{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

module Copilot.Arduino.Main (arduino) where

import Language.Copilot (Spec, interpret, reify)
import Copilot.Compile.C99 (compile)
import Copilot.Arduino.Internals
import System.Directory
import System.Posix.Temp (mkdtemp)
import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Options.Applicative

-- | Typically your Arduino program's main will be implemented using this.
-- For example:
-- > {-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
-- > 
-- > import Copilot.Arduino
-- > 
-- > main = arduino $ do
-- >	led =: flashing
-- > 	delay =: constant 100
-- Running this program compiles the `Sketch` into C code using copilot, and
-- writes it to a .ino file. That can be built and uploaded to your Arduino
-- using the Arduino IDE, or any other toolchain for Arduino sketches.
-- This also supports interpreting a `Sketch`, without loading it onto an
-- Arduino. Run the program with parameters "-i 4" to display what it
-- would do on the first 4 iterations. The output will look something like
-- this:
-- > delay:         digitalWrite: 
-- > (100)          (13,false)    
-- > (100)          (13,true)     
-- > (100)          (13,false)    
-- > (100)          (13,true)     
arduino :: Sketch () -> IO ()
arduino (Sketch s) = go =<< execParser opts
        opts = info (parseCmdLine <**> helper)
                ( fullDesc
                <> progDesc "Run this program with no options to generate an Arduino sketch."

        go o = case interpretSteps o of
                Just n -> interpret n spec
                Nothing -> writeIno spec f

        (is, fs) = unzip (execWriter s)
        spec = sequence_ is

        -- Strict evaluation because this may throw errors,
        -- and we want to throw them before starting compilation.
        !f = finalizeFramework (mconcat fs)

data CmdLine = CmdLine
        { interpretSteps :: Maybe Integer

parseCmdLine :: Parser CmdLine
parseCmdLine = CmdLine
        <$> optional (option auto
                ( long "interpret"
                <> short 'i'
                <> help "use copilot to interpret the program, displaying what it would do"
                <> metavar "NUM"

writeIno :: Spec -> Framework -> IO ()
writeIno spec framework = do
        -- This could be a lot prettier, unfortunately copilot only exports
        -- an interface that writes the generated code to a file.
        -- And, the .c file includes a .h file that will make it fail to
        -- build when used in the .ino file, so that include has to be
        -- filtered out.
        toptmpdir <- getTemporaryDirectory
        mytmpdir <- mkdtemp (toptmpdir </> "copilot")
        reify spec >>= compile (mytmpdir </> "copilot")
        c <- lines <$> readFile (mytmpdir </> "copilot.c")
        let c' = filter (Prelude.not . isInfixOf "#include \"") c
        -- Use a name for the ino file that will let the Arduino IDE find it.
        d <- getCurrentDirectory
        let dirbase = takeFileName d
        writeFile (addExtension dirbase "ino") $
                unlines $ map fromCLine $
                        sketchFramework framework (map CLine c')
        removeDirectoryRecursive mytmpdir

-- Makes an arduino sketch, using a Framework, and a list of lines of C
-- code generated by Copilot.
sketchFramework :: Framework -> [CLine] -> [CLine]
sketchFramework f ccode = map CLine $ concat
                [ "/* automatically generated, do not edit */"
                , blank
                , "#include <stdbool.h>"
                , "#include <stdint.h>"
                , blank
        , map fromCLine (defines f)
        , [blank]
        , map fromCLine ccode
        , [blank]
                [ "void setup()"
        , codeblock $ map fromCLine (setups f)
        , [blank]
                [ "void loop()"
        , codeblock $ map fromCLine (loops f) <>
                [ "step();"
        blank = ""
        indent l = "  " <> l
        codeblock l = ["{"] <> map indent l <> ["}"]

finalizeFramework :: Framework -> Framework
finalizeFramework f =
        let pinsetups = mapMaybe setuppinmode (M.toList $ pinmodes f)
        in f { setups = pinsetups <> setups f }
        setuppinmode (PinId n, s)
                | s == S.singleton OutputMode =
                        setmode n "OUTPUT"
                | s == S.singleton InputMode =
                        setmode n "INPUT"
                | s == S.singleton InputPullupMode =
                        setmode n "INPUT_PULLUP"
                | s == S.fromList [InputMode, InputPullupMode] =
                        -- Enabling pullup is documented to make all
                        -- reads from that pin be with pullup.
                        setmode n "INPUT_PULLUP"
                | S.null s = Nothing
                | otherwise = error $
                        "The program uses pin " ++ show n ++
                        " in multiple ways in different places (" ++
                        unwords (map show (S.toList s)) ++ "). " ++
                        "This is not currently supported by arduino-copilot."

        setmode n v = Just $ CLine $
                "pinMode(" <> show n <> ", " ++ v ++ ");"