biohazard-0.6.2: bioinformatics support library

Safe HaskellNone



Common data types used everywhere. This module is a collection of very basic "bioinformatics" data types that are simple, but don't make sense to define over and over.



newtype Nucleotides Source

A nucleotide base in an alignment. Experience says we're dealing with Ns and gaps all the type, so purity be damned, they are included as if they were real bases.

To allow Nucleotidess to be unpacked and incorparated into containers, we choose to represent them the same way as the BAM file format: as a 4 bit wide field. Gaps are encoded as 0 where they make sense, N is 15.




unNs :: Word8

newtype Qual Source

Qualities are stored in deciban, also known as the Phred scale. To represent a value p, we store -10 * log_10 p. Operations work directly on the "Phred" value, as the name suggests. The same goes for the Ord instance: greater quality means higher "Phred" score, meand lower error probability.




unQ :: Word8

toQual :: (Floating a, RealFrac a) => a -> Qual Source

newtype Prob Source

A positive Double value stored in log domain. We store the natural logarithm (makes computation easier), but allow conversions to the familiar "Phred" scale used for Qual values.




unPr :: Double

pow :: Prob -> Double -> Prob infixr 8 Source

toNucleotide :: Char -> Nucleotide Source

Converts a character into a Nucleotides. The usual codes for A,C,G,T and U are understood, - and . become gaps and everything else is an N.

toNucleotides :: Char -> Nucleotides Source

Converts a character into a Nucleotides. The usual codes for A,C,G,T and U are understood, - and . become gaps and everything else is an N.

isGap :: Nucleotides -> Bool Source

Tests if a Nucleotides is a gap. Returns true only for the gap.

isBase :: Nucleotides -> Bool Source

Tests if a Nucleotides is a base. Returns True for everything but gaps.

isProperBase :: Nucleotides -> Bool Source

Tests if a Nucleotides is a proper base. Returns True for A,C,G,T only.

compl :: Nucleotide -> Nucleotide Source

Complements a Nucleotides.

compls :: Nucleotides -> Nucleotides Source

Complements a Nucleotides.

everything :: (Bounded a, Ix a) => [a] Source

type Seqid = ByteString Source

Sequence identifiers are ASCII strings Since we tend to store them for a while, we use strict byte strings. If you get a lazy bytestring from somewhere, use shelve to convert it for storage. Use unpackSeqid and packSeqid to avoid the import of Data.ByteString.

unpackSeqid :: Seqid -> String Source

Unpacks a Seqid into a String

packSeqid :: String -> Seqid Source

Packs a String into a Seqid. Only works for ASCII subset.

data Position Source

Coordinates in a genome. The position is zero-based, no questions about it. Think of the position as pointing to the crack between two bases: looking forward you see the next base to the right, looking in the reverse direction you see the complement of the first base to the left.

To encode the strand, we (virtually) reverse-complement any sequence and prepend it to the normal one. That way, reversed coordinates have a negative sign and automatically make sense. Position 0 could either be the beginning of the sequence or the end on the reverse strand... that ambiguity shouldn't really matter.




p_seq :: !Seqid

sequence (e.g. some chromosome)

p_start :: !Int

offset, zero-based

shiftPosition :: Int -> Position -> Position Source

Moves a Position. The position is moved forward according to the strand, negative indexes move backward accordingly.

data Range Source

Ranges in genomes We combine a position with a length. In 'Range pos len', pos is always the start of a stretch of length len. Positions therefore move in the opposite direction on the reverse strand. To get the same stretch on the reverse strand, shift r_pos by r_length, then reverse direction (or call reverseRange).




r_pos :: !Position
r_length :: !Int

shiftRange :: Int -> Range -> Range Source

Moves a Range. This is just shiftPosition lifted.

reverseRange :: Range -> Range Source

Reverses a Range to give the same Range on the opposite strand.

extendRange :: Int -> Range -> Range Source

Extends a range. The length of the range is simply increased.

insideRange :: Range -> Range -> Range Source

Expands a subrange. (range1 insideRange range2) interprets range1 as a subrange of range2 and computes its absolute coordinates. The sequence name of range1 is ignored.

wrapRange :: Int -> Range -> Range Source

Wraps a range to a region. This simply normalizes the start position to be in the interval '[0,n)', which only makes sense if the Range is to be mapped onto a circular genome. This works on both strands and the strand information is retained.

w2c :: Word8 -> Char

Conversion between Word8 and Char. Should compile to a no-op.

c2w :: Char -> Word8

Unsafe conversion between Char and Word8. This is a no-op and silently truncates to 8 bits Chars > '\255'. It is provided as convenience for ByteString construction.

findAuxFile :: FilePath -> IO FilePath Source

Finds a file by searching the environment variable BIOHAZARD like a PATH.