{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures      #-}
-- |
-- Module      : ArrayFire.Array
-- Copyright   : David Johnson (c) 2019-2020
-- License     : BSD 3
-- Maintainer  : David Johnson <djohnson.m@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : Experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- Functions for constructing and querying metadata from 'Array'
-- @
-- module Main where
-- import ArrayFire
-- main :: 'IO' ()
-- main = 'print' (matrix \@'Double' (2,2) [ [1..], [1..] ])
-- @
-- @
-- ArrayFire Array
-- [2 2 1 1]
--    1.0000     2.0000
--    1.0000     2.0000
-- @
module ArrayFire.Array where

import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Proxy
import           Data.Vector.Storable       hiding (mapM_, take, concat, concatMap)
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable       as V
import           Foreign.ForeignPtr
import           Foreign.Marshal            hiding (void)
import           Foreign.Ptr
import           Foreign.Storable

import           System.IO.Unsafe

import           ArrayFire.Exception
import           ArrayFire.FFI
import           ArrayFire.Util
import           ArrayFire.Internal.Array
import           ArrayFire.Internal.Defines
import           ArrayFire.Internal.Types

-- | Smart constructor for creating a scalar 'Array'
-- >>> scalar @Double 2.0
-- ArrayFire Array
-- [1 1 1 1]
--    2.0000
scalar :: AFType a => a -> Array a
scalar x = mkArray [1] [x]

-- | Smart constructor for creating a vector 'Array'
-- >>> vector @Double 10 [1..]
-- ArrayFire Array
-- [10 1 1 1]
--    1.0000     2.0000     3.0000     4.0000     5.0000     6.0000     7.0000     8.0000     9.0000    10.0000
vector :: AFType a => Int -> [a] -> Array a
vector n = mkArray [n] . take n

-- | Smart constructor for creating a matrix 'Array'
-- >>> A.matrix @Double (3,2) [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
-- ArrayFire Array
-- [3 2 1 1]
--    1.0000     4.0000
--    2.0000     5.0000
--    3.0000     6.0000
matrix :: AFType a => (Int,Int) -> [[a]] -> Array a
matrix (x,y)
  = mkArray [x,y]
  . concat
  . take y
  . fmap (take x)

-- | Smart constructor for creating a cubic 'Array'
-- >>> cube @Double (2,2,2) [[[2,2],[2,2]],[[2,2],[2,2]]]
-- @
-- ArrayFire Array
-- [2 2 2 1]
--    2.0000     2.0000
--    2.0000     2.0000
--    2.0000     2.0000
--    2.0000     2.0000
-- @
cube :: AFType a => (Int,Int,Int) -> [[[a]]] -> Array a
cube (x,y,z)
  = mkArray [x,y,z]
  . concat
  . fmap concat
  . take z
  . fmap (take y)
  . (fmap . fmap . take) x

-- | Smart constructor for creating a tensor 'Array'
-- >>> tensor @Double (2,2,2,2) [[[[2,2],[2,2]],[[2,2],[2,2]]], [[[2,2],[2,2]],[[2,2],[2,2]]]]
-- @
-- ArrayFire Array
-- [2 2 2 2]
--     2.0000     2.0000
--     2.0000     2.0000
--     2.0000     2.0000
--     2.0000     2.0000
--     2.0000     2.0000
--     2.0000     2.0000
--     2.0000     2.0000
--     2.0000     2.0000
-- @
tensor :: AFType a => (Int, Int,Int,Int) -> [[[[a]]]] -> Array a
tensor (w,x,y,z)
  = mkArray [w,x,y,z]
  . concat
  . fmap concat
  . (fmap . fmap) concat
  . take z
  . (fmap . take) y
  . (fmap . fmap . take) x
  . (fmap . fmap . fmap . take) w

-- | Internal function for 'Array' construction
-- >>> mkArray @Double [10] [1.0 .. 10.0]
-- ArrayFire Array
-- [10 1 1 1]
--    1.0000     2.0000     3.0000     4.0000     5.0000     6.0000     7.0000     8.0000     9.0000    10.0000
  :: forall array
   . AFType array
  => [Int]
  -- ^ Dimensions
  -> [array]
  -- ^ Array elements
  -> Array array
  -- ^ Returned array
{-# NOINLINE mkArray #-}
mkArray dims xs =
  unsafePerformIO $ do
    when (Prelude.length (take size xs) < size) $ do
      let msg = "Invalid elements provided. "
           <> "Expected "
           <> show size
           <> " elements received "
           <> show (Prelude.length xs)
      throwIO (AFException SizeError 203 msg)
    dataPtr <- castPtr <$> newArray (Prelude.take size xs)
    let ndims = fromIntegral (Prelude.length dims)
    alloca $ \arrayPtr -> do
      zeroOutArray arrayPtr
      dimsPtr <- newArray (DimT . fromIntegral <$> dims)
      throwAFError =<< af_create_array arrayPtr dataPtr ndims dimsPtr dType
      free dataPtr >> free dimsPtr
      arr <- peek arrayPtr
      Array <$> newForeignPtr af_release_array_finalizer arr
      size  = Prelude.product dims
      dType = afType (Proxy @ array)

-- af_err af_create_handle(af_array *arr, const unsigned ndims, const dim_t * const dims, const af_dtype type);

-- | Copies an 'Array' to a new 'Array'
-- >>> copyArray (scalar @Double 10)
-- ArrayFire Array
-- [1 1 1 1]
--   10.0000
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -- ^ 'Array' to be copied
  -> Array a
    -- ^ Newly copied 'Array'
copyArray = (`op1` af_copy_array)
-- af_err af_write_array(af_array arr, const void *data, const size_t bytes, af_source src);
-- af_err af_get_data_ptr(void *data, const af_array arr);

-- | Retains an 'Array', increases reference count
-- >>> retainArray (scalar @Double 10)
-- ArrayFire Array
-- [1 1 1 1]
--   10.0000
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -- ^ Input 'Array'
  -> Array a
retainArray =
  (`op1` af_retain_array)

-- | Retrieves 'Array' reference count
-- >>> initialArray = scalar @Double 10
-- >>> retainedArray = retain initialArray
-- >>> getDataRefCount retainedArray
-- 2
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -- ^ Input 'Array'
  -> Int
  -- ^ Reference count
getDataRefCount =
  fromIntegral . (`infoFromArray` af_get_data_ref_count)

-- af_err af_eval(af_array in);
-- af_err af_eval_multiple(const int num, af_array *arrays);

-- | Should manual evaluation occur
-- >>> setManualEvalFlag True
-- ()
  :: Bool
  -- ^ Whether or not to perform manual evaluation
  -> IO ()
setManualEvalFlag (fromIntegral . fromEnum -> b) =
  afCall (af_set_manual_eval_flag b)

-- | Retrieve manual evaluation status
-- >>> setManualEvalFlag False
-- >>> getManualEvalFlag
-- False
  :: IO Bool
getManualEvalFlag =
  toEnum . fromIntegral <$> afCall1 af_get_manual_eval_flag

-- | Retrieve element count
-- >>> getElements (vector @Double 10 [1..])
-- 10
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -- ^ Input 'Array'
  -> Int
  -- ^ Count of elements in 'Array'
getElements a =
  fromIntegral (a `infoFromArray` af_get_elements)

-- | Retrieve type of 'Array'
-- >>> getType (vector @Double 10 [1..])
-- F64
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -> AFDType
getType a = fromAFType (a `infoFromArray` af_get_type)

-- | Retrieves dimensions of 'Array'
-- >>> getDims (vector @Double 10 [1..])
-- (10,1,1,1)
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -> (Int,Int,Int,Int)
getDims arr = do
  let (a,b,c,d) = arr `infoFromArray4` af_get_dims
  (fromIntegral a, fromIntegral b, fromIntegral c, fromIntegral d)

-- | Retrieves number of dimensions in 'Array'
-- >>> getNumDims (matrix @Double (2,2) [[1..],[1..]])
-- 2
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -> Int
getNumDims = fromIntegral . (`infoFromArray` af_get_numdims)

-- | Checks if an 'Array' is empty
-- >>> isEmpty (matrix @Double (2,2) [[1..],[1..]])
-- False
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -> Bool
isEmpty a = toEnum . fromIntegral $ (a `infoFromArray` af_is_empty)

-- | Checks if an 'Array' is a scalar (contains only one element)
-- >>> isScalar (matrix @Double (2,2) [[1..],[1..]])
-- False
-- >>> isScalar (1.0 :: Array Double)
-- True
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -> Bool
isScalar a = toEnum . fromIntegral $ (a `infoFromArray` af_is_scalar)

-- | Checks if an 'Array' is row-oriented
-- >>> isRow (matrix @Double (2,2) [[1..],[1..]])
-- False
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -> Bool
isRow a = toEnum . fromIntegral $ (a `infoFromArray` af_is_row)

-- | Checks if an 'Array' is a column-oriented
-- >>> isColumn (vector @Double 10 [1..])
-- True
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -> Bool
isColumn a = toEnum . fromIntegral $ (a `infoFromArray` af_is_column)

-- | Checks if an 'Array' is a vector
-- >>> isVector (vector @Double 10 [1..])
-- True
-- >>> isVector (1.0 :: Array Double)
-- False
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -> Bool
isVector a = toEnum . fromIntegral $ (a `infoFromArray` af_is_vector)

-- | Checks if an 'Array' is a Complex
-- >>> isComplex (scalar (1.0 :+ 1.0) :: Array (Complex Double))
-- True
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -> Bool
isComplex a = toEnum . fromIntegral $ (a `infoFromArray` af_is_complex)

-- | Checks if an 'Array' is Real
-- >>> isReal (scalar 1.0 :: Array Double)
-- True
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -> Bool
isReal a = toEnum . fromIntegral $ (a `infoFromArray` af_is_real)

-- | Checks if an 'Array' is 'Double'
-- >>> isDouble (scalar 1.0 :: Array Double)
-- True
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -> Bool
isDouble a = toEnum . fromIntegral $ (a `infoFromArray` af_is_double)

-- | Checks if an 'Array' is 'Float'
-- >>> isSingle (scalar 1.0 :: Array Float)
-- True
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -> Bool
isSingle a = toEnum . fromIntegral $ (a `infoFromArray` af_is_single)

-- | Checks if an 'Array' is 'Double', 'Float', Complex 'Double', or Complex 'Float'
-- >>> isRealFloating (scalar 1.0 :: Array Double)
-- True
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -> Bool
isRealFloating a = toEnum . fromIntegral $ (a `infoFromArray` af_is_realfloating)

-- | Checks if an 'Array' is 'Double' or 'Float'
-- >>> isFloating (scalar 1.0 :: Array Double)
-- True
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -> Bool
isFloating a = toEnum . fromIntegral $ (a `infoFromArray` af_is_floating)

-- | Checks if an 'Array' is of type Int16, Int32, or Int64
-- >>> isInteger (scalar 1 :: Array Int16)
-- True
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -> Bool
isInteger a = toEnum . fromIntegral $ (a `infoFromArray` af_is_integer)

-- | Checks if an 'Array' is of type CBool
-- >>> isBool (scalar 1 :: Array CBool)
-- True
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -> Bool
isBool a = toEnum . fromIntegral $ (a `infoFromArray` af_is_bool)

-- | Checks if an 'Array' is sparse
-- >>> isSparse (scalar 1 :: Array Double)
-- False
  :: AFType a
  => Array a
  -> Bool
isSparse a = toEnum . fromIntegral $ (a `infoFromArray` af_is_sparse)

-- | Converts an 'Array' to a 'Storable' 'Vector'
-- >>> toVector (vector @Double 10 [1..])
-- [1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.0]
toVector :: forall a . AFType a => Array a -> Vector a
toVector arr@(Array fptr) = do
  unsafePerformIO . mask_ . withForeignPtr fptr $ \arrPtr -> do
    let len = getElements arr
        size = len * getSizeOf (Proxy @ a)
    ptr <- mallocBytes (len * size)
    throwAFError =<< af_get_data_ptr (castPtr ptr) arrPtr
    newFptr <- newForeignPtr finalizerFree ptr
    pure $ unsafeFromForeignPtr0 newFptr len

-- | Converts an 'Array' to [a]
-- >>> toList (vector @Double 10 [1..])
-- [1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.0]
toList :: forall a . AFType a => Array a -> [a]
toList = V.toList . toVector

-- | Retrieves single scalar value from an 'Array'
-- >>> getScalar (scalar @Double 22.0) :: Double
-- 22.0
getScalar :: forall a b . (Storable a, AFType b) => Array b -> a
getScalar (Array fptr) =
  unsafePerformIO . mask_ . withForeignPtr fptr $ \arrPtr -> do
    alloca $ \ptr -> do
      throwAFError =<< af_get_scalar (castPtr ptr) arrPtr
      peek ptr