Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
- newtype Distr w h a = Distr {}
- countFromDistr :: Storable a => Distr w h a -> a
- rowsFromDistr :: Storable a => Size w -> Distr w h a -> [Row w a]
- heightType :: Size h -> Distr w h a -> Distr w h a
- newtype Size2 w h = Size2 Int
- size2FromSizes :: Size w -> Size h -> Size2 w h
- size2 :: (Nat w, Nat h) => Size2 w h
- sizeOfWithSize :: Storable a => Size2 w h -> Distr w h a -> Int
- peekWithSize :: Storable a => Size2 w h -> Ptr (Distr w h a) -> IO (Distr w h a)
- constant :: Storable a => Size2 w h -> a -> Distr w h a
- newtype Row w a = Row {}
- avg :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
- symmetric :: (Integral a, Storable a) => Row w a -> Row w a
- type Count = Word64
- type CountMap = T Count
- type CountDistr w h = Distr w h Count
- type CountDistrMap w h = T w (CountDistr w h)
- type CountDistrPath w h = Path w (CountDistr w h)
- rowFromFrontier :: Nat w => Size w -> Count -> T w -> Row w Count
- addRowToDistr :: Row w Count -> CountDistr w h -> CountDistr w (Succ h)
- addFrontierToDistr :: Nat w => T w -> CountDistr w h -> CountDistr w (Succ h)
- baseCase :: Nat w => CountDistrMap w Zero
- nextFrontierBoundedExternal :: (Nat w, Nat h) => Size w -> T -> CountDistrPath w (Succ h) -> CountDistrMap w h -> IO ()
- bucketSize :: Int
- tmpPath :: Size h -> CountDistrPath w h
- reportCount :: (Nat w, Nat h) => T -> CountDistrPath w h -> IO ()
- withReport :: (Nat w, Nat h) => Bool -> T -> (CountDistrPath w h -> IO ()) -> IOCountDistrPath w h
- newtype IOCountDistrPath w h = IOCountDistrPath {
- runIOCountDistrPath :: IO (CountDistrPath w h)
- distributionBoundedExternal :: (Nat w, Nat h) => Bool -> T -> IO (CountDistrPath w h)
- countExternal :: IO ()
- distributionExternalList :: (Nat w, Nat h) => Size w -> Size h -> T -> IO (Count, [[Count]])
- propCountExternalTotal :: Property
- propCountExternalSimple :: Property
- propCountExternalSymmetric :: Property
- propCountExternalTransposed :: Property
We need to encode the height in the type since the Storable instance requires that the size of the binary data can be infered from the Distribution type.
countFromDistr :: Storable a => Distr w h a -> a Source #
type CountDistr w h = Distr w h Count Source #
type CountDistrMap w h = T w (CountDistr w h) Source #
type CountDistrPath w h = Path w (CountDistr w h) Source #
addRowToDistr :: Row w Count -> CountDistr w h -> CountDistr w (Succ h) Source #
addFrontierToDistr :: Nat w => T w -> CountDistr w h -> CountDistr w (Succ h) Source #
nextFrontierBoundedExternal :: (Nat w, Nat h) => Size w -> T -> CountDistrPath w (Succ h) -> CountDistrMap w h -> IO () Source #
bucketSize :: Int Source #
tmpPath :: Size h -> CountDistrPath w h Source #
reportCount :: (Nat w, Nat h) => T -> CountDistrPath w h -> IO () Source #
withReport :: (Nat w, Nat h) => Bool -> T -> (CountDistrPath w h -> IO ()) -> IOCountDistrPath w h Source #
newtype IOCountDistrPath w h Source #
IOCountDistrPath | |
distributionBoundedExternal :: (Nat w, Nat h) => Bool -> T -> IO (CountDistrPath w h) Source #
countExternal :: IO () Source #