-- | An 'Environment' contains textual key value pairs, relavant for string template
-- substitution.
-- The variables are passed to the B9 build either via command line, OS environment
-- variables or configuration file.
-- @since 0.5.62
module B9.Environment
  ( Environment (),
    KeyNotFound (..),
    DuplicateKey (..),

import B9.B9Error
import B9.Text
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Eff as Eff
import Control.Eff.Reader.Lazy as Eff
import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Data.Data
import Data.Foldable
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Maybe
  ( isJust,
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

-- | A map of textual keys to textual values.
-- @since 0.5.62
data Environment
  = MkEnvironment
      { nextPosition :: Int,
        fromEnvironment :: HashMap Text Text
  deriving (Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Generic)

instance NFData Environment

instance Semigroup Environment where
  e1 <> e2 =
      { nextPosition = case (nextPosition e1, nextPosition e2) of
          (1, 1) -> 1
          (1, p2) -> p2
          (p1, 1) -> p1
          _ ->
              ( "Overlapping positional arguments (<>): ("
                  ++ show e1
                  ++ ") <> ("
                  ++ show e2
                  ++ ")"
        fromEnvironment =
          let i = HashMap.intersection h1 h2
              h1 = fromEnvironment e1
              h2 = fromEnvironment e2
           in if HashMap.null i
                || all
                  ( \k -> HashMap.lookup k h1 == HashMap.lookup k h2
                  (HashMap.keys i)
                then h1 <> h2
                    ( "Overlapping entries (<>): ("
                        ++ show e1
                        ++ ") <> ("
                        ++ show e2
                        ++ "): ("
                        ++ show i
                        ++ ")"

instance Monoid Environment where
  mempty = MkEnvironment 1 HashMap.empty

-- | If environment variables @arg_1 .. arg_n@ are bound
-- and a list of @k@ additional values are passed to this function,
-- store them with keys @arg_(n+1) .. arg_(n+k)@.
-- Note that the Environment contains an index of the next position.
-- @since 0.5.62
addPositionalArguments :: [Text] -> Environment -> Environment
addPositionalArguments =
    ( foldl'
        ( \(MkEnvironment i e) arg ->
              (i + 1)
              (HashMap.insert (unsafeRenderToText ("arg_" ++ show i)) arg e)

-- | Convenient wrapper around 'addPositionalArguments' and 'localEnvironment'.
-- @since 0.5.65
addLocalPositionalArguments ::
  Member EnvironmentReader e => [String] -> Eff e a -> Eff e a
addLocalPositionalArguments extraPositional = localEnvironment appendVars
    appendVars = addPositionalArguments (unsafeRenderToText <$> extraPositional)

-- | Create an 'Environment' from a list of pairs ('String's).
-- Duplicated entries are ignored.
-- @since 0.5.62
fromStringPairs :: [(String, String)] -> Environment
fromStringPairs =
  MkEnvironment 0 . HashMap.fromList
    . fmap
      (unsafeRenderToText *** unsafeRenderToText)

-- | Insert a key value binding to the 'Environment'.
-- Throw 'DuplicateKey' if the key already exists, but
-- the value is not equal to the given value.
-- @since 0.5.67
addBinding :: Member ExcB9 e => (Text, Text) -> Environment -> Eff e Environment
addBinding (k, vNew) env =
  let h = fromEnvironment env
   in case HashMap.lookup k h of
        Just vOld
          | vOld /= vNew ->
            throwSomeException (MkDuplicateKey k vOld vNew)
        _ -> pure (MkEnvironment (nextPosition env) (HashMap.insert k vNew h))

-- | Insert 'String's into the 'Environment', see 'addBinding'.
-- @since 0.5.62
addStringBinding ::
  Member ExcB9 e => (String, String) -> Environment -> Eff e Environment
addStringBinding = addBinding . (unsafeRenderToText *** unsafeRenderToText)

-- | Insert a value into an 'Environment' like 'addStringBinding',
-- but add it to the environment of the given effect, as in 'localEnvironment'.
-- @since 0.5.65
addLocalStringBinding ::
  (Member EnvironmentReader e, Member ExcB9 e) =>
  (String, String) ->
  Eff e a ->
  Eff e a
addLocalStringBinding binding action = do
  e <- askEnvironment
  e' <- addStringBinding binding e
  localEnvironment (const e') action

-- | A monad transformer providing a 'MonadReader' instance for 'Environment'
-- @since 0.5.62
type EnvironmentReader = Reader Environment

-- | Run a 'ReaderT' of 'Environment'.
-- @since 0.5.62
runEnvironmentReader :: Environment -> Eff (EnvironmentReader ': e) a -> Eff e a
runEnvironmentReader = runReader

-- | Get the current 'Environment'
-- @since 0.5.62
askEnvironment :: Member EnvironmentReader e => Eff e Environment
askEnvironment = ask

-- | Run a computation with a modified 'Environment'
-- @since 0.5.62
localEnvironment ::
  Member EnvironmentReader e =>
  (Environment -> Environment) ->
  Eff e a ->
  Eff e a
localEnvironment = local

-- | Lookup a key for a value.
-- 'throwM' a 'KeyNotFound' 'Exception' if no value with the given key exists
-- in the 'Environment'.
-- @Since 0.5.62
lookupOrThrow :: ('[ExcB9, EnvironmentReader] <:: e) => Text -> Eff e Text
lookupOrThrow key = do
  env <- askEnvironment
    (throwSomeException (MkKeyNotFound key env))
    (HashMap.lookup key (fromEnvironment env))

-- | Lookup a key for a value.
-- Return 'Either' 'Left' 'KeyNotFound', if no value with the given key exists
-- in the 'Environment', or 'Right' the value.
-- @Since 0.5.62
lookupEither ::
  Member EnvironmentReader e => Text -> Eff e (Either KeyNotFound Text)
lookupEither key = do
  env <- askEnvironment
  (return . maybe (Left (MkKeyNotFound key env)) Right)
    (HashMap.lookup key (fromEnvironment env))

-- | An 'Exception' thrown by 'addBinding' indicating that a key already exists.
-- @Since 0.5.62
data DuplicateKey
  = MkDuplicateKey
      { duplicateKey :: Text,
        duplicateKeyOldValue :: Text,
        duplicateKeyNewValue :: Text
  deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq)

instance Exception DuplicateKey

-- | An 'Exception' thrown by 'lookupOrThrow' indicating that a key does not exist.
-- @Since 0.5.62
data KeyNotFound
  = MkKeyNotFound
  deriving (Typeable, Eq)

instance Exception KeyNotFound

instance Show KeyNotFound where
  showsPrec _ (MkKeyNotFound key env) =
    let keys =
          unlines (unsafeParseFromText <$> HashMap.keys (fromEnvironment env))
     in showString "Invalid template parameter: \""
          . showString (unsafeParseFromText key)
          . showString "\".\nValid variables:\n"
          . showString keys

-- | A predicate that is satisfied when a key exists in the environment.
-- @since 0.5.64
hasKey :: Member EnvironmentReader e => Text -> Eff e Bool
hasKey k = isJust . HashMap.lookup k . fromEnvironment <$> askEnvironment