{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
-- |
-- Module       : Data.Text.Short.Encoding.Base32.Hex
-- Copyright    : (c) 2019-2020 Emily Pillmore
-- License      : BSD-style
-- Maintainer   : Emily Pillmore <emilypi@cohomolo.gy>
-- Stability    : stable
-- Portability  : non-portable
-- This module contains 'Data.Text.Short.ShortText'-valued combinators
-- implementing the RFC 4648 specification for the Base32hex
-- encoding format. This includes strictly padded/unpadded
-- decoding variants, and external + internal validations for canonicity.
module Data.Text.Short.Encoding.Base32.Hex
( -- * Encoding
, encodeBase32Unpadded
  -- * Decoding
, decodeBase32
, decodeBase32With
, decodeBase32Unpadded
, decodeBase32UnpaddedWith
, decodeBase32Padded
, decodeBase32PaddedWith
--, decodeBase32Lenient
  -- * Validation
, isBase32Hex
, isValidBase32Hex
) where

import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base32.Hex as B32H
import Data.ByteString.Short (ShortByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short.Base32.Hex as BS32H
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Base32.Hex as B32TH
import Data.Text.Encoding.Base32.Error
import Data.Text.Short
import Data.Text.Short.Unsafe

-- | Encode a 'ShortText' value in Base32hex with padding.
-- See: <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-7 RFC-4648 section 7>
-- === __Examples__:
-- >>> encodeBase32 "Sun"
-- "ADQMS==="
encodeBase32 :: ShortText -> ShortText
encodeBase32 = fromByteStringUnsafe
  . B32H.encodeBase32'
  . toByteString
{-# INLINE encodeBase32 #-}

-- | Decode an arbitrarily padded Base32hex-encoded 'ShortText' value. If its length is not a multiple
-- of 4, then padding chars will be added to fill out the input to a multiple of
-- 4 for safe decoding as base32hex encodings are optionally padded.
-- /Note:/ This function makes sure that decoding is total by deferring to
-- 'Data.Text.Encoding.decodeLatin1'. This will always round trip for any valid Base32-encoded
-- text value, but it may not round trip for bad inputs. The onus is on the
-- caller to make sure inputs are valid. If unsure, defer to `decodeBase32With`
-- and pass in a custom decode function.
-- See: <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-7 RFC-4648 section 7>
-- === __Examples__:
-- >>> decodeBase32 "ADQMS==="
-- Right "Sun"
-- >>> decodeBase32 "ADQMS"
-- Right "Sun"
-- >>> decodeBase32 "ADQMS==="
-- Left "Base32-encoded bytestring has invalid padding"
decodeBase32 :: ShortText -> Either Text ShortText
decodeBase32 = fmap fromText . B32TH.decodeBase32 . toText
{-# INLINE decodeBase32 #-}

-- | Attempt to decode a 'ShortByteString' value as Base32hex, converting from
-- 'ByteString' to 'ShortText' according to some encoding function. In practice,
-- This is something like 'decodeUtf8'', which may produce an error.
-- See: <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-7 RFC-4648 section 7>
-- === __Examples__:
-- @
-- 'decodeBase32With' '(fmap fromText . Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8' . toText)'
--   :: 'ShortByteString' -> 'Either' ('Base32Error' 'UnicodeException') 'ShortText'
-- @
    :: (ShortByteString -> Either err ShortText)
      -- ^ convert a bytestring to text (e.g. '(fmap fromText . Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8' . toText)')
    -> ShortByteString
      -- ^ Input text to decode
    -> Either (Base32Error err) ShortText
decodeBase32With f t = case BS32H.decodeBase32 t of
  Left de -> Left $ DecodeError de
  Right a -> first ConversionError (f a)
{-# INLINE decodeBase32With #-}

-- | Encode a 'ShortText' value in Base32hex without padding. Note that for Base32hex,
-- padding is optional. If you call this function, you will simply be encoding
-- as Base32hex and stripping padding chars from the output.
-- See: <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-7 RFC-4648 section 7>
-- === __Examples__:
-- >>> encodeBase32Unpadded "Sun"
-- "ADQMS"
encodeBase32Unpadded :: ShortText -> ShortText
encodeBase32Unpadded = fromByteStringUnsafe
  . B32H.encodeBase32Unpadded'
  . toByteString
{-# INLINE encodeBase32Unpadded #-}

-- | Decode an unpadded Base32hex encoded 'ShortText' value.
-- /Note:/ This function makes sure that decoding is total by deferring to
-- 'Data.Text.Encoding.decodeLatin1'. This will always round trip for any valid Base32-encoded
-- text value, but it may not round trip for bad inputs. The onus is on the
-- caller to make sure inputs are valid. If unsure, defer to `decodeBase32UnpaddedWith`
-- and pass in a custom decode function.
-- See: <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-7 RFC-4648 section 7>
-- === __Examples__:
-- >>> decodeBase32Unpadded "ADQMS"
-- Right "Sun"
-- >>> decodeBase32Unpadded "ADQMS==="
-- Left "Base32-encoded bytestring has invalid padding"
decodeBase32Unpadded :: ShortText -> Either Text ShortText
decodeBase32Unpadded = fmap fromText . B32TH.decodeBase32Unpadded . toText
{-# INLINE decodeBase32Unpadded #-}

-- | Attempt to decode an unpadded 'ShortByteString' value as Base32hex, converting from
-- 'ShortByteString' to 'ShortText' according to some encoding function. In practice,
-- This is something like 'decodeUtf8'', which may produce an error.
-- See: <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-7 RFC-4648 section 7>
-- === __Examples__:
-- @
-- 'decodeBase32UnpaddedWith' '(fmap fromText . Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8' . toText)'
--   :: 'ShortByteString' -> 'Either' ('Base32Error' 'UnicodeException') 'ShortText'
-- @
    :: (ShortByteString -> Either err ShortText)
      -- ^ convert a bytestring to text (e.g. '(fmap fromText . Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8' . toText)')
    -> ShortByteString
      -- ^ Input text to decode
    -> Either (Base32Error err) ShortText
decodeBase32UnpaddedWith f t = case BS32H.decodeBase32Unpadded t of
  Left de -> Left $ DecodeError de
  Right a -> first ConversionError (f a)
{-# INLINE decodeBase32UnpaddedWith #-}

-- | Decode an padded Base32hex encoded 'ShortText' value
-- /Note:/ This function makes sure that decoding is total by deferring to
-- 'Data.Text.Encoding.decodeLatin1'. This will always round trip for any valid Base32-encoded
-- text value, but it may not round trip for bad inputs. The onus is on the
-- caller to make sure inputs are valid. If unsure, defer to `decodeBase32PaddedWith`
-- and pass in a custom decode function.
-- See: <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-7 RFC-4648 section 7>
-- === __Examples__:
-- >>> decodeBase32Padded "ADQMS==="
-- Right "Sun"
-- >>> decodeBase32Padded "ADQMS"
-- Left "Base32-encoded bytestring requires padding"
decodeBase32Padded :: ShortText -> Either Text ShortText
decodeBase32Padded = fmap fromText . B32TH.decodeBase32Padded . toText
{-# INLINE decodeBase32Padded #-}

-- | Attempt to decode a padded 'ShortByteString' value as Base32hex, converting from
-- 'ByteString' to 'ShortText' according to some encoding function. In practice,
-- This is something like 'decodeUtf8'', which may produce an error.
-- See: <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-7 RFC-4648 section 7>
-- === __Examples__:
-- @
-- 'decodeBase32With' '(fmap fromText . Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8' . toText)'
--   :: 'ShortByteString' -> 'Either' ('Base32Error' 'UnicodeException') 'ShortText'
-- @
    :: (ShortByteString -> Either err ShortText)
      -- ^ convert a bytestring to text (e.g. 'Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8'')
    -> ShortByteString
      -- ^ Input text to decode
    -> Either (Base32Error err) ShortText
decodeBase32PaddedWith f t = case BS32H.decodeBase32Padded t of
  Left de -> Left $ DecodeError de
  Right a -> first ConversionError (f a)
{-# INLINE decodeBase32PaddedWith #-}

-- -- | Leniently decode an unpadded Base32hex-encoded 'ShortText'. This function
-- -- will not generate parse errors. If input data contains padding chars,
-- -- then the input will be parsed up until the first pad character.
-- --
-- -- __Note:__ This is not RFC 4648-compliant.
-- --
-- -- === __Examples__:
-- --
-- -- >>> decodeBase32Lenient "PDw_Pj4="
-- -- "<<?>>"
-- --
-- -- >>> decodeBase32Lenient "PDw_%%%$}Pj4"
-- -- "<<?>>"
-- --
-- decodeBase32Lenient :: ShortText -> ShortText
-- decodeBase32Lenient = fromText . B32TH.decodeBase32Lenient . toText
-- {-# INLINE decodeBase32Lenient #-}

-- | Tell whether a 'ShortText' value is Base32hex-encoded.
-- === __Examples__:
-- >>> isBase32Hex "ADQMS"
-- True
-- >>> isBase32Hex "ADQMS==="
-- True
-- >>> isBase32Hex "ADQMS=="
-- False
isBase32Hex :: ShortText -> Bool
isBase32Hex = B32H.isBase32Hex . toByteString
{-# INLINE isBase32Hex #-}

-- | Tell whether a 'ShortText' value is a valid Base32hex format.
-- This will not tell you whether or not this is a correct Base32hex representation,
-- only that it conforms to the correct shape. To check whether it is a true
-- Base32 encoded 'ShortText' value, use 'isBase32Hex'.
-- === __Examples__:
-- >>> isValidBase32Hex "ADQMS"
-- True
-- >>> isValidBase32Hex "ADQMS="
-- False
-- >>> isValidBase32Hex "ADQMS%"
-- False
isValidBase32Hex :: ShortText -> Bool
isValidBase32Hex = B32H.isValidBase32Hex . toByteString
{-# INLINE isValidBase32Hex #-}