecord tk' -> do let !l = use - mark bb - 4
pokeByteOff p (mark bb) (fromIntegral l :: Word32)
go_slowish p bb { used = use, mark = maxBound } tk'
TkEndRecordPart1 tk' -> do let !l = use - mark bb - 4
pokeByteOff p (mark bb - 4) (fromIntegral l :: Word32)
go_slowish p bb { used = use, mark2 = use } tk'
TkEndRecordPart2 tk' -> do let !l = use - mark2 bb
pokeByteOff p (mark bb) (fromIntegral l :: Word32)
go_slowish p bb { used = use, mark = maxBound } tk'
TkBclSpecial special_args tk' -> do
l <- loop_bcl_special (p `plusPtr` use) special_args
go_fast p bb (use + l) tk'
TkLowLevel minsize proc tk'
| size bb - use < minsize -> return (bb { used = use },tk1)
| otherwise -> do bb' <- proc bb { used = use }
go_slowish p bb' tk'
bgzfEofMarker :: Bytes
bgzfEofMarker = "\x1f\x8b\x8\x4\0\0\0\0\0\xff\x6\0\x42\x43\x2\0\x1b\0\x3\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
loop_dec_int :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO Int
loop_dec_int p i = fromIntegral <$> int_loop p (fromIntegral i)
loop_bcl_special :: Ptr Word8 -> BclArgs -> IO Int
loop_bcl_special p (BclArgs tp vec stride u v i) =
V.unsafeWith vec $ \q -> case tp of
BclNucsBin -> do
nuc_loop p (fromIntegral stride) (plusPtr q i) (fromIntegral u) (fromIntegral v)
return $ (v - u + 2) `div` 2
BclNucsWide -> do
nuc_loop_wide p (fromIntegral stride) (plusPtr q i) (fromIntegral u) (fromIntegral v)
return $ v - u + 1
BclNucsAsc -> do
nuc_loop_asc p (fromIntegral stride) (plusPtr q i) (fromIntegral u) (fromIntegral v)
return $ v - u + 1
BclNucsAscRev -> do
nuc_loop_asc_rev p (fromIntegral stride) (plusPtr q i) (fromIntegral u) (fromIntegral v)
return $ v - u + 1
BclQualsBin -> do
qual_loop p (fromIntegral stride) (plusPtr q i) (fromIntegral u) (fromIntegral v)
return $ v - u + 1
BclQualsAsc -> do
qual_loop_asc p (fromIntegral stride) (plusPtr q i) (fromIntegral u) (fromIntegral v)
return $ v - u + 1
BclQualsAscRev -> do
qual_loop_asc_rev p (fromIntegral stride) (plusPtr q i) (fromIntegral u) (fromIntegral v)
return $ v - u + 1
foreign import ccall unsafe "nuc_loop"
nuc_loop :: Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "nuc_loop_wide"
nuc_loop_wide :: Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "nuc_loop_asc"
nuc_loop_asc :: Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "nuc_loop_asc_rev"
nuc_loop_asc_rev :: Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "qual_loop"
qual_loop :: Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "qual_loop_asc"
qual_loop_asc :: Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "qual_loop_asc_rev"
qual_loop_asc_rev :: Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "int_loop"
int_loop :: Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "compress_chunk"
compress_chunk :: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "decompress_chunk"
decompress_chunk :: Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> IO CInt