azure-servicebus- Haskell wrapper over Microsoft Azure ServiceBus REST API

Safe HaskellNone




Servicebus Types

data SBInfo Source

SBInfo is encapsulation of Connection Information needed to connect to a Service Bus Namespace.

This information is typically found when you click on the Connection Information link on the azure portal and comprises of

  • ServiceBus namespace * Issuer Name * Issuer Key


Abstract type representing the service bus context.

data SBContext Source

Abstract type representing the service bus context.


simpleSBInfo :: String -> String -> SBInfoSource

a convenience function, where issuer name is owner

sbContext :: SBInfo -> IO SBContextSource

Create SB Context from SBInfo

Locked Messages

unlockMessage :: LockedMsgInfo -> SBContext -> IO ()Source

Unlock a messages that has been locked earlier.

see peekLockTopic and peekLockQueue.

Also consult Unlock message from Queue and Unlock message from Subscription for details on the underlying REST API.

renewLock :: LockedMsgInfo -> SBContext -> IO ()Source

Renews lock on a locked message

see peekLockTopic and peekLockQueue.

Also consult Renew Lock for message from Queue and Renew-Lock for a message from subscription for details on the underlying REST API.

deleteMessage :: LockedMsgInfo -> SBContext -> IO ()Source

Delete a message that has been locked earlier.

see peekLockTopic and peekLockQueue.

Also consult Delete Message from a Queue and Delete Message from Subscription for details on the underlying REST API.