-- | An interface for container backends such as libvirt-lxc or docker
module B9.Container
  ( Backend (..),

import B9.B9Error
import B9.B9Logging
import B9.BuildInfo
import B9.DiskImages
import B9.ExecEnv
import B9.ShellScript
import Control.Eff

-- | Class of backends that run a 'Script' in an 'ExecEnv' in an OS-level
-- container like docker or lxc.
class Backend config where
  -- | Return 'Nothing' if the configuration **disables** this container backend,
  -- and return 'Just ...' if the configuration **enables** this container backend.
  getBackendConfig ::
    forall proxy e.
    (Member BuildInfoReader e, CommandIO e) =>
    proxy config ->
    Eff e (Maybe config)

  -- | The input images, that a given container accepts
  supportedImageTypes :: proxy config -> [ImageType]
  supportedImageTypes proxy config
_ = [ImageType

  -- | Run a 'Script' in an 'ExecEnv', and return 'True' if the script
  -- completed successfully.
  runInEnvironment ::
    forall e.
    (Member BuildInfoReader e, CommandIO e, Member ExcB9 e) =>
    config ->
    ExecEnv ->
    Script ->
    Eff e Bool