{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Data.Avro.Deconflict
( deconflict
, deconflictNoResolve
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Avro.Schema as S
import Data.Avro.Types as T
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.List (find)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
deconflict :: Schema
-> Schema
-> T.Value Type
-> Either String (T.Value Type)
deconflict writerSchema readerSchema =
deconflictNoResolve (S.expandNamedTypes writerSchema) (S.expandNamedTypes readerSchema)
deconflictNoResolve :: Schema
-> Schema
-> T.Value Type
-> Either String (T.Value Type)
deconflictNoResolve writerSchema readerSchema =
deconflictValue writerSchema readerSchema
deconflictValue :: Schema
-> Schema
-> T.Value Type
-> Either String (T.Value Type)
deconflictValue writerSchema readerSchema v
| writerSchema == readerSchema = Right v
| otherwise = go writerSchema readerSchema v
go :: Type -> Type -> T.Value Type -> Either String (T.Value Type)
go (S.Array aTy) (S.Array bTy) (T.Array vec) =
T.Array <$> mapM (go aTy bTy) vec
go (S.Map aTy) (S.Map bTy) (T.Map mp) =
T.Map <$> mapM (go aTy bTy) mp
go a@S.Enum {} b@S.Enum {} val
| name a == name b = deconflictEnum a b val
go a@S.Fixed {} b@S.Fixed {} val
| name a == name b && size a == size b = Right val
go a@S.Record {} b@S.Record {} val
| name a == name b = deconflictRecord a b val
go (S.Union xs) (S.Union ys) (T.Union _ tyVal val) =
withSchemaIn tyVal xs $ \sch -> deconflictReaderUnion sch ys val
go nonUnion (S.Union ys) val =
deconflictReaderUnion nonUnion ys val
go (S.Union xs) nonUnion (T.Union _ tyVal val) =
withSchemaIn tyVal xs $ \sch -> deconflictValue sch nonUnion val
go eTy dTy val =
case val of
T.Int i32 | dTy == S.Long -> Right $ T.Long (fromIntegral i32)
| dTy == S.Float -> Right $ T.Float (fromIntegral i32)
| dTy == S.Double -> Right $ T.Double (fromIntegral i32)
T.Long i64 | dTy == S.Float -> Right $ T.Float (fromIntegral i64)
| dTy == S.Double -> Right $ T.Double (fromIntegral i64)
T.Float f | dTy == S.Double -> Right $ T.Double (realToFrac f)
T.String s | dTy == S.Bytes -> Right $ T.Bytes (Text.encodeUtf8 s)
T.Bytes bs | dTy == S.String -> Right $ T.String (Text.decodeUtf8 bs)
_ -> Left $ "Can not resolve differing writer and reader schemas: " ++ show (eTy, dTy)
deconflictEnum :: Type -> Type -> T.Value Type -> Either String (T.Value Type)
deconflictEnum e d val@(T.Enum _ _ _txt) = Right val
withSchemaIn :: (Foldable f, Functor f)
=> Schema
-> f Schema
-> (Schema -> Either String a)
-> Either String a
withSchemaIn schema schemas f =
case findType schema schemas of
Nothing -> Left $ "Incorrect payload: union " <> (show . Foldable.toList $ typeName <$> schemas) <> " does not contain schema " <> Text.unpack (typeName schema)
Just found -> f found
deconflictReaderUnion :: Type -> Vector Type -> T.Value Type -> Either String (T.Value Type)
deconflictReaderUnion valueSchema unionTypes val =
let hdl [] = Left "Impossible: empty non-empty list."
hdl (d:rest) =
case deconflictValue valueSchema d val of
Right v -> Right (T.Union unionTypes d v)
Left _ -> hdl rest
in hdl (V.toList unionTypes)
deconflictRecord :: Type -> Type -> T.Value Type -> Either String (T.Value Type)
deconflictRecord writerSchema readerSchema (T.Record ty fldVals) =
T.Record readerSchema . HashMap.fromList <$> mapM (deconflictFields fldVals (fields writerSchema)) (fields readerSchema)
deconflictFields :: HashMap Text (T.Value Type) -> [Field] -> Field -> Either String (Text,T.Value Type)
deconflictFields hm writerFields readerField =
mbWriterField = findField readerField writerFields
mbValue = HashMap.lookup (fldName readerField) hm
in case (mbWriterField, mbValue, fldDefault readerField) of
(Just w, Just x,_) -> (fldName readerField,) <$> deconflictValue (fldType w) (fldType readerField) x
(_, Just x,_) -> Right (fldName readerField, x)
(_, _,Just def) -> Right (fldName readerField, def)
(_,Nothing,Nothing) -> Left $ "No field and no default for " ++ show (fldName readerField)
findField :: Field -> [Field] -> Maybe Field
findField f fs =
byName = find (\x -> fldName x == fldName f) fs
allNames fld = Set.fromList (fldName fld : fldAliases fld)
fNames = allNames f
sameField = not . Set.null . Set.intersection fNames . allNames
byAliases = find sameField fs
in byName <|> byAliases
findType :: Foldable f => Schema -> f Schema -> Maybe Schema
findType schema =
let tn = typeName schema
in Foldable.find ((tn ==) . typeName)