{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

-- | Module providing (almost) full support for Postgres query and data
-- manipulation statements. These functions shadow the functions in
-- "Database.Beam.Query" and provide a strict superset of functionality. They
-- map 1-to-1 with the underlying Postgres support.
module Database.Beam.Postgres.Full
  ( -- * Additional @SELECT@ features

    -- ** @SELECT@ Locking clause
    PgWithLocking, PgLockedTables
  , PgSelectLockingStrength(..), PgSelectLockingOptions(..)
  , lockingAllTablesFor_, lockingFor_

  , locked_, lockAll_, withLocks_

  , insert, insertReturning

  , PgInsertReturning(..)

  -- ** Specifying conflict actions

  , PgInsertOnConflict(..), PgInsertOnConflictTarget(..)
  , PgConflictAction(..)

  , onConflictDefault, onConflict, anyConflict, conflictingFields
  , conflictingFieldsWhere, conflictingConstraint
  , onConflictDoNothing, onConflictUpdateSet
  , onConflictUpdateSetWhere, onConflictUpdateInstead
  , onConflictSetAll

  , PgUpdateReturning(..)
  , updateReturning

  , PgDeleteReturning(..)
  , deleteReturning
  ) where

import           Database.Beam hiding (insert, insertValues)
import           Database.Beam.Query.Internal
import           Database.Beam.Backend.SQL
import           Database.Beam.Schema.Tables

import           Database.Beam.Postgres.Types
import           Database.Beam.Postgres.Syntax

import           Control.Monad.Free.Church

import qualified Data.Text as T
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4, 11, 0)
import           Data.Semigroup

-- * @SELECT@

-- | An explicit lock against some tables. You can create a value of this type using the 'locked_'
-- function. You can combine these values monoidally to combine multiple locks for use with the
-- 'withLocks_' function.
newtype PgLockedTables s = PgLockedTables [ T.Text ]
instance Monoid (PgLockedTables s) where
  mempty = PgLockedTables []
  mappend (PgLockedTables a) (PgLockedTables b) = PgLockedTables (a <> b)

-- | Combines the result of a query along with a set of locked tables. Used as a
-- return value for the 'lockingFor_' function.
data PgWithLocking s a = PgWithLocking (PgLockedTables s) a
instance ProjectibleWithPredicate c syntax a => ProjectibleWithPredicate c syntax (PgWithLocking s a) where
  project' p mutateM (PgWithLocking tbls a) =
    PgWithLocking tbls <$> project' p mutateM a

-- | Use with 'lockingFor_' to lock all tables mentioned in the query
lockAll_ :: a -> PgWithLocking s a
lockAll_ = PgWithLocking mempty

-- | Return and lock the given tables. Typically used as an infix operator. See the
-- <http://tathougies.github.io/beam/user-guide/backends/beam-postgres/ the user guide> for usage
-- examples
withLocks_ :: a -> PgLockedTables s -> PgWithLocking s a
withLocks_ = flip PgWithLocking

-- | Join with a table while locking it explicitly. Provides a 'PgLockedTables' value that can be
-- used with 'withLocks_' to explicitly lock a table during a @SELECT@ statement
locked_ :: Database Postgres db
        => DatabaseEntity Postgres db (TableEntity tbl)
        -> Q PgSelectSyntax db s (PgLockedTables s, tbl (QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s))
locked_ (DatabaseEntity (DatabaseTable tblNm tblSettings)) = do
  (nm, joined) <- Q (liftF (QAll (\_ -> fromTable (tableNamed tblNm) . Just) tblSettings (\_ -> Nothing) id))
  pure (PgLockedTables [nm], joined)

-- | Lock some tables during the execution of a query. This is rather complicated, and there are
-- several usage examples in
-- <http://tathougies.github.io/beam/user-guide/backends/beam-postgres/ the user guide>
-- The Postgres locking clause is rather complex, and beam currently does not check several
-- pre-conditions. It is assumed you kinda know what you're doing.
-- Things which postgres doesn't like, but beam will do
-- * Using aggregates within a query that has a locking clause
-- * Using @UNION@, @INTERSECT@, or @EXCEPT@
--   See <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/static/sql-select.html#SQL-FOR-UPDATE-SHARE here> for
--   more details.
-- This function accepts a locking strength (@UPDATE@, @SHARE@, @KEY SHARE@, etc), an optional
-- locking option (@NOWAIT@ or @SKIP LOCKED@), and a query whose rows to lock. The query should
-- return its result wrapped in 'PgWithLocking', via the `withLocks_` or `lockAll_` function.
-- If you want to use the most common behavior (lock all rows in every table mentioned), the
-- 'lockingAllTablesFor_' function may be what you're after.
lockingFor_ :: ( Database Postgres db, Projectible PgExpressionSyntax a )
            => PgSelectLockingStrength
            -> Maybe PgSelectLockingOptions
            -> Q PgSelectSyntax db (QNested s) (PgWithLocking (QNested s) a)
            -> Q PgSelectSyntax db s a
lockingFor_ lockStrength mLockOptions (Q q) =
  Q (liftF (QForceSelect (\(PgWithLocking (PgLockedTables tblNms) _) tbl ords limit offset ->
                            let locking = PgSelectLockingClauseSyntax lockStrength tblNms mLockOptions
                            in pgSelectStmt tbl ords limit offset (Just locking))
                         q (\(PgWithLocking _ a) -> a)))

-- | Like 'lockingFor_', but does not require an explicit set of locked tables. This produces an
-- empty @FOR .. OF@ clause.
lockingAllTablesFor_ :: ( Database Postgres db, Projectible PgExpressionSyntax a )
                     => PgSelectLockingStrength
                     -> Maybe PgSelectLockingOptions
                     -> Q PgSelectSyntax db (QNested s) a
                     -> Q PgSelectSyntax db s a
lockingAllTablesFor_ lockStrength mLockOptions q =
  lockingFor_ lockStrength mLockOptions (lockAll_ <$> q)

-- * @INSERT@

-- | A @beam-postgres@-specific version of 'Database.Beam.Query.insert', which
-- provides fuller support for the much richer Postgres @INSERT@ syntax. This
-- allows you to specify @ON CONFLICT@ actions. For even more complete support,
-- see 'insertReturning'.
insert :: DatabaseEntity Postgres db (TableEntity table)
       -> SqlInsertValues PgInsertValuesSyntax (table (QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s)) -- TODO arbitrary projectibles
       -> PgInsertOnConflict table
       -> SqlInsert PgInsertSyntax
insert tbl values onConflict_ =
  case insertReturning tbl values onConflict_
         (Nothing :: Maybe (table (QExpr PgExpressionSyntax PostgresInaccessible) -> QExpr PgExpressionSyntax PostgresInaccessible Int)) of
    PgInsertReturning a ->
      SqlInsert (PgInsertSyntax a)
    PgInsertReturningEmpty ->

-- | The most general kind of @INSERT@ that postgres can perform
data PgInsertReturning a
  = PgInsertReturning PgSyntax
  | PgInsertReturningEmpty

-- | The full Postgres @INSERT@ syntax, supporting conflict actions and the
-- @RETURNING CLAUSE@. See 'PgInsertOnConflict' for how to specify a conflict
-- action or provide 'onConflictDefault' to preserve the behavior without any
-- @ON CONFLICT@ clause. The last argument takes a newly inserted row and
-- returns the expression to be returned as part of the @RETURNING@ clause. For
-- a backend-agnostic version of this functionality see
-- 'MonadBeamInsertReturning'. Use 'runInsertReturning' to get the results.
insertReturning :: Projectible PgExpressionSyntax a
                => DatabaseEntity Postgres be (TableEntity table)
                -> SqlInsertValues PgInsertValuesSyntax (table (QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s))
                -> PgInsertOnConflict table
                -> Maybe (table (QExpr PgExpressionSyntax PostgresInaccessible) -> a)
                -> PgInsertReturning (QExprToIdentity a)

insertReturning _ SqlInsertValuesEmpty _ _ = PgInsertReturningEmpty
insertReturning (DatabaseEntity (DatabaseTable tblNm tblSettings))
                (SqlInsertValues (PgInsertValuesSyntax insertValues_))
                (PgInsertOnConflict mkOnConflict)
                returning =
  PgInsertReturning $
  emit "INSERT INTO " <> pgQuotedIdentifier tblNm <>
  emit "(" <> pgSepBy (emit ", ") (allBeamValues (\(Columnar' f) -> pgQuotedIdentifier (_fieldName f)) tblSettings) <> emit ") " <>
  insertValues_ <> emit " " <> fromPgInsertOnConflict (mkOnConflict tblFields) <>
  (case returning of
     Nothing -> mempty
     Just mkProjection ->
         emit " RETURNING "<>
         pgSepBy (emit ", ") (map fromPgExpression (project (mkProjection tblQ) "t")))
     tblQ = changeBeamRep (\(Columnar' f) -> Columnar' (QExpr (\_ -> fieldE (unqualifiedField (_fieldName f))))) tblSettings
     tblFields = changeBeamRep (\(Columnar' f) -> Columnar' (QField True tblNm (_fieldName f))) tblSettings

-- ** @ON CONFLICT@ clause

-- | What to do when an @INSERT@ statement inserts a row into the table @tbl@
-- that violates a constraint.
newtype PgInsertOnConflict (tbl :: (* -> *) -> *) =
    PgInsertOnConflict (tbl (QField PostgresInaccessible) -> PgInsertOnConflictSyntax)

-- | Specifies the kind of constraint that must be violated for the action to occur
newtype PgInsertOnConflictTarget (tbl :: (* -> *) -> *) =
    PgInsertOnConflictTarget (tbl (QExpr PgExpressionSyntax PostgresInaccessible) -> PgInsertOnConflictTargetSyntax)

-- | A description of what to do when a constraint or index is violated.
newtype PgConflictAction (tbl :: (* -> *) -> *) =
    PgConflictAction (tbl (QField PostgresInaccessible) -> PgConflictActionSyntax)

-- | By default, Postgres will throw an error when a conflict is detected. This
-- preserves that functionality.
onConflictDefault :: PgInsertOnConflict tbl
onConflictDefault = PgInsertOnConflict (\_ -> PgInsertOnConflictSyntax mempty)

-- | Tells postgres what to do on an @INSERT@ conflict. The first argument is
-- the type of conflict to provide an action for. For example, to only provide
-- an action for certain fields, use 'conflictingFields'. Or to only provide an
-- action over certain fields where a particular condition is met, use
-- 'conflictingFields'. If you have a particular constraint violation in mind,
-- use 'conflictingConstraint'. To perform an action on any conflict, use
-- 'anyConflict'.
-- See the
-- <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-insert.html Postgres documentation>.
onConflict :: Beamable tbl
           => PgInsertOnConflictTarget tbl
           -> PgConflictAction tbl
           -> PgInsertOnConflict tbl
onConflict (PgInsertOnConflictTarget tgt) (PgConflictAction update_) =
  PgInsertOnConflict $ \tbl ->
  let exprTbl = changeBeamRep (\(Columnar' (QField _ _ nm)) ->
                                 Columnar' (QExpr (\_ -> fieldE (unqualifiedField nm))))
  in PgInsertOnConflictSyntax $
     emit "ON CONFLICT " <> fromPgInsertOnConflictTarget (tgt exprTbl)
                         <> fromPgConflictAction (update_ tbl)

-- | Perform the conflict action when any constraint or index conflict occurs.
-- Syntactically, this is the @ON CONFLICT@ clause, without any /conflict target/.
anyConflict :: PgInsertOnConflictTarget tbl
anyConflict = PgInsertOnConflictTarget (\_ -> PgInsertOnConflictTargetSyntax mempty)

-- | Perform the conflict action only when these fields conflict. The first
-- argument gets the current row as a table of expressions. Return the conflict
-- key. For more information, see the @beam-postgres@ manual.
conflictingFields :: Projectible PgExpressionSyntax proj
                  => (tbl (QExpr PgExpressionSyntax PostgresInaccessible) -> proj)
                  -> PgInsertOnConflictTarget tbl
conflictingFields makeProjection =
  PgInsertOnConflictTarget $ \tbl ->
  PgInsertOnConflictTargetSyntax $
  pgParens (pgSepBy (emit ", ") (map fromPgExpression (project (makeProjection tbl) "t"))) <> emit " "

-- | Like 'conflictingFields', but only perform the action if the condition
-- given in the second argument is met. See the postgres
-- <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-insert.html manual> for
-- more information.
conflictingFieldsWhere :: Projectible PgExpressionSyntax proj
                       => (tbl (QExpr PgExpressionSyntax PostgresInaccessible) -> proj)
                       -> (tbl (QExpr PgExpressionSyntax PostgresInaccessible) ->
                           QExpr PgExpressionSyntax PostgresInaccessible Bool)
                       -> PgInsertOnConflictTarget tbl
conflictingFieldsWhere makeProjection makeWhere =
  PgInsertOnConflictTarget $ \tbl ->
  PgInsertOnConflictTargetSyntax $
  pgParens (pgSepBy (emit ", ") (map fromPgExpression (project (makeProjection tbl) "t"))) <>
  emit " WHERE " <>
  pgParens (let QExpr mkE = makeWhere tbl
                PgExpressionSyntax e = mkE "t"
            in e) <>
  emit " "

-- | Perform the action only if the given named constraint is violated
conflictingConstraint :: T.Text -> PgInsertOnConflictTarget tbl
conflictingConstraint nm =
  PgInsertOnConflictTarget $ \_ ->
  PgInsertOnConflictTargetSyntax $
  emit "ON CONSTRAINT " <> pgQuotedIdentifier nm <> emit " "

-- | The Postgres @DO NOTHING@ action
onConflictDoNothing :: PgConflictAction tbl
onConflictDoNothing = PgConflictAction $ \_ -> PgConflictActionSyntax (emit "DO NOTHING")

-- | The Postgres @DO UPDATE SET@ action, without the @WHERE@ clause. The
-- argument takes an updatable row (like the one used in 'update') and the
-- conflicting row. Use 'current_' on the first argument to get the current
-- value of the row in the database.
onConflictUpdateSet :: Beamable tbl
                    => (tbl (QField PostgresInaccessible) ->
                        tbl (QExpr PgExpressionSyntax PostgresInaccessible)  ->
                        [ QAssignment PgFieldNameSyntax PgExpressionSyntax PostgresInaccessible ])
                    -> PgConflictAction tbl
onConflictUpdateSet mkAssignments =
  PgConflictAction $ \tbl ->
  let assignments = mkAssignments tbl tblExcluded
      tblExcluded = changeBeamRep (\(Columnar' (QField _ _ nm)) -> Columnar' (QExpr (\_ -> fieldE (qualifiedField "excluded" nm)))) tbl

      assignmentSyntaxes = do
        QAssignment assignments' <- assignments
        (fieldNm, expr) <- assignments'
        pure (fromPgFieldName fieldNm <> emit "=" <> pgParens (fromPgExpression expr))
  in PgConflictActionSyntax $
     emit "DO UPDATE SET " <> pgSepBy (emit ", ") assignmentSyntaxes

-- | The Postgres @DO UPDATE SET@ action, with the @WHERE@ clause. This is like
-- 'onConflictUpdateSet', but only rows satisfying the given condition are
-- updated. Sometimes this results in more efficient locking. See the Postgres
-- <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-insert.html manual> for
-- more information.
onConflictUpdateSetWhere :: Beamable tbl
                         => (tbl (QField PostgresInaccessible) ->
                             tbl (QExpr PgExpressionSyntax PostgresInaccessible)  ->
                             [ QAssignment PgFieldNameSyntax PgExpressionSyntax PostgresInaccessible ])
                         -> (tbl (QExpr PgExpressionSyntax PostgresInaccessible) -> QExpr PgExpressionSyntax PostgresInaccessible Bool)
                         -> PgConflictAction tbl
onConflictUpdateSetWhere mkAssignments where_ =
  PgConflictAction $ \tbl ->
  let assignments = mkAssignments tbl tblExcluded
      QExpr where_' = where_ (changeBeamRep (\(Columnar' f) -> Columnar' (current_ f)) tbl)
      tblExcluded = changeBeamRep (\(Columnar' (QField _ _ nm)) -> Columnar' (QExpr (\_ -> fieldE (qualifiedField "excluded" nm)))) tbl

      assignmentSyntaxes = do
        QAssignment assignments' <- assignments
        (fieldNm, expr) <- assignments'
        pure (fromPgFieldName fieldNm <> emit "=" <> pgParens (fromPgExpression expr))
  in PgConflictActionSyntax $
     emit "DO UPDATE SET " <> pgSepBy (emit ", ") assignmentSyntaxes <> emit " WHERE " <> fromPgExpression (where_' "t")

-- | Sometimes you want to update certain columns in the row. Given a
-- projection from a row to the fields you want, Beam can auto-generate
-- an assignment that assigns the corresponding fields of the conflicting row.
onConflictUpdateInstead :: (Beamable tbl, Projectible T.Text proj)
                        => (tbl (QExpr T.Text PostgresInaccessible) -> proj)
                        -> PgConflictAction tbl
onConflictUpdateInstead mkProj =
  onConflictUpdateSet $ \tbl _ ->
  let tblFields = changeBeamRep (\(Columnar' (QField _ _ nm)) -> Columnar' (QExpr (\_ -> nm))) tbl
      proj = project (mkProj tblFields) "t"

  in map (\fieldNm -> QAssignment [ (unqualifiedField fieldNm, fieldE (qualifiedField "excluded" fieldNm)) ]) proj

-- | Sometimes you want to update every value in the row. Beam can auto-generate
-- an assignment that assigns the conflicting row to every field in the database
-- row. This may not always be what you want.
onConflictSetAll :: (Beamable tbl, Projectible T.Text (tbl (QExpr T.Text PostgresInaccessible)))
                 => PgConflictAction tbl
onConflictSetAll = onConflictUpdateInstead id

-- * @UPDATE@

-- | The most general kind of @UPDATE@ that postgres can perform
data PgUpdateReturning a
  = PgUpdateReturning PgSyntax
  | PgUpdateReturningEmpty

-- | Postgres @UPDATE ... RETURNING@ statement support. The last
-- argument takes the newly inserted row and returns the values to be
-- returned. Use 'runUpdateReturning' to get the results.
updateReturning :: Projectible PgExpressionSyntax a
                => DatabaseEntity Postgres be (TableEntity table)
                -> (forall s. table (QField s) -> [ QAssignment PgFieldNameSyntax PgExpressionSyntax s ])
                -> (forall s. table (QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s) -> QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s Bool)
                -> (table (QExpr PgExpressionSyntax PostgresInaccessible) -> a)
                -> PgUpdateReturning (QExprToIdentity a)
updateReturning table@(DatabaseEntity (DatabaseTable _ tblSettings))
                mkProjection =
  case update table mkAssignments mkWhere of
    SqlUpdate pgUpdate ->
      PgUpdateReturning $
      fromPgUpdate pgUpdate <>
      emit " RETURNING " <>
      pgSepBy (emit ", ") (map fromPgExpression (project (mkProjection tblQ) "t"))

    SqlIdentityUpdate -> PgUpdateReturningEmpty
    tblQ = changeBeamRep (\(Columnar' f) -> Columnar' (QExpr (pure (fieldE (unqualifiedField (_fieldName f)))))) tblSettings

-- * @DELETE@

-- | The most general kind of @DELETE@ that postgres can perform
newtype PgDeleteReturning a = PgDeleteReturning PgSyntax

-- | Postgres @DELETE ... RETURNING@ statement support. The last
-- argument takes the newly inserted row and returns the values to be
-- returned. Use 'runDeleteReturning' to get the results.
deleteReturning :: Projectible PgExpressionSyntax a
                => DatabaseEntity Postgres be (TableEntity table)
                -> (forall s. table (QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s) -> QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s Bool)
                -> (table (QExpr PgExpressionSyntax PostgresInaccessible) -> a)
                -> PgDeleteReturning (QExprToIdentity a)
deleteReturning table@(DatabaseEntity (DatabaseTable _ tblSettings))
                mkProjection =
  PgDeleteReturning $
  fromPgDelete pgDelete <>
  emit " RETURNING " <>
  pgSepBy (emit ", ") (map fromPgExpression (project (mkProjection tblQ) "t"))
    SqlDelete pgDelete = delete table mkWhere
    tblQ = changeBeamRep (\(Columnar' f) -> Columnar' (QExpr (pure (fieldE (unqualifiedField (_fieldName f)))))) tblSettings