{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

-- | Support for defaulting checked tables
module Database.Beam.Migrate.Generics.Tables
  ( -- * Field data type defaulting

  -- * Internal
  , GMigratableTableSettings(..)

  , HasNullableConstraint, NullableStatus
  ) where

import Database.Beam
import Database.Beam.Backend.Internal.Compat
import Database.Beam.Backend.SQL

import Database.Beam.Migrate.Types.Predicates
import Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.Types
import Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.SQL92
import Database.Beam.Migrate.Checks

import Control.Applicative (Const(..))

import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import Data.Time (TimeOfDay)
import Data.Int
import Data.Word

import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits

class BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => GMigratableTableSettings be (i :: * -> *) fieldCheck where
  gDefaultTblSettingsChecks :: Proxy be -> Proxy i -> Bool -> fieldCheck ()

instance (BeamMigrateSqlBackend be, GMigratableTableSettings be xId fieldCheckId) =>
  GMigratableTableSettings be (M1 t s xId) (M1 t s fieldCheckId) where
  gDefaultTblSettingsChecks be Proxy embedded =
    M1 (gDefaultTblSettingsChecks be (Proxy @xId) embedded)

instance ( BeamMigrateSqlBackend be
         , GMigratableTableSettings be aId aFieldCheck
         , GMigratableTableSettings be bId bFieldCheck ) =>
  GMigratableTableSettings be (aId :*: bId) (aFieldCheck :*: bFieldCheck) where
  gDefaultTblSettingsChecks be Proxy embedded =
    gDefaultTblSettingsChecks be (Proxy @aId) embedded :*:
    gDefaultTblSettingsChecks be (Proxy @bId) embedded

instance ( HasDefaultSqlDataType be haskTy
         , HasNullableConstraint (NullableStatus haskTy) be

         , HasDataTypeCreatedCheck (BeamMigrateSqlBackendDataTypeSyntax be)
         , Typeable be, BeamMigrateSqlBackend be ) =>
  GMigratableTableSettings be (Rec0 haskTy) (Rec0 (Const [FieldCheck] haskTy)) where

  gDefaultTblSettingsChecks _ _ embedded =
    K1 (Const (nullableConstraint (Proxy @(NullableStatus haskTy)) (Proxy @be) ++
               defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints (Proxy @haskTy) (Proxy @be) embedded ++
               [ FieldCheck (\tblNm nm -> p (TableHasColumn tblNm nm (defaultSqlDataType (Proxy @haskTy) (Proxy @be) embedded)
                                              :: TableHasColumn be )) ]))

instance ( Generic (embeddedTbl (Const [FieldCheck]))
         , BeamMigrateSqlBackend be
         , GMigratableTableSettings be (Rep (embeddedTbl Identity)) (Rep (embeddedTbl (Const [FieldCheck]))) ) =>
  GMigratableTableSettings be (Rec0 (embeddedTbl Identity)) (Rec0 (embeddedTbl (Const [FieldCheck]))) where

  gDefaultTblSettingsChecks be _ _ =
    K1 (to (gDefaultTblSettingsChecks be (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep (embeddedTbl Identity))) True))

instance ( Generic (embeddedTbl (Nullable (Const [FieldCheck])))
         , BeamMigrateSqlBackend be
         , GMigratableTableSettings be (Rep (embeddedTbl (Nullable Identity))) (Rep (embeddedTbl (Nullable (Const [FieldCheck])))) ) =>
  GMigratableTableSettings be (Rec0 (embeddedTbl (Nullable Identity))) (Rec0 (embeddedTbl (Nullable (Const [FieldCheck])))) where

  gDefaultTblSettingsChecks be _ _ =
    K1 (to (gDefaultTblSettingsChecks be (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep (embeddedTbl (Nullable Identity)))) True))

-- * Nullability check

type family NullableStatus (x :: *) :: Bool where
  NullableStatus (Maybe x) = 'True
  NullableStatus x = 'False

class BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => HasNullableConstraint (x :: Bool) be where
  nullableConstraint :: Proxy x -> Proxy be -> [ FieldCheck ]

instance ( Typeable be, BeamMigrateSqlBackend be ) =>
  HasNullableConstraint 'False be where
  nullableConstraint _ _ =
    let c = constraintDefinitionSyntax Nothing notNullConstraintSyntax Nothing
    in [ FieldCheck $ \tblNm colNm -> p (TableColumnHasConstraint tblNm colNm c :: TableColumnHasConstraint be) ]
instance BeamMigrateSqlBackend be =>
  HasNullableConstraint 'True be where
  nullableConstraint _ _ = []

-- * Default data types

-- | Used to define a default SQL data type for a haskell type in a particular
-- backend, as well as any constraints that are needed
-- Beam defines instances for several standard SQL types, which are
-- polymorphic over any standard data type syntax. Backends or
-- extensions which provide custom types should instantiate instances
-- of this class for any types they provide for which they would like
-- checked schema migrations
class BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => HasDefaultSqlDataType be ty where

  -- | Provide a data type for the given type
  defaultSqlDataType :: Proxy ty       -- ^ Concrete representation of the type
                     -> Proxy be       -- ^ Concrete representation of the backend
                     -> Bool           -- ^ 'True' if this field is in an embedded
                                       --   key or table, 'False' otherwise
                     -> BeamSqlBackendDataTypeSyntax be

  -- | Provide arbitrary constraints on a field of the requested type. See
  -- 'FieldCheck' for more information on the formatting of constraints.
    :: Proxy ty -- ^ Concrete representation of the type
    -> Proxy be -- ^ Concrete representation of the backend
    -> Bool     -- ^ 'True' if this field is embedded in a
                --   foreign key, 'False' otherwise. For
                --   example, @SERIAL@ types in postgres get a
                --   @DEFAULT@ constraint, but @SERIAL@ types in
                --   a foreign key do not.
    -> [ FieldCheck ]
  defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints _ _ _ = []

instance (BeamMigrateSqlBackend be, HasDefaultSqlDataType be ty) =>
  HasDefaultSqlDataType be (Maybe ty) where
  defaultSqlDataType _ = defaultSqlDataType (Proxy @ty)
  defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints _ = defaultSqlDataTypeConstraints (Proxy @ty)

-- TODO Not sure if individual databases will want to customize these types

instance BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => HasDefaultSqlDataType be Int32 where
  defaultSqlDataType _ _ _ = intType
instance BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => HasDefaultSqlDataType be Int16 where
  defaultSqlDataType _ _ _ = smallIntType
instance ( BeamMigrateSqlBackend be, BeamSqlT071Backend be ) => HasDefaultSqlDataType be Int64 where
    defaultSqlDataType _ _ _ = bigIntType

instance BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => HasDefaultSqlDataType be Word16 where
  defaultSqlDataType _ _ _ = numericType (Just (5, Nothing))
instance BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => HasDefaultSqlDataType be Word32 where
  defaultSqlDataType _ _ _ = numericType (Just (10, Nothing))
instance BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => HasDefaultSqlDataType be Word64 where
  defaultSqlDataType _ _ _ = numericType (Just (20, Nothing))

instance BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => HasDefaultSqlDataType be Text where
  defaultSqlDataType _ _ _ = varCharType Nothing Nothing
instance BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => HasDefaultSqlDataType be SqlBitString where
  defaultSqlDataType _ _ _ = varBitType Nothing

instance BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => HasDefaultSqlDataType be Double where
  defaultSqlDataType _ _ _ = doubleType

instance BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => HasDefaultSqlDataType be Scientific where
  defaultSqlDataType _ _ _ = numericType (Just (20, Just 10))

instance BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => HasDefaultSqlDataType be Day where
  defaultSqlDataType _ _ _ = dateType

instance BeamMigrateSqlBackend be => HasDefaultSqlDataType be TimeOfDay where
  defaultSqlDataType _ _ _ = timeType Nothing False

instance BeamMigrateSql99Backend be => HasDefaultSqlDataType be Bool where
  defaultSqlDataType _ _ _ = booleanType

instance (TypeError (PreferExplicitSize Int Int32), BeamMigrateSqlBackend be) => HasDefaultSqlDataType be Int where
  defaultSqlDataType _ = defaultSqlDataType (Proxy @Int32)

instance (TypeError (PreferExplicitSize Word Word32), BeamMigrateSqlBackend be) => HasDefaultSqlDataType be Word where
  defaultSqlDataType _ _ _ = numericType (Just (10, Nothing))