-- |
-- B9 produces not only VM-Images but also text documents such as configuration
-- files required by virtual machines. This module is about creating and merging
-- files containing parsable syntactic structures, such as most configuration files
-- do.
-- B9 can be used to create configuration files by assembling structured documents,
-- for example Yaml, JSON, Erlang Terms.
-- One example is creating a single cloud-init 'user-data' file from a set of
-- 'user-data' snippets - all of which using yaml syntax to declare the same
-- object (e.g @"user-data"@).
-- The goal is, that b9 is able to merge these snippets into one, intelligently
-- merging fields as one would expect, e.g. when merging multiple snippets with
-- @writefiles@ fields, the output object's @writefiles@ field contains all the
-- @write_file@ objects.
-- Another example is the OTP/Erlang sys.config for configuring OTP/Erlang releases.
module B9.Artifact.Content.AST
  ( FromAST (..),
    AST (..),

import B9.Artifact.Content
import B9.Artifact.Content.StringTemplate
import B9.B9Monad
import B9.QCUtil
import B9.Text
import Control.Eff
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import Data.Data
import Data.Hashable
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Test.QuickCheck

-- | Describe how to create structured content that has a tree-like syntactic
-- structure, e.g. yaml, JSON and erlang-proplists. The first parameter defines
-- a /context/ into which the 'AST' is embedded,
-- e.g. B9.Artifact.Content'. The second parameter defines a specifix
-- syntax, e.g 'B9.Artifact.Content.ErlangPropList' that the 'AST' value generates.
data AST c a
  = -- | Create an object similar to a
    -- Json object.
    ASTObj [(String, AST c a)]
  | -- | An array.
    ASTArr [AST c a]
  | -- | Merge the nested elements, this is a very
    -- powerful tool that allows to combine
    ASTMerge [AST c a]
  | -- several inputs in a smart and safe way,
    -- e.g. by merging the values of the same
    -- fields in yaml objects.
    ASTEmbed c -- Embed more impure content.
  | ASTString String -- A string literal.
  | ASTInt Int -- An Int literal.
  | ASTParse SourceFile -- An 'AST' obtained from parsing a source
      -- file that contains a string corresponding
      -- to the type parameter @a@, e.g. 'YamlObject's
  | AST a -- Embed a literal @a@.
  deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Generic)

instance Functor (AST c) where
  fmap f (AST a) = AST (f a)
  fmap f (ASTObj x) = ASTObj ((fmap . fmap . fmap) f x)
  fmap f (ASTArr x) = ASTArr ((fmap . fmap) f x)
  fmap f (ASTMerge x) = ASTMerge ((fmap . fmap) f x)
  fmap _ (ASTEmbed x) = ASTEmbed x
  fmap _ (ASTString x) = ASTString x
  fmap _ (ASTInt x) = ASTInt x
  fmap _ (ASTParse x) = ASTParse x

instance (Hashable c, Hashable a) => Hashable (AST c a)

instance (Binary c, Binary a) => Binary (AST c a)

instance (NFData c, NFData a) => NFData (AST c a)

-- | Types of values that describe content, that can be created from an 'AST'.
class FromAST a where
  fromAST ::
    (IsB9 e, ToContentGenerator c) =>
    AST c a ->
    Eff e a

instance (Arbitrary c, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (AST c a) where
  arbitrary =
      [ ASTObj <$> smaller (listOf ((,) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)),
        ASTArr <$> smaller (listOf arbitrary),
        ASTMerge <$> sized (\s -> resize (max 2 s) (listOf (halfSize arbitrary))),
        ASTEmbed <$> smaller arbitrary,
        ASTString <$> arbitrary,
        ASTParse <$> smaller arbitrary,
        AST <$> smaller arbitrary