{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Tree.AVL.Invariants
( BS (Balanced, LeftHeavy, RightHeavy),
US (LeftUnbalanced, NotUnbalanced, RightUnbalanced),
import Data.Tree.ITree (Tree (EmptyTree, ForkTree))
import Data.Tree.Node (Node)
import Data.Type.Bool (If)
import GHC.TypeLits (ErrorMessage (ShowType, Text, (:<>:)), TypeError)
import GHC.TypeNats (Nat, type (+), type (-), type (<=?))
import Prelude (Bool (True))
type family Max (n1 :: Nat) (n2 :: Nat) :: Nat where
Max n1 n2 =
( If
(n1 <=? n2)
type family Height (t :: Tree) :: Nat where
Height 'EmptyTree = 0
Height ('ForkTree l (Node _n _a) r) = 1 + Max (Height l) (Height r)
type family BalancedHeights (h1 :: Nat) (h2 :: Nat) (k :: Nat) :: Bool where
BalancedHeights 0 0 _k = 'True
BalancedHeights 1 0 _k = 'True
BalancedHeights _h1 0 k = TypeError ('Text "The left sub tree at node with key " ':<>: 'ShowType k ':<>: 'Text " has +2 greater height!")
BalancedHeights 0 1 _k = 'True
BalancedHeights 0 _h2 k = TypeError ('Text "The right sub tree at node with key " ':<>: 'ShowType k ':<>: 'Text " has +2 greater height!")
BalancedHeights h1 h2 k = BalancedHeights (h1 - 1) (h2 - 1) k
data US = LeftUnbalanced | RightUnbalanced | NotUnbalanced
type family UnbalancedState (h1 :: Nat) (h2 :: Nat) :: US where
UnbalancedState 0 0 = 'NotUnbalanced
UnbalancedState 1 0 = 'NotUnbalanced
UnbalancedState 0 1 = 'NotUnbalanced
UnbalancedState 2 0 = 'LeftUnbalanced
UnbalancedState 0 2 = 'RightUnbalanced
UnbalancedState h1 h2 = UnbalancedState (h1 - 1) (h2 - 1)
data BS = LeftHeavy | RightHeavy | Balanced
type family BalancedState (h1 :: Nat) (h2 :: Nat) :: BS where
BalancedState 0 0 = 'Balanced
BalancedState 1 0 = 'LeftHeavy
BalancedState 0 1 = 'RightHeavy
BalancedState h1 h2 = BalancedState (h1 - 1) (h2 - 1)