b9- A tool and library for building virtual machine images.

Safe HaskellNone



Effectful functions executing shared image respository operations. See B9.Repository



repoSearch :: forall e. (CommandIO e, Member RepoCacheReader e) => FilePath -> FilePathGlob -> Eff e [(Repository, [FilePath])] Source #

Find files which are in subDir and match glob in the repository cache. NOTE: This operates on the repository cache, but does not enforce a repository cache update.

pushToRepo :: CommandIO e => RemoteRepo -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Eff e () Source #

Push a file from the cache to a remote repository

pullFromRepo :: CommandIO e => RemoteRepo -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Eff e () Source #

Pull a file from a remote repository to cache

pullGlob :: (CommandIO e, Member RepoCacheReader e) => FilePath -> FilePathGlob -> RemoteRepo -> Eff e () Source #

Push a file from the cache to a remote repository

newtype FilePathGlob Source #

Express a pattern for file paths, used when searching repositories.


FileExtension String