{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Data.Wrd (
Wrd (..),
) where
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..))
import Data.Hashable (Hashable (..))
import Data.Nat (Nat (..))
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import qualified Data.Type.Nat as N
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
import qualified Data.Bits as I (Bits (..), FiniteBits (..))
data Wrd (n :: Nat) where
WE :: Wrd 'Z
W0 :: Wrd n -> Wrd ('S n)
W1 :: Wrd n -> Wrd ('S n)
deriving (Typeable)
deriving instance Eq (Wrd n)
instance Ord (Wrd n) where
compare WE WE = EQ
compare (W0 a) (W0 b) = compare a b
compare (W0 _) (W1 _) = LT
compare (W1 _) (W0 _) = GT
compare (W1 a) (W1 b) = compare a b
instance Show (Wrd n) where
showsPrec _ WE = showString "WE"
showsPrec _ w = showString "0b" . foldr f id (goBits w)
f True acc = showChar '1' . acc
f False acc = showChar '0' . acc
goBits :: Wrd m -> [Bool]
goBits WE = []
goBits (W0 n) = False : goBits n
goBits (W1 n) = True : goBits n
instance NFData (Wrd n) where
rnf WE = ()
rnf (W0 w) = rnf w
rnf (W1 w) = rnf w
instance Hashable (Wrd n) where
hashWithSalt salt WE = salt `hashWithSalt` (0 :: Int)
hashWithSalt salt (W0 w) = salt `hashWithSalt` (1 :: Int) `hashWithSalt` w
hashWithSalt salt (W1 w) = salt `hashWithSalt` (2 :: Int) `hashWithSalt` w
instance N.SNatI n => Bounded (Wrd n) where
minBound = N.induction WE W0
maxBound = N.induction WE W1
instance N.SNatI n => Num (Wrd n) where
fromInteger = snd . wrdScanl0 f where
f :: Integer -> (Integer, Bool)
f i =
let (i', m) = i `divMod` 2
in (i', m /= 0)
a + b = snd (wrdScanl2 f False a b) where
f False False False = (False, False)
f False False True = (False, True)
f False True False = (False, True)
f False True True = (True, False)
f True False False = (False, True)
f True False True = (True, False)
f True True False = (True, False)
f True True True = (True, True)
a * b = snd $ fst $ wrdScanl f (a, I.zeroBits) b where
f :: (Wrd n, Wrd n) -> Bool -> ((Wrd n, Wrd n), Bool)
f (a', acc) True = ((shiftL1 a', a' + acc), False)
f (a', acc) False = ((shiftL1 a', acc), False)
abs = id
negate = complement2
signum = go False where
go :: Bool -> Wrd m -> Wrd m
go _ WE = WE
go True (W0 WE) = W1 WE
go False (W0 WE) = W0 WE
go True (W1 WE) = W1 WE
go False (W1 WE) = W1 WE
go b (W0 w) = W0 (go b w)
go _ (W1 w) = W0 (go True w)
instance N.SNatI n => I.Bits (Wrd n) where
complement = complement
(.&.) = (.&.)
(.|.) = (.|.)
xor = xor
isSigned _ = False
shiftR = shiftR
shiftL = shiftL
rotateR = rotateR
rotateL = rotateL
clearBit = clearBit
complementBit = complementBit
setBit = setBit
testBit = testBit
zeroBits = N.induction WE W0
popCount = popCount
bit = setBit I.zeroBits
bitSizeMaybe = Just . I.finiteBitSize
bitSize = I.finiteBitSize
instance N.SNatI n => I.FiniteBits (Wrd n) where
finiteBitSize _ = N.reflectToNum (Proxy :: Proxy n)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
countLeadingZeros = countLeadingZeros
testBit :: Wrd n -> Int -> Bool
testBit w0 i = snd (go 0 w0) where
go :: Int -> Wrd n -> (Int, Bool)
go j WE = (j, False)
go j (W0 w) =
let j'' = succ j'
(j', b') = go j w
in (j'', if i == j' then False else b')
go j (W1 w) =
let j'' = succ j'
(j', b') = go j w
in (j'', if i == j' then True else b')
clearBit :: Wrd n -> Int -> Wrd n
clearBit w i = mapWithBit (\j b -> if j == i then False else b) w
setBit :: Wrd n -> Int -> Wrd n
setBit w i = mapWithBit (\j b -> if j == i then True else b) w
complementBit :: Wrd n -> Int -> Wrd n
complementBit w i = mapWithBit (\j b -> if j == i then not b else b) w
complement :: Wrd n -> Wrd n
complement WE = WE
complement (W0 w) = W1 (complement w)
complement (W1 w) = W0 (complement w)
complement2 :: Wrd n -> Wrd n
complement2 = snd . wrdScanl f True where
f :: Bool -> Bool -> (Bool, Bool)
f False False = (False, True)
f False True = (False, False)
f True False = (True, False)
f True True = (False, True)
(.&.) :: Wrd n -> Wrd n -> Wrd n
WE .&. _ = WE
W1 a .&. W1 b = W1 (a .&. b)
W1 a .&. W0 b = W0 (a .&. b)
W0 a .&. W1 b = W0 (a .&. b)
W0 a .&. W0 b = W0 (a .&. b)
(.|.) :: Wrd n -> Wrd n -> Wrd n
WE .|. _ = WE
W1 a .|. W1 b = W1 (a .|. b)
W1 a .|. W0 b = W1 (a .|. b)
W0 a .|. W1 b = W1 (a .|. b)
W0 a .|. W0 b = W0 (a .|. b)
xor :: Wrd n -> Wrd n -> Wrd n
xor WE _ = WE
xor (W1 a) (W1 b) = W0 (xor a b)
xor (W1 a) (W0 b) = W1 (xor a b)
xor (W0 a) (W1 b) = W1 (xor a b)
xor (W0 a) (W0 b) = W0 (xor a b)
shiftR :: Wrd n -> Int -> Wrd n
shiftR w n
| n <= 0 = w
| otherwise = shiftR (shiftR1 w) (pred n)
shiftL :: Wrd n -> Int -> Wrd n
shiftL w n
| n <= 0 = w
| otherwise = shiftL (shiftL1 w) (pred n)
rotateR :: Wrd n -> Int -> Wrd n
rotateR w n
| n <= 0 = w
| otherwise = rotateR (rotateR1 w) (pred n)
rotateL :: Wrd n -> Int -> Wrd n
rotateL w n
| n <= 0 = w
| otherwise = rotateL (rotateL1 w) (pred n)
popCount :: Wrd n -> Int
popCount = go 0 where
go :: Int -> Wrd m -> Int
go !acc WE = acc
go !acc (W0 w) = go acc w
go !acc (W1 w) = go (succ acc) w
shiftL1 :: Wrd n -> Wrd n
shiftL1 WE = WE
shiftL1 (W0 w) = pushBack w
shiftL1 (W1 w) = pushBack w
shiftR1 :: Wrd n -> Wrd n
shiftR1 WE = WE
shiftR1 w@(W0 _) = W0 (dropLast w)
shiftR1 w@(W1 _) = W0 (dropLast w)
rotateL1 :: Wrd n -> Wrd n
rotateL1 WE = WE
rotateL1 (W0 w) = pushBack' w False
rotateL1 (W1 w) = pushBack' w True
rotateR1 :: Wrd n -> Wrd n
rotateR1 WE = WE
rotateR1 w@(W0 _) = case dropLast' w of
(True, w') -> W1 w'
(False, w') -> W0 w'
rotateR1 w@(W1 _) = case dropLast' w of
(True, w') -> W1 w'
(False, w') -> W0 w'
pushBack :: Wrd n -> Wrd ('S n)
pushBack WE = W0 WE
pushBack (W0 w) = W0 (pushBack w)
pushBack (W1 w) = W1 (pushBack w)
pushBack' :: Wrd n -> Bool -> Wrd ('S n)
pushBack' WE False = W0 WE
pushBack' WE True = W1 WE
pushBack' (W0 w) b = W0 (pushBack' w b)
pushBack' (W1 w) b = W1 (pushBack' w b)
dropLast :: Wrd ('S n) -> Wrd n
dropLast (W0 WE) = WE
dropLast (W1 WE) = WE
dropLast (W0 w@(W0 _)) = W0 (dropLast w)
dropLast (W0 w@(W1 _)) = W0 (dropLast w)
dropLast (W1 w@(W0 _)) = W1 (dropLast w)
dropLast (W1 w@(W1 _)) = W1 (dropLast w)
dropLast' :: Wrd ('S n) -> (Bool, Wrd n)
dropLast' (W0 WE) = (False, WE)
dropLast' (W1 WE) = (True, WE)
dropLast' (W0 w@(W0 _)) = fmap W0 (dropLast' w)
dropLast' (W0 w@(W1 _)) = fmap W0 (dropLast' w)
dropLast' (W1 w@(W0 _)) = fmap W1 (dropLast' w)
dropLast' (W1 w@(W1 _)) = fmap W1 (dropLast' w)
countLeadingZeros :: Wrd n -> Int
countLeadingZeros = go 0 where
go :: Int -> Wrd m -> Int
go !acc WE = acc
go !acc (W0 w) = go (succ acc) w
go !acc (W1 _) = acc
instance N.SNatI n => QC.Arbitrary (Wrd n) where
arbitrary = case N.snat :: N.SNat n of
N.SZ -> return WE
N.SS -> QC.oneof [ fmap W0 QC.arbitrary, fmap W1 QC.arbitrary ]
shrink = shrink
shrink :: Wrd n -> [Wrd n]
shrink WE = []
shrink (W1 w) = W0 w : fmap W1 (shrink w)
shrink (W0 w) = fmap W0 (shrink w)
instance QC.CoArbitrary (Wrd n) where
coarbitrary WE = id
coarbitrary (W0 w) = QC.coarbitrary (False, w)
coarbitrary (W1 w) = QC.coarbitrary (True, w)
instance N.SNatI n => QC.Function (Wrd n) where
function = case N.snat :: N.SNat n of
N.SZ -> QC.functionMap (const ()) (const WE)
N.SS -> QC.functionMap toPair fromPair
toPair :: Wrd ('S m) -> (Bool, Wrd m)
toPair (W0 w) = (False, w)
toPair (W1 w) = (True, w)
fromPair :: (Bool, Wrd m) -> Wrd ('S m)
fromPair (False, w) = W0 w
fromPair (True, w) = W1 w
explicitShow :: Wrd n -> String
explicitShow w = explicitShowsPrec 0 w ""
explicitShowsPrec :: Int -> Wrd n -> ShowS
explicitShowsPrec _ WE = showString "WE"
explicitShowsPrec d w = showParen (d > 0) $
go (goBits w)
go [] = showString "WE"
go [False] = showString "W0 WE"
go [True] = showString "W1 WE"
go (False : bs) = showString "W0 $ " . go bs
go (True : bs) = showString "W1 $ " . go bs
goBits :: Wrd m -> [Bool]
goBits WE = []
goBits (W0 n) = False : goBits n
goBits (W1 n) = True : goBits n
toNatural :: Wrd n -> Natural
toNatural = go 0 where
go :: Natural -> Wrd m -> Natural
go !acc WE = acc
go !acc (W0 w) = go (2 * acc) w
go !acc (W1 w) = go (2 * acc + 1) w
universe :: forall n. N.SNatI n => [Wrd n]
universe = getUniverse $ N.induction (Universe [WE]) go where
go :: Universe m -> Universe ('S m)
go (Universe u) = Universe (map W0 u ++ map W1 u)
newtype Universe n = Universe { getUniverse :: [Wrd n] }
mapWithBit :: (Int -> Bool -> Bool) -> Wrd n -> Wrd n
mapWithBit f = snd . wrdScanl g 0 where
g i b = (succ i, f i b)
wrdScanl0 :: forall s n. N.SNatI n => (s -> (s, Bool)) -> s -> (s, Wrd n)
wrdScanl0 g = go where
go :: forall m. N.SNatI m => s -> (s, Wrd m)
go s = case N.snat :: N.SNat m of
N.SZ -> (s, WE)
N.SS ->
let (s'', b) = g s'
(s' , w') = go s
in (s'', if b then W1 w' else W0 w')
wrdScanl :: forall s n. (s -> Bool -> (s, Bool)) -> s -> Wrd n -> (s, Wrd n)
wrdScanl g = go where
go :: s -> Wrd m -> (s, Wrd m)
go s WE = (s, WE)
go s (W0 w) =
let (s'', b) = g s' False
(s' , w') = go s w
in (s'', if b then W1 w' else W0 w')
go s (W1 w) =
let (s'', b) = g s' True
(s' , w') = go s w
in (s'', if b then W1 w' else W0 w')
wrdScanl2 :: forall s n. (s -> Bool -> Bool -> (s, Bool)) -> s -> Wrd n -> Wrd n -> (s, Wrd n)
wrdScanl2 g = go where
go :: s -> Wrd m -> Wrd m -> (s, Wrd m)
go s WE _ = (s, WE)
go s (W0 w) (W0 w') = go' s False False w w'
go s (W0 w) (W1 w') = go' s False True w w'
go s (W1 w) (W0 w') = go' s True False w w'
go s (W1 w) (W1 w') = go' s True True w w'
go' :: s -> Bool -> Bool -> Wrd m -> Wrd m -> (s, Wrd ('S m))
go' s i j w u =
let (s'', b) = g s' i j
(s' , v) = go s w u
in (s'', if b then W1 v else W0 v)