beam-postgres- Connection layer between beam and postgres

Safe HaskellNone




Postgres is a popular, open-source RDBMS. It is fairly standards compliant and supports many advanced features and data types.

The beam-postgres module is built atop of postgresql-simple, which is used for connection management, transaction support, serialization, and deserialization.

beam-postgres supports most beam features as well as many postgres-specific features. For example, beam-postgres provides support for full-text search, DISTINCT ON, JSON handling, postgres ARRAYs, and the MONEY type.

The documentation for beam-postgres functionality below indicates which postgres function each function or type wraps. Postgres maintains its own in-depth documentation. Please refer to that for more detailed information on behavior.

For examples on how to use beam-postgres usage, see its manual.


beam-postgres errors

data PgRowReadError Source #

An error that may occur while parsing a row


PgRowReadNoMoreColumns !CInt !CInt

We attempted to read more columns than postgres returned. First argument is the zero-based index of the column we attempted to read, and the second is the total number of columns

PgRowCouldNotParseField !CInt

There was an error while parsing the field. The first argument gives the zero-based index of the column that could not have been parsed. This is usually caused by your Haskell schema type being incompatible with the one in the database.

Beam Postgres backend

data Postgres Source #

The Postgres backend type, used to parameterize MonadBeam. See the definitions there for more information. The corresponding query monad is Pg. See documentation for MonadBeam and the user guide for more information on using this backend.




BeamSql92Backend Postgres Source # 
BeamSqlBackend Postgres Source # 
BeamBackend Postgres Source # 

Associated Types

type BackendFromField Postgres :: * -> Constraint #

FromBackendRow Postgres Bool Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Char Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Double Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Int Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Int16 Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Int32 Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Int64 Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Integer Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Word Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Word16 Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Word32 Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Word64 Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres ByteString Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres ByteString Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Scientific Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Text Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres UTCTime Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Value Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Text Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres SqlNull Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Oid Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres HStoreList Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres HStoreMap Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Null Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres LocalTimestamp Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres UTCTimestamp Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres ZonedTimestamp Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Date Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres LocalTime Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres TimeOfDay Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres Day Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres UUID Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres PgMoney # 
FromBackendRow Postgres TsQuery # 
FromBackendRow Postgres TsVector # 
MonadBeam PgCommandSyntax Postgres Connection Pg # 
IsDatabaseEntity Postgres (PgExtensionEntity extension) # 
FromBackendRow Postgres [Char] Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres (Ratio Integer) Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres (CI Text) Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres (CI Text) Source # 
(FromField a, Typeable * a) => FromBackendRow Postgres (PGRange a) Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres (Binary ByteString) Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres (Binary ByteString) Source # 
(FromField a, Typeable * a) => FromBackendRow Postgres (PGArray a) Source # 
(FromField a, Typeable * a) => FromBackendRow Postgres (Vector a) Source # 
(Typeable * a, FromJSON a) => FromBackendRow Postgres (PgJSONB a) # 
(Typeable * a, FromJSON a) => FromBackendRow Postgres (PgJSON a) # 
IsCheckedDatabaseEntity Postgres (PgExtensionEntity extension) # 
(FromField a, FromField b) => FromBackendRow Postgres (Either a b) Source # 
RenamableWithRule (FieldRenamer (DatabaseEntityDescriptor Postgres (PgExtensionEntity e))) #

There are no fields to rename when defining entities

type BackendFromField Postgres Source # 
type DatabaseEntityRegularRequirements Postgres (PgExtensionEntity extension) # 
type DatabaseEntityDefaultRequirements Postgres (PgExtensionEntity extension) # 
data DatabaseEntityDescriptor Postgres (PgExtensionEntity extension) # 
data CheckedDatabaseEntityDescriptor Postgres (PgExtensionEntity extension) # 
type CheckedDatabaseEntityDefaultRequirements Postgres (PgExtensionEntity extension) syntax # 

data Pg a Source #

MonadBeam in which we can run Postgres commands. See the documentation for MonadBeam on examples of how to use.

beam-postgres also provides functions that let you run queries without MonadBeam. These functions may be more efficient and offer a conduit API. See Database.Beam.Postgres.Conduit for more information.


Monad Pg Source # 


(>>=) :: Pg a -> (a -> Pg b) -> Pg b #

(>>) :: Pg a -> Pg b -> Pg b #

return :: a -> Pg a #

fail :: String -> Pg a #

Functor Pg Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Pg a -> Pg b #

(<$) :: a -> Pg b -> Pg a #

Applicative Pg Source # 


pure :: a -> Pg a #

(<*>) :: Pg (a -> b) -> Pg a -> Pg b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Pg a -> Pg b -> Pg c #

(*>) :: Pg a -> Pg b -> Pg b #

(<*) :: Pg a -> Pg b -> Pg a #

MonadIO Pg Source # 


liftIO :: IO a -> Pg a #

MonadBeam PgCommandSyntax Postgres Connection Pg Source # 

Postgres syntax

data PgCommandSyntax Source #

Representation of an arbitrary Postgres command. This is the combination of the command syntax (repesented by PgSyntax), as well as the type of command (represented by PgCommandType). The command type is necessary for us to know how to retrieve results from the database.


IsSql92Syntax PgCommandSyntax Source # 
IsSql92DdlCommandSyntax PgCommandSyntax Source # 
MonadBeam PgCommandSyntax Postgres Connection Pg # 
type Sql92DeleteSyntax PgCommandSyntax Source # 
type Sql92UpdateSyntax PgCommandSyntax Source # 
type Sql92InsertSyntax PgCommandSyntax Source # 
type Sql92SelectSyntax PgCommandSyntax Source # 
type Sql92DdlCommandDropTableSyntax PgCommandSyntax Source # 
type Sql92DdlCommandAlterTableSyntax PgCommandSyntax Source # 
type Sql92DdlCommandCreateTableSyntax PgCommandSyntax Source # 

data PgSyntax Source #

A piece of Postgres SQL syntax, which may contain embedded escaped byte and text sequences. PgSyntax composes monoidally, and may be created with emit, emitBuilder, escapeString, escapBytea, and escapeIdentifier.

Beam URI support

postgresUriSyntax :: c PgCommandSyntax Postgres Connection Pg -> BeamURIOpeners c Source #

BeamURIOpeners for the standard postgresql: URI scheme. See the postgres documentation for more details on the formatting. See documentation for BeamURIOpeners for more information on how to use this with beam

Postgres-specific features

Postgres-specific data types

json :: (ToJSON a, FromJSON a) => DataType PgDataTypeSyntax (PgJSON a) Source #

DataType for JSON. See PgJSON for more information

jsonb :: (ToJSON a, FromJSON a) => DataType PgDataTypeSyntax (PgJSONB a) Source #

DataType for JSONB. See PgJSON for more information

uuid :: DataType PgDataTypeSyntax UUID Source #

DataType for UUID columns. The pgCryptoGenRandomUUID function in the PgCrypto extension can be used to generate UUIDs at random.

tsquery :: DataType PgDataTypeSyntax TsQuery Source #

DataType for tsquery. See TsQuery for more information

tsvector :: DataType PgDataTypeSyntax TsVector Source #

DataType for tsvector. See TsVector for more information

text :: DataType PgDataTypeSyntax Text Source #

DataType for Postgres TEXT. characterLargeObject is also mapped to this data type

bytea :: DataType PgDataTypeSyntax ByteString Source #

DataType for Postgres BYTEA. binaryLargeObject is also mapped to this data type

unboundedArray :: forall a. Typeable a => DataType PgDataTypeSyntax a -> DataType PgDataTypeSyntax (Vector a) Source #

DataType for a Postgres array without any bounds.

Note that array support in beam-migrate is still incomplete.

SERIAL support

smallserial :: Integral a => DataType PgDataTypeSyntax (SqlSerial a) Source #

Postgres SERIAL data types. Automatically generates an appropriate DEFAULT clause and sequence

serial :: Integral a => DataType PgDataTypeSyntax (SqlSerial a) Source #

Postgres SERIAL data types. Automatically generates an appropriate DEFAULT clause and sequence

bigserial :: Integral a => DataType PgDataTypeSyntax (SqlSerial a) Source #

Postgres SERIAL data types. Automatically generates an appropriate DEFAULT clause and sequence

Full-text search

Postgres has comprehensive, and thus complicated, support for full text search. The types and functions in this section map closely to the underlying Postgres API, which is described in the documentation.

TSVECTOR data type

data TsVectorConfig Source #

The identifier of a Postgres text search configuration.

Use the IsString instance to construct new values of this type


Eq TsVectorConfig Source # 
Ord TsVectorConfig Source # 
Show TsVectorConfig Source # 
IsString TsVectorConfig Source # 
HasSqlEqualityCheck PgExpressionSyntax TsVectorConfig Source # 
HasSqlQuantifiedEqualityCheck PgExpressionSyntax TsVectorConfig Source # 

newtype TsVector Source #

The type of a document preprocessed for full-text search. The contained ByteString is the Postgres representation of the TSVECTOR type. Use toTsVector to construct these on-the-fly from strings.

When this field is embedded in a beam table, defaultMigratableDbSettings will give the column the postgres TSVECTOR type.


TsVector ByteString 


Eq TsVector Source # 
Ord TsVector Source # 
Show TsVector Source # 
FromField TsVector Source # 
ToField TsVector Source # 


toField :: TsVector -> Action #

HasSqlEqualityCheck PgExpressionSyntax TsVector Source # 
HasSqlQuantifiedEqualityCheck PgExpressionSyntax TsVector Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres TsVector Source # 
HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints PgColumnSchemaSyntax TsVector Source # 
HasDefaultSqlDataType PgDataTypeSyntax TsVector Source # 

toTsVector :: IsSqlExpressionSyntaxStringType PgExpressionSyntax str => Maybe TsVectorConfig -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s str -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s TsVector Source #

The Postgres to_tsvector function. Given a configuration and string, return the TSVECTOR that represents the contents of the string.

english :: TsVectorConfig Source #

A full-text search configuration with sensible defaults for english

TSQUERY data type

newtype TsQuery Source #

A query that can be run against a document contained in a TsVector.

When this field is embedded in a beam table, defaultMigratableDbSettings will give the column the postgres TSVECTOR type


TsQuery ByteString 


Eq TsQuery Source # 


(==) :: TsQuery -> TsQuery -> Bool #

(/=) :: TsQuery -> TsQuery -> Bool #

Ord TsQuery Source # 
Show TsQuery Source # 
FromField TsQuery Source # 
HasSqlEqualityCheck PgExpressionSyntax TsQuery Source # 
HasSqlQuantifiedEqualityCheck PgExpressionSyntax TsQuery Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres TsQuery Source # 
HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints PgColumnSchemaSyntax TsQuery Source # 
HasDefaultSqlDataType PgDataTypeSyntax TsQuery Source # 

(@@) :: QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s TsVector -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s TsQuery -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s Bool Source #

Determine if the given TSQUERY matches the document represented by the TSVECTOR. Behaves exactly like the similarly-named operator in postgres.

JSON and JSONB data types

Postgres supports storing JSON in columns, as either a text-based type (JSON) or a specialized binary encoding (JSONB). beam-postgres accordingly provides the PgJSON and PgJSONB data types. Each of these types takes a type parameter indicating the Haskell object represented by the JSON object stored in the column. In order for serialization to work, be sure to provide FromJSON and ToJSON instances for this type. If you do not know the shape of the data stored, substitute Value for this type parameter.

For more information on Psotgres json support see the postgres manual.

newtype PgJSON a Source #

The Postgres JSON type, which stores textual values that represent JSON objects. The type parameter indicates the Haskell type which the JSON encodes. This type must be a member of FromJSON and ToJSON in order for deserialization and serialization to work as expected.

The defaultMigratableDbSettings function automatically assigns the postgres JSON type to fields with this type.




IsPgJSON PgJSON Source # 
HasSqlEqualityCheck PgExpressionSyntax (PgJSON a) Source # 
HasSqlQuantifiedEqualityCheck PgExpressionSyntax (PgJSON a) Source # 
ToJSON a => HasSqlValueSyntax PgValueSyntax (PgJSON a) Source # 
(Typeable * a, FromJSON a) => FromBackendRow Postgres (PgJSON a) Source # 
HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints PgColumnSchemaSyntax (PgJSON a) Source # 
HasDefaultSqlDataType PgDataTypeSyntax (PgJSON a) Source # 
Eq a => Eq (PgJSON a) Source # 


(==) :: PgJSON a -> PgJSON a -> Bool #

(/=) :: PgJSON a -> PgJSON a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (PgJSON a) Source # 


compare :: PgJSON a -> PgJSON a -> Ordering #

(<) :: PgJSON a -> PgJSON a -> Bool #

(<=) :: PgJSON a -> PgJSON a -> Bool #

(>) :: PgJSON a -> PgJSON a -> Bool #

(>=) :: PgJSON a -> PgJSON a -> Bool #

max :: PgJSON a -> PgJSON a -> PgJSON a #

min :: PgJSON a -> PgJSON a -> PgJSON a #

Show a => Show (PgJSON a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> PgJSON a -> ShowS #

show :: PgJSON a -> String #

showList :: [PgJSON a] -> ShowS #

Monoid a => Monoid (PgJSON a) Source # 


mempty :: PgJSON a #

mappend :: PgJSON a -> PgJSON a -> PgJSON a #

mconcat :: [PgJSON a] -> PgJSON a #

Hashable a => Hashable (PgJSON a) Source # 


hashWithSalt :: Int -> PgJSON a -> Int #

hash :: PgJSON a -> Int #

(Typeable * x, FromJSON x) => FromField (PgJSON x) Source # 

newtype PgJSONB a Source #

The Postgres JSONB type, which stores JSON-encoded data in a postgres-specific binary format. Like PgJSON, the type parameter indicates the Hgaskell type which the JSON encodes.

Fields with this type are automatically given the Postgres JSONB type




IsPgJSON PgJSONB Source # 
HasSqlEqualityCheck PgExpressionSyntax (PgJSONB a) Source # 
HasSqlQuantifiedEqualityCheck PgExpressionSyntax (PgJSONB a) Source # 
ToJSON a => HasSqlValueSyntax PgValueSyntax (PgJSONB a) Source # 
(Typeable * a, FromJSON a) => FromBackendRow Postgres (PgJSONB a) Source # 
HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints PgColumnSchemaSyntax (PgJSONB a) Source # 
HasDefaultSqlDataType PgDataTypeSyntax (PgJSONB a) Source # 
Eq a => Eq (PgJSONB a) Source # 


(==) :: PgJSONB a -> PgJSONB a -> Bool #

(/=) :: PgJSONB a -> PgJSONB a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (PgJSONB a) Source # 


compare :: PgJSONB a -> PgJSONB a -> Ordering #

(<) :: PgJSONB a -> PgJSONB a -> Bool #

(<=) :: PgJSONB a -> PgJSONB a -> Bool #

(>) :: PgJSONB a -> PgJSONB a -> Bool #

(>=) :: PgJSONB a -> PgJSONB a -> Bool #

max :: PgJSONB a -> PgJSONB a -> PgJSONB a #

min :: PgJSONB a -> PgJSONB a -> PgJSONB a #

Show a => Show (PgJSONB a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> PgJSONB a -> ShowS #

show :: PgJSONB a -> String #

showList :: [PgJSONB a] -> ShowS #

Monoid a => Monoid (PgJSONB a) Source # 


mempty :: PgJSONB a #

mappend :: PgJSONB a -> PgJSONB a -> PgJSONB a #

mconcat :: [PgJSONB a] -> PgJSONB a #

Hashable a => Hashable (PgJSONB a) Source # 


hashWithSalt :: Int -> PgJSONB a -> Int #

hash :: PgJSONB a -> Int #

(Typeable * x, FromJSON x) => FromField (PgJSONB x) Source # 

class IsPgJSON (json :: * -> *) where Source #

Postgres provides separate json_ and jsonb_ functions. However, we know what we're dealing with based on the type of data, so we can be less obtuse.

For more information on how these functions behave, see the Postgres manual section on JSON.


pgJsonEach :: QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (PgSetOf (PgJSONEach (json Value))) Source #

The json_each or jsonb_each function. Values returned as json or jsonb respectively. Use pgUnnest to join against the result

pgJsonEachText :: QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (PgSetOf (PgJSONEach Text)) Source #

Like pgJsonEach, but returning text values instead

pgJsonKeys :: QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (PgSetOf PgJSONKey) Source #

The json_object_keys and jsonb_object_keys function. Use pgUnnest to join against the result.

pgJsonArrayElements :: QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (PgSetOf (PgJSONElement (json Value))) Source #

The json_array_elements and jsonb_array_elements function. Use pgUnnest to join against the result

pgJsonArrayElementsText :: QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (PgSetOf (PgJSONElement Text)) Source #

Like pgJsonArrayElements, but returning the values as Text

pgJsonTypeOf :: QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Text Source #

The json_typeof or jsonb_typeof function

pgJsonStripNulls :: QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json b) Source #

The json_strip_nulls or jsonb_strip_nulls function.

pgJsonAgg :: QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s a -> QAgg PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) Source #

The json_agg or jsonb_agg aggregate.

pgJsonObjectAgg :: QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s key -> QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s value -> QAgg PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) Source #

The json_object_agg or jsonb_object_agg. The first argument gives the key source and the second the corresponding values.


IsPgJSON PgJSONB Source # 
IsPgJSON PgJSON Source # 

data PgJSONEach valType f Source #

Key-value pair, used as output of pgJsonEachText and pgJsonEach





Beamable (PgJSONEach valType) Source # 


zipBeamFieldsM :: Applicative m => (forall a. Columnar' f a -> Columnar' g a -> m (Columnar' h a)) -> PgJSONEach valType f -> PgJSONEach valType g -> m (PgJSONEach valType h) #

tblSkeleton :: TableSkeleton (PgJSONEach valType) #

Generic (PgJSONEach valType f) Source # 

Associated Types

type Rep (PgJSONEach valType f) :: * -> * #


from :: PgJSONEach valType f -> Rep (PgJSONEach valType f) x #

to :: Rep (PgJSONEach valType f) x -> PgJSONEach valType f #

type Rep (PgJSONEach valType f) Source # 
type Rep (PgJSONEach valType f) = D1 * (MetaData "PgJSONEach" "Database.Beam.Postgres.PgSpecific" "beam-postgres-" False) (C1 * (MetaCons "PgJSONEach" PrefixI True) ((:*:) * (S1 * (MetaSel (Just Symbol "pgJsonEachKey") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 * (C f Text))) (S1 * (MetaSel (Just Symbol "pgJsonEachValue") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 * (C f valType)))))

data PgJSONKey f Source #

Output row of pgJsonKeys





Beamable PgJSONKey Source # 


zipBeamFieldsM :: Applicative m => (forall a. Columnar' f a -> Columnar' g a -> m (Columnar' h a)) -> PgJSONKey f -> PgJSONKey g -> m (PgJSONKey h) #

tblSkeleton :: TableSkeleton PgJSONKey #

Generic (PgJSONKey f) Source # 

Associated Types

type Rep (PgJSONKey f) :: * -> * #


from :: PgJSONKey f -> Rep (PgJSONKey f) x #

to :: Rep (PgJSONKey f) x -> PgJSONKey f #

type Rep (PgJSONKey f) Source # 
type Rep (PgJSONKey f) = D1 * (MetaData "PgJSONKey" "Database.Beam.Postgres.PgSpecific" "beam-postgres-" False) (C1 * (MetaCons "PgJSONKey" PrefixI True) (S1 * (MetaSel (Just Symbol "pgJsonKey") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 * (C f Text))))

data PgJSONElement a f Source #





Beamable (PgJSONElement a) Source # 


zipBeamFieldsM :: Applicative m => (forall b. Columnar' f b -> Columnar' g b -> m (Columnar' h b)) -> PgJSONElement a f -> PgJSONElement a g -> m (PgJSONElement a h) #

tblSkeleton :: TableSkeleton (PgJSONElement a) #

Generic (PgJSONElement a f) Source # 

Associated Types

type Rep (PgJSONElement a f) :: * -> * #


from :: PgJSONElement a f -> Rep (PgJSONElement a f) x #

to :: Rep (PgJSONElement a f) x -> PgJSONElement a f #

type Rep (PgJSONElement a f) Source # 
type Rep (PgJSONElement a f) = D1 * (MetaData "PgJSONElement" "Database.Beam.Postgres.PgSpecific" "beam-postgres-" False) (C1 * (MetaCons "PgJSONElement" PrefixI True) (S1 * (MetaSel (Just Symbol "pgJsonElement") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 * (C f a))))

(@>) :: IsPgJSON json => QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json b) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Bool Source #

Postgres @> and <@ operators for JSON. Return true if the json object pointed to by the arrow is completely contained in the other. See the Postgres documentation for more in formation on what this means.

(<@) :: IsPgJSON json => QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json b) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Bool Source #

Postgres @> and <@ operators for JSON. Return true if the json object pointed to by the arrow is completely contained in the other. See the Postgres documentation for more in formation on what this means.

(->#) :: IsPgJSON json => QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Int -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json b) Source #

Access a JSON array by index. Corresponds to the Postgres -> operator. See '(->$)' for the corresponding operator for object access.

(->$) :: IsPgJSON json => QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Text -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json b) Source #

Acces a JSON object by key. Corresponds to the Postgres -> operator. See '(->#)' for the corresponding operator for arrays.

(->>#) :: IsPgJSON json => QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Int -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Text Source #

Access a JSON array by index, returning the embedded object as a string. Corresponds to the Postgres ->> operator. See '(->>$)' for the corresponding operator on objects.

(->>$) :: IsPgJSON json => QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Text -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Text Source #

Access a JSON object by key, returning the embedded object as a string. Corresponds to the Postgres ->> operator. See '(->>#)' for the corresponding operator on arrays.

(#>) :: IsPgJSON json => QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector Text) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json b) Source #

Access a deeply nested JSON object. The first argument is the JSON object to look within, the second is the path of keys from the first argument to the target. Returns the result as a new json value. Note that the postgres function allows etiher string keys or integer indices, but this function only allows string keys. PRs to improve this functionality are welcome.

(#>>) :: IsPgJSON json => QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector Text) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Text Source #

Like '(#>)' but returns the result as a string.

(?) :: IsPgJSON json => QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Text -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Bool Source #

Postgres ? operator. Checks if the given string exists as top-level key of the json object.

(?|) :: IsPgJSON json => QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector Text) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Bool Source #

Postgres ?| and ?& operators. Check if any or all of the given strings exist as top-level keys of the json object respectively.

(?&) :: IsPgJSON json => QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector Text) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Bool Source #

Postgres ?| and ?& operators. Check if any or all of the given strings exist as top-level keys of the json object respectively.

withoutKey :: IsPgJSON json => QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Text -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json b) Source #

Postgres - operator on json objects. Returns the supplied json object with the supplied key deleted. See withoutIdx for the corresponding operator on arrays.

withoutIdx :: IsPgJSON json => QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Int -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json b) Source #

Postgres - operator on json arrays. See withoutKey for the corresponding operator on objects.

withoutKeys :: IsPgJSON json => QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector Text) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json b) Source #

Postgres #- operator. Removes all the keys specificied from the JSON object and returns the result.

pgJsonArrayLength :: IsPgJSON json => QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (json a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Int Source #

Postgres json_array_length function. The supplied json object should be an array, but this isn't checked at compile-time.

pgJsonbUpdate :: QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (PgJSONB a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector Text) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (PgJSONB b) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (PgJSONB a) Source #

The postgres jsonb_set function. pgJsonUpdate expects the value specified by the path in the second argument to exist. If it does not, the first argument is not modified. pgJsonbSet will create any intermediate objects necessary. This corresponds to the create_missing argument of jsonb_set being set to false or true respectively.

pgJsonbSet :: QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (PgJSONB a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector Text) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (PgJSONB b) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (PgJSONB a) Source #

The postgres jsonb_set function. pgJsonUpdate expects the value specified by the path in the second argument to exist. If it does not, the first argument is not modified. pgJsonbSet will create any intermediate objects necessary. This corresponds to the create_missing argument of jsonb_set being set to false or true respectively.

pgJsonbPretty :: QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (PgJSONB a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Text Source #

Postgres jsonb_pretty function

MONEY data type

newtype PgMoney Source #

Postgres MONEY data type. A simple wrapper over ByteString, because Postgres money format is locale-dependent, and we don't handle currency symbol placement, digit grouping, or decimal separation.

The pgMoney function can be used to convert a number to PgMoney.




Eq PgMoney Source # 


(==) :: PgMoney -> PgMoney -> Bool #

(/=) :: PgMoney -> PgMoney -> Bool #

Ord PgMoney Source # 
Read PgMoney Source # 
Show PgMoney Source # 
FromField PgMoney Source # 
ToField PgMoney Source # 


toField :: PgMoney -> Action #

HasSqlEqualityCheck PgExpressionSyntax PgMoney Source # 
HasSqlQuantifiedEqualityCheck PgExpressionSyntax PgMoney Source # 
HasSqlValueSyntax PgValueSyntax PgMoney Source # 
FromBackendRow Postgres PgMoney Source # 
HasDefaultSqlDataTypeConstraints PgColumnSchemaSyntax PgMoney Source # 
HasDefaultSqlDataType PgDataTypeSyntax PgMoney Source # 

pgMoney :: Real a => a -> PgMoney Source #

Attempt to pack a floating point value as a PgMoney value, paying no attention to the locale-dependent currency symbol, digit grouping, or decimal point. This will use the . symbol as the decimal separator.

pgScaleMoney_ :: Num a => QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s a -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney Source #

Multiply a MONEY value by a numeric value. Corresponds to the Postgres * operator.

pgDivideMoney_ :: Num a => QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s a -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney Source #

Divide a MONEY value by a numeric value. Corresponds to Postgres / where the numerator has type MONEY and the denominator is a number. If you would like to divide two MONEY values and have their units cancel out, use pgDivideMoneys_.

pgDivideMoneys_ :: Num a => QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s a Source #

Dividing two MONEY value results in a number. Corresponds to Postgres / on two MONEY values. If you would like to divide MONEY by a scalar, use pgDivideMoney_

pgAddMoney_ :: QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney Source #

Postgres + and - operators on money.

pgSubtractMoney_ :: QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney Source #

Postgres + and - operators on money.

pgSumMoneyOver_ :: Maybe PgAggregationSetQuantifierSyntax -> QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney -> QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney Source #

The Postgres MONEY type can be summed or averaged in an aggregation. These functions provide the quantified aggregations. See pgSumMoney_ and pgAvgMoney_ for the unquantified versions.

pgAvgMoneyOver_ :: Maybe PgAggregationSetQuantifierSyntax -> QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney -> QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney Source #

The Postgres MONEY type can be summed or averaged in an aggregation. These functions provide the quantified aggregations. See pgSumMoney_ and pgAvgMoney_ for the unquantified versions.

pgSumMoney_ :: QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney -> QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney Source #

The Postgres MONEY type can be summed or averaged in an aggregation. To provide an explicit quantification, see pgSumMoneyOver_ and pgAvgMoneyOver_.

pgAvgMoney_ :: QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney -> QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s PgMoney Source #

The Postgres MONEY type can be summed or averaged in an aggregation. To provide an explicit quantification, see pgSumMoneyOver_ and pgAvgMoneyOver_.

Set-valued functions

Postgres supports functions that returns sets. We can join directly against these sets or arrays. beam-postgres supports this feature via the pgUnnest and pgUnnestArray functions.

Any function that returns a set can be typed as an expression returning PgSetOf. This polymorphic type takes one argument, which is a Beamable type that represents the shape of the data in the rows. For example, the json_each function returns a key and a value, so the corresponding beam-postgres function (pgJsonEach) returns a value of type 'PgSetOf (PgJSONEach Value)', which represents a set containing PgJSONEach rows. PgJSONEach is a table with a column for keys (pgJsonEachKey) and one for values (pgJsonEachValue).

Any PgSetOf value can be introduced into the Q monad using the pgUnnest function.

Postgres arrays (represented by the Vector type) can also be joined against using the pgUnnestArray function. This directly corresponds to the SQL UNNEST keyword. Unlike sets, arrays have a sense of order. The pgUnnestArrayWithOrdinality function allows you to join against the elements of an array along with its index. This corresponds to the UNNEST .. WITH ORDINALITY clause.

data PgSetOf (tbl :: (* -> *) -> *) Source #

ARRAY types

The functions and types in this section map Postgres ARRAY types to Haskell. An array is serialized and deserialized to a Vector object. This type most closely matches the semantics of Postgres ARRAYs. In general, the names of functions in this section closely match names of the native Postgres functions they map to. As with most beam expression functions, names are suffixed with an underscore and CamelCased.

Note that Postgres supports arbitrary nesting of vectors. For example, two, three, or higher dimensional arrays can be expressed, manipulated, and stored in tables. Beam fully supports this use case. A two-dimensional postgres array is represented as Vector (Vector a). Simply nest another Vector for higher dimensions. Some functions that return data on arrays expect a dimension number as a parameter. Since beam can check the dimension at compile time, these functions expect a type-level Nat in the expression DSL. The unsafe versions of these functions are also provided with the Unsafe_ suffix. The safe versions are guaranteed not to fail at run-time due to dimension mismatches, the unsafe ones may.

For more information on Postgres array support, refer to the postgres manual.

data PgArrayValueContext Source #

An expression context that determines which types of expressions can be put inside an array element. Any scalar, aggregate, or window expression can be placed within an array.

class PgIsArrayContext ctxt Source #

If you are extending beam-postgres and provide another expression context that can be represented in an array, provide an empty instance of this class.

Building ARRAYs

array_ :: forall context f s a. (PgIsArrayContext context, Foldable f) => f (QGenExpr PgArrayValueContext PgExpressionSyntax s a) -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector a) Source #

Build a 1-dimensional postgres array from an arbitrary Foldable containing expressions.

arrayOf_ :: Q PgSelectSyntax db s (QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s a) -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector a) Source #

Build a 1-dimensional postgres array from a subquery

(++.) :: QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector a) Source #

Postgres || operator. Concatenates two vectors and returns their result.

pgArrayAgg :: QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s a -> QAgg PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector a) Source #

An aggregate that adds each value to the resulting array. See pgArrayOver if you want to specify a quantifier. Corresponds to the Postgres ARRAY_AGG function.

pgArrayAggOver :: Maybe PgAggregationSetQuantifierSyntax -> QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s a -> QAgg PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector a) Source #

Postgres ARRAY_AGG with an explicit quantifier. Includes each row that meets the quantification criteria in the result.

Array operators and functions

(!.) :: Integral ix => QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector a) -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s ix -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s a Source #

Index into the given array. This translates to the array[index] syntax in postgres. The beam operator name has been chosen to match the 'Data.Vector.(!)' operator.

arrayDims_ :: IsSqlExpressionSyntaxStringType PgExpressionSyntax text => QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector a) -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s text Source #

Postgres array_dims() function. Returns a textual representation of the dimensions of the array.

arrayUpper_ :: forall (dim :: Nat) context num v s. (KnownNat dim, WithinBounds dim (Vector v), Integral num) => QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector v) -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s num Source #

Return the upper or lower bound of the given array at the given dimension (statically supplied as a type application on a Nat). Note that beam will attempt to statically determine if the dimension is in range. GHC errors will be thrown if this cannot be proved.

For example, to get the upper bound of the 2nd-dimension of an array:

arrayUpper_ @2 vectorValuedExpression

arrayLower_ :: forall (dim :: Nat) context num v s. (KnownNat dim, WithinBounds dim (Vector v), Integral num) => QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector v) -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s num Source #

Return the upper or lower bound of the given array at the given dimension (statically supplied as a type application on a Nat). Note that beam will attempt to statically determine if the dimension is in range. GHC errors will be thrown if this cannot be proved.

For example, to get the upper bound of the 2nd-dimension of an array:

arrayUpper_ @2 vectorValuedExpression

arrayUpperUnsafe_ :: (Integral dim, Integral length) => QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector v) -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s dim -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s (Maybe length) Source #

These functions can be used to find the lower and upper bounds of an array where the dimension number is not known until run-time. They are marked unsafe because they may cause query processing to fail at runtime, even if they typecheck successfully.

arrayLowerUnsafe_ :: (Integral dim, Integral length) => QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector v) -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s dim -> QGenExpr context PgExpressionSyntax s (Maybe length) Source #

These functions can be used to find the lower and upper bounds of an array where the dimension number is not known until run-time. They are marked unsafe because they may cause query processing to fail at runtime, even if they typecheck successfully.

arrayLength_ :: forall (dim :: Nat) ctxt num v s. (KnownNat dim, WithinBounds dim (Vector v), Integral num) => QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector v) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s num Source #

Get the size of the array at the given (statically known) dimension, provided as a type-level Nat. Like the arrayUpper_ and arrayLower_ functions,throws a compile-time error if the dimension is out of bounds.

arrayLengthUnsafe_ :: (Integral dim, Integral num) => QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector v) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s dim -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (Maybe num) Source #

Get the size of an array at a dimension not known until run-time. Marked unsafe as this may cause runtime errors even if it type checks.

isSupersetOf_ :: QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Bool Source #

The Postgres @> operator. Returns true if every member of the second array is present in the first.

isSubsetOf_ :: QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s (Vector a) -> QGenExpr ctxt PgExpressionSyntax s Bool Source #

The Postgres <@ operator. Returns true if every member of the first array is present in the second.

Postgres functions and aggregates

pgBoolOr :: QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s a -> QAgg PgExpressionSyntax s (Maybe Bool) Source #

Postgres bool_or aggregate. Returns true if any of the rows are true.

pgBoolAnd :: QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s a -> QAgg PgExpressionSyntax s (Maybe Bool) Source #

Postgres bool_and aggregate. Returns false unless every row is true.

pgStringAgg :: IsSqlExpressionSyntaxStringType PgExpressionSyntax str => QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s str -> QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s str -> QAgg PgExpressionSyntax s (Maybe str) Source #

Joins the string value in each row of the first argument, using the second argument as a delimiter. See pgStringAggOver if you want to provide explicit quantification.

pgStringAggOver :: IsSqlExpressionSyntaxStringType PgExpressionSyntax str => Maybe PgAggregationSetQuantifierSyntax -> QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s str -> QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s str -> QAgg PgExpressionSyntax s (Maybe str) Source #

The Postgres string_agg function, with an explicit quantifier. Joins the values of the second argument using the delimiter given by the third.

pgNubBy_ :: (Projectible PgExpressionSyntax key, Projectible PgExpressionSyntax r) => (r -> key) -> Q PgSelectSyntax db s r -> Q PgSelectSyntax db s r Source #

Modify a query to only return rows where the supplied key function returns a unique value. This corresponds to the Postgres DISTINCT ON support.

now_ :: QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s LocalTime Source #

Postgres NOW() function. Returns the server's timestamp

ilike_ :: IsSqlExpressionSyntaxStringType PgExpressionSyntax text => QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s text -> QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s text -> QExpr PgExpressionSyntax s Bool Source #

Postgres ILIKE operator. A case-insensitive version of like_.

Postgres extension support

data PgExtensionEntity extension Source #

Represents an extension in a database.

For example, to include the Database.Beam.Postgres.PgCrypto extension in a database,

import Database.Beam.Migrate.PgCrypto

data MyDatabase entity
    = MyDatabase
    { _table1 :: entity (TableEntity Table1)
    , _cryptoExtension :: entity (PgExtensionEntity PgCrypto)

migratableDbSettings :: CheckedDatabaseSettings Postgres MyDatabase
migratableDbSettings = defaultMigratableDbSettings

dbSettings :: DatabaseSettings Postgres MyDatabase
dbSettings = unCheckDatabase migratableDbSettings

Note that our database now only works in the Postgres backend.

Extensions are implemented as records of functions and values that expose extension functionality. For example, the pgcrypto extension (implemented by PgCrypto) provides cryptographic functions. Thus, PgCrypto is a record of functions over QGenExpr which wrap the underlying postgres functionality.

You get access to these functions by retrieving them from the entity in the database.

For example, to use the pgcrypto extension in the database above:

let PgCrypto { pgCryptoDigestText = digestText
             , pgCryptoCrypt = crypt } = getPgExtension (_cryptoExtension dbSettings)
in fmap_ (tbl -> (tbl, crypt (_field1 tbl) (_salt tbl))) (all_ (table1 dbSettings))

To implement your own extension, create a record type, and implement the IsPgExtension type class.


IsDatabaseEntity Postgres (PgExtensionEntity extension) Source # 
IsCheckedDatabaseEntity Postgres (PgExtensionEntity extension) Source # 
RenamableWithRule (FieldRenamer (DatabaseEntityDescriptor Postgres (PgExtensionEntity e))) Source #

There are no fields to rename when defining entities

type DatabaseEntityRegularRequirements Postgres (PgExtensionEntity extension) Source # 
type DatabaseEntityDefaultRequirements Postgres (PgExtensionEntity extension) Source # 
data DatabaseEntityDescriptor Postgres (PgExtensionEntity extension) Source # 
data CheckedDatabaseEntityDescriptor Postgres (PgExtensionEntity extension) Source # 
type CheckedDatabaseEntityDefaultRequirements Postgres (PgExtensionEntity extension) syntax Source # 

class IsPgExtension extension where Source #

Type class implemented by any Postgresql extension

Minimal complete definition

pgExtensionName, pgExtensionBuild


pgExtensionName :: Proxy extension -> Text Source #

Return the name of this extension. This should be the string that is passed to CREATE EXTENSION. For example, PgCrypto returns "pgcrypto".

pgExtensionBuild :: extension Source #

Return a value of this extension type. This should fill in all fields in the record. For example, PgCrypto builds a record where each function wraps the underlying Postgres one.

pgCreateExtension :: forall extension db. IsPgExtension extension => Migration PgCommandSyntax (CheckedDatabaseEntity Postgres db (PgExtensionEntity extension)) Source #

Migration representing the Postgres CREATE EXTENSION command. Because the extension name is statically known by the extension type and IsPgExtension type class, this simply produces the checked extension entity.

If you need to use the extension in subsequent migration steps, use getPgExtension and unCheck to get access to the underlying DatabaseEntity.

pgDropExtension :: forall extension. CheckedDatabaseEntityDescriptor Postgres (PgExtensionEntity extension) -> Migration PgCommandSyntax () Source #

Migration representing the Postgres DROP EXTENSION. After this executes, you should expect any further uses of the extension to fail. Unfortunately, without linear types, we cannot check this.

getPgExtension :: DatabaseEntity Postgres db (PgExtensionEntity extension) -> extension Source #

Get the extension record from a database entity. See the documentation for PgExtensionEntity.

postgresql-simple re-exports

data ResultError :: * #

Exception thrown if conversion from a SQL value to a Haskell value fails.



The SQL and Haskell types are not compatible.


A SQL NULL was encountered when the Haskell type did not permit it.


The SQL value could not be parsed, or could not be represented as a valid Haskell value, or an unexpected low-level error occurred (e.g. mismatch between metadata and actual data in a row).

defaultConnectInfo :: ConnectInfo #

Default information for setting up a connection.

Defaults are as follows:

  • Server on localhost
  • Port on 5432
  • User postgres
  • No password
  • Database postgres

Use as in the following example:

connect defaultConnectInfo { connectHost = "" }

connectPostgreSQL :: ByteString -> IO Connection #

Attempt to make a connection based on a libpq connection string. See for more information. Also note that environment variables also affect parameters not provided, parameters provided as the empty string, and a few other things; see for details. Here is an example with some of the most commonly used parameters:

host='' port=5432 ...

This attempts to connect to Omitting the port will normally default to 5432.

On systems that provide unix domain sockets, omitting the host parameter will cause libpq to attempt to connect via unix domain sockets. The default filesystem path to the socket is constructed from the port number and the DEFAULT_PGSOCKET_DIR constant defined in the pg_config_manual.h header file. Connecting via unix sockets tends to use the peer authentication method, which is very secure and does not require a password.

On Windows and other systems without unix domain sockets, omitting the host will default to localhost.

... dbname='postgres' user='postgres' password='secret \' \\ pw'

This attempts to connect to a database named postgres with user postgres and password secret ' \ pw. Backslash characters will have to be double-quoted in literal Haskell strings, of course. Omitting dbname and user will both default to the system username that the client process is running as.

Omitting password will default to an appropriate password found in the pgpass file, or no password at all if a matching line is not found. See for more information regarding this file.

As all parameters are optional and the defaults are sensible, the empty connection string can be useful for development and exploratory use, assuming your system is set up appropriately.

On Unix, such a setup would typically consist of a local postgresql server listening on port 5432, as well as a system user, database user, and database sharing a common name, with permissions granted to the user on the database.

On Windows, in addition you will either need pg_hba.conf to specify the use of the trust authentication method for the connection, which may not be appropriate for multiuser or production machines, or you will need to use a pgpass file with the password or md5 authentication methods.

See for more information regarding the authentication process.

SSL/TLS will typically "just work" if your postgresql server supports or requires it. However, note that libpq is trivially vulnerable to a MITM attack without setting additional SSL connection parameters. In particular, sslmode needs to be set to require, verify-ca, or verify-full in order to perform certificate validation. When sslmode is require, then you will also need to specify a sslrootcert file, otherwise no validation of the server's identity will be performed. Client authentication via certificates is also possible via the sslcert and sslkey parameters. See for detailed information regarding libpq and SSL.

connect :: ConnectInfo -> IO Connection #

Connect with the given username to the given database. Will throw an exception if it cannot connect.

close :: Connection -> IO () #